Unique Fetal Surgery Saves Unborn Baby
Fetal Surgery Saves Unborn Baby From Tennis Ball-Sized Tumor
Growing on Her Mouth
Posted on June 23, 2012 at 7:56pm by Liz Klimas
*** begin quote ***
Tammy Gonzalez described the news doctors delivered to her after
an ultrasound as “the most horrible feeling you could ever
imagine.“ Her unborn baby girl had a tumor ”the size of a tennis
ball” growing on her mouth.
According to Miami CBS Local, Gonzalez was told her baby had
little chance of survival, given the number of surgeries she would
need to receive after birth.
In May 2010, Gonzalez turned to University of Miami/Jackson
Memorial fetal surgeon Ruben Quintero. Today, according to CBS,
Gonzalez has a normal 20-month-old thanks to a surgery that went
through her own stomach and operated on baby Lyna while still in
“This was an opportunity to expand the field we have developed, to
treat birth defects in utero,” Quinero said to CBS.
Although fetal surgeries in general are not entirely new, they are
rare and this surgery tackling the tumor was the first of its
*** end quote ***
[JR: You have to marvel at what human beings are capable of to
preserve life. So why do we turn around and kill healthy human
beings for inconvenience? Dona Nobis Pacem.]
# – # – # – # – #
JEMAIL: McEneney,
Mike (MC1953) spots Pucci, Rev. Alfred J. [MC1948 RIP]
Dear John,
The June 28, 2012 Edition of Catholic New York at page 28 has an
obituary for Father Pucci,'48 who passed away on June 12th at
Staten Island University Hospital. He was 86. Father served as
Pastor of St. Roch's Parrish from 1983 until his retirement in
I have a copy of the full obituary if you need it.
May He Rest In Peace.
McEneney, Mike (MC1953)
[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]
# - # - #
PUCCI Rev. Alfred J. Pucci of Holy Family Church formerly of St.
Rita's Church and Pastor Emeritus of St. Roch's Church. Dear
brother of Rae Nitti and the late Robert Pucci, Rose Guerriero and
Julia Carluccio. Also survived by four nieces and six nephews and
seventeen grand nieces and nephews. Father will lie in state at
on Friday from 2-5 and 7-9 P.M. Mass of Christian Burial St.
Rita's Church Saturday at 12:00 Noon. Interment Resurrection
Cemetery. WWW.MATTHEWFUNERALHOME.COM www.SILive.com/obits
Published in Staten Island Advance from June 13 to June 15, 2012
Pucci, Rev. Alfred J. [MC1948 RIP]
# - # - # - # - # 2012-Jul-01 @ 06:59
Swenson, John [MC????] book "New Atlantis"
Journalist knows bliss and blight
By Hector Saldaña
Updated 11:46 a.m., Friday, June 29, 2012
Music writer John Swenson discusses his book "New Atlantis."
*** begin quote ***
Gemini Ink calls its summer literary festival “Courting Bliss.”
That's something award-winning music journalist John Swenson has
done in his long career.
Swenson, a member of the summer faculty at Gemini Ink, documented
the birth of the legendary Fillmore East, CBGB's “freak folk”
scene (before it was a punk hangout), Bruce Springsteen's and
Patti Smith's fabled stands at Max's Kansas City, the Fania
All-Stars at Madison Square Garden and many rock and jazz
touchstones of the late '60s, '70s and beyond.
He's written biographies of the Who, Stevie Wonder and Bill Haley.
His work with legendary rock critic Dave Marsh editing the
original Rolling Stone Record Guide is revered by vinyl lovers.
“I just always liked words,” said Swenson, who began writing
record reviews while a student at Manhattan College in 1968. “I
never considered music journalism a potential career.”
Swenson, 62, has also witnessed blight and tragedy first-hand.
It's informed his best work and given him a higher purpose deep in
his career, he says.
*** end quote ***
Swenson, John [MC????]
# - # - # - # - # 2012-Jul-01 @ 08:25
Comment: “JEMAIL:
Gearity, John E. (MC1961) ids” by Macfarland, Joseph A. "Jay"
Submitted on 2012/07/02 at 11:00 am
Joseph A. (Jay) Macfarland, B.S. '61
Comment Wearing a required freshman beanie,
forced by upperclassmen to learn & sing "Manhattan Men"
(1957) - yes, I still remember the words, even though I tend to
forget a lot of other stuff.
# - # - #
[JR: I remember the beanie. But not getting "forced". Guess I was
clueless even then. Maybe it was an "up on the hill" thing?]
Macfarland, Joseph A. "Jay" (MC1961)
# - # - # - # - # 2012-Jul-03 @ 05:29
JEMAIL: McEneney,
Mike (MC1953) asserts it was required at every party
RE: MVIDEO: Manhattan College fight song
Dear John,
This performance is a rendition of the last part of the song which
starts: "Manhattan Men see your Alma Mater beckoning . . . . " In
our day, no party with two or more Jaspers present was complete
with a loud rendition of Manhattan Men!
McEneney, Mike (MC1953)
[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated. I remember hearing it at the
Prep. Not so much after that. Guess it fell by the wayside.
Perhaps a casualty of the antiwar spirit. I remember a lot of that
up the hill. Not so much down at Fannie Farmer. Another big divide
between the schools. I guess we were ALL really "We, The Sheeple"
in those days. The antiwar zealots were deceived into thinking it
was about opposing war when it was about getting the "right team"
in power; the "pro-war" zealots, like me, were deceived into
thinking that the Government and its leadership were telling the
truth. What fools we ALL were. Argh! If I knew then what I know
now … sigh. Too late, we become wise?]
# - # - # - # - # 2012-Jul-03 @ 07:12
JEMAIL: Sgroi,
Vincent (MC1967) a great article about Ferrucci, David [MC1983]
Sgroi, Vincent (MC1967)
See http://www.singularityweblog.com/david-ferrucci-on-singularity-1-on-1-pursue-the-big-challenges/
for an article about David Ferrucci, another Manhattan graduate."
# - # - # - # - #
Ferrucci, David [MC1983]
[JR: Congrats on a great "finding". With video and a podcast. Can't
wait until the 4th so I can listen to it at my leisure.]
# - # - # - # - # 2012-Jul-03 @ 07:28
Comment: "ENDNOTE:
Heroic defense" by Brian Kelly
Submitted on 2012/07/03 at 2:10 pm
"Good Grief! I hope Manhattan didn’t graduate you."
# - # - #
[JR: Yup, sure did. Have the 2.010803 index to show for it. (Or, was
it 2 POINT 01 03 08? That eight as the first number sounds to high
and I might have lost the anchor pool with an 8.) AND, I think that
Alma Mater taught me to think for myself -- logically, and see
trends. The Nation's trek back to socialism, slavery, poverty,
stupidity, and political correctness is OBVIOUS!]
# - # - # - # - # 2012-Jul-04 @ 09:55
JEMAIL: Stebbins,
Donald M. (MC1961) doesn't like Heinlein quote
Dear Jasper John,
You wrote:
Also we ignore Heinlein's dictum: "An armed society is a polite
society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts
with his life." --- Robert A. Heinlein
I guess Heinlein did not listen to "Gunsmoke" with William Conrad
during the 1950's or watch the television version with James
Arness from 1955-1975. I was a big fan of the radio program and
almost wrote a letter to CBS advising them to develop a TV show -
I missed my calling, but any idea that the old West was a polite
society does not seem to fit the version of reality portrayed in
either program.
Libertarians probably said that "Gunsmoke" was part of an anti-gun
conspiracy led by dangerous liberals just as today they say "Fast
and Furious " was part of President Obama's plan to make guns look
bad ( even though Bush Jr started the effort)
I'm afraid that Heinlein's "dictum" was highly doubtful yesterday
and remains so today. You can find your libertarian paradise in
many places including Somalia- so why try to build one here. You
might be able to arrange a duel over there in case you feel
"gelded" by anyone.
Speaking of Heinlein: do you know that he was a strong advocate
off eugenics as well as "free love"
The following quotes are offered as samples showing these
"Heinleins’ future society is also represented as being
genetically engineered and founded on the widespread practice of
eugenics. Most of the time he puts forward a reasonably convincing
and surprisingly liberal case for it, but occasionally the dark
side of this idea shows through; an underclass of diseased and
shunned ‘control naturals’ are alluded to, as well as the fact
that these unfortunate human basics are also tattoo’d to show
their position. For a writer who allowed nazi’s to be
cold-bloodedly slaughtered in his previous novel presumably
because of their adherence to a repugnant philosophy, Heinlein’s
treatment of eugenics is surprisingly cold and historically
from http://www.nndb.com/people/710/000023641/
"But Heinlein's influence was hardly limited to the genre of
science fiction, or to his fellow writers. He also managed to
insert himself into mainstream popular culture -- influencing
language ("waldo" and "grok"), politics, sexuality, and even
spirituality. His 1962 Hugo-winning Stranger in a Strange Land was
not only a kind of guidance manual for the 1960s free love
counterculture but it actually spawned a number of imitative
churches. To a lesser but no less noteworthy extent his 1966 The
Moon is a Harsh Mistress is credited with drawing many young
people to Libertarianism and to the Libertarian party itself."
Such a man is offered as having a "dictum" for us to follow?
Sincerely yours,
Donald M Stebbins
BS 1961
# - # - # - # - #
JR responds:
(1) There are many peer-reviewed journals that take Hollywood to
task for its portrayal of the Old West as historically inaccurate.
Wyatt Earp wasn't a nice guy, Gunsmoke wasn't accurate, and on and
on. There probably was no Lone Ranger either. Heinlein's quote
about an armed society is very accurate. Armed sovereigns respect
agreements. Especially ones where they are willing die for.
(2) Hollywood, and the leftist liberal media, are always seeking
to portray guns in a bad light. See if people have the means to
resist government diktats, how are they going to create the
perfect world by telling us what to do. The first thing that
tyrants do is disarm the people.
(3) "Fast 'n' Furious" was a restart of Bush's "Gunwalker" that
had been stopped for TWO YEARS when the drug cartels figured out
the guns were bugged. "Gunwalker" was a joint op of the Mexican
and US Gooferments that led to a lot of convictions. I don't
understand yet what the purpose of "F&F" was, but it certainly
seems it was to "set up" the Gun Dealers and stampede "We, The
Sheeple". Luckily, those Texas and AZ gun dealers trust the BATF
as much as they do any Gooferment agent who enlists your help. If
those gun dealers hadn't videoed the agent and supervisors making
the pitch, we would have had a whole different spin coming out of
the District of Corruption.
(4) Yes, I know Heinlein, like most little L libertarians, is a
bundle of contradictions. I was attracted to "libertarianism"
because of "Starship Troopers". IT helped me understand many
things about the Gooferment, the military, conscription,
volunteering, self-defense, and most of all "to think for myself".
"Rico what's the difference between a citizen and a soldier?" That
put the waste of Vietnam, Republic Of in stark contrast for me.
(5) Eugenics, free love, and even liberty at all costs -- great
topics for discussion. Are you saying that our culture of abortion
on demand isn't "eugenics" being applied to the middle and lower
classes on masse? From where I sit, Margaret Sanger, FDR, and
Josef Mengele would all see the similarity.
(6) Why do I have to leave for far away places? I'm just trying to
have what the Founders and their documents promised. "Life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". Seem like we should admit
those no longer apply, put a giant garbage bag over the Statue of
Liberty, admit we have the "theocracy of Social Progressivism",
and stop pretending. And, all you Catholics can get ready for
further persecutions. Your children are already in reeducation
camps and you don't even realize.
My favorite Heinlein quote is:
"I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them
tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break
them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible
for everything I do." --- Robert A. Heinlein
That's my Fourth of July declaration.
# - # - # - # - # 2012-Jul-04 @ 11:19
JHQ: Caraccio, Annie
[MC2009] "lands" at NASA
Chemical Engineering Alumna Shoots for the Stars
Annie Caraccio ’09 (B.S.) ’10 (M.S.) is working as a chemical
engineer at NASA and has helped to established a research
collaboration between NASA and Manhattan College. She hopes to go
into space one day as an astronaut.
Three years ago, Annie Caraccio ’09 (B.S.) ’10 (M.S.) packed up
and drove her beat-up 1995 Mercury Cougar 1,000 miles from New
York to Florida with her sights set on the skies.
As her fellow graduates celebrated the arrival of summer, Caraccio
put her chemical engineering degree into immediate action at
NASA’s highly competitive co-op program based at Kennedy Space
“To me, the NASA sign, the NASA logo was untouchable, and
something that always had me in awe,” she remembers from her first
trip to the Space Center at age 5.
{Extraneous Deleted}
“Every morning I wake up and think, I get to go to work today, and
I get to do this,” she says. “It is such an opportunity for me.”
Posted on June 27, 2012
# - # - #
[JR: if that "tease" (that's what us professional reporters call
inducing you to go read the whole article) doesn't make you click
on the link to read a great story, then put some dirt on yourself.
You're dead and you just don't know it. LOL! Great story. Loved
every word of it. Except the Gooferment's role. But, you can't
have everything.]
Caraccio, Annie [MC2009]
[JR: I take editorial note of a common theme between our fellow
Jasper and Taylor Swift. Childhood focus on a goal. I'm going to
try and share that with a young grandniece-in-law. Wonder if
she'll listen to a smelly old man with weird ideas?]
# - # - # - # - # 2012-Jul-04 @ 12:06
Kevin X. [MC1989] is on Google+
McGann, Kevin X. [MC1989]
# - # - # - # - # 2012-Jul-04 @ 12:20
JNEWS: Webb, Anne
[MC1979] will fix anyone's writing
Millennials Can Text but Are All Thumbs When It Comes to Formal
Published July 1, 2012
Harrisville, RI (PRWEB) September 23, 2008
“E-mail and text messaging are great in terms of speed and
convenience, but they’ve made a mess of written English. In an
effort to save keystrokes, the rules of grammar, punctuation, and
spelling are often ignored,” commented Anne Webb, founder of
TighterWriter.com, a new proofreading, editing, and writing service
created to help the grammatically challenged of all ages. “These
texting habits can all too easily creep into academic assignments
and professional work, detracting from the message of the written
piece and portraying the writer as inattentive to detail.” Earning a
lower grade, losing a client, or being passed over for a promotion
or opportunity might be the unfortunate result. The TighterWriter
service makes professional editing available to academics and
business professionals who understand the importance of writing that
effectively communicates their ideas.
Over the past year, Webb had the opportunity to review college
essays written by high school seniors. “These students are bright
and have so much to say about themselves and their future plans,”
she said. “But their use of acronyms and emoticons in a formal essay
is inappropriate and will not score points with an admissions
counselor. If I were reviewing the application, I might be tempted
to write, ‘IMHO, not a GR8 candidate’ across the top.” For those of
us who thought getting an electric typewriter was a big deal, this
shorthand translates, “In my humble opinion, not a great candidate.”
Webb is quick to add that writing challenges are not limited to the
millennial generation. “I recently attended a seminar sponsored by a
major financial services company,” she recalled. “A well-established
attorney delivered a PowerPoint presentation promoting the benefits
of a particular investment instrument. The slides were packed with
information but riddled with spelling errors and unintelligible
sentence fragments. His inaccuracies cost him a client that night. I
felt that if he could not take the time or trouble to perfect his
presentation, then he probably would not handle my money very
carefully either.”
With the launch of TighterWriter.com, Webb will partner her language
skills with the writer’s ideas and creativity to craft a document or
presentation that stands out. She objectively examines each written
piece with fresh eyes to spare clients the embarrassment or missed
opportunities caused by inadvertent errors or lack of review time.
“I’m not a ghost writer,” she stresses. “I will not write your son’s
college essay for him, but I will make certain that it reads well
and is error free before it is submitted.” She wants clients to
concentrate on what they do best and to let her worry about the
rules of good writing. “Independent professionals, entrepreneurs,
and corporate executives can all benefit from improved written
communications, whether they appear in print or are sent
electronically. Ideas still have to be communicated effectively, no
matter what format is used.”
Webb credits the nuns at her parish elementary school for providing
a solid foundation in English grammar and composition that has
benefited her for a lifetime. Their constant drilling, combined with
her own admitted genetic tendency to check and re-check, resulted in
her ability to spot and correct errors before the damage is done. “A
little obsession can be a good thing,” she admits.
About Anne Webb
Anne is a summa cum laude graduate of Manhattan College. She held
“real” jobs in the New York metro area before trading her corporate
cubicle for a home office. In both workplace scenarios, she has
worked with executives who delegate editing tasks to others, suffer
from dyslexia, speak English as a second language, or simply lack
the time or inclination to worry about the finer points of writing.
Since 1987, she has been a partner in a successful consulting
practice that specializes in the needs of the publishing, graphic
arts, and media industries. Satisfied clients have included Apple,
Hewlett-Packard, Kodak, 3M, and Xerox, among many others. Anne is
highly skilled at making the written word clear, concise, and
readable for a wide variety of audiences. She has helped her
associates look better in print for years. She can do the same for
For more information on how this service works and how Anne can help
you look better in print, visit http://www.TighterWriter.com.
# - # - # - # - #
Webb, Anne [MC????]
# - # - # - # - # 2012-Jul-04 @ 12:52
Dear John,
I believe that Anne is a member of the Class of 1979.
McEneney, Mike (MC1953)
[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]
Webb, Anne [MC1979]
# - # - # - # - # 2012-Jul-06 @ 15:18
JBLOGGER: Rodriguez,
Vincent (MC1984) posts about his reunion
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Seventeen Again
*** begin quote ***
I have been posting photos to this blog for a few years now and
very rarely do I ever write text and I am never really part of the
story other than being “the photographer.” However, on June 30,
2012, Lincoln High School of Yonkers had an informal reunion for
what I think was for the years 1976-82 (I graduated in 1980), but
all were invited to the Doral Arrowwood in Rye Brook, NY.
*** end quote ***
[JR: Well written! ]
# - # - # - # - # 2012-Jul-04 @ 13:18
JHQ: July 2012 Alumni
Take Advantage of New York Sports Club Corporate Discount
The Alumni Relations office is happy to announce a partnership
with Town Sports International (parent company of New York Sports
Club) to offer Manhattan College alumni a corporate membership
discount of $74 a month for a one-year passport membership at any
club, any time.
Jersey Shore Luncheon
Alumni and friends living in or visiting the Jersey Shore are
invited to attend the annual Jersey Shore Luncheon at Spring Lake
Manor (415 Route 71, Spring Lake, N.J., 07762) on Friday, July 20.
The luncheon, hosted by Bill Harkins ’67, will begin at 12 p.m.
The cost is $30 per person and includes one complimentary cocktail
and a sit-down luncheon with salad, a choice of four entrees and
Construction Industry Golf Outing
The 15th annual Construction Industry Golf Outing will be held at
Leewood Golf Club (1 Leewood Dr., Eastchester, N.Y., 10709) on
Monday, July 23. Registration will begin at 10 a.m. with brunch at
10:30 a.m. and shotgun tee-off at 12 p.m. Click here for the event
Saratoga Day at the Races
The Manhattan College Alumni Society and Capital District Alumni
Club invite alumni and guests to a day at the races and a dinner
reception on Friday, July 27. The day will kick off at 1:30 p.m.
at the Saratoga Race Track (267 Union Ave., Saratoga Springs,
N.Y., 12866) with cocktails and a luncheon followed by races at
2:30 p.m. Later in the evening, alumni and guests are invited to
cocktails and a dinner reception at The Inn at Saratoga (231
Broadway, Saratoga Springs, N.Y., 12866).
Summer Baseball Outings
To celebrate the 130th anniversary of the seventh-inning stretch,
join the College for America's favorite pastime.
Staten Island Yankees
The Staten Island Alumni Club invites alumni to watch the Staten
Island Yankees on Saturday, Aug 4 to take on the Lowell Spinners
at the Richmond County Bank Ballpark (75 Richmond Terrace, Staten
Island, N.Y., 10301) at 7 p.m. Enjoy the game from a luxury suite
with outdoor seating and receive a free limited edition SI Yankees
cap. Manhattan College alumni will be welcomed on the center field
video replay board. For more information and to reserve your
tickets, click here for the registration form.
New York Mets
On Wednesday, Aug. 8, come to Citi Field as the Mets face the
Florida Marlins at 7:10 p.m. The cost of the loaded ticket is $75,
which includes admission to the park and seating in the Shea
Bridge Terrace (exclusively for Manhattan College alumni and
guests), as well as $30 to use anywhere in the stadium (food,
beverages, merchandise, etc.). Tickets are limited and advance
registration is required.
New York Yankees
Later in the season, enjoy a private pregame reception with fellow
Jaspers as the Yankees take on the Toronto Blue Jays at Yankee
Stadium on Tuesday, Sept. 18. The cost of the event is $50 per
person and includes admission to the park and access to the Malibu
Rooftop Deck (exclusively for Manhattan College alumni and
guests), all food and non-alcoholic beverages. The reception
begins at 5:30 p.m., and game time is 7:05 p.m. REGISTER»
Long Island Alumni Reception
Alumni, friends and family living on or visiting Long Island on
Saturday, Aug. 11 are invited to join the College for an afternoon
cocktail reception at 3 p.m. on the East End at the Southampton
Publick House (40 Bowden Square, Southampton, N.Y., 11968). The
event, hosted by John Nason '52 and John Kirrane '78, will also
include new chairman of the board of trustees, Ken Rathgeber '70.
The cost per person is $45, and includes an open bar and a
selection of hors d'oeuvres.
A Day at Monmouth Park Racetrack
The Jersey Shore Alumni Club invites you to join the College for a
day at the races at the Monmouth Park Racetrack (175 Oceanport
Ave., Oceanport, N.J., 07757) on Saturday, Aug. 18. The cost of
the event is $35 per person and includes admission to the
clubhouse, official track program, private trackside seating in
the Turf Club (air-conditioned) and a buffet luncheon.
Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival Presents Romeo & Juliet
On Wednesday, Aug. 22, alumni and guests are welcome to join the
College at the breathtaking Boscobel grounds (1601 Route 9D,
Garrison, N.Y., 10524) to experience Shakespeare's star-crossed
lovers in a production of Romeo & Juliet. Enjoy a late summer
evening and dine alfresco while overlooking the Hudson River and
West Point. The play begins at 7 p.m., and the grounds open for
picnicking two hours before the show.
# - # - # - # - # 2012-Jul-04 @ 16:18
JHQ: Leibovic, Simon
[MC2012] & Swartz, Rachel [MC2012] are in the LV (Lasallian
Two Manhattan College Graduates Accepted Into the Lasallian
Volunteers Program
Recent graduates Simon Leibovic and Rachel Swartz will begin a
year of service with the Lasallian Volunteers later this summer.
Simon Leibovic and Rachel Swartz, two recent graduates of
Manhattan College, are preparing to begin a year of service in the
Lasallian Volunteers (LV) program. The program is committed to
providing dedicated and trained volunteers to underprivileged
schools and agencies of the De La Salle Christian Brothers.
Leibovic will be heading to Tulsa, Okla., in August to teach
middle school science at San Miguel School, and will share his
knowledge of science with his students. He graduated with a B.S.
in chemistry in May and was also active on the College’s campus
working as a technician for the Jasper Education Technology
“The Lasallian Volunteer program is important and meaningful to me
because I feel that education is the cornerstone of any high-level
society,” Leibovic said. “The fact that poor children are robbed
of a high-quality education in this country is problematic and
offensive to me, so any help I can offer to these children will
gladly be given.”
“Simon is a very modest, gentle person, who is very considerate of
others,” said Jianwei Fan, Ph.D., professor of chemistry at
Manhattan College.
Swartz will travel to the Cristo Rey Jesuit High School - Twin
Cities, in Minneapolis, Minn., later this summer to teach
Principles of Language, a freshman English class.
“I will get the joy of teaching what I love, English, to a group
of freshmen in a school that seems to really take an interest in
each individual student,” said Swartz, who graduated with a B.A.
in English.
While at Manhattan College, Swartz was an active participant in
the College’s Campus Ministry and Social Action’s service program
L.O.V.E. (Lasallian Outreach Volunteer Experience), and traveled
to the Dominican Republic, New Mexico and Camp Reynal in Texas
with the program. She also was a student teacher in the Bronx and
Eastchester, N.Y., last year, a peer tutor for the College’s
Writing Center, and a research assistant for an English professor
during her time at Manhattan.
“In everything she does, Rachel adds the extra to the word
ordinary and is an extraordinary teacher and person,” said Br.
Raymond Meagher, FSC, assistant professor of education. “She is
highly motivated and concerned about her own personal growth
because she has a burning desire to make a difference in the lives
of her students.”
For more information on the LV program, visit http://www.lasallianvolunteers.org.
Posted on July 03, 2012
# - # - #
Leibovic, Simon [MC2012]
Swartz, Rachel [MC2012]
# - # - # - # - # 2012-Jul-05 @ 13:18
JNEWS: Jensen, Paula
[MC????] Oxford CT tax collector
Oxford selectmen name Paula Jensen to tax collector's position
Thursday, July 5, 2012 8:40 AM EDT
*** begin quote ***
OXFORD -- The Board of Selectmen has approved Paula Jensen as the
new tax collector.
{Extraneous Deleted}
Jensen earned a bachelor's degree in accounting, with a minor in
computer information systems from Manhattan College, Riverdale, N.Y.
According to her resume, she most recently worked for Cooper
Surgical, Trumbull, providing financial presentations, ongoing sales
administration and analytical support for senior management.
*** end quote ***
Jensen, Paula [MC????]
# - # - # - # - # 2012-Jul-05 @ 13:28
Raymond J. (MC1986) holds MoMMA's feet to the fire about Nazi Art
Wednesday, July 04, 2012
Artworks Stolen From Alfred Flechtheim at the MOMA
*** begin quote ***
For those who care about artworks stolen from Alfred Flechtheim,
the Weimar Republic's greatest artdealer, there is a new Wikipedia
page on Flechtheim in English here. A recent article in Speigel
magazine discussed Flechtheim, unfortunately the article is not in
English. Flechtheim was a Jew and the greatest dealer of
contemporary art in Berlin in 1933. He has been written out of
history by those persons and institutions, particularly the MoMA,
who profited from his demise. The greatest forgery ring in German
history recently ripped off the art collecting world, including
comedian/art collector Steve Martin, by faking works from
Flechtheim's stolen collection. Flechtheim was selected as Jewry's
poster boy by the Nazis for his receding hairline and particularly
prominent nose. Harvard's Busch-Reisinger museum's modern German
sculpture collection was founded in the early 1930's with a
Rudolph Belling sculpture of Flechtheim's nose.
*** and ***
MoMA's trafficking in artworks looted by the Nazis was the subject
of William Cohan's excellent article MoMA's Problematic
*** end quote ***
Dowd, Raymond J. (MC1986)
[JR: Everyone should be concerned that a "charity" (I'm sure MoMA
is 501c3.) is being immoral. Taking what's not theirs and lying
about it.]
# - # - # - # - # 2012-Jul-05 @ 14:06
JHQ: MC moves to
Moodle from Blackboard
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Blackboard End-of-Life June 30, 2012; Moodle Servers
*** begin quote ***
Manhattan College is in its final stages of migrating from
Blackboard to Moodle. Please complete the download of all materials
that you wish to save and/or transfer to Moodle by June 30, 2012
when Manhattan College's Blackboard Server is turned off. After June
30, you will no longer be able to access any materials on the
Blackboard Server ( ecourses.manhattan.edu ), including anything
stored in the Blackboard Content Collection (e.g., file storage,
portfolios and artifacts, etc.)
*** and ***
Alternative to Moodle Community Server (non-course sites):
Many groups at Manhattan College have been using Blackboard
primarily to send emails to the site membership, and/or to restrict
files/materials to the site membership. Most site memberships were
managed by ITS via an enrollment process similar to what is used to
manage course enrollments. If this is primarily how you would like
to use a non-course site, you may want to consider using Google
Groups and the new Google Drive (formerly called Docs) instead of or
in addition to a Moodle site. You can share with a group - as well
as restrict access to - "folders/collections" of files/documents. A
Google Group can also serve as a mailing list. And files/documents
can now be saved to one's Google Drive in their native format. More
to follow on this feature ...
*** end quote ***
[JR: Moodle is a free open source; Blackboard is a proprietary
expensive solution. Good to see the money being saved. Maybe
alums can create our own course, and get access to other such
"non-course sites"?]
# - # - # - # - # 2012-Jul-05 @ 14:16
JOBIT: Byrnes,
Edward J. [MC1950 RIP]
Edward J. Byrnes
Byrnes, Edward J.
Binghamton: Edward J. (Tony) Byrnes, 86, of Binghamton, died Friday
December 9, 2011.
He was predeceased by his wife, Evelyn Corkery Byrnes, and by his
brother, Rev. Thomas M. Byrnes, C.M. He is survived by his sons,
Kevin (Martina), Patrick (Soria), Shawn (Rose), Brendan, and Edmund.
He is also survived by twelve grandchildren and one great-grandson,
as well as his brother William J. (Pete) Byrnes, and by his nieces,
Ellen and Mary Clare and his nephews, Michael and Joseph and their
He was a U.S. Navy veteran of both the Atlantic and Pacific
campaigns in World War II. He attended Manhattan College, and was a
longtime employee of the Planning Department of the New York State
Dep't of Transportation.
He was a daily communicant at St. Paul's Church, and belonged to its
choir and Holy Name Society. He was also a proud member of the
Ancient Order of Hibernians; his wholehearted embrace of his Irish
heritage was always on display. He belonged to the Knights of
Columbus, was an enthusiastic tennis player and an avid birder;
wherever he was, his dogs were close by. He enjoyed his many
friends, who will remember his smile, his laugh, and his fun-loving
A Memorial Mass will be offered at St. Paul's Church on Saturday
July 7, 2012 at 1p.m. Arrangements handled by the THOMAS J. SHEA
Published in Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin from July 6 to July
7, 2012
Byrnes, Edward J. [MC???? RIP]
Guestbook: http://www.legacy.com/guestbook/pressconnects/guestbook.aspx?n=edward-byrnes&pid=158392817&cid=full
# - # - # - # - # 2012-Jul-06 @ 06:51
Dear John,
I believe that Edward is a member of the Class of 1950.
May He Rest In Peace.
McEneney, Mike (MC1953)
[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]
Byrnes, Edward J. [MC1950 RIP]
# - # - # - # - # 2012-Jul-07 @ 08:26
ENDNOTE: Fay, John
[MC1986] privatize garbage
Friday, June 29, 2012
Landfill overflowing? Charge by volume, not weight
*** begin quote ***
The Irish EPA is wrong to recommend that customers be charged by
weight for trash collection if they are genuinely concerned about
landfills filling up.
The Environmental Protection Agency says landfill space is running
out and that more than half of the 28 landfills will be full in 3
years. The problem, according to the EPA is that too many homeowners
are paying a flat annual fee. They don't say it outright (or at
least it's not mentioned here) , but the implication is that those
who pay a flat annual fee make little effort at recycling.
So, scrap those annual fees and charge people by the weight of the
garbage they produce.
Yet the issue is that the landfills are filling up, not that they
weigh too much. So why charge by weight? It makes much more sense to
charge by volume.
*** end quote ***
Now that sounds like uncommon common sense.
That's the difference between a Gooferment solution and a free
market one.
The Gooferment doesn't want to upset "We, The Sheeple". That's why a
flat fee. And, it transfers the "costs" from the problem creator to
the Commonweal.
The solution: the separation of Gooferment and garbage!
As you can tell, imho, the Gooferment can't do ANYTHING right.
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