JASPER JOTTINGS Week 48 - 2013 Dec 01    

Jasper Jottings - The achievement journal of my fellow Jaspers, the alumni of the Manhattan College



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POSITRACTION: Gotham City (San Francisco) is "saved" by "Batman"!



*** begin quote ***

Here’s a live-blog from ABC News San Fran, and the cliff notes:

“A little boy will get the surprise of a lifetime today when San Francisco transforms into Gotham City to fulfill the 5-year-old leukemia patient’s wish to be Batman for a day.

The Make-a-Wish Foundation has created an entire day catered to Miles’ dream.

Miles’ day will include seeing a breaking news story on a TV. The police chief will be asking whether anyone knows where Batkid is because he needs his help to solve a crime and “bringing the bad guys to justice,” Make-a-Wish said in a statement.

He’ll spend the afternoon rescuing a damsel in distress tied up across the Hyde Street cable car line and capturing the Puzzler in the act of robbing a downtown vault. As Batkid eats his lunch at Burger Bar, he’ll get a special message from the chief, telling him to go to the window where he’ll look out over Union Square and see a huge group of volunteers jumping up and down and asking for his help.

A villain will be kidnapping a famous San Francisco mascot and Batkid will rush to the rescue. His last stop will be City Hall, where the mayor and police chief will thank him and present him with a key to the city and a crowd will be cheering him on.”

Rock on, Batkid.

*** end quote ***

[JR: Is it amazing what we can do when the Spirit moves us?]

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JEMAIL: Toner, Mike (MC1972) wants single payer health care


Dear f. John,

The British healthcare system AFAIK has been in place since shortly after WWII. So the rules and rewards of the system are presumably well known to all. So why can't the market question to potential docs be - here is what you'll get paid if you join the system - you decide if that reward is with the time and sacrifice for training?

If the British have an acute shortage of docs (I don't know but I don't think so) then the market would be saying that the salaries are not sufficient.

In your reply to me you said, "Quality free health care is easily available. Look at Saint Judes Childrens Hospital. Look at the ERs in any
It is impractical to think that anyone can get to St. Jude's. And as for city ER's - who is paying for that now? Either we the taxpayers who have to pay for people for who there is no affordable alternative to the ER, which has to treat (stabilize) anyone who walks in. Under the ACA there will be less expensive ways to treat people for routine care saving us money. And the other way that people with no insurance get paid for is by higher rates for those who do. That's what's not right about saying people can go uninsured. Catastrophe will strike some of them - and the rest of us will have to pay some of the bills. Another point about ER's - they are obligated to stabilize someone, but not to care for an underlying illness. So if I have a cancer or other condition that might cause pneumonia and I go the ER - all they have to do is get my pneumonia under control to the point where I can be discharged - no obligation to do anything about my cancer.

There has to be a better way to care for us all. I prefer single payer or national healthcare, but I don't think you can make the case that the present system or a totally market driven system is or would be adequate to provide health care for all.

Thanks for your efforts with JJ and for keeping the conversation going.

mike toner
BEE '72
Buffalo, NY
# - # - # - # - #  
Dear Fellow Jasper Mike:
I’m just a fat old white guy injineer and not liberal. What Eckynomics I learned at Alma Mater is that we live in a world of shortages son. (Why do I feel the spirit of of Colonel Nathan Jessup played by Jack Nicholson coming over me?) Any some one has to pay. You Jasper Mike, you Jasper Stebbins? You weep for the poor and sneer at the Productive Class as old meanies. You have that luxury. Because you in the deep and dark night your glad that Us, Producers are paying for your “entitlements”. I don’t care what you think the Unproductive Class is entitled to. I just rather that the “Unproductive Class” say thank you “Productive Class” and let us alone. Either way I don’t what you think they are entitled to. Just pick up a job, and stand a Post, like the rest of us.
I look at the human economy when run by truly free makers as a giant computing engine maximizing happiness. When you make your fellow humans happy, you are given “certificate of appreciation”. You can redeem those for the goods and services produced by your fellow humans. Everyone decides how much happiness they have earned by how they allocate their “certificate of appreciation”. It’s a maximizing function performed by the free market. That’s why steak costs more than hamburger. Caddys more than Fords. Girl children cost more than boys. (You get the idea.) Then comes along a gang of people who pontificate, “We KNOW best. And, you WILL do it the way we say.” Ludwig von Mises in Human Action points out that the size and breath of the human economy is unknowable. That’s the calculation problem! Without the free market, no one knows the “fair price”. Least of all the Gooferment!
So how do you know that this doctor is “entitled” to this and that mechanic should be “entitled” his care?
“health”, "health care", "health care insurance", or something else!
It’s all about putting the politicians and bureaucrats in control of stuff they are clueless about.
# - # - # - # - #  2013-Nov-24 @ 14:18 

JEMAIL: Stebbins, Donald M. (MC1961) Libertarianism incompatible with the teachings of Christ


Dear Jasper John

If doctors in the United States and Europe are working for "slave wages" there is no hope for anybody. I can only assume you are pulling my leg.

slave wage definition on Urbandictionary.com

"to pay some money for doing a job or task that is around minimum wage or below and offer them no dignity or appreciation

Johnny paid Miguel slave wage to cut the lawn. Miguel only got $4 and a bunch of sh** for not making it perfect."

But my main comment is this:

You say there is no such thing as society. That is one reason I have never been able to see how
Libertarianism is an any way compatible with the teachings of Christ and the Roman Catholic Church.
Certainly any study of Catholic moral teachings will find that Society is very important to, and is indeed
the basis, of morality and ethics.

I found this article just last week outlining the history of Roman Catholic moral teachings.
It is quite conservative in some ways but emphasizes society rather than the individual.

Donald M Stebbins
BS 1961

Vision for Society

# - # - # - # - #  

Well I would disagree with your definition of “slave wages”.

A true slave gets virtually nothing. In today’s (what you call) “society”, an incalculable percentage is stolen from the worker by the Gooferment by inflation, taxes, and all manner of market distortions. Back in the 80’s, based on purchasing power, the Libertarian economists estimate that EVERYTHING people earned that year was stolen when you calculate inflation of savings and lost purchasing power.

So is a slave someone who has 100% of his wealth and earnings stolen. We can agree you’re free if you get to keep 100%. So at what percentage are we slaves to the gang of thieves called politicians and bureaucrats?

To your second point, God gave man “free will” and tolerates evil and sin. When man freely interacts with his fellow man, great things happen. But when one man imposes his will, the evil begins. The Church lives in a Free Will society and decries the results of the failures. If I am compelled to do what you think is good, how is that moral or ethical? Never mind that it won’t be effective or efficient. Why do you continue to advocate the use of force on peaceful people to do what you think is “right”. If it is “right”, why can’t you get people to agree with you.

Means to an end.

You can’t get to a good end by evil means.

There is no such thing in today’s environment as a “society”. It’s all just compelled behavior. With illusions and delusions that prevent us from being free.


I’ll go back to the Parable of the Good Samaritan. Take care of your fellow man and don’t ask the Gooferment to do it. That Libertarian.

There’s a ton of parables that are like that … but I’m just fat old white guy injineer.


p.s., I’d never pull your leg. Us little L libertarians believe in the Zero Aggression Principle. Laff!

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Nov-24 @ 14:31 

JEMAIL: Esposito, Paul (MC1983) ChemE's for 30 year reunion on 12/7


From Paul Esposito BSCHE '83 - calling all chem E's for a 30 year reunion get together at McSorley's on December 7th from 2-4PM. Contact John Blaho c/o Jasper Jottings. Hope to see folks there.

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Esposito, Paul (MC1983)

[JR: No that I am looking for new career as a “message transfer agent”, but putting an email address in the clear is a great way to keep the spammers happy. I’ll pass along any message as soon as I receive it.]

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Nov-24 @ 22:13 

JHQ: Jasper Athletic Club


RIVERDALE, N.Y. - Manhattan College Athletics is proud to announce the creation of an online giving link to join the Jasper Athletic Club (JAC).

Supporters of the Jasper Athletic Club now have the ability to support Manhattan College at https://connect.manhattan.edu/jasperclub. Through a secure server, supporters can make a donation to the Manhattan College Athletics general fund or any of the Jaspers' 19 sport programs.

"We are very excited to add this crucial element to the JAC program," said Noah LeFevre, Senior Associate Director of Athletics at Manhattan College. "The ability for our supporters to easily give online is another step we have taken to improve our customer service capabilities and make involvement for our fan base significantly easier."

The Jasper Athletic Club is the fundraising arm of the Manhattan College Department of Intercollegiate Athletics. The support that alumni, family and friends of the program lend to the JAC assists Manhattan's student-athletes in being successful both on and off their respective fields of play.

There are several levels of membership, each of which includes Jaspers memorabilia, as well as invitations to exclusive receptions and other special events. Donors also have the option to make a gift to the general athletic fund or can earmark their gift to a specific program. All donations are tax-deductible, and many corporations have a matching-gift program. Please consult with the appropriate representative of your employing firm to see if your corporation might participate.

Thank you for your support of Manhattan College Athletics. Go Jaspers!

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Nov-25 @ 21:48 

JFOUND: Sweeney, Tom [MC1964] SIAC



Welcome Tom Sweeney to SIAC
Posted on November 18, 2013 by justwrite15

Please welcome Tom Sweeney to the SIAC ranks. We’re proud to have him join our mission. SIAC is a stronger organization with his addition to our team.

Tom recently retired from the Glastonbury PD in Connecticut. He will primarily be working the Northeast part of the U.S. for us, so if you have issues in that part of the country, you may contact him directly by going through our Web site: http://www.siacinc.org/contact_us.aspx./

Tom was one of the original IACP/PSLC members and once was co-chair. He is well-respected within the chief ranks. He has a strong history of involvement and leadership within the police community and we look forward to having him on board to further grow our relationships with law enforcement. His career includes 47 years in criminal justice employment, with 41 years working in and for police departments.

He has published multiple stories in “Local Government Police Management” magazine. A graduate of Manhattan College, Sweeney got his Master’s Degree in Criminology at the University of California-Berkely, and served as a graduate faculty member at Golden Gate University.

A lifetime member of IACP and the Connecticut Police Chiefs Association, Tom was also a member of the Police Executive Research Forum (2000-2012) and Capital Region Chiefs of Police (1999-2012).

Interestingly, as SIAC worked to develop the first Chief’s video on alarm management – a controversial project – Tom made suggestions to help lend greater credibility, including a section on Verified Response. We’ve appreciated Tom’s reasoned voice throughout the years we’ve known him, and are confident his approach and knowledge will help the cause of better alarm management practices

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Sweeney, Tom [MC????]

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Nov-25 @ 21:54

Dear John,

I believe that Tom is a member of the Class of 1964.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

Sweeney, Tom [MC1964]

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Nov-26 @ 11:35 

JFOUND: Laue, Kevin [MC2012] walks on to meet folks



Meeting Kevin Laue and More
by Jen Lee Reeves on November 22, 2013

*** begin quote ***

I mentioned the power of knowing adults with limb differences who are willing to share stories of their life growing up. Well, that power is extended ten-fold when you have an opportunity to meet him or her in person. Last night, I had a chance to meet two adults who I admire and I have wanted to meet for a long time. Along with that, I had a chance to meet more parents who are tied to this great and supportive limb difference world.

Here’s the story. I’m in New York City for a couple of days and realized I was in town for the final showing of the documentary, Long Shot: The Kevin Laue Story. It followed Kevin as he worked incredibly hard to get into a Division One college to play basketball with one hand. It was incredibly emotional and really showed the incredible work it took him to end up playing for Manhattan College. I threw out the idea of watching the movie with other readers Born Just Right. It just so happens, a couple of parents were already planning to be there and another mom joined in. It was fantastic to get the chance to meet them. (Especially since I first blogged about him in 2010!)

And then, at the end of the movie, one of my friends tells me to look up, way up. That’s because Kevin himself happened to be in the theater. He had just attended a party with a crowd of people who had attended the earlier show and decided to drop by. So we all had a chance to meet and talk. I was a total geek. Not only did I ask for pictures, I had to show off how Jordan is just starting her basketball adventure. He was kind to put up with the proud mom stuff.

*** end quote ***

Laue, Kevin [MC2012]

[JR: Sounds like a nice guy in the blogger’s eye. But I’d hope most Jaspers are.]

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Nov-26 @ 11:45 

JHQ: December Alumni Connection



Happy Holidays from Manhattan College

The Alumni Relations office would like to wish its Jasper community a joyous holiday season and a happy, safe and healthy New Year. Take time to enjoy your family and friends and we hope to see you in 2014 at one of our alumni events!


Campus Community Steps Up to Aid Lasallian Partners in Philippines

After raising enough money to purchase and ship 38 water filters to the Philippines, our senior School of Engineering students sent smiles and love to the people recovering from Typhoon Haiyan. Read more.


What it Means to be Lasallian

Being Lasallian is at the core of who we are and what drives everything we do at Manhattan. But what does being Lasallian really mean? Watch the video.


Giving Tuesday
Tuesday, Dec. 3

Join a growing global initiative and partner with Manhattan College as it celebrates the second annual Giving Tuesday. This highly successful philanthropic program has become to charitable giving what Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday are to the holiday shopping season.

Please support Manhattan College by visiting manhattan.edu/giving to make your gift to the Fund for Manhattan, our annual giving program. The Fund helps support financial aid, scholarships, technology upgrades, social action programs, and much more. Your gifts truly help make great things happen!

Year-End Gifts to Manhattan

Please consider Manhattan College as you make your end-of-year charitable gifts. Your support helps provide essential student programs and services that make this Lasallian Catholic educational experience uniquely Manhattan. Make your gift now

Radio City Christmas Spectacular
Thursday, Dec. 5

Join fellow Jaspers for this year's Christmas Spectacular and get in the holiday spirit at Radio City! Tickets are located in the Orchestra Level and are $80 each. Showtime is 8 p.m. For more information, please contact the Alumni Relations office.

Upcoming Alumni Pregame Receptions

Manhattan vs. Marist
Friday, Dec. 6
Join other Jaspers before Manhattan takes on Marist at McCann Arena (3399 North Rd., Poughkeepsie, NY). The reception will start at 5 p.m. at Mahoney's Irish Pub (35 Main St., Poughkeepsie, NY). The cost is $20 per person and includes a buffet and beer and wine. Mahoney's also provides shuttle transportation to and from the game, if needed. Tip-off is at 7 p.m. and game tickets can be purchased directly from Marist Athletics.

Manhattan vs. UNC Wilmington
Sunday, Dec. 15
Join other North Carolina Jaspers before Manhattan takes on UNC Wilmington. The pregame reception will begin at 12 p.m. at Capt'n Bill's Backyard Grill (4240 Market St., Wilmington, NC). The reception is $20 per person and includes lunch and two drink tickets (beer or wine). Tip-off is at 2 p.m. at the Trask Coliseum (West Campus, 601 S. College Rd., Wilmington, NC). Guests may purchase tickets directly from UNCW Athletics.

Manhattan vs. Buffalo
Saturday, Dec. 21
Join other Jaspers before Manhattan takes on Buffalo at the Brooklyn Hoops Holiday Invitational at the Barclays Center (620 Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn, NY). The pregame reception will start at 12 p.m. at Woodland Restaurant (242 Flatbush Ave., Brooklyn, NY). The reception is $40 per person and includes appetizers and beer and wine. Tip-off is at 3 p.m. and Manhattan's game is the first of three games. Guests may purchase tickets directly from Barclays via Ticketmaster.

Alumni Men's Basketball Game
Sunday, Jan. 12
Prior to the men's basketball game against Marist at 2 p.m., more than 30 Manhattan basketball alumni will take part in the alumni game, including Jasper greats from the last four decades. Former basketball players interested in participating may contact Russ Williams '92 at russwilliamsgid@gmail.com.

A reception, sponsored by the Jasper Athletic Club, will be held following the alumni game, at 12:30 p.m. To RSVP for the reception, please email Noah LeFevre at noah.lefevre@manhattan.edu.

During halftime of the Marist game, Manhattan will hold a special recognition ceremony honoring the late Jasper great, Junius Kellogg '53. Read more.

Manhattan vs. Siena
Friday, Feb. 21
Join us for our annual gathering as the men's team faces the Siena Saints at the Albany Times Union Center (51 South Pearl St., Albany, NY). The reception will be held at 5 p.m. at Wolf's 1-11, adjacent to the arena. The reception includes a buffet dinner and two drink tickets. Game tickets are optional. Tip-off is at 7 p.m.


Gulf Coast Alumni Luncheon
Thursday, Dec. 12

Gulf Coast alumni are invited to attend the annual luncheon hosted by Neil O'Leary '60 at University Park Country Club (7671 The Park Blvd., Sarasota, FL) from 12-3 p.m. The luncheon is $25 per person and checks can be made out to Manhattan College. To RSVP, please contact Neil at (941) 358-7720 or email cjoleary@yahoo.com.


Join Arizona Alumni at the Accenture Match Play Golf Championship
Thursday, Feb. 20, 2014

Jaspers living in or visiting Arizona are invited to gather as spectators for the annual World Golf Championships at the Ritz-Carlton Golf Club at Dove Mountain in Marana. All eyes will be on southern Arizona while the world's top 64 golfers will try to etch their names in the history book of this exciting tournament.

Tickets for a Manhattan contingent are being secured at the Walter Hagen Club, just south of the #13 green. This first-class, open-air hospitality venue offers food and a premium cash bar, large screen televisions, and tables in a relaxed, sports-bar setting. The tiered decking allows guests to enjoy great views of the exciting golf action and grants access to the entire course.

The cost of $85 per person includes access to the course on Feb. 20, parking, food, drink, and all of the hospitality amenities of the Hagen Club. Learn more about the WCG-Accenture.

In order to proceed with making reservations, we're asking that alumni interested in participating please notify the Alumni office via email at alumni@manhattan.edu by Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2013. We hope you can join us!


Travel to Ireland with Manhattan College
Oct. 23-31, 2014

The Alumni office has partnered with World Cultural Tours and is pleased to offer a spectacular 9-day tour to Ireland in fall 2014. The impressive itinerary includes visits to Belfast, Derry, Galway, the Cliffs of Moher, Dublin and much more. View the flyer for more information. Alumni, family and friends are invited to explore the beauty and history of Ireland on this memorable tour.

Register before Dec. 20, 2013 and receive an early booking discount. Read more.


Moira A. Kilcoyne '83, Marybeth McCall '74 and Stephen J. Squeri '81, '86 named to the board of trustees.

Manhattan College's Singers and Orchestra will hold their annual Christmas performance, A Festival of Lessons and Carols, on Sunday, Dec. 8 on campus. 

Former POW Paul Loong '58, M.D., visited his alma mater to share his story on Veterans Day.


2014 Save the Dates

The 2014 De La Salle Medal Dinner will be held on Thursday, Jan. 23 at The Waldorf Astoria. This year's honoree is Milo E. Riverso '81, chief executive officer and president of STV Group, Inc. Read more.

The College's premier golf event, the Jasper Open, will be held on Monday, May 5, 2014 at Sleepy Hollow Country Club. Learn more.

Mark your calendars for next year's reunion celebration, taking place place Friday, June 6 - Sunday, June 8, 2014. Help us plan this special weekend or assist raising funds for your anniversary class gift! For more information, email alumni@manhattan.edu or call (718) 862-7977.


Alaskan Frontiers & Glaciers Cruise: Early Booking Discount Extension

Go Next is pleased to announce that due to the popularity of the Alaskan Frontiers & Glaciers cruise (July 31-Aug. 10, 2014), the Early Booking Discount is now extended through Jan. 17, 2014. Learn more about the cruise and reserve your spot today!

New Features on Alumni Webpage

Now you can update your information, volunteer with other Jasper alumni and submit a prayer request for a family member, friend or fellow Jasper. The Alumni office is pleased to offer these new features online. Visit manhattan.edu/alumni to submit an update, prayer request or to learn about volunteering.

Represent Your Class

The Alumni office is seeking representatives from all graduation years to help maintain and strengthen each class' connection to the College. By serving as a volunteer, you can encourage event participation, increase alumni knowledge and enthusiasm for alma mater, and assist with efforts to bolster support for the class gift program. For more information, email alumni@manhattan.edu or call (718) 862-7977.

Announcement: Alumni Credit Card

Manhattan's affinity credit card agreement with Bank of America is scheduled to end Dec. 31, 2013 and the company has chosen to end its partnership. For the last 16 years, Manhattan has offered a credit card that returns a portion of each purchase to the College as an indirect gift. Since 1997, Manhattan has received more than $200,000 in support from this program.

We are currently exploring options to partner with a local bank or credit union. For alumni who have a Manhattan College card, Bank of America will continue to keep you as a customer, but support for Manhattan will end when our agreement expires on Dec. 31, 2013.

There are several ways to support the College. Learn more about ways to give.

Manhattan College Bookstore on the Web

It's the holiday season, Jaspers! Get all your Manhattan College gear and gifts by visiting the bookstore online.

Jaspers on Social Media

Stay up to date with our official Manhattan College alumni presence on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Please like, join and follow us today.

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Nov-26 @ 22:00 

JNEWS: Roberts, James J. [MC1983] enables a good Tday parade



About New York
Enjoy the Parade, and Don’t Forget to Thank Your Friendly Sewer Workers
Published: November 26, 2013

*** begin quote ***

By midmorning Tuesday, the sewer workers had taken apart five catch basins along Central Park West near the American Museum of Natural History. Then they scooped out street sludge that had been trapped in a kind of holding vault, where it had steeped for two or three years in about four feet of water.Follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook for news and conversation.

How much sludge?

No one weighed it all, but between half a ton and a ton is pulled from the average basin, said James J. Roberts, chieftain of the New York’s water and sewer systems, a position that comes with the title of deputy commissioner in the Department of Environmental Protection.

*** and ***

Mr. Roberts, 52, who grew up in Washington Heights, in northern Manhattan, and studied civil engineering at Manhattan College, has worked for the city since 1986. He learned the twin systems of water distribution and sewage collection, the yin and yang of our civilization.

New York’s most famous sewer worker is, of course, the fictional Ed Norton, “sub-supervisor in the subdivision of the department of subterranean sanitation,” and the irreplaceable sidekick of Ralph Kramden in “The Honeymooners.”

“Like we say in the sewer, ‘Time and tide wait for no man,’ ” Norton says in one episode.

Mr. Roberts was not happy to hear the name of Ed Norton invoked. “Doesn’t make us look too intelligent,” he said.

But wait a minute. Norton is the man who wrote “S.W.A.K.” on envelopes — not, he explained, as a romantic abbreviation of “Sealed With A Kiss,” but to proclaim, “Sewer Workers Are King.”

Which is just about the right message for this Thanksgiving.

*** end quote ***

Roberts, James J. [MC????]

[JR: Have to laff at SWAK. I remember seeing that on TV. And, razed some of my fellow Jasper sanitary injineers.]

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Nov-26 @ 23:30 

Dear John,

I believe that James is a member of the Class of 1983.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

Roberts, James J. [MC1983]

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Nov-28 @ 00:42 

PRAYERSREQUESTED: Colon, Philip J. (MC1962) with a sad update


Good Evening All,

We have had in our prayers our Niece, Doreen, who has been fighting Stage Four Cancer for the last 16 months. The Doctors have just taken her off her medication and have told her there is nothing further that they can do. Doreen has asked to be moved into Hospice because she does not want her Down Syndrome Daughter, Katie, to see her going through her last days. To the end she has held on to hope and her Faith has strengthened. She continues to think of others.The Doctor has been so caring and now though he is no longer treating her he has told her that he will be there for her and assured her he will not let her be in pain. It is just a question of time now, not today or tomorrow but......... Please keep Doreen, her Mom, Eileen, Doreen's children and husband in your prayers as they all prepare. May God's Will be done and Doreen finds her peace in God's Embrace. Thank you. God Bless.

Phil Colon

Colon, Philip J. (MC1962)

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[JR: Sad day. Having had to make that decision for the love of my life, I can empathize with it. Dona Nobis Pacem ]

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Nov-27 @ 11:36 

JEMAIL: Stebbins, Donald M. (MC1961) uses the NYT to interpret the Pope's words


Stebbins, Donald M. (MC1961)



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[JR: Jasper Stebbins allows the NYT to filter Pope Francis’ words. Personally, I can’t believe that he’s so naïve to think that politicians and bureaucrats are the solution. I’d have rather him criticize the politicians and bureaucrats. Along with the “crony capitalism”, that makes us all poor. The NYT reads into it all sorts of things. I read it as needing a “fairer system”. And, I’d agree. For example, “honest money” would stop hidden taxation on the non-rich. For example, the elimination of “minimum wages” would end unemployment; especially, youth and minority. For example, elimination of Gooferment welfare would stop trapping human beings in the hopeless cycle of “welfare families” on the Gooferment version of the “modern plantation”. Americans are very charitable. Unfortunately, the Gooferment isn’t.]

[JR: Hope everyone remembers the poor, the old, and the lonely on Thanksgiving. If you can’t find a charity you like, ask Flynn, Bro. Gregory (MC1957) ]

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Nov-27 @ 11:47 

JNEWS: Plate, Peter [MC1989] Member of the Month



Rosco Vision Systems Director of Sales & Marketing Peter Plate Named Member of the Month by the New York Society of Fleet Supervisors
Queens, NY (PRWEB) November 27, 2013

Peter Plate has been an OEM Member of the New York Society of Fleet Supervisors since 2005. As a representative of Rosco Vision Systems, Peter has chaired the OEM committee and continues to support the organization with his years of experience in the Fleet Safety Industry. Peter was named Member of the Month for the month of November 2013 and was honored at their monthly meeting on November 20th, 2013. In the past, Peter has presented on the importance of equipping trucks with the proper mirrors and installing cross view mirrors to comply with New York laws.

Peter Plate, wife Nancy of 21 years, and four sons reside in Fort Salonga, Long Island NY. Peter holds a bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering from Manhattan College and has worked in engineering, sales and marketing capacities over the past 25 years of his career in diverse industries such as utilities, materials handling, and automotive component manufacturing. Peter has directed Roscos sales, marketing and product development efforts for the past 10 years at Rosco and is an inventor on multiple Rosco patents involving mirror and digital vision products. In recent years, Peter helped to develop two generations of the Dual-Vision continuous and event based recorder device and DV-Pro database management and reporting software. He is responsible for $35 million in annual Rosco sales, hundreds of Rosco OEM, insurance, dealer and fleet relationships, and a staff of 15 Rosco field and office professionals dedicated to expert product application and maintaining Roscos 100+ years of industry leading customer service. When not promoting vision safety at Rosco, Peter enjoys fishing, boating and coaching his sons in lacrosse and football.

About New York Society of Fleet Supervisors

The Society of Fleet Supervisors was established to promote efficient fleet operations through the exchange of ideas and experiences in the selection and training of personnel, supervisory techniques, maintenance, production, safety, labor relations, plant layouts, supplies and equipment, insurance and related subjects, and to improve Members' prestige and image through training, education, public relations, and increased exposure to all facets of the transportation industry.

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Plate, Peter [MC????]

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Nov-28 @ 12:11

Dear John,

I believe that Peter is a member of the Class of 1989.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

Plate, Peter [MC1989]

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Nov-28 @ 20:03 

JNEWS: Gaffney, Brother James [MC1969] Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice



Brother James receives Papal Recognition
Published: November 27, 2013.

*** begin quote ***

Brother James Gaffney, FSC, President of Lewis University, received the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice (“For the Church and Pope”) medal Tuesday, November 26 at the Cathedral of Saint Raymond Nonnatus in Joliet. Most Reverend R. Daniel Conlon, Bishop of Joliet, presented the Papal Recognition during the closing Mass and Celebration of the Year of Faith to him and to ten other outstanding members of the Diocese of Joliet.

*** and ***

Brother James chairs both the Lasallian Association of College and University Presidents and the Midwest District Council of the Christian Brothers. An alumnus of St. Mary’s University of Minnesota, he holds master’s degrees from St. Mary’s and Manhattan College (N.Y.), plus a doctorate in pastoral theology from the University of St. Mary of the Lake (Ill.).

*** end quote ***

Gaffney, Brother James [MC????]

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Nov-28 @ 12:25 

Dear John,

I believe that Brother received his Masters in 1969.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

Gaffney, Brother James [MC1969]

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Nov-28 @ 20:05 

JOBIT: Fletcher, Fr. Frank [MC????]



Friday, 29 November 2013 15:08

Fr Frank Fletcher MSC has died, 29th November. He was 81 and had been in care in recent years at the Little Sisters of the Poor, Randwick.

Frank Fletcher made his first profession on February 26th 1950 and was ordained in Sydney on July 21st 1956. After his ordination he spent almost ten years teaching at Chevalier College and then became the first Vocations Director for the province. On returning from US studies at Manhattan College, he worked in formation in Canberra and Croydon and as Novice Master in 1981. Further studies in Toronto led to his completion of a thesis, drawing on the work of Bernard Lonergan, and his receiving a doctorate in theology.

He worked for many years at the Aboriginal ministry in Erskineville.

May he rest in peace.

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Fletcher, Fr. Frank [MC????]

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Nov-29 @ 10:37

Dear John,

I do not find anything in my 'stuff' for Father Frank.

May He Rest In Peace.

McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Nov-29 @ 21:22 

JFOUND: DiPiazza, Philip S. [MC1964] co-author Introduction to Wireless Systems



*** begin quote ***

Introduction to Wireless Systems

*** and ***

Philip S. DiPiazza received a B.E.E from Manhattan College in 1964, an M.E. in electrical engineering from New York University in 1965, and a Ph.D. (electrical engineering) from the Polytechnic Institute of New York in 1976. His career spans more than 40 years of professional experience in industry, academe, and private practice. During the first ten years of his career, he was a systems engineer engaged in the development of advanced airborne radar systems at the Norden Division of United Technologies. He joined Bell Laboratories (AT&T) in 1977, where, as a systems engineer and technical manager, he was engaged in the development of cellular mobile telephone (AMPS) and later wireless PBX systems. Dr. DiPiazza was responsible for the system integration and test of the first North American deployment of AMPS. SInce retiring from AT&T Labs in 1998, he has served as an industry management consultant, Executive Director at Rutgers WINLAB, and Vice President and General Manager of the Melbourne Division of SAFCO Technologies, Inc. As a Visiting Professor at the Florida Institute of Technology, he was founding director for its Wireless Center of Excellence and developed graduate programs in wireless. He is currently an Adjunct Professor at the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology and a Senior Consultant with Award Solutions, Inc. Dr. DiPiazza is an advisor and member of the al Consortium and a member of the IEEE.

*** end quote ***

DiPiazza, Philip S. [MC1964]

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Nov-29 @ 10:59 

JFACEBOOK: McCarra-Fitzpatrick MaryAnn (MC1989) is in the Cheap and Easy Magazine




Cheap and Easy Magazine, volume 1 Staple Bound – January 1, 2013
by John Burroughs (Editor)

Crisis Chronicles is thrilled to announce the late but worth-the wait publication of Cheap and Easy Magazine, volume 1. This decidedly lo-fi, raw art over gloss production, edited by Hon. Jugborn Airbrush, features 42 pages of writing and images by William E. Berger, Dianne Borsenik, Julie-Marie Bristol, C.M. Brooks, Chansonette Buck, Shelley Chernin, Wanda Morrow Clevenger, Roxy Contin, C.O. Dauber, Lee Dish, John Dorsey, Giselle Force, Alex Gildzen, Michael Grover, Hermes F. Hernandez, Meribeth Hutto, Chuck Joy, Lady, Geoffrey A. Landis, Chris Mansel, Gail Mansel, MaryAnn McCarra-Fitzpatrick, Alex Nielsen, Jay Passer, Siddartha Beth Pierce, Misti Rainwater-Lites, Sparkplug O'Shea, Séan M. Poole, Dave Roskos, Heather Ann Schmidt, Steven B. Smith, Merritt Waldon, R.A. Washington, Kathleen Whelan, A.D. Winans and Beverly Zeimer. Get yours for the decidedly lo-ball price of $5. The critics speak (even though they've not yet read it): "This is prime masturbation fodder." - William Shake Spear. "I'll force feed Cheap and Easy to George Bilgere if you pay me $500." - Bill E. Collins. "I'd rather lick the sweat from Bukowski's balls." - Haight R. Poet. "I did not have sex with that book." - President Bill Clinton.

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McCarra-Fitzpatrick MaryAnn (MC1989)

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Nov-29 @ 19:49 

ENDNOTE: And you want these people to run healthcare?



Mike Huckabee

Congratulations to Dick Royce of Sublimity, Oregon. He was supposed to have received several medals when he was discharged from the army, but for some reason, they never came. He’d almost given up hope, but his wife and family didn’t. They kept contacting officials and writing to the Pentagon. Finally, on this Veterans’ Day weekend, Sen. Ron Wyden paid a personal visit to present Dick Royce with his Victory medal, his American Campaign medal and the other honors he’d earned on the battlefield – in World War II. Dick is 88 years old. He’s been waiting for his medals for 68 years.

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[JR: Sorry, I wouldn’t let them run a … …whore house. Remember the IRS ran a whore house five years that they seized for unpaid taxes because the owner was hiding the income. They lost a reported 55M$ in 5 years. Would they have not been better leaving it with the “tax cheat” and just taking what he admitted to? Us taxpayers would have been farther ahead. How can you lose that much money running a whore house? It’s like saying I can’t make a profit selling Viagra. Argh! I just shake my head. and, we are letting them run “health", "health care", "health care insurance", or something else? ]

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