Loong, Paul [MC1958] is a story within a story "Every Day Is a
To Filmmaker, 88-Year-Old WWII POW Is Still 'Daddy'
By Mark Pattison
Source: AmericanCatholic.org
Published: Wednesday, May 16, 2012
*** begin quote ***
WASHINGTON (CNS) —Paul Loong was determined to survive the POW
camps where he was held by the Japanese for three years. While
imprisoned, Loong kept a journal that had a chance of surviving
him if he never made it out alive.
But Loong did. And he made his way to the United States, got
married and had a daughter, Theresa, who accidentally stumbled
upon her father's journal. She eventually picked up a video camera
and started asking him questions about what he had written when he
was in captivity.
The result is an hourlong documentary, "Every Day Is a Holiday,"
which airs in May and June on public television stations. (Check
local listings for dates and times.)
"It's been a process. It took over 10 years. I can hear my dad
laughing," Theresa Loong said May 7 on a conference call with
Catholic News Service. Theresa was speaking from her home in New
York City; her father was talking, and sometimes laughing, from
his home in the New Jersey suburbs of New York.
Despite the distance created by the camera, Theresa still calls
her 88-year-old father "Daddy," both in the interview and in the
Paul Loong is ethnically Chinese, but was born in Malaysia—the
Dutch colony of Malaya during his upbringing. Despite not being
Catholic, he attended a school run by the Christian Brothers—"the
same ones who run Manhattan College" in New York, where he later
got a college degree, he noted -- which had a polyglot student
body of different ethnicities and religions.
*** end quote ***
Amazing tale just to get to the point where he becomes a Jasper.
And, then goes on to great things from there.
How many of our fellow alums have "inspiring secrets"?
Every time I find one of these, I'm speechless.
# - # - # - # - #
Loong, Paul [MC????]
# - # - # - # - #
Dear John,
I find a Paul Y Loong in the Class of 1958.
McEneney, Mike (MC1953)
[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]
Loong, Paul Y. [MC1958]
# - # - # - # - #
JHQ: Cardinal
Timothy Michael Dolan Commencement Speech May 20, 2012
[JR: Link has a video]
Cardinal Timothy Michael Dolan Commencement Speech May 20, 2012
Thank you everybody. This is the day the Lord has made, so let us
rejoice and be glad in it. You recognize that ancient biblical
anthem of praise, don’t you? Which, Holy Mother Church so often
repeats during this beautiful Easter season? And it’s sure mine
this magnificent May afternoon of Commencement here at Manhattan
College when I proudly become a Jasper. So, Dr. O’Donnell, Brother
Malloy, now Dr. Thomas O’Malley and distinguished board, our
wonderful faculty and administration, esteemed Brothers of the
Christian Schools, consecrated women and men religious, my new
classmates; the celebrated class of 2012, and dear parents and
families. This is the day the Lord has made, so what do you say we
rejoice and be glad in the achievements and now the daring plans
and dreams of our beloved graduates. Let us rejoice and be glad in
the sterling legacy and the present vitality of this wonderful
Manhattan College. Let us rejoice and be glad in the providential
love and care of Almighty God whose wisdom and truth is so
obvious. On a day like this, on a radiant Catholic campus like
this, in the joy and gratitude of our beloved graduates, I sure
rejoice and am glad in an honorary degree from a college that I
admire very, very much; the degree that you just presented to me.
Especially since I just last year finished paying off the tuition
for the real one I earned 30 years ago. And now I know for sure
that I am a Jasper, I am an alumnus for sure, and I realized that
when Dr. O’Donnell presented me not only with the scroll but with
a pledge card for this year’s alumni campaign.
Just a couple hours ago our graduates and their families and
guests united for an event, an event even more significant and
sublime than this Commencement exercise; loyal to the Catholic
Lasallian identity mission of Manhattan College. You offered the
supreme act of thanksgiving, the holy sacrifice of the Mass at
your baccalaureate. On this Lord’s Day, our Sabbath, the seventh
Sunday of Easter. And at that Eucharist, graduates, you heard from
St. John’s letter. Listen again to just a line, “If God so loved
us, we must also love one another. God is love and whoever remains
in love, remains in God.”
Can I just spend a couple of minutes speaking about love? Love of
God and love for others. After all, love is our origin, love is
our goal. We call colleges universities because their purpose is
to draw us out of ourselves toward love of God’s creation and love
of God’s creatures. We call the education so brilliantly given
here a liberal arts education. Liberal, we’re using the word
liberal not as the antonym for conservative, but to indicate that
the aim of a liberal arts education is to broaden our perspective,
to widen our view, to free us up for love of God and love of
others. So here I trust graduates you have learned to love. Yes,
you’ve learned to love friends, learning itself, New York City,
life itself, your field of study. But also I trust you’ve learned
to love even better, God and other people. Because as St. Paul
wrote, “In the end, all that matters is faith, hope and love. And
the greatest of these is love.” If as historians claim, the
enlightenment began when we human beings discovered that the earth
is not at the center of the universe. Well, I contend on this
Commencement day that maturity, maturity begins when I discovered
that neither am I the center of the universe. Love teaches us
that. And I trust that Manhattan College has given you all a major
in the field of love.
I speak of a love this afternoon that displays itself in selfless
sacrificial service of God and His people. That’s the love of
Jesus. That’s the love of St. John De La Salle.
That’s the love that former British Prime Minister Tony Blair
described just last week at a graduate ceremony just like this
one. He said, “The essence of our faith is that there is something
bigger and more important than you. That you are not the only
thing that matters. That there is something bigger and more
transcendent.” I learned that in a rather dramatic way last
February 23 as the citation graciously recalled. That’s the day
Pope Benedict XVI gave me that red hat over there., alright? That
was a big day for me and I was kind of feeling in the center of
the universe to meet the Pope and to have him put that hat on my
head, to be at a reception in the center of attention with
thousand of families and friends. And that evening, in the Vatican
Palace itself, to have the Sistine Chapel at my disposal for a
half hour with my guests. Can you imagine walking in with all my
new Cardinal robes, alright? Into that Sistine Chapel that was all
mine with a couple hundred of family and friends. And as I walked
through the door, the flash bulbs went off. People began to
applaud. Here I am in my cape and my new Cardinal’s hat and I am
walking up the Sistine Chapel greeting people, feeling the center
of the universe, until I look up and what do I see before me but
Michelangelo’s depiction of the Last Judgment. And you don’t think
that put it all into perspective. As much as I cherish the
honorary degree that you just so graciously gave me, as much as
you should certainly be proud of yours
that you receive in a little while; at the cosmic final exam,
Jesus is not going to ask us about our college degree, he’s not
going to care about a stock portfolio, a U.S. passport or resume,
he’s certainly not going to ask about a Cardinal’s red hat. All
he’s going to do is ask us about what I saw depicted in the
Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo. All he’s going to ask us about are
the questions that he gave us in the 25th chapter of St. Matthew’s
Gospel. If we’ve fed the hungry, if we’ve helped heal the sick, if
we’ve clothed the naked and welcomed the stranger, and if we’ve
visited the imprisoned and educated those unlearned. In other
words, if selfless sacrificial love has been all our hallmark.
Love of God and love of neighbor.
Manhattan College rightly boasts that New York is its classroom.
And maybe, class of 2012, in your four years here, you’ve gotten
to know a bit about two real giants of New York when it comes to
love. A man named Thomas Murton and a woman named Dorothy Day.
Thomas Murton has been described as America’s St. Augustine. His
life of searching and, yes, sin led him while a professor at
Columbia University up what he called the seven stories. The seven
steps of Corpus Christie Church on West 121st Avenue to embrace
Jesus Christ in his church and eventually into the Trappist
Monastery of Gethsemane where his poetry, his writings and his
retreat conferences, spoke to the soul of a petrified nation,
tempted to paranoia and materialism after the Second World War,
reminding us that only in God is our soul at rest, defining God as
the hidden ground of love. And Dorothy Day saw the Manhattan of
the Depression. Not Wall Street and Broadway, but hungry homeless,
desperate sick poor people, and embraced them all in tender
selfless sacrificial love as she founded the Catholic Worker
movement. Dorothy Day spoke of a harsh and dreadful love and
echoed St. Paul in realizing that the final word is love.
Now, my new classmates, class of 2012, I realize that Commencement
addresses are supposed to verge on the hyperbolic, I know that,
but I mean it, new classmates, when I tell you that I believe that
I am now looking out with love and admiration upon today’s Thomas
Murton’s and Dorothy Day’s. Because you know what, as Archbishop
of New York, I meet alumni of Manhattan College helping in our
soup kitchens and homeless shelters. I see them teaching in our
inner city Catholic schools, I see them wheeling kids with cancer
to their next MRIs or blood tests. I see them soothing the face of
the dying at Calvary Hospital. I see them as policemen and women
walking the beat as a dedicated cop or advising a client on a
morally upright way to invest his or her money. I see them as
engineers helping us repair St. Patrick’s. I’ve seen the data
folks. Manhattan College teaches love.
Jesus Christ, St. John, St. Paul, St. John de La Salle, Thomas
Murton, Dorothy Day, in conclusion can I add to that distinguished
list of those who love and I add the names of the parents of the
class of 2012. Because from the day you new alumni, you class of
2012 were born, your mom and dad no longer had themselves as the
center of their lives, they had you. They taught you the selfless
sacrificial love that has not only gotten you to college
graduation but one day by God’s mercy will get you into heaven.
So mom and dad, we all love you very much, class of 2012 we love
you very much and I’m proud to be numbered among you. Manhattan
College, I love you very much. And now let’s love God and our
neighbor, Thank you very much.
# - # - # - # - #
[JR: Still wish I had it LAST week.]
# - # - # - # - # 2012-May-27 @ 08:02
JEMAIL: Delaney,
Gerard M. (MC1975) did another ante-bellum college too
from: Delaney, Gerard M. (MC1975)
to: John Reinke
date: Sat, May 26, 2012 at 11:17 PM
subject: Ante-bellum colleges
Manhattan College is one of only 182 colleges founded in the
United States before the Civil War
As is Spring Hill College, the "Jesuit College of the South"
(founded 1830), from whence I received a Master of Theological
Studies in 1994.
Gerard M. Delaney '75
# - # - #
[JR: I just wonder how many will survive the consolidation down to
100 that is predicted.]
# - # - # - # - # 2012-May-27 @ 08:18
JNEWS: Leon, Jean
[MC????] in his own green junk removal and recycling business
Junk King Goes From Health Care to Healthy Communities
Posted on May 22, 2012 at 12:14 pm
*** begin quote ***
HUDSON VALLEY, N.Y.—When Jean Leon grew up in a Manhattan, New
York he never dreamed that one day he’d be in the green junk
removal and recycling business. His mother didn’t want anything to
go to waste, so she was a bit of a “saver.” The more his mother
saved, the less room the apartment had for young Jean and his four
sisters. Sometimes his mother’s habits led to discussions about
organization and cleaning. Maybe he should have thanked her for
the inspiration.
Jean Leon has recently opened a Junk King franchise that covers
Rockland and Westchester Counties. For a man with a degree in
Organizational Management from Manhattan College, green junk
removal and recycling makes sense. But Jean Leon also spent 13
years as a Radiation Therapist, treating cancer patients. While
unable to make cancer magically disappear in a few minutes, the
idea of making junk disappear quickly is appealing. He spent a
whole year deciding what industry might fit his skills and
interests. Junk, perhaps because of his childhood experiences at
home, jumped to the top of the list.
Junk King prides itself on recycling or donating up to 60 percent
of the materials it collects. They haul anything from appliances
and construction waste to electronics and rubbish. The Hudson
Valley franchise of Junk King gives residents of the community an
opportunity to clean up homes and job sites without the worry of
adding recyclables to the landfills. Only hazardous materials are
prohibited for collection.
*** and ***
Junk King Hudson Valley is located at 56 Fairmont Avenue,
Haverstraw, NY 10927. It is a family-run business. Jean Leon knows
green and clean will appeal to the community at large.
*** end quote ***
Leon, Jean [MC????]
# - # - # - # - #
Dear John,
I do not find anything in my "stuff" for Jean.
McEneney, Mike (MC1953)
[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]
# - # - # - # - # 2012-May-26 @ 14:38
Kellyann [MC1990] 6/1 National Running Day
National Running Day
May 24, 2012
Let National Running Day inspire you and your kids to get active
Kellyann Galimi
Westchester County Motherhood Examiner
*** begin quote ***
June 1st is National Running Day across the United States.
Runners of all abilities will put on their running shoes and get
moving to celebrate the overall benefits of incorporating running
into your lifestyle. Especially when the sun is shining and
the breezes are warm, runners often feel invigorated and motivated
to go a little extra each run. Many runners talk about the
natural high they feel during and after a run. Running is
becoming more and more popular in urban, rural and suburban
communities as a preferred form of exercise for people of all
ages. Not requiring a gym membership, running is a very
inexpensive way to keep fit.
*** end quote ***
[JR: EXAMINER has implemented feeds. RSS is the way to keep track
of postings without visiting sites to check. Bloggers have had
this for years. So while the EXAMINER is not technically a BLOG,
it's now got the same tool. If you don't understand the nuance, it
means that when our fellow Jasper has something released, I'll see
it automagically. If "newsworthy", I'll echo a quote from it here
as "fair use". Her classmates and those interested int he topic
may wish to put the link in their "reader". ]
# - # - # - # - # 2012-May-27 @ 09:29
Catcher-designated hitter Brendan Slattery on the Pittsfield Suns
Strength up the middle
By Howard Herman, Berkshire Eagle Staff
Posted: 05/27/2012 01:35:00 AM EDT
Updated: 05/27/2012 01:35:10 AM EDT
Sunday May 27, 2012
*** begin quote ***
PITTSFIELD -- Baseball managers will say that for a team to be
successful, it should be strong up the middle.
Pittsfield Suns manager Jamie Keefe can't say for sure that his team
will be strong from catcher to center field until he sees the 2012
Suns on the field. But based on early scouting reports, Keefe is
pretty confident the Suns will be good.
*** and ***
The Suns players officially arrive in town on June 4. Keefe said
there will be workouts on June 5 and 6, and the team will jump right
into the proverbial deep end of the pool on June 7, when the Nashua
Silver Knights arrive at Wahconah Park to begin the Suns' inaugural
baseball season.
One member of the Suns roster is still trying to get here late.
Catcher-designated hitter Brendan Slattery is still swinging the bat
for Manhattan College and is playing not far from here. Manhattan
was playing in the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference tournament,
which is being held at Joe Bruno Stadium in Troy, N.Y.
Slattery went 2 for 4 with a two-run home run in Manhattan's 6-4
upset loss to Rider in the tournament's first round. The top-seeded
Jaspers came back to beat Fairfield 1-0 in a loser's bracket game.
Slattery was 1 for 3 in that game.
*** end quote ***
[JR: Hope some alums can get out and support a future alum.]
# - # - # - # - # 2012-May-27 @ 09:34
JEMAIL: O'Connell,
Bill (MC1976) there was no debate
RE: Bob Insull
Bob points out, that Georgetown says, "Smart policy is driven by
informed debate and critical thinking about complex issues that
often cross disciplinary, political, and geographic boundaries."
That’s fine, but there was no debate. There was no rebuttal.
Sebelius was given the microphone to advance her anti-Catholic
position unopposed. That is what rankles us about Georgetown’s
Bill O’Connell, ‘76
# - # - # - # - #
Insull, Bob (MC1963)
O'Connell, Bill (MC1976)
[JR: What got my goat is that they "honored" her. One thing to
hear her speak; another to give her an honorary degree. Sorry!
That's over the line imho.]
# - # - # - # - # 2012-May-27 @ 10:03
JOY: Lutz , Devon
[MC2012] engaged and date set
On FACEBOOK, Devon Lutz [MC2012] reported that she's
engaged to Michael Diaz and a date set, 5/23/13.
[JR: Mozel Tov! ]
# - # - # - # - # 2012-May-28 @ 08:27
Sophia [MC2011] White House correspondent at Rhody news
Hurrell, Sophia [MC2011]
White House correspondent at Rhody news
Washington, District Of Columbia
# - # - # - # - # 2012-May-28 @ 09:44
JOBIT: Eignor,
Daniel Robert [MC1969 RIP]
Daniel Robert Eignor
WEST AMWELL - Daniel Robert Eignor, 65, a Principal
Psychometrician at Educational Testing Service and Past President
of the National Council on Measurement in Education, died
peacefully at home on Friday, May 25, 2012, after a short illness.
Dr. Eignor had been a resident of West Amwell Township for more
than 30 years. Born on Dec. 5, 1946, in White Plains, N.Y., he was
the son of Katherine and Robert Eignor.
Dr. Eignor attended public schools in Walden, N.Y., and graduated
from Manhattan College with a Bachelor of Science in mathematics,
with honors, in 1969. He continued his study of mathematics at
SUNY, Albany, where he received a master's degree in 1971. He was
employed as a teacher of mathematics and science at Valley Central
High School in Montgomery, N.Y., from 1971 to 1974. After three
years of teaching, Dr. Eignor continued his graduate education at
the University of Massachusetts, where he received his Ed.D. in
Measurement and Statistics in 1979.
Dr. Eignor joined Educational Testing Service in the fall of 1978
as a Statistical Associate in the Center for Occupational and
Professional Assessment. During his tenure at ETS he had numerous
roles and served as a psychometrician for testing programs such as
the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and the SAT.
More recently, he had served as editor for the ETS Research Report
Series. Dr. Eignor was internationally known for his research in
computer-based testing and the development of concordance tables.
He played a critical role in the implementation of computer-based
testing for a number of ETS testing programs, in particular for
TOEFL. He also mentored many young professionals throughout his
Dr. Eignor was active in a number of professional organizations,
including the American Educational Research Association (AERA) and
the National Council of Measurement in Education (NCME). He served
as editor from 1998–2001 for the Journal of Educational
Measurement (JEM), a flagship publication of the NCME. Dr. Eignor
served on NCME's Board of Directors from 2005–2008 and was
President of the organization from 2006–2007. From 1992–1998, Dr.
Eignor was the chair of the important NCME Standards and Test Use
Committee, and served as the NCME liaison to the Joint Committee
on Revising the Standards for Educational and Psychological
Testing. At the time of his illness, he was engaged as editor of
the most recent version of the Standards, which are scheduled for
publication in 2013.
Dr. Eignor has received numerous awards, including the 2004 ETS
Presidential Award and the ETS Psychometrician Award, which he
received in 2010 as recognition of his contributions to ETS over a
career of more than 30 years. As a special honor, the President of
ETS, Kurt Landgraf, has created the Eignor Editorship as a way of
honoring and acknowledging Dr. Eignor's contributions to the
quality of the research reports, articles, and books that have
been disseminated during his tenure as editor.
Dr. Eignor was an avid sports fan who particularly enjoyed
watching college basketball. When he was younger he enjoyed
running and was a member of the Mercer Bucks Running Club. He
loved both popular and classical music and regularly attended
performances of the New York Philharmonic and Metropolitan Opera.
His hobbies included reading and gardening.
Dr. Eignor is survived by his wife of 25 years, Linda Cook; his
sister, Diana Eignor, and her husband, Michael Powell, of
Sykesville, Md.; his stepson, Peter Cook, and Peter's son Ethan,
of Chicago; his sister-in-law, Carol Perry of Dothan, Ala., and
her daughters, Judi, also of Dothan, and Diane, of Tampa, Fla.;
and his beloved canine friends, Pablo and Pepe.
The funeral service will take place at 11 a.m. Thursday ( May 31)
at Wilson-Apple Funeral Home, 2560 Pennington Road, Pennington.
Burial will take place immediately after the service at Harbourton
Cemetery. Calling hours will be Wednesday from 6 to 8 p.m. at the
funeral home.
The family invites your contributions to either the American
Cancer Society
or The Hospice Memorial Fund, Princeton Healthcare System
Foundation, 253 Witherspoon Street, Suite 1, Princeton, NJ, 08540
To send a condolence, visit www.wilsonapple.com.
Published in The Trentonian on May 29, 2012
Eignor, Daniel Robert [MC???? RIP]
Guestbook: http://www.legacy.com/guestbook/trentonian/guestbook.aspx?n=daniel-eignor&pid=157839864&cid=full
# - # - # - # - # 2012-May-29 @ 07:16
Dear John,
I believe that Daniel is a member of the Class of 1969.
May He Rest In Peace.
McEneney, Mike (MC1953)
[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]
Eignor, Daniel Robert [MC1969 RIP]
# - # - # - # - # 2012-May-30 @ 21:24
JNEWS: Lopinto, John
[MC1974] World Traveler of the Month
World Traveler of the Month – John Lopinto
By Eva Leonard on 24 May 2012
*** begin quote ***
Life-long Long Island resident John Lopinto describes how he has
found the resourcefulness that growing up in New York engendered
to be helpful when traveling, as he recounts a day trip to Agra,
India from New Delhi, to see the Taj Mahal.
“The train we took into Agra was full of tourists, but it was
late, so we missed our tour bus connection. It had to be 100
degrees that day, and no one knew what to do. There must have been
200 people stranded at the train station in Agra demanding a
refund for their prepaid tour bus connection.”
Recognizing the futility of the other travelers’ efforts, Lopinto
found a taxi driver and negotiated a day rate with the driver to
take him and his colleagues around town, provided he could get
them the tour bus ticket refund.
“I don’t know whom he knew, but in minutes, we had our refund, and
were on our way. At the end of the day we discovered that our
return train to New Delhi had been cancelled. Once again, I
negotiated with our driver to make the 120-km (four-hour) drive
back to our hotel in New Delhi.”
*** and ***
CEO and co-founder of Communications Specialities, a Long
Island-based company that designs and manufactures fiber optic
products for the broadcast and professional video industries
worldwide, Lopinto graduated from Manhattan College in the Bronx
as an electrical engineer, and spent the early part of his career
working for CBS Television and HBO. He is also co-founder of
ExpertFlyer, a real-time air travel information service.
*** end quote ***
Lopinto, John [MC????]
[JR: Sounds like some of the Bronx rubbed off. Ever notice that
"Jaspers injineers" solve problems? Rather than queue up and stand
around. LOL!]
# - # - # - # - # 2012-May-29 @ 08:10
Dear John,
I believe that John is a member of the Class of 1974.
McEneney, Mike (MC1953)
[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]
Lopinto, John [MC1974]
# - # - # - # - # 2012-May-30 @ 21:22
MTWITTER: "Gerry's
son", Robert [MC????] retired USAF Colonel
"Shore Dor" as "@ShoreDor"
Gerry's next son, Robert, attended LaSalle Military Academy &
Manhattan College, joined Air Force, flew SAC, retired as Colonel
# - # - # - # - #
[JR: Some times tweets can be downright tantalizing. Anyone up for
a "scavenger hunt" Who is it?]
"Gerry's son", Robert [MC????]
# - # - # - # - # 2012-May-29 @ 08:20
JLINKEDIN: Mohunlall,
Amelia [MC2012] Hiring and Training Coordinator at Best Buy
Mohunlall, Amelia [MC2012]
Hiring and Training Coordinator at Best Buy Inc
Greater New York City Area
Marketing and Advertising
Summary: Well-rounded, hard-working, and organized employee
experienced in the retail environment and various sales/operations
roles - Proven leadership responsibilities and strong
communication skills achieved through consistent employment and
successive responsibilities - Developed an understanding of
customer and business aspects of a dynamic retail environment -
Highly capable of delivering innovative and creative strategies to
teach and develop new talent - Demonstrates Intelligence and
motivation, a quick learner, and adaptable to any situation.
# - # - # - # - #
Mohunlall, Amelia [MC2012]
# - # - # - # - # 2012-May-29 @ 08:30
JOBIT: McMahon,
Patrick Edward "Pat" [MC???? RIP]
Patrick Edward "Pat" McMahon
McMahon, Patrick Edward
Pat McMahon of Lakeway, TX and Chaska, MN passed away May 26, 2012
after a hard fought battle with both Alzheimer's and pancreatic
Pat was born in Brooklyn, New York on November 18, 1937 where he
attended high school at Bishop Loughlin and received a degree in
electrical engineering from Manhattan College. He went on to earn
an MBA at Purdue University.
His career in the high tech industry spanned forty years and gave
him the opportunity to travel the world and experience many
different cultures.
He met and married Lynn Meehan in Brooklyn, NY. They would have
celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary this year. Together they
raised five daughters.
Pat was an avid tennis player and golfer, but the true joy of his
life was spending time with his nine grandchildren.
Pat is survived by Lynn; their daughters, Eileen (John) Henke of
Austin, TX, Jennifer (John) Gans of Chanhassen, MN, Allison
McMahon of Chicago, IL, Deirdre McMahon (Michael Headrick) of
Minneapolis, MN and Megan McMahon (Mark Cabell) of Centerbrook,
CT; grandchildren, Sean, Sheila and Ian Henke, Patrick, Clare and
Thomas Gans, Aidan and Liam Headrick and Ewan Cabell; brother,
Seamus McMahon of Las Vegas, NV; sisters, Marie McMahon of San
Jose, CA and Clare Walker of New Buffalo, MI.
He was preceded in death by his father, James McMahon and mother,
Mary Hannon, both of County Clare, Ireland.
Visitation with a concluding prayer service will take place at
Weed-Corley-Fish Funeral Home, 411 RR 620 S, Lakeway, TX, on
Thursday, May 31 from 6-8 p.m. A Mass of Christian Burial will be
celebrated at Emmaus Catholic Church, 1718 Lohman's Crossing,
Lakeway, TX on Friday, June 1 at 1 p.m. with visitation beginning
at noon.
The family would like to thank Hospice Austin, the staffs at Seton
Medical Center, Lakeway Medical Center, Texas Oncology and The
Summit for their loving care. Please, in lieu of flowers,
memorials can be made to the Alzheimer's Association of America or
The American Cancer Society .
Arrangements by Weed-Corley-Fish Funeral Home, Lakeway, TX (512)
Published in Star Tribune from May 29 to May 30, 2012
McMahon, Patrick Edward "Pat" [MC???? RIP]
Guestbook: http://www.legacy.com/guestbook/startribune/guestbook.aspx?n=patrick-mcmahon&pid=157843281&cid=full
# - # - # - # - # 2012-May-30 @ 06:18
JEMAIL: O’Sullivan,
Neil (MC1990) recruits Kennelly, John W. (MC1978) and McGrath, Rob
from: Neil T. O'Sullivan
to: "JASPER @ RCC"
cc: John Kennelly
Rob McGrath
date: Tue, May 29, 2012 at 2:28 PM
subject: two more Jaspers
Please add these two fine Jaspers to the Jasper Jottings list.
John and Rob please provide Mr. Reinke with your graduation year.
Neil O’Sullivan ‘90
# - # - # - # - #
O’Sullivan, Neil (MC1990)
[JR: Done Please forward the annual membership fee, initiation
fee, and extra shipping & handing. Then add the Rush Priority
fee. Minus your customary 50%, of course.]
# - # - # - # - #
[JR: Seriously, Bravo Zulu for finding readers. ]
Kennelly, John W. (MC1978)
McGrath, Rob (MC1987)
[JR: Gentlemen, feel free to share what you've been up to. Your
news is our lifeblood. Otherwise, it's what I find, obits, and the
occasional joy. Our forum is pretty open; drawing the line a
copyright infringement, chain mail, MLM, and anything that's
"boring". I invite you to poke a stick in any of our "regulars".
This way they'll be too busy with you to put that proverbial stick
up my … well you can guess where. the website and Yahoo Group have
a lot of material. Thanks to PICOSEARCH, it can be searched for
free. If you are interested in something specific, drop me an
email and I'll see if I can help. Welcome. P.S. Don't believe
ANYTHING Neil has told you about Jasper Jottings. :-) Good or
# - # - # - # - # 2012-May-30 @ 21:03
MNEWS: Weldon
Jackson (xMCprovost) Bowie State
Bowie State Hires New Provost
Weldon Jackson will serve as the new provost and vice president of
Bowie state beginning in July.
By Jenni Pompi
June 1, 2012
# - # - #
[JR: Weldon was Provost at MC. He was on the IT Governance committee
that I served on and really listened to our opinions. Made good use
of them. Nice guy.]
# - # - # - # - # 2012-Jun-02 @ 08:58
JNEWS: Patterson,
James [MC1969] ReadKiddoRead.com
James Patterson Taps $84 Million Earnings to Stoke Young Reader
Wednesday, 30 May 2012 06:11 AM
*** begin quote ***
With more than 260 million books sold around the world, novelist
James Patterson no longer worries about whether his next crime
thriller will flop.
He’s more concerned about building an audience of future readers at
a time when the written word competes with film, television, video
games and more. Part of the solution is getting more children to
read widely at a young age, he says.
“If you can get kids to the dinner table, you can get them to read,”
the affable Patterson, 65, said in an interview at the Manhattan
headquarters of his publisher, Hachette Book Group. “You just have
to insist on it.”
The prolific writer has a website to encourage reading, writes books
aimed at a young audience and regularly gives books away. Last week,
he donated 3,000 copies of his novels to the Los Angeles Unified
School District.
A former advertising executive, Patterson has produced 95 works of
adult and children’s fiction. Last year, he earned an estimated $84
million, according to Forbes magazine, which named him the world’s
best-paid author.
In the past decade, Patterson started focusing on donating his
wealth and books to charity.
“I have a bigger war chest now,” Patterson said. “Instead of setting
up a foundation, I said let’s just do it.”
Each year, he gives a total of $70,000 to college-bound students who
write the best essays for his College Book Bucks programs. The
winners are required to spend the awards on books listed on the
IndieBound.org website.
In March, he donated 200,000 novels to U.S. armed forces. Patterson
also has donated money to his alma maters, Manhattan College and
Vanderbilt University, from which he holds degrees in English.
Four years ago, Patterson started ReadKiddoRead.com, a website with
suggested-reading lists for children and teenagers. It includes
illustrated books for babies such as “Tails” by Matthew Van Fleet
and Bob Shea’s “Dinosaur vs. Bedtime.” Also on the list is J.D.
Salinger’s “The Catcher in the Rye” and fiction titles for ages 9 or
older such as U.K. mystery author Siobhan Dowd’s award-winning “The
London Eye Mystery.”
Patterson also holds a monthly raffle on the site that gives away a
box of his bestselling books to 25 high schools. The winning schools
this month will receive copies of “Maximum Ride: The Angel
Experiment,” part of his young-adult science- fiction series
launched in 2005. It focuses on the lives of six fugitive kids who
are 98 percent human and 2 percent avian.
{Extraneous Deleted}
*** end quote ***
Patterson, James [MC1969]
[JR: I don't capture rehashes about this prestigious alum. Not
because I'm jealous. (OK, maybe a little. What talent. I don't care
for his writing style. But, I'm just a fat old white guy injineer.)
But most of the articles are rehashes of what we already know. This
article breaks new ground. Hence the "collection". ]
# - # - # - # - # 2012-Jun-02 @ 09:06
ENDNOTE: Stebbins,
Donald M. (MC1961) cites Government's great accomplishments in
public health
Dear Jasper John:
We seem to live in completely different worlds. How can you possibly
deny the great achievements of the government regarding public
heath. Our lives have been improved greatly via government policies
and extended more years by public health efforts than any advances
in medical care.
Stebbins, Donald M. (MC1961)
# - # - #
Dear beloved Jasper Stebbins:
I love your emails. They just give me so many softballs to me to hit
out of the park.
"Italian dictator Benito Mussolini made the trains run on time."
[TIP 'o' the HAT to: http://www.snopes.com/history/govern/trains.asp]
*** begin quote ***
The myth of Mussolini's punctual trains lives on, albeit with a
different slant: rather than serving as a fictitious symbol of the
benefits of fascism, it is now offered as a sardonic example that
something good can result even from the worst of circumstances.
*** end quote ***
And, quoted from Snopes out of sequence:
*** begin quote ***
Every political leader — whether he be a democratically elected
representative or a usurping tyrant — seeks to gain broad public
support, because the greater his support, the greater his power.
That power may ultimately be used for good or for bad, but either
way it must be obtained before it can be wielded. One of the best
ways to gain the support of the people you want to lead is to do
something of benefit to them.
Failing that, the next best thing is to convince them that you have
done something of benefit to them, even though you really haven't.
So it was with Benito Mussolini and the Italian railway system.
*** end quote ***
So let's take the number 1 point "immunizations".
Do you believe that without the Gooferment, human beings, some who
dedicate their entire lives to medicine, for either noble or crass
motivations (like my favorite "GREED"!), would not have developed
I'm not an expert on the history of Medicine. I'll defer to any of
my fellow alums on that. But, I BELIEVE as an article of FAITH that
government is probably NOT the best way to accomplish everything, or
even certain, things. Government is "FORCE". Pure and simple. It's
no voluntary; it's the anointing of certain individuals to set a
direction and kill people that disagree. Our history is replete with
examples. If necessary, I can enumerate some, but that as they say
in classes: "… is left as an exercise to the reader". (Hint: Whiskey
Rebellion, Trail of Tears, The Japanese Internment, Kent State
shootings, Ruby Ridge, Wacco, the Philly Aim Bombing, and that's
just off the top of my head.)
It's generally conceded that passing money through any level of
Gooferment costs 50%. Bureaucrats to administer programs are
expensive luxuries. With gold plated pensions. So, by definition,
any Gooferment program is inefficient. Half is a pretty easy target
to beat.
And Big Gooferment begets "Big Charity". Take a look at the overhead
of United Way. Compare that to the Salvation Army.
So, for argument's sake, lets credit Gooferment will all human
progress in immunizations right back to the discovery that smallpox
was prevented by causing cowpox. (A sweeping generalization, but
let's give it a HUGE win that it may or may not be entitled to.)
Further, for argument's sake, let's ignore the at least 50% overhead
on EVERYTHING that the Gooferment does. (Another HUGE concession
since that 50% makes a big target that's easy to beat.)
Consider how the Gooferment does "immunizations" today. Can you
think of an unnecessary example where huge amounts of campaign
donations turns into "immunizations" that might or might not be
significant? How about the "Human Papillomavirus Quadrivalent (Types
6, 11, 16, and 18) Vaccine, Recombinant"? You might remember it as
GARDASIL! FDA approved, politician endorse, and forcibly given to
young girls without telling parents "to prevent cervical cancer".
That's an example of Gooferment's great success? Don't you think
that's a tad immoral?
Now let's chat about effectiveness. Sure lot's of seniors are
getting flu shots and shingles vaccinations. But is that the best
use of those dollars? And, how about the Autism backlash against
vaccinations in general that has Mom's nationwide torqued up? So we
certain have to doubt the "effectiveness" of the Gooferment's
involvement -- old people are probably over shot and children are
undershot. And, the Gooferment is clueless about "autism", but we're
studying the effect of daily exercise on shrimp!
So immunization's might be a great success. I'm not sure if "great"
is warranted. But the Gooferment's role is certainly: immoral,
ineffective, and inefficient.
And this is a "great success"?
I'd call it an example of "Mussolini's punctual trains".
Keep those softballs coming,
# - # - # - # - #