JASPER JOTTINGS Week 24 - 2012 June 10    

Jasper Jottings - The achievement journal of my fellow Jaspers, the alumni of the Manhattan College



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POSITRACTION: Who defines who?


Cardinal Wuerl defends lawsuits: ‘I don't want the president to define me’
CWN - May 28, 2012

*** begin quote ***

Appearing on Fox News Sunday, Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington defended the lawsuits filed by the Archdiocese of Washington and 42 other Catholic institutions against the Obama administration’s HHS mandate.

“This lawsuit isn't about contraception,” said Cardinal Wuerl. “It is about religious freedom. Embedded in the mandate is a radically new definition of what institutes a religious community, what constitutes religious ministry--brand new and never fortified in the federal level. That's what we are arguing about.”

*** end quote ***

This action by the Church leadership should invigorate us.

Have you discussed it with your family, friends, acquaintences, … basically anyone who will listen?

(Don't be that type of person that "vomits" opinions on people; that's what I do! Like in grammar school where you go: "I know. I know. Ask me!")

I happened to hear the Cardinal courtesy of the DVR. He seemed to charm the host while continuing to hammer home the basis of the suit. Obviously, he's well schooled and practiced at the "interview". Hard for me to see the "head fake" or what was "prestidigitation".

But he did make three interesting points: religion is self-defined; Mormons can call themselves whatever they want; and "tax money for education" should follow the children by parental school choice.

As a little L libertarian, I'm not for taxes. But, if I'm forced to pay them, then they should be miniscule, effectively used, nd with the ultimate efficiency. What we have now AIN'T none of those things.

So, the Cardinal's message should motivate us to action. Positive action. Finally.

# - # - # - # - #  2012-May-28 @ 09:17 


JTWITTER: MC honors O'Melia, Charlie [MC1955 RIP]


"Manhattan College" aka "‏@ManhattanEdu" tweeted:

"Yesterday MC hosted the W. Wesley Eckenfelder Symposium & tribute to Charlie O'Melia '55 pic.twitter.com/JH7xRSYn"

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O'Melia, Charlie [MC1955 RIP]

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JFOUND: 75 facts about Cronican, John Jr. [MC1959 RIP]


An Ode To My Father
Posted by Erin Cronican

*** begin quote ***

My dad passed away February 1, 2006, and this time of year always brings up a ton of memories. First, because his birthday was May 26. Second, because Father’s Day is coming up, and third, because he was in the military, and though he wasn’t lost in battle Memorial Day always held such a reverent place in our household.

*** and ***

38.         When he died, we got an outpouring of emails from old colleagues and classmates who described him as a mentor, confidant, and dear friend.

*** and ***

52. He wore two rings that he never took off - his wedding band and his class ring from Manhattan College.

*** and ***

I love you, Pappy, and I miss you. Thank you for making me who I am today.

*** end quote ***

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[JR: Ain't our fellow alums great? Very sad I never met him.]


Cronican, John Jr. [MC1959 RIP]

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JEMAIL: O'Connell, Bill (MC1959) thinks it's "Merton"

On Sun, Jun 3, 2012 at 9:34 AM, O'Connell, Bill (MC1959) wrote:


Thomas Murton? Could the good Cardinal have been referring to Thomas Merton in his commencement remarks? What was the source of the transcript?

Bill O'Conell, '59

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Fjohn68 responded:

Transcript was from the College website.

(That's why I always take the trouble to include the source link.)

When I read that I noticed that, but charged it off to I was always spelling it wrong.

Is it "Merton"?

Maybe someone lifted it from the Cardinal's prepared text.

Interesting. I didn't type it; I don't have that much patience. So don't blame the messenger. LOL!

Maybe someone used Dragon Dictation or Via Voice.

# - # - # - # - #  2012-Jun-03 @ 10:47 


Sorry I did not notice the link. It is most definitely Merton. I really find it incredible that anyone would misspell the name of such a well know person. I am not blaming the messenger but wonder where the error lies; with the Cardinal or with the College.

All the best and thanks as always for getting JJ out each week.


[JR: Hey, you've never seen me SPELL! I'd probably only get the M and the N correct; throw a few vowels and consonants in random order. And, it'll look good to me. ROFL! We wuz taught in ingineering skrule that engrish is a gud language cause it has a lot of redundancy. And, tolerates errors well. Let's see if anyone claims it or we can just blame the Cardinal. Bishops and Cardinals make great villains. A la the Three Musketeers.]

# - # - # - # - #  2012-Jun-03 @ 14:23 

COMMENT: on JEMAIL: Mangone “greed” by Brown, James J. (MC1970)

Submitted on 2012/06/02 at 10:10 am

I think both of you are talking about different types of “greed”. You should decide on the definition before you duke it out.

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[JR: Maybe, but he started it. :-)  I define "greed" as that basic human emotion in the meme: "I desire it. I want it. I need it. I desire / want / need more." Ever since great great grandfather Grok the caveman realized it was safer and less painful to trade for what he needed. Like three cows for a good woman versus trying to steal the cows AND the woman. (In matriarchal society that joke would be "take the man AND the three cows for the trouble he cause you!") "Greed" induces peaceful cooperation among humans, who are usually disagreeable "swell old boys".]

# - # - # - # - #  2012-Jun-03 @ 11:07 

JEMAIL: Stebbins, Donald M. (MC1961) almost unhittable split fingered fastballs rather than softballs

from: Stebbins, Donald M. (MC1961)
to: jasperfjohn68
date: Sun, Jun 3, 2012 at 12:56 PM
subject: Softballs and Public Health

Dear Jasper John,

I can not see what "softballs" I have served you when you have to resort to mentioning Mussolini in a discussion of governmental efforts to improve public health. A rule of thumb in any argument is that the first person to mention Hitler loses - Benito M comes close enough in my opinion.

As far as immunizations go I have to conclude that your younger (~7 years) age let you escape from the great fears us older folks had regarding polio. The day I received my first Salk vaccine shot is one I remember dearly - and I celebrated with my fellow students at Manhattan at the time

I could make a long long list of the horrors human greed has led to, including numerous wars, plagues, famines etc. But I will discuss only your mention of the totally false "scientific paper" linking vaccinations with autism - a case which demonstrates the evil of greed rather splendidly. Surely the profit motive played a major role in the author's vast deception, which ended up causing a myriad of problems around the world

see http://www.cnn.com/2011/HEALTH/01/05/autism.vaccines/index.html

The article says in part:

"The series of articles launched Wednesday are investigative journalism, not results of a clinical study. The writer, Brian Deer, said Wakefield "chiseled" the data before him, "falsifying medical histories of children and essentially concocting a picture, which was the picture he was contracted to find by lawyers hoping to sue vaccine manufacturers and to create a vaccine scare."

According to BMJ (British Medical Journal) , Wakefield received more than 435,000 pounds ($674,000) from the lawyers. Godlee said the study shows that of the 12 cases Wakefield examined in his paper, five showed developmental problems before receiving the MMR vaccine and three never had autism.

"It's always hard to explain fraud and where it affects people to lie in science," Godlee said. "But it does seem a financial motive was underlying this, both in terms of payments by lawyers and through legal aid grants that he received but also through financial schemes that he hoped would benefit him through diagnostic and other tests for autism and MMR-related issues.""

To use the baseball analogy I think I have delivered some almost unhittable split fingered fastballs rather than softballs - something like J. Santana's last pitch the other night in his no hit game. BTW I used my slide rule from Manhattan (joke) to calculate that the chances of going 8020 games without a no hitter is about 0.0066.

The Mets then have a 99.34 % chance of having another no hitter in fewer than 8020 games over 50 years.

Unfortunately the chances of Citfield and the rest of Long Island being strongly affected by Global Warming during that time frame is in the same ballpark.

Sincerely ,
Donald M Stebbins
BS 1961

PS I used the statistically derived probability of any game being a no hitter ( 0.000625 ) to calculate the Mets' odds.

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FJohn68 responds:

I used the liberal New York Times' praise for Benito and the "trains running on time" as an analog for the Gooferment claiming all sorts of things as benefits it has delivered. The point was that even if you attribute every possible benefit to Gooferment, it is STILL: immoral, ineffective, and inefficient.

I think there a dedicated human beings, who give us great things, motivated by GREED or their own self-image, REGARDLESS, or maybe IN SPITE OF, the "help" that the Gooferment "gives".

I didn't assign any validity to MANY mothers' belief that there is vaccine autism link. All I pointed out is that the Moms' belief is causing a DANGEROUS backlash against vaccination. The conflict of interest between Big Pharma and Big Gooferment, as seen in GARDASIL, makes them rightly suspicious.

I lost a cousin to polio. So when the Salk vaccine was first out, all the youngster in the family were herded in ASAP.

I continue to RANT that the Gooferment isn't the MEME we should be using. That meme relies on force; humans always react badly to being forced to do anything. Even if it is "good" for them. Even if they might actually do it if left to their own choices. Even if the alternative makes no sense. Like kid being told to eat his spinach versus emulating Popeye.


By the way, with respect to your paradigm (i.e., what you perceive as unhittable) needs a shift.  And I'm also sure that the Mets think they are as big a winner as the Yankees. Another paradigm error.

I also still have my MC slide rule. K&E. In case, after the global meltdown, TEOTWAWKI (The End Of The World As We Know It), I have to design a rope bridge and need the load on an Kat--In--Nary curve. ROFL! (I paid big bucks for that slide rule. It lasted better than the equally big bucked Thomas' calc book!)

Yeah, manmade global warming. Akin to the flies on the horse's tail makes it run slower cause of the added weight!

Throw some more. Summer is a slow news month. ;-) So it's always hard to meet my quota of 2 reportable items per day minimum.


# - # - # - # - #  2012-Jun-03 @ 14:26 

JEMAIL: Brooks, Kevin (MC1966) thinks it's with an "E"

from: Brooks, Kevin (MC1966)
to: Distribute_Jasper_Jottings-owner
date: Sun, Jun 3, 2012 at 7:46 PM
subject: Re: [Distribute_Jasper_Jottings] JASPER JOTTINGS Week 23 - 2012 June 03

I'm not sure where the Cardinal got the name from but I believe that the Trappist Monk spelled his name "Merton", not "Murton".

Kevin Brooks '66

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[JR: We're not sure who to hang the dunce cap on. All I know is it weren't me! And, maybe there's another "M (e | u | ?) rton"? LOL!]

# - # - # - # - #  2012-Jun-03 @ 23:24 

JFACEBOOK: Borodkin, Elizabeth [MC2012] Budapest bound — then life sentence to ConEd

Elizabeth Borodkin [MC2012] is in Venezia, Italia.
Caved in and did a gondola ride in Venice!! — with Elizabeth Borodkin.Started Working at Con Edison

June 2012 — GOLD Associate
Engineering Manager-In-Training learning the ropes of the electrical, steam, and gas distribution systems that feed NYC and Westchester. Department Rotations- TBD

Photo: Chain Bridge, Budapest
Elizabeth Borodkin On the plane!! Bye!!!!
Budapest bound — with Elizabeth Borodkin.

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Borodkin, Elizabeth [MC2012]

[JR: Ahh, to be a yute again! Green with envy @ 5AM can can't sleep. Living vicariously. Seems like our fellow new alum is Carpe-ing that old Diem. Good for her. Seems that ConEd is one of those Jasper "motels". Jasper check in, but they don't check out. They retire out. Must have good food?]

# - # - # - # - #  2012-Jun-04 @ 04:56 

JLINKEDIN: Sheehan, William [MC1981] Software Engineer at EXELIS


Sheehan, William [MC????]
Software Engineer at EXELIS
Greater New York City Area
Computer Software


Security Cleared Engineer experienced in improving legacy systems to more advanced platforms, in integration, configuration, embedded software, software development, and test with proven experience in improving products and processes, engineering solutions, delivering on schedule, and being able to support customer and management needs. My management style is to be a mentor, firmly believing that a rising tide raises all. Software developer jack-of-all-trades.

Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Capability Maturity Model (CMM) Level 3 software development.

USC Viterbi Software Safety Course June 2009.


- Software development for real-time and embedded systems.
- Multithreaded applications on fully multitasking operating systems.
- VxWorks, Linux, Unix, MFC Experience.
- Multi-platform development.


Operating Systems: Windows, Linux, Unix, Sun Solaris, VxWorks, HP-UX, VMS.
Programming Languages: TCL, C, Ada, C++, Assembly, HTML.
Technologies: IP, x86, PPC, Emulators, MIL-STD-1553, Workbench, MKS, VSS, Serial links, digital & analog I/O, ITCN CTAC+.

# - # - # - # - #  2012-Jun-03 @ 15:51 

Dear John,

I believe that William is a member of the Class of 1981.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

Sheehan, William [MC1981]

# - # - # - # - #  2012-Jun-07 @ 22:24
Dear John,

I believe that William is a member of the Class of 1981.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

Sheehan, William [MC1981]

# - # - # - # - #  2012-Jun-07 @ 22:24 

ADMINISTRIVIA: Help wanted — Intern / Facebook Researcher

[JR: Maybe I've been going about this the wrong way? Instead of looking for a successor, I should build a a group of volunteers, like McEneney, Mike (MC1953), who each do a fun part of the job. With very limited duties and time commitment, alums would be more likely to take on a small task. Then, with fifty or so volunteers, CICing wouldn't seem like an enormous burden. Comments? ]

Here's the first sub-task.

*** begin quote ***

Intern / Facebook Researcher

Help Wanted
No pay internship
Virtual work location
Estimated 1 hour per day / perhaps 7 days per week
Duration: July 1 to December 31, 2012 


— Interesting challenge in Social Media / Facebook

— Build your personal network while reporting on your fellow Jasper alums

— Explore new avenues of "marketing" on Facebook


* Working virtually, under the supervision of the Collector In Chief (i.e., Publisher, Editor, Writer, Director), you will identify our fellow Jaspers, engage with them, and report news about them.
* Explore new Facebook capabilities (e.g., birthdays), Google search techniques (e.g., "site:linkedin.com), and other inet tools to identify Jaspers.

* Collect, compose, comment on, and submit one Jasper "finding" daily. Can be "front loaded" ahead of time.


* Build skills and confidence under the leadership of a fat old white guy injineer with a lot of dikw (i.e., data, information, knowledge, wisdom) that you can "absorb".

* Gain visibility amoung your fellow Jasper alums that can lead to an extensive network and some modest recognizability.

* Get a reference from a well-connected below alum that can be used personally and professionally.


* Inet access and appropriate platform

* Ability to work self-directed

* Ability to meet deadlines

* Probably only of interest to a Jasper alum

*** end quote ***

[JR: How does that sound? Not too intimidating? Easy to suck someone in? I'm desperate to try anything to make this outlive me! Argh!]

# - # - # - # - #  2012-Jun-04 @ 05:22 


JLINKEDIN: McGowan, Kathleen [MC2002] invites all to a fundraiser; with gambling and booze and young people

McGowan, Kathleen [MC2002]
Volunteer Coordinator and Institutional Advancement Associate at The Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York
Greater New York City Area

*** begin quote ***

The Fourth Annual Junior Board Gala offers young professionals in the New York City community the opportunity to have a great time socializing, networking, and enjoying a night out on the town all while supporting the St. Nicholas Project.

# - # - # - # - #  

Fourth Annual Catholic Charities Junior Board Gala

Thursday, June 7
8pm - Midnight
915 Broadway, near 21st St.
1920s Theme
Festive Attire Encouraged
Benefiting the St. Nicholas Project

CLICK HERE to purchase your tickets.
Tickets: $125 until June 7, $150 at door

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Take a chance on charity...

 Join us June 7, 2012...Guests will be transported back to an age of gangsters, flappers and Prohibition. The night includes casino-like games, raffles, DJ, delicious food, and cocktails (open bar) at our speakeasy party.

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St. Nicholas Project

Thank you all for your support of the St. Nicholas Project!

This past December we provided items of necessity to more than 3,000 individuals in need. That means close to 600 families received coats, hats, gloves, blankets, sweaters and more to keep them warm this winter. Shopping Day, held on Saturday, December 10, 2011, was the most successful event to date! More than 400 volunteers shopped and bagged the clothes and household items at Kmart, Astor Place. Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan joined volunteers, board members, staff, and the Junior Board in shopping…A great day was had by all!

Again, many thanks and REMEMBER…This is a year round project – We continue to accept donations all year long to assist New Yorkers in need!

For more information on how to contribute or to volunteer, please contact:

Kate McGowan
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York
St. Nicholas Project
1011 First Avenue, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10022

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[JR: For those of our fellow alums with more money than they know what to do with, or desiring to give the moths in their purses a little light of day, you can just make a contribution. Credit cards accepted. Remember what the Cardinal said in the commencement; he's seen us doing stuff. Wouldn't want to make the man doubt those words. LOL!]

[JR: Lest I be accused of always pandering for $! Note that this was found on the inet by Google and presented as MC related news. Our fellow alum doesn't know anything. So, if she asks how you heard, give her your best Johnny Carson Carnac impression.]

[JR: I am "I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!" Captain Renault in Casablanca! And, drinking? What would the Cardinal say? And young women of various sizes and ages. Ahhh, to be 40 years younger. Argh!]

[JR: All kidding aside. You get the idea. Help a fellow Jasper out. Make a donation. They ask for 10, but can they clear  10$ charge on a credit card and make any money. Yeah, I know volume.]

# - # - # - # - #  2012-Jun-04 @ 20:37 

JOBIT: Davoren, Thomas F. Jr. [MC???? RIP]


Thomas F. DAVOREN Jr.

DAVOREN, Thomas F. Jr.

Thomas F. Davoren, Jr., age 83, of Niantic, passed away peacefully on Friday, (June 1, 2012) at the Smilow Cancer Center in New Haven, after a courageous battle with lung cancer.

He was the husband and very special friend of Joan C. Davoren, to whom he was married for 58 years. Together they raised five children. He is survived by the love of his life, Joan, to whom he was wed on Feb. 20, 1954. He is also survived by his children and their spouses, Joan and Bernard Dowd of Niantic; Tom and Ann Marie Davoren of the Woodlands, TX; Anne and John O'Gorman of West Hartford; Mary and Ed Kycia of West Hartford; and Bill and Lisa Davoren of Monroe. He also leaves eleven grandchildren, Tim Dowd and his wife Elsbeth, Rob Dowd; Megan (Davoren) Thomas and her husband Alex Thomas; Katie, Mary Anne, Johnny and Tommy O'Gorman; Maggie and Danny Kycia; and Connor and Sammie Rae Davoren. Lastly, he leaves his sisters, Janet Davoren of Elmhurst, Queens, NY, Rosemary Miniati and her husband Pete of Barrington, RI, as well as many nieces and nephews. He was pre-deceased by his sister Maureen Diemer and her husband Ferd.

Tom was born on Sept. 17, 1928 in Elmhurst, Queens, NY. He was the son of Thomas F. Davoren and Jeanette MacLean Davoren. He was a graduate of Bishop Loughlin High School where he set many records for indoor and outdoor track, went on to become the Eastern States High Hurdle record holder for 1946, and was inducted into the Bishop Loughlin Athletic Hall of Fame. He continued on to Manhattan College on a track scholarship, where he also was active in the Marine Corps ROTC program.

After graduating from college, Tom joined the United States Marine Corps. He was stationed at Camp Pendelton, California, where he was a tank instructor during the Korean War. After the war, Tom received an honorable discharge (at the Rank of Captain).

He was hired as an underwriter by Connecticut General Insurance Company in June of 1953. He completed his Master's degree in Business Administration at Trinity College. He worked for 30 years at CG/"little" AETNA.

He then embarked on a successful outplacement career with Lee Hecht Harrison, and retired in 1998.

Tom was a loving spouse, father, brother, grandfather and friend. He was a devoted parishioner and volunteer of St. Mary's Church in Windsor Locks, St. Thomas the Apostle Church and St. Timothy's Church in West Hartford, and St. Agnes/St. Francis Church in Niantic, CT.

He was a proud member of the "Muffin Men." He was a Selectman for the town of Windsor Locks, a member of the Hartford chapter of the Urban League, and volunteered countless hours to multiple charitable endeavors. He also served on the Board of Directors for the New England Whalers. Tom was a life-long member of the Niantic Bay Yacht Club where he served on the Board of Governors. He enjoyed sailing (for racing and pleasure), football, basketball, hockey, tennis, golf, baseball, lacrosse, and sports in general. He loved God, family, friends and his country.

Semper Fi, Tom! Rest in Peace, we love you.

Tom's family would like to thank the staff on the 12th floor at Smilow for their care and compassion. A Special thanks to Dr. Scott Gettinger and Irene Scanlon.

Kindly omit flowers. Donations may be made to Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale-New Haven, 20 York St., New Haven, CT 06510. The funeral procession will assemble from the Thomas L. Neilan & Sons Funeral Home, 48 Grand Street, Niantic on Wednesday, June 6 at 10:15 a.m. and proceed to St. Agnes Church, 10 Haigh Ave., Niantic for a Mass of Christian Burial at 11 a.m. Interment will follow in Union Cemetery, Niantic. Calling hours will be Tuesday, 5-8 p.m. at the Thomas L. Neilan & Sons Funeral Home, 48 Grand Street, Niantic. Online condolences may be expressed at www.neilanfuneralhome.com.

Published in The Hartford Courant on June 4, 2012


Davoren, Thomas F. Jr. [MC???? RIP]

Guestbook: http://www.legacy.com/guestbooks/hartfordcourant/guestbook.aspx?n=thomas-davoren&pid=157929668&cid=full

# - # - # - # - # 2012-Jun-04 @ 20:50

MOBIT: Considine, Noreen Owens (xMCstaff RIP) and wife of James G. (MC1963)

Dear John,

Below is an obituary for Noreen Considine, a long time member of the staff at Manhattan and the wife of Jim Considine,'63. They are long time active St. Barnabas Parishioners and a great couple.

May She Rest In Peace.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated. I can empathize.]

-------- Original Message --------
Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2012 08:25:29 -0400
From: Jim Considine

NOREEN OWENS CONSIDINE, of Woodlawn in the Bronx, New York, passed away peacefully on June 2, 2012. Noreen was born in Manhattan on July 9, 1933 to the late John and Katherine Owens and raised with her brother Peter J. Owens (of Williston Park, NY) and her sister Regina Cerulli (of Clifton Park, NY), her best friends.

She graduated from Saint Simon Stock High School in the Bronx.

Noreen and her loving and devoted husband of 54 years, James G. Considine, raised their family in Saint Barnabas Parish in Woodlawn. She was a devoted mother and friend to Michael (and Maureen) of Stamford, CT; Kathryn (and John McGowan) of Yorktown Heights, NY; Maureen (and John Kelly) of Arlington, MA; and Jim (and Lisa) of San Francisco, CA. She was adored by her loving grandchildren: Kevin, Colleen, Matthew, Catherine and Elizabeth Considine and James, Maeve, and Caelyn McGowan.

Her life was enriched by her faith, family and friends, including those at Manhattan College, where she worked as a library clerk for 40 years.

The family will receive friends at David J. Hodder & Sons Funeral home, 899 McLean Ave, Yonkers NY on Sunday, June 3 from 4-9 pm and Monday, June 4 from 2-4pm and 7-9pm.

Directions: http://www.farengabrosfuneralhome.com/directions-hodder

A Mass of Christian Burial, celebrating Noreen's wonderful life, will be held at Saint Barnabas Church, 409 East 241 Street in the Bronx on Tuesday, June 5 at 10:45am. Interment will follow at Gate of Heaven Cemetery, 10 West Stevens Ave, Hawthorne, NY 10532.

In lieu of flowers, please consider donations to Stamford Hospital and St Jude's Children Hospital.

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Considine, James G. (MC1963)

Considine, Noreen Owens (xMCstaff)

Guestbook: None cited

# - # - # - # - #  2012-Jun-04 @ 21:03 


Erin Cronican commented on JFOUND Cronican, John Jr. [MC1959 RIP]

Submitted on 2012/06/03 at 6:49 pm

Oh, wow. Thank you SO much for including this on your blog. It would be an honor to talk to other alumni who went to school with him and knew him…

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[JR: No, we should thank you for sharing your Dad with us. Puts the man in perspective. If any of his classmates would like to talk to Ms. Erin, Jasper Jottings would be happy to connect the dots. AFTER of course, the CIC determines that your intentions are honorable. I've seen her picture on her website. And, she a TV / Movie star. We do our duty to our fallen. In loca parens?  LOL! So Classmates of '59 speak up.]

# - # - # - # - #  2012-Jun-04 @ 21:18 

JOBIT: Sinclair, Thomas Jr. [MC1982 RIP]


Thomas Sinclair


Thomas Sinclair Jr., age 52, of Fairfield, died of a heart attack Saturday, June 2, 2012, while driving to work.

Tom was born in Brooklyn, NY and grew up in Staten Island where he attended Monsignor Farrell High School. He studied accounting at Manhattan College, was a CPA and ran his own consulting company.

He was an avid sports fan, particularly baseball, and was a coach and past board member of Fairfield American Little League. The happiest days of his life were spent on the little league field and he helped coach two of his teams to District Championships. He was so proud of his children and loved to watch Kevin play baseball and Colleen dance.

Tom was also a past board member of the Rett Syndrome Research Foundation, a not-for-profit organization which funded medical research on Rett Syndrome, a neurological disorder that affects his daughter, Katie.

Tom was married to Jeanne Morrison Sinclair for 24 years and had 3 children, Katie 18 a senior at Fairfield Ludlowe High School, Kevin, a senior at Fairfield Prep, and Colleen, a freshman at Fairfield Warde High School.

Tom also leaves behind his mother, Peggy Sinclair, sister, Debbie Sinclair Cummings, brother-in-law, Tim Cummings of Staten Island, NY and so many friends from every part of his life. He was predeceased by his father, Thomas Sinclair Sr.

Friends are invited to attend the funeral on Thursday, June 7, 2012 at 10:00 AM DIRECTLY in St. Pius X Church, 834 Brookside Dr., Fairfield with a Mass of the Christian Burial. Interment will be private at the convenience of the family. Friends may call on Wednesday from 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM in the Parente-Lauro Funeral Home, 559 Washington Ave., Bridgeport.

The family has requested no flowers. www.parentelauro.com

Published in Connecticut Post on June 5, 2012


Sinclair, Thomas Jr. [MC???? RIP]

Guestbook: http://www.legacy.com/guestbook/ctpost/guestbook.aspx?n=thomas-sinclair&pid=157938993&cid=full

# - # - # - # - # 2012-Jun-05 @ 07:19

Dear John,

I believe that Thomas is a member of the Class of 1982.

May He Rest In Peace.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

Sinclair, Thomas Jr. [MC1982 RIP]

# - # - # - # - #  2012-Jun-07 @ 22:35 


JTWITTER: RT Athanasidy, Patrice Liquori (MC1988)

Diving Into Summer http://peekskill.patch.com/articles/divin …


# - # - # - # - #  2012-Jun-05 @ 07:31 

JNEWS: Enea, Anthony J. (MC1981) NYS Bar Association Elder Law Section Chair


New York State Bar Association Announces New Section Chairs

*** begin quote ***

ALBANY, NY (06/04/2012)(readMedia)-- Fifteen new section chairs of the New York State Bar Association took office on June 1.

The 25 sections of the State Bar publish material dealing with their fields of expertise, much of which is not available through commercial publishers. Sections also sponsor conferences, seminars and institutes, monitor legislation and conduct studies. Each of the sections contributes to policy-making, both in subject areas and Association-wide.

The new section chairs are:

{Extraneous Deleted}

Anthony J. Enea of White Plains (Enea, Scanlan & Sirignano), chair of the 2,735-member Elder Law Section. A graduate of Manhattan College and Pace University School of Law, Enea concentrates his practice in elder law and trusts and estates.

*** end quote ***

Enea, Anthony J. (MC1981)


[JR: Let the lawyer jokes begin. Almost as funny as blond jokes. Oh, wait! Congrats!!! Now the jokes, please.]

# - # - # - # - #  2012-Jun-05 @ 09:16 

JOBIT: Brennan, William A. Sr. [MC1950 RIP]


William A. Brennan Sr. of Attleboro, veteran, at 86
By Herald staff
Monday, June 4, 2012 - Updated 2 days ago

William A. Brennan Sr. of Attleboro, a veteran and retired Raytheon Corp. employee, died Thursday at his home.

He was 86.

Born and raised in Providence, Mr. Brennan raised his family in Norwood before moving to Brewster 15 years ago. He moved to Attleboro in 2004.

Mr. Brennan graduated from LaSalle Academy and later graduated from Manhattan College and Northeastern University with a master’s degree in electrical engineering.

He served in the Navy from 1944 to 1946 and received a Bronze Star.

Mr. Brennan was the microwave and power tube division manager for Raytheon Corp. for 32 years. He retired in 1988.

He was a communicant and choir member of St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church. He enjoyed gardening, woodworking and singing.

Mr. Brennan is survived by his wife of 60 years, Alice Marion (Lindberg); five daughters, Patricia A. Brennan of Billerica, Barbara F. Driscoll of North Attleboro, Lorraine M. Brennan of London, England, Maureen E. Hughes of North Easton and Susan I. Brennan of New York; a son, William A. Jr. of Cumberland, Maine; a brother, James of Cumberland, R.I.; eight grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews.

A funeral Mass will be celebrated at 11 a.m. Wednesday at St. John the Evangelist Church, Attleboro.

Burial will be private.

Arrangements by Dyer-Lake Funeral Home, North Attleboro.

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BRENNAN, William A., Sr. On May 31, 2011 at the age of 86.

Husband of Alice Marion (Lindberg) Brennan. Father of Patricia A. Brennan of Billerica; Dr. William A. Brennan, Jr. of Cumberland, ME; Barbara F. Driscoll of North Attleboro; Lorraine M. Brennan of London, England; Maureen E. Hughes of North Easton and Susan I. Brennan in New York; 8 grandchildren; a brother: James Brennan of Cumberland, RI and the late Marguerite Hackett, Kathleen Brennan and Joseph Brennan. He also leaves several nieces, nephews and extended family members.

Residence: Attleboro; formerly of Brewster and Norwood.

Relatives and friends are cordially invited to attend visitation with Veteran's Honors on Tuesday from 5:00-8:00 PM in the "Memorial Chapel" of the Dyer-Lake Funeral Home - the national historic Colonel Obed Robinson Home, 161 Commonwealth Avenue, Village of Attleboro Falls, North Attleboro. Funeral on Wednesday at 9:45 AM from the "Memorial Chapel" of the Dyer-Lake Funeral followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 11:00 AM at St. John the Evangelist Church, 133 North Main Street - Route 152, Attleboro with the Rev. Richard Roy, Pastor, officiating. Bagpiper and military honors will be bestowed in front of the church at the conclusion of services. Inurnment will be private at the Massachusetts National Cemetery Columbarium, Bourne. An invitation will be extended to join the family for a time of continued fellowship and refreshments at a location to be announced. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Dyer-Lake Charitable Foundation, Inc., 161 Commonwealth Avenue, North Attleboro, MA 02760 to benefit the Parkinson's Association.

Dyer-Lake Funeral Home North Attleboro, MA (508) 695-0200 www.dyer-lakefuneralhome.com

Published in The Boston Globe from June 3 to June 4, 2012


Brennan, William A. Sr. [MC???? RIP]

Guestbook: http://www.legacy.com/guestbook/bostonglobe/guestbook.aspx?n=william-brennan&pid=157892597&cid=full

# - # - # - # - # 2012-Jun-05 @ 11:20

Dear John,

I believe that William is a member of the Class of 1950

May He Rest In Peace.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

Brennan, William A. Sr. [MC1950 RIP]

# - # - # - # - #  2012-Jun-07 @ 22:31 

MEMAIL: Veliz, Tierney [MC2011] update; she's not doing so good. Prayers requested

Here is the article John, glad we got some local press, never hurts.

The news or update I have on Tierney has not been good of late, many bed sores which are very dangerous for a girl who weighs maybe 90 pounds at most. The risk of infection is also high, so keep her in your prayers.

When she gets little stronger she should be focusing on her application and process for her dog, but the main concern at the moment is to get her through this tough period.

The family is also trying to work with a nutritionist to help her get better.

{Privacy Invoked}

Hope you are well and thanks again,


# - # - # - # - #  2012-Jun-05 @ 13:29 

JOBIT: McLaughlin, John "Jack" [MC1957 RIP]


John "Jack" McLaughlin

AGE: 80 • South River

John "Jack" McLaughlin, age 80, of South River passed away Tuesday, June 5, 2012 at his home with his wife and family at his side. Born in New York City, he has resided in South River for the past 24 years. Jack was a graduate of Manhattan College with a BA in Political Science. Before his retirement in 1998 he was employed by Sears Department Store in New Brunswick as a salesman for 12 years. Prior to that he was employed by ATT New York Telephone as a communicant consultant and account executive. Mr. McLaughlin was a U.S. Army veteran of the Korean War, had served with the New York National Guard Security Battalion, the BPOE Elks in East Brunswick and a member of American Legion Post 1000.

Surviving are his wife of 24 years, Phyllis Manno Esposito McLaughlin; his children and their spouses, Debra & James Adkins, Susan Monroe, Donna & Timothy Russell, Karen & Timothy Decker, Sharon & Frank Mirabello, Cynthia Kelly and Linda Matero; his stepchildren and their spouses, Tammy Esposito-McCloskey, Anthony & Kathy Esposito, Linda England, and Joseph Esposito; his sister, Marilyn Kennedy and her husband William; his former wife, Barbara Zahn; 34 grandchildren, 22 great grandchildren, 3 nieces, 1 nephew and Sharon Montgomery and Sandy Scarchilli.

Funeral services will be held Friday, 11am at the Maliszewski Funeral Home, 218 Whitehead Avenue, South River with entombment to follow at Holy Cross Burial Park Mausoleum, South Brunswick N.J. Calling hours at the funeral home will be held Thursday from 6pm to 9pm. Letters of condolence may be sent to the family at www.maliszewskifuneralhome.com

Published in Home News Tribune from June 6 to June 7, 2012


McLaughlin, John "Jack" [MC???? RIP]

Guestbook: http://www.legacy.com/guestbook/mycentraljersey/guestbook.aspx?n=john-mclaughlin&pid=157944348&cid=full

# - # - # - # - # 2012-Jun-07 @ 07:21


Jack graduated from Cardinal Hayes High School in 1949 and came to Manhattan. He started with the Class of 1953 but went into the Army before he completed his degree requirements. He completed them upon his return and was awarded his Degree in 1957,

May He Rest In Peace.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated. Sorry you've lost a classmate.]

McLaughlin, John "Jack" [MC1957 RIP]

# - # - # - # - #  2012-Jun-07 @ 22:10  

date: Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 1:30 PM

Dear John,

I received a call from "Jack" McLaughlin's family this morning telling me that Jack had passed away on June 4th. Jack and I were classmates at St. Barnabas Elementary School. He went on the Cardinal Hayes High School graduating in 1949 and started Manhattan with us (Class of 1953). He went into the Army before completing his degree requirements but completed them when he returned in 1957.

I do not have an obituary, but I know that he will be Waked at Maliszewski's Funeral Home on Thursday June 7th, from 6 to 9 PM. The Funeral service will held at the Funeral Home at 11 AM on Friday, June 8th. The Funeral Home is located at: 218 Whitehead Avenue, South River, New Jersey 08882.

May He Rest In Peace,


[JR: Fell behind on the email. I'm a lousy clerk.  ]

# - # - # - # - #  2012-Jun-07 @ 22:17 


JUPDATE: McMahon, Patrick Edward "Pat" [MC1959 RIP]


Patrick Edward "Pat" McMahon

Pat McMahon of Lakeway, TX and Chaska, MN passed away May 26, 2012 after a hard fought battle with both Alzheimer's and pancreatic cancer.


McMahon, Patrick Edward "Pat" [MC???? RIP]

Guestbook: http://www.legacy.com/guestbook/startribune/guestbook.aspx?n=patrick-mcmahon&pid=157843281&cid=full

# - # - # - # - # 2012-May-30 @ 06:18

Dear John,

I believe that Patrick is a member of the Class of 1959.

May He Rest In Peace.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

McMahon, Patrick Edward "Pat" [MC1959 RIP]

# - # - # - # - # 2012-Jun-07 @ 22:20

My Alumni Directory points out that Patrick E. McMahon was of the Class of 1959.

May he rest in peace.

Warren Schlickenrieder '42

[JR: Thanks, Warren. Much appreciated.]

# - # - # - # - #  2012-Jun-09 @ 22:23 

[JR: Mike, careful! Warren is after your desk! LOL!]

# - # - # - # - #  2012-Jun-09 @ 22:24 


JOBIT: Bazuro, Bryan Kenton [MC2005 RIP]

Dear John,

FYI. I do not have an obit.

May He Rest In Peace.


# - # - # 

Phil and all,

Sadly, the alumnus we’ve been praying for, Bryan Bazuro ’05 passed away last night around 5:20 p.m. with his family and friends by his side. Bryan succumbed to injuries sustained from the motorcycle accident he was involved in on Tuesday.

I know his family and friends are appreciative of the College community’s thoughts and prayers. Bryan was so proud to be a Jasper.

May he rest in peace.

Thomas A. McCarthy '06

# - # - # - # - #  


Bryan Kenton BAZURO

BAZURO - Bryan Kenton, on June 3, 2012. Beloved son of Janet and Ralph Kenton Bazuro. Loving brother of Rob (Kirsten) and John (Sommer). Devoted nephew of Rick and Wendy Altieri. Much loved uncle of Andrew, Jocelyn and Gavin. Friends may call Wednesday 2-5 & 7-9:30 pm at Thomas F. Dalton Funeral Home, 29 Atlantic Avenue, Floral Park, NY. Funeral Mass Thursday 9:45 am at St. Hedwies RC Church. Interment St. Charles Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, please make donations to St, Edward Confessor Parish Ministry, 205 Jackson Avenue, Syosset, NY 11791, Attention: Susan Taulor, Director.

Published in Newsday on June 5, 2012


Bazuro, Bryan Kenton [MC2005 RIP]

Guestbook: http://www.legacy.com/guestbook/newsday/guestbook.aspx?n=bryan-bazuro&pid=157939731&cid=full

# - # - # - # - # 2012-Jun-07 @ 22:39

MNEWS: Krystal Diaz wins scholarship on her way to MC


St. Raymond grad Krystal Diaz wins scholarship to Manhattan College with help from Student Sponsor Partners program
Bronx girl and banker mentor inspire each other
By Corinne Lestch / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Wednesday, June 6, 2012, 6:00 AM

*** begin quote ***

If Krystal Diaz hadn’t met someone who would steer her through high school, she may never have made it to college.

The bubbly teenager with bouncy black curls moved to the Bronx from the Dominican Republic when she was 2 years old, and grew up in a Spanish-speaking household with her parents and younger sister.

“I just thought, if anything, I could just be like my mom and stay at home,” said Diaz, 17, and a graduate of St. Raymond Academy for Girls. “When I was in eighth grade, it was okay, but after a while I said, ‘What was I thinking?’”

Diaz will attend Manhattan College in the fall on a scholarship, and she received extra money from St. Raymond for having perfect attendance all four years.

The turning point came after she met her mentor, Maggie Howell, who works in private wealth management for Morgan Stanley, through the program Student Sponsor Partners.

SSP pairs with 28 parochial schools across the city - 11 of them in the Bronx - to get low-income students to enroll after they finish public middle school. The program subsidizes the tuition.

*** end quote ***

[JR: Wow! What a heartwarming story. I home MC makes an extra effort to make this a happy ending. They can't do the work, but maybe they can steer through "the rapids" of college life. The BC alum impresses me. (And, no, not cause she's good looking in the pic on the NYDN site.)  ]

[JR: That ensure that all the old Jaspers will be clicking through. That's why I make those comments. I can see the traffic hopping over. Whenever pretty girls are mentioned. I should link to a picture to the wicked witch next 01APR! LOL!  ]

# - # - # - # - #  2012-Jun-08 @ 20:30 


JNEWS: Yu, Michelle [MC2001] with a powerful quote


SNY Play Ball grant presented by Citibank
June 8, 2012
Legacy and Tomorrow meet at latest SNY Play Ball Grant Ceremony
Stacy Podelski
New York Mets Examiner

*** begin quote ***

Yu, who has served as an SNY anchor and motivational speaker during the Citi Field Kids program, was on hand to share her experiences with the 6-12 year olds, who are continuing in a fine tradition of trailblazers.

“It is wonderful to see that these girls are out here, it is a tribute to them. It already show me that they are young that they are trying to do better and trying to utilize the opportunities that they are being given,” Yu said. “When I was a kid I was given a similar opportunity, I didn’t play softball-but I did manage to learn how to play tennis.”

Michelle continued to say about her playing career, “I was able to play collegiately (at Manhattan College) and was able to do that from a free community tennis program with the New York City Parks Foundation. It is a sport that still lives on with me, and that is why I think it is really important for little girls to get involved with sports, because it can be something that they can have with them for a lifetime.”

Two traits that can be learned on the field are determination and mental toughness, which are vital characteristics in a world that can sometimes be filled with negativity.

“I feel that in life you are going to have a lot of uphill battles and if one person tells you that you can’t do something you need to tell them to ‘Shut the front door’ because you are capable of doing anything you put your mind too,” Yu told Examiner.com as her message for those going after their dreams. “As long as you work hard and are determined you will persevere.”

*** end quote ***

Yu, Michelle [MC2001]
[JR: Great Brother Jasper's ghost! We have some impressive and smart fellow alums. I'm humbled. And, I already had some much to be humble about.]

# - # - # - # - #  2012-Jun-08 @ 20:55 

JEMAIL: Colon, Phil (MC1962) echos Delaney, Tom [MC????] email about Sinclair, Thomas Jr. [MC1982 RIP]

from: McEneney, Mike (MC1953)
to: Jasperfjohn68
date: Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 8:08 PM
subject: Tom Sinclair,'82

Dear John,



# - # - #  

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Prayer Request
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2012 22:51:41 -0400 (EDT)
From: Colon, Phil (MC1962)
Good Evening All,

Tom Delaney heard today of the death of fellow Jasper, Tom Sinclair ' 82. Tom died of a heart attack on Saturday, June 2nd. Unfortunately we did not have the information soon enough to to get the word out in time. Tom was Waked on Wednesday and the Mass for Christian Burial was held today, Thursday, June 7th. Please keep Tom Sinclair and his family in your prayers. Thank you Tom for getting the information to me. God Bless.

Phil Colon

# - # - # - # - #   

Colon, Phil (MC1962)

Delaney, Tom [MC????]

Sinclair, Thomas Jr. [MC1982 RIP]


[JR: I really feel bad. I had this sad news on the 5th. Argh! What can I do to get the scoop to the people who want it. It echoes on Facebook and Twitter automagically. I have no idea what to do! ]

# - # - # - # - #  2012-Jun-08 @ 21:44  

MNEWS: Old news about "Jaspers" who may have graduated

[JR: This popped this morning as "new". It's from 2008. Didn't find that out until after I'd invested time in it. So figured I'd share it. Waste some of your time too. Maybe I should have a category called JNOLD — "jasper news old". I thought it was interesting that's really why I passed it along.]


*** begin quote ***

American Council Of Engineering Companies Of New York Awards …
* Sean McCarthy, Manhattan College, Riverdale, N.Y. McCarthy knew he wanted to become an engineer She is vice president for Students United for America and is a member of the Mentorship Board of the volunteering for the autistic and the mentally retarded at the Hebrew Academy of Special Children. …

*** end quote ***


AMA Consulting Engineers, P.C. Scholarship - $2,500 * Sean McCarthy, Manhattan College, Riverdale, N.Y. McCarthy knew he wanted to become an engineer from childhood but it wasn't until his experiences at Manhattan College that his interest leaned towards Mechanical Engineering. McCarthy is a member of Pi Tau Sigma, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and recently was selected by his college to visit New Orleans to assist the victims of Hurricane Katrina.


* Christina Cercone, Manhattan College, Riverdale, N.Y. Cercone is perusing a civil engineering degree and believes New York City the most challenging and dynamic place to follow an engineering career path. She is a member of Tau Beta Pi, Chi Epsilon, The American Society of Civil Engineers and The Society of Women Engineers.

# - # - # - # - #  

McCarthy, Sean [????]

Cercone, Christina [????]

# - # - # - # - #  2012-Jun-09 @ 07:29 

JNEWS: Smith, James D. [MC????] FDNY medal for saving two lives


Police & Fire
FDNY Firefighter From Port Chester Honored For Bravery
He rescued woman, child in Manhattan apartment building fire.
By William Demarest
June 8, 2012

*** begin quote ***

New York City firefighter James D. Smith has been honored by the FDNY for saving the lives of a woman and a child in a 2011 fire in Manhattan.

*** and ***

Smith was honored for an incident on March 12, when fire broke out on the second floor of a fully-occupied five-story tenament building. Using his training and experience, Smith was able to locate two fire victims.

He discovered a large, unconscious woman, lying on the floor of an apartment. When he rolled the woman over, he discovering an unconscious child trapped beneath her. He issued calls for assistance, with firefighter Christopher Campuzano, Squad, 41, quickly arriving.

With the help of firefighter James Lowe, Rescue 3, Smith carried the child out of the apartment and down the stairs. Recognizing that the victim was in cardiac arrest, he continually administered CPR until the child was resuscitated. He then turned her over to EMS personnel, who were standing by in the street.

Smith turned his attention to the elder victim, assisting in CPR prior to her transport by EMS. Both victims survived their ordeal.

He was awared the Chief Wesley Williams Medal.

Previously, Smith was assigned to Engine 69 and Ladder 28. He is a member of the Emerald and Holy Name Societies and studied Education at Manhattan College.

Smith's father, Jim, who lives in Rye Brook, said he [JR: sic "his"?] son did not accept the medal for himself, but for his entire squad.

*** end quote ***

Smith, James D. [MC????]

[JR: WOW! Don't we have great fellow Alums?]

# - # - # - # - #  2012-Jun-09 @ 09:55 

ENDNOTE: Will the "values" vote?


This came in from a Jasper.

I think.

I'm a lousy clerk. It came in from an email account I think has a Jasper on the other side of the glass.

"A great ad by the Roman Catholic Church."

I asked for a confirmation.

But, regardless of authorship, it makes an excellent point.

Will "catholics" rally to defend the First Amendment?

I'm no saint. I'm sure of that!

I'm no patriot. I hope that, like brave men and women in history — Franz Jägerstätter comes to mine — I can stand tall when needed?

I'm not even a good "activist". If I was, I'd be with the libertarian patriots in Keene NH working to create a "tipping point" in one small state.

Regardless of how "pure" a "catholic" you are or you think you are, this is going to be big "tipping point" imho!

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