JASPER JOTTINGS Week 26 - 2010 June 27  

Jasper Jottings - The achievement journal of my fellow Jaspers, the alumni of the Manhattan College




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POSITRACTION: First sounds heard!


Jonathan’s Cochlear Implant Activation 8 mo., Rt Ear cont’d

[JR: Not a lot to add. Ain't technology grand. With a lot of smart people making life better for everyone. That's the essence of humanity.]

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    * Posted on: Sun, Jun 20 2010 12:37 PM

JEMAIL: McEneney, Mike (MC1953) ids Bernsley, David [MC1992]

RE: NEWS: Bernsley, David [MC????] Principal at Monroe-Woodbury School

Dear John,

   I believe that David is a member of the Class of 1992.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

Bernsley, David [MC1992]

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    * Posted on: Sun, Jun 20 2010 1:37 PM

JLINKEDIN: Nelson, Adrienne Roman [MC1993] and Vilkelis, William (MC1993)


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Nelson, Adrienne Roman [MC1993] http://goo.gl/bbtE

1993 Graduates – Where is everyone now? Looking to reconnect with graduates of the same year.

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Vilkelis, William (MC1993) http://goo.gl/wFKm http://goo.gl/LNPK

I graduated with a Masters in Environmental Engineering in 1993. I worked as an engineer for few years after that, but at present I work as a real estate broker in Manhattan and Brooklyn. You?

# – # – #

Adrienne (Roman) Nelson

Hi – I graduated with a BS is Sociology that same year. Wound up getting a MS in Counseling from Queens College and ran a few mental health programs for a social service agency as well as in a hospital in NJ. Now I’m working from home as a grant writer/fundraising professional for a social service firm in Queens.

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Reinke, F. John (MC1968) 


Pasted into your favorite reader (GREADER?), or even some browsers (FIREFOX3), will give you all the past reports about 1993 alumni. Then, you’ll receive ONLY those updates going forward.

(Of course, I’m sure you want to read all the Jasper Alumni news I report! I can see you all rolling your eyes out there. It’s about 30 stories a week.)

Hope this helps? And, of course I welcome your participation in Jasper Jottings by reporting all your accomplishments and the “misdeeds” of all your classmates.

Sorry for the delay in responding, but I caught this on clean up. Better late than never.

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    * Posted on: Sun, Jun 20 2010 2:37 PM

ADMINISTRIVIA: Creating a custom feed

For those of you who use feed readers like Google Reader, or use live feeds in web browsers like Firefox3, you can see subsets of “Jasper Jottings Daily” http://jasperjottings-daily.com  http://goo.gl/4eMb.

For example, http://jasperjottings-daily.com/tag/mc1993/feed/ will only “pull” stories tagged with “MC1993″. (Note the bold italic underline is to focus you on where the tag goes.)

For example, http://jasperjottings-daily.com/category/jhq-from-headquarters/feed/ will only pull stories from “headquarters”.

For example, http://jasperjottings-daily.com//feed/ will pull every story.

Basically any category or tag can be used to define a feed. You can see the categories and tags on the right side bar on Jasper Jottings Daily webpage.

If you have some specific question, I’d be happy to give you my best effort in response.

I can’t resist. For those that only want to read my rantings, “http://jasperjottings-daily.com/category/endnote/feed” will pull just those. ROFL!

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    * Posted on: Sun, Jun 20 2010 2:38 PM

JNEWS: Cain, Tim [MC1985] mentioned in a long story


The Troy Record (TroyRecord.com), Serving Troy and its surrounding communities
Legendary Don Bassett built, presided over CCHS dynasty
Sunday, June 20, 2010
By Kevin Moran The Record

*** begin quote ***

TROY — A flip-flop decision, perhaps a back-room deal. How Don Bassett became varsity basketball coach at Catholic Central High School is long forgotten.

*** and ***

The following season the Crusaders featured Fagan, Danish and the Foglia brothers, Rich and Nick, who transferred from CBA. They again rolled through the Big 10 and the Class A playoffs. CCHS had a matchup in the final with Shaker, which featured Sam Perkins, who went on to become an All-American at North Carolina and play in the NBA, and Tim Cain, a 6-foot-10 center who for a while held the scoring record at Manhattan College.

*** end quote ***

Cain, Tim [MC????]

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Dear John,

   I believe that Tim is a member of the Class of 1985.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

Cain, Tim [MC1985]

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    * Posted on: Sun, Jun 20 2010 3:37 PM
    * Updated: Mon, Jun 21 2010 3:34 PM

JBLOGGER: Nigro, Nicholas [MC1984] remembers an old Prof at MC


The Write Angle
Miscellaneous Musings on Freelancing, My Books, and Myriad Other Things…

Saturday, June 19, 2010
By the Way…Dr. Z Remembered

*** begin quote ***

The efficacy of Keynesian economics is being debated once again in both polite and impolite society. But rather than stake out a position on the demand side versus the supply side in this dismal science, I’d rather just wax nostalgically and recall a college professor of mine. We called him Dr. Z.

He was an adjunct professor filling in for an ailing instructor in a course called Intermediate Macroeconomics. The place: my alma mater Manhattan College. The year: 1984. Dr. Z was a very tall, dome-headed Egyptian fellow, who not only wore thrift shop threads that didn’t quite fit his gawky frame—ridiculously high waters and hobo shoes—every single day, but a sartorial selection at least thirty years past its prime.

*** end quote ***

Nigro, Nicholas
Freelance Writer
Location: Bronx : New York : United States

*** begin quote ***

I am a freelance writer and the author of several books, including “Night Sky,” “No Job? No Prob!” “101 Best Businesses for Pet Lovers,” and “The Everything Coaching and Mentoring Book.”

*** end quote ***


[JR: His books are available at the above link.]

Nigro, Nicholas [MC????]

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Dear John,

   I believe that Nick is a member of the Class of 1984.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

Nigro, Nicholas [MC1984]

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    * Posted on: Sun, Jun 20 2010 4:37 PM
    * Updated: Mon, Jun 21 2010 3:34 PM

JLINKEDIN: Clerkin, Tom [MC1983] Owner, Clerkin Custom Homes


Clerkin, Tom [MC????]
Owner, Clerkin Custom Homes
San Francisco Bay Area
Architecture & Planning

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Dear John,

   I believe that Tom is a member of the Class of 1983.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

Clerkin, Tom [MC1983]

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    * Posted on: Sun, Jun 20 2010 5:16 PM
    * Updated: Mon, Jun 21 2010 3:34 PM

JEMAIL: Helm, Robert (MC1951) shares thoughts for the Fourth



From: Helm, Robert (MC1951)
Date: June 18, 2010 3:54:13 PM EDT
Subject: Fwd: Happy 4th of July!….

As you see, Helen sent this to me…and considering some of the problems we Veterans have had in displaying things, I thought that it would be a way to educate the world…if you all don’t remember who and what we were and did. V/R, LCDR R.A.Helm, USN (RET)

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[JR: I took the liberty of creating the message on a web page. The pictures would not display correctly as sent. It took some time to get it approximately correct. I'm glad to hear from Jasper Helm again. His last post was September 2009. Guess he was resting his "spleen". Of course, I passed this along to you. Despite being a vet and maybe because I'm a little L libertarian, I'm not sure I completely agree. But, Happy Independence Day.]

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    * Posted on: Mon, Jun 21 2010 10:02 AM

JBLOGGER: Jasper? “Daywon” (MC2008?) prof gripe that sounds MC-ish


*** begin quote ***

the wedding in Nebraska was a lot of fun. i did get my fair share of stares from the locals because: 1) i’m asian, 2) with blond hair, 3) with more than 2 piercings. despite that, my friends and i had copious amounts of fun with copious amounts of alcohol. it was good times filled with good memories, great laughs, and funny video clips. no i’m not posting them. and Southwest Airlines sucks.

around the time of the wedding, i’d started my last year of school at Manhattan College. now i’ve never really been an ideal student…far from it. i may have been an ideal student when i was younger, but my years between high school and Manhattan College really affected me adversely. in any case, i was getting sick and tired of being a professional student. why did i become so non-ideal as a student? probably because i’ve never really been a book person. i can’t really do the studying too well. i learn best through experience and hands-on work. i’ve also had my share of personal and financial issues to drive me I-N-S-A-N-E-! not only that, but i don’t think many engineers really get lessons on social aspects. i say this because most of the engineering students i know or have met have been socially weird in some way or another. some as smart as hell but that’s about it. for instance, i know of one classmate who went to a job interview, passed the initial and technical interviews with flying colors, but failed the last interview because he couldn’t hold a conversation. “how ridiculous is that?” you might ask? well not as ridiculous as you’d think. social interactions are very important for many in the workplace. not only for communication of ideas from one person to the next but also in terms of friendly interactions. in any case, i found that i valued my social interactions much more than many aspects of my college education.

{Extraneous Deleted}

now to find a job…oh wait…


*** end quote ***

[JR: A long interesting post and blog. And as a fat old white guy injineer, I empathize with the feelings. Some would say I resemble them. Me? I just shrug and try to figure out who this is.]

Jasper? “Daywon” (MC2008?)

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    * Posted on: Mon, Jun 21 2010 10:35 AM

JFOUND: Jasper Father of “Box In One” [MC1936] remembered on Father’s Day


Yesterday, 10:10 AM
Location: Hudson Valley area…..NY
A Father’s Day story……

{Extraneous Deleted}

…but today is a day I think about my father.He passed away 11 years ago in 1999.I’m sure today there are many of you out there that are like me.We are fathers yet we our missing our fathers.In my living room I have a nice enclosed glass case with a small light.I looked at it a few minutes ago….in it are my 1953 Mickey Mantle baseball card,a ’54,55′,56′.A Ted Williams,etc. Also some Mike Schmidt, Steve Carlton and other figurines..some Norman Rockwell figurines,etc My grandfathers NYC Bus ID and # Trolley Car license and then a whole shelf dedicated to my father.His WW 2 service medals,dog tags,Manhattan College medal,some UN service medals serving in Gaza in ’57 and ’58,Congo in ’65 and in Italy from ’57 to ’67.

My fathers life was very unique….born in Italy and came over when he was 5.Lived in the Arthur Ave section of the Bronx where he grew up.Graduated No 1 in his class at Teddy Roosevelt HS and received a full scholarship to Fordham. Fordham reneged on it and gave the No 2 the full ride.Italian community protested. The Jesuits changed their minds and gave both the full ride.But in the meantime Manhattan College had offered my father the scholarship and he took that over Fordham. When the movie the “Godfather”came out he always said the scene with the horse’s head reminded him of the controversy in 1932…there were some “goodfella’s” in the neighborhood…he thinks maybe a fordham rams head was put in the Monsignor bed and said….” don’t f..k with the Italians…….none of that is true and he made it up but we always joked about it…

Graduated MC in 1936 and got a teaching job his first year teaching Italian and Spanish….at Teddy R HS.When WW 2 broke out he was assigned to the AMG…{allied military government}.He was part of General Clark’s 5th army in the invasion of North Africa and Italy.AMG’s officers went from town to town after the Germans retreated. Their job was to establish order in each city as the Germans were on the run.A Pulitzer book by John Hersey ” A Bell for Adano” was written about my father and another 30 officers like him.He did know the actual AMG officers that Hersey based his story on…On June 5th 1944, Clark entered Rome. My father was in the 11th jeep behind a long line tanks,trucks,etc….they actually got lost taking the wrong turn….some Italian on a bike had to show Clark the right way…for his grand entrance.[ that is actually mentioned in some history books.

Clark made headlines all over the world." Rome Captured".....but those headlines were never seen again...the next morning June 6th something happened on some beach in Normandy.

My father stayed at the Nord Roma Hotel ..a 1st class hotel that first night..and then for the next year.He was reassigned because he spoke Italian to investigate the Ardreatine Cave Massacre.In March of that year Italian partisans in Rome carried out an attack on german occupied troops marching on Via rasella....in rome.Over 30 soldiers were killed....Hitler the next day ordered 10 Italians to be shot for every german....over 300 innocent people were rounded up,many jews included....and shot in the Ardeatine caves just outside rome...the Germans then blew up the caves to hide the massacre.I can remember growing up him telling about the investigation.I remember Caruso[the name only because of the singer} was part of rounding up the Italians for the Germans.He was tried and hung after the war.

Anyway my father always thought Pope Pius X11 did little to help..in his team of investigators they had some evidence that Pius looked the other way..that is very controversial today...after the investigation my father became part of a group of educators to work with the new Italian govt on education....changing the education system...he stayed in rome almost a year after the war was over...went back to his HS and starting teaching again...he lasted a few months...something called the UN was moving from San Fran to NYC. some of his buddies from Rome were joining.He left teaching and then worked for the UN the next 30 years.

Every night I kiss his Manhattan College ring that is on my bed post..today I'll wear it for awhile

Next year I'll continue with his life in the UN.

Just writing this here makes me feel good....even if it gets 2 hits....i know many of you have great stories about your father......also many of you today get to be with your father..cherish that....

happy fathers day to all of you.....sorry this is so damn long and boring but again it made me feel good...peace


You can say something to popes, kings and presidents, but you can't talk to officials. In the next war they ought to give everyone a whistle.

"There are only two plays,Romeo and Juliet and take it to the basket"

Abe Lemons 1977

*** end quote ***

Jasper "Box in one" Senior [MC1936]

[JR: Interesting, Another identity to uncover! Send in the detectives.]

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    * Posted on: Mon, Jun 21 2010 11:37 AM

JEMAIL: Antenucci, John (MC1959) offers the famed Jasper discount


Thank you for posting the press release for our new business in the Sarasota – Bradenton, Florida area. The business is A & B Asset Documentation Services, LLC. Office number is 941-388-8153. Our website is www.ab-assetdocs.com. The answer to your question is YES – There will be a Jasper Discount to those who are graduates of Manhattan College.

John Antenucci ’59S

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Antenucci, John (MC1959)

[JR: Ahh, yes, the famed "Jaspers pay 20% more" discount. :-) I suggest everyone in that area get it done. And, send in "consumer reports".]

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    * Posted on: Mon, Jun 21 2010 11:44 AM

JEmail: Pompey, Aliann (MC1999) charity Venus Williams lunch July 6th

From: Aliann Pompey
Date: June 20, 2010 11:08:52 PM EDT
Subject: PowerPlay fundraiser/Venus Williams luncheon, July 6th

Yes, you read correctly. Venus Williams. PowerPlay NYC is having our fundraiser on July 6th at the Yale Club. The event is scheduled from 11-1 and lunch will be served. Please see evite below.

Tickets start at $125 (students, non-profit, or government employees), and $175 regular ticket price. There are various levels of support, including the Bronze at $2500 per table. If you are interested in attending or making a contribution, you can do so online, just let me know. If you know anyone that may be interested in attending or supporting, please contact me by email or at 646-342-2763.

PowerPlay NYC, Inc. is a 501 c(3) non profit committed to educating and empowering girls through sports, teaching life skills and building sell-confidence and self-esteem for life; and we can all agree on the importance of that.

Thanks and I look forward to seeing you on July 6.

Aliann Pompey
Development Manager
PowerPlay NYC Inc.

“Educating & empowering girls through sports & life skills training”

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    Email not displaying correctly? Click Here

    Please join us to celebrate the publication of Come to Win, a compilation of advice received by Venus Williams from nearly 50 business leaders, politicians, doctors, and artists, all of whom previously played competitive sports and who now operate at the top of their field. The participants in PowerPlay’s SuperSTARS Summer Leadership Academy for High School Girls will have the opportunity to develop their life skills for success as they interview Venus and then network with you to hear your success tips.
    Click here to purchase tickets or make a donation
    For more information email: info@powerplaynyc.org

    All proceeds benefit PowerPlay programs for NYC girls in underserved communities andthe publication of the updated 2010 -2011 NYC Girls Sports Resource Directory.
    PowerPlay NYC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to educating and empowering girls through sports,teaching life skills and building self-confidence and self-esteem for life!

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Pompey, Aliann (MC1999)

[JR: I was working in the city I'd go just to learn. Might be interesting to see if Venus is "larger than life". Impressive event. Hope it make lots.]

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    * Posted on: Mon, Jun 21 2010 11:56 AM

JEMAIL: McEneney, Mike (MC1953) ids some J’s from last week

Dear John,

JNEWS: Elortegui, Markel [MC????] Malcolm Pirnie associate

   I believe that Markel received his Masters in 1995.

JFOUND: McDonnell, Jack [MC????] in the RPI “news”

I believe that Jack is a member of the Class of 1959.

JNEWS: Sullivan, Rev. Joseph M. [MC????] Catholic Charities 2010 Centennial Medal  

I believe that the Bishop is a member of the Class of 1952.

JNEWS: Bartelemucci, Lawrence (MC????) shareholder Anderson Kill + Olick

I believe that Lawrence is a member of the Class of 1997.

JNEWS: Bernsley, David [MC????] Principal at Monroe-Woodbury School

I believe that David is a member of the Class of 1992.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

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    * Posted on: Mon, Jun 21 2010 1:30 PM

PRAYERSREQUESTED: McEneney, Mike (MC1953) goes for a “hardware upgrade”

*** begin quote ***

On June 22, Michael is going to have his left hip replaced. We ask for your prayers for his protection and his speedy recovery.

*** end quote ***

McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: I pray for a great outcome.]

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Dear John,

   As my brother Ed mentioned to you, I will be going into the Hospital for a long over due new hip on Tuesday. As a result I will be “off line” for a while. Ed has “volunteered” to fill in for me while I am unavailable, to supply you with the Class years that are missing from your finds.

   So, if you send him the “stuff” that I usually get he will try to get you the info.

   Say a Prayer and I will get back on line as soon as I can.



McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Of course, I'm rooting for you to come out the other end of the process better for it. Maybe they can do the eyes on the same trip. LOL! I'm sure Ed is thrilled filling in on the thankless task.]

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    * Posted on: Mon, Jun 21 2010 1:34 PM

JLINKEDIN: Manipala, Ranjini [MC1992] Senior Consultant at BDO Seidman


Manipala, Ranjini [MC1992]
Senior Consultant at BDO Seidman, LLP
Kalamazoo, Michigan Area Information Technology and Services


* Has over Fifteen years of IT experience in all phases of SDLC.

* Experienced team-leader, managing large-scale PeopleSoft Financial, and Supply Chain (9.0, 8.9,8.8, 8.4) implementations, maintenance, and planning projects, as well as small to mid-sized custom and vendor-developed applications.

* Strong knowledge of software testing (Functional, Integration, Performance, Quality Metrics).

* Developed and Demonstrated project management skills (e.g., estimating, status reporting, work planning)

* Effective and proven track record in building and managing culturally diverse project teams across geographies.

* Responsible for providing both production monitoring, enhancement, and development management services for the ERP portfolio of applications and interfaces.

Specialties: Re-engineering business processes, full SDLC project management, PeopleSoft Implementations, Fit/Gap Analysis

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    * Posted on: Mon, Jun 21 2010 2:37 PM

JEMAIL: Reinke, F. John (MC1968) repsonds to Jasper Helm’s message

To whom it may concern:

I’ve responded to Jasper Helm’s recent email about Independence Day. It’s a long rant on my personal blog. I’m not as enamored of what we, as a nation, have become. It probably shows through in my ENDNOTES. I think our vets have been ill used and badly treated. And, for that, I am truly sorry. Sorry that I haven’t done enough to stop it and make it better. But, I’m of a different generation of both Jasper Helms and the current “target demo”. A bridge between the “Good Old Days” and the “Bad New Days”. I see what was, what is, and can make the subtraction to see what we have lost. Even without Glen Beck’s “help”, I can see why: ill considered, often rash and stupid, changes to the Dead Old White Guys’ Constitution. Lysander Spooner was right. But, to quote Walt Kelly’s cartoon character Pogo: “We have met the enemy and he is us”, we are the problem!


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    * Posted on: Tue, Jun 22 2010 7:27 AM

JOBIT: Matthews, Gerald J. “Gerry” [MC1960 RIP]


Gerald J. “Gerry” Matthews

Gerald J. “Gerry” Matthews, age 80 of Danbury, previously of Ridgefield and husband of the late Theresa “Sissy” (Moffett) Matthews, died peacefully at his home on Saturday evening, June 19, 2010.

Mr. Matthews was born in New York, N.Y., July 29, 1929, the son of the late Frank W. and Bertha (Wolff) Matthews. He attended NY City schools and graduated from Manhattan College. He was a U.S. Army veteran. Mr. Matthews’ career spanned 45 years as a consumer product sales executive. In the years preceding his retirement, he was employed by the Rayovac Battery Corporation and resided in Madison, Wis.. Prior to this, he was employed by Duracell and lived in Ridgefield with his family. He relocated to Connecticut following retirement in 1999.

An avid sports fan, Gerry closely followed the NY Yankees and Dallas Cowboys. He also rooted for all things Wisconsin, including the UW Badgers and Green Bay Packers. He was a member of the Joseph A. Treadwell Post, American Legion of Danbury, the Knights of Columbus of Haverstraw, NY. He was a parishioner of St. Mary’s Church, Ridgefield.

He is survived by two sons, Gerald J. Matthews Jr., MD and his wife, Ellen of Ridgefield and Kevin G. Matthews and his wife, Suzanne of Loveland, Ohio; two daughters, Maura M. Walsh and her husband, John of Southborough, Mass. and Kathleen M. Gumpel and her husband, Nicholas of Fanwood, N.J.; a brother, Byron Matthews and his wife, Gloria of Norwalk; 12 grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews. In addition to his parents and wife, he was predeceased by a sister, Arlene Mollica.

A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Thursday at 10:15am in St. Mary’s Church, Ridgefield. Burial will take place in Ascension Cemetery, Airmont, N.Y. The family will receive friends in the Kane Funeral Home, 25 Catoonah Street, Ridgefield on Wednesday from 5 to 8pm. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society , 372 Danbury Rd., Wilton, CT 06897.

Published in News Times from June 21 to June 22, 2010


Matthews, Gerald J. “Gerry” [MC???? RIP]

Guestbook: http://goo.gl/v6Q3



I believe that Gerry is a member of the class of 1960.


McEneney Edward J. (MC1957)

[JR: Thanks, Ed. Much appreciated.]

Matthews, Gerald J. “Gerry” [MC1960 RIP]

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    * Posted on: Tue, Jun 22 2010 7:36 AM
    * Updated: Tue, Jun 22 2010 7:11 PM

JNEWS: Logan, Doug [MC????] CEO for USATF



USA track: Drake Stadium brings back ‘chills’
Updated 6:24 pm
By Andrew Logue • June 21, 2010

*** begin quote ***

For Doug Logan and Lewis Johnson, the USA Track and Field Championships will bring a rush of memories.

*** and ***

Logan, the chief executive officer for USATF, was working for the school newspaper at Manhattan College when he visited the 1962 Relays.

“Five or six of us jumped in a car and drove straight from New York,” Logan said with a laugh. “I won’t tell you what was in the trunk of the car.

“I can’t even remember whoever was competing or whatever. All I can tell you is we had a ball. People were so friendly and we saw some great track.”

Logan will spend Wednesday through Sunday getting re-acquainted with Drake’s 85-year-old stadium, and his impressions could factor in whether Des Moines hosts the 2016 Olympic Trials.

“I know what Drake is all about. I know what Des Moines is all about. I know what Iowa is all about,” Logan said. “I’ve got some history with the location.”

He’s not the only one in his family with a story to tell about Drake Relays.

*** end quote ***

Logan, Doug [MC????]

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    * Posted on: Tue, Jun 22 2010 8:20 AM

JLINKEDIN: Wittner, Susan Mattivi [MC1982] Dir Marketing at Eisner LLP


Wittner, Susan Mattivi [MC1982]
Director of Marketing at Eisner LLP
Greater New York City Area
Marketing and Advertising

Summary: Marketing and business development executive with chemical engineering foundation and management consulting experience.

-Business Development
-Client and Market Development
-Solution, Services and Product Portfolio Growth
-Chemical Engineer+MBA+Consulting+Marketing Expertise

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    * Posted on: Tue, Jun 22 2010 2:51 PM

JEMAIL: Nason, John (MC1952) disagrees with Sullivan, Rev. Joseph M. as a ’52

RE: JNEWS: Sullivan, Rev. Joseph M. [MC1952] Catholic Charities 2010 Centennial Medal


Bishop Joe Sullivan would have graduated with the Class of 1952 . . . if he had not chosen to leave Manhattan to enter the seminary after, I believe, either six months or a year. He had several older brothers who are Manhattan College graduates, and a father who hired a flock of Jaspers around that time for the family publishing business.

John Nason ’52

[JR: Now that's upsetting. What should I do now? Just un or de "J" him. LOL! Argh!]

# # # # #
    * Posted on: Tue, Jun 22 2010 6:27 PM

JOBIT: Lamb, Br. Claudius Anthony [MC1949 RIP]



Brother Claudius Anthony Lamb, F.S.C., 88, of Lincroft died Tuesday, June 22, 2010 at De La Salle Hall, Lincroft. Brother Anthony was born in Dundee, Scotland, and received the Holy Habit of the Christian Brothers on September 7, 1940. He attended Catholic University, Washington, D.C., Fordham University, New York, graduated from Manhattan College, New York, in 1949; and attended St. John’s University Graduate School, Brooklyn. His teaching assignments included St. Patrick’s School, Newburgh, New York, St. Cecilia’s School and Bishop Loughlin School, both Brooklyn, New York; La Salle Academy, Providence, R.I.; De La Salle Institute, La Salle Academy, and Manhattan Prep School, all New York City; St. Joseph’s School, Detroit, Michigan; Christian Brothers Academy, Syracuse, N.Y.; Paramus Catholic, Paramus; and Christian Brothers Academy, Lincroft.

The viewing will be held at De La Salle Hall on Thursday from 2:00 to 4:00 P.M. and 6:00 to 8:00 P.M. The Funeral Liturgy will be celebrated at De La Salle Hall on Friday at 10:00 A.M. followed by interment at St. Gabriel’s Cemetery, Marlboro. Memorial donations to De La Salle Nursing Development, 810 Newman Springs Road, Lincroft, NJ 07738 would be appreciated. Higgins Memorial Home, 20 Center Street, Freehold is in charge of arrangements.

Published in Asbury Park Press on June 23, 2010


Lamb, Br. Claudius Anthony [MC1949 RIP]

Guestbook: http://tinyurl.com/34vd8g9

    * Posted on: Wed, Jun 23 2010 6:01 AM

JOBIT: Healy, Mary P. [MC???? RIP]


Mary P. Healy of Piscataway, N.J., died peacefully at home on Saturday, June 19, after a long, progressive illness of 13 months.

Family and friends may visit on Sunday, June 27, at Gleason Funeral Home, 1360 Hamilton St., Somerset, N.J., from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. A Mass celebrating Mary’s life will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, June 28, at St. Matthias R. C. Church, Somerset.

Born in the Bronx, N.Y., Mary spent her early years in Yonkers, N.Y., where she graduated from Sacred Heart High School. A graduate of the College of Mount St. Vincent, Riverdale, N.Y., Ms. Healy received a master’s degree from Manhattan College, Bronx, N.Y.

For several years, she taught school and was a high school guidance counselor. Subsequently, she worked as an IT director for AT&T, Somerset, N.J., for 15 years, and had been with Computer Sciences Corporation, Basking Ridge, N.J., as an IT director for the past nine years.

Mary is survived by her beloved mother, Julia Herlihy Healy; her loving sister and brother-in-law, Julie and Edward Jones; brother-in-law, Edward Conway; nieces and nephews, Regina Conway, Dr. Christine Conway-Barry, Anne Silverberg, Kathleen Keffner, Lt. Michael E. Jones, JAGC, USN, Maura Conway; many nieces, nephews, great-nieces, great-nephews, cousins, as well as 10 god-children. Ms. Healy was predeceased by her father, Peter F. Healy; sister, Kathleen Conway, and brothers, Peter, Robert and Joseph.

A great lover of life and laughter, Mary enjoyed travel, the seashore, dining out, shopping, Disney World, and especially spending time with family and friends.

Memorial contributions may be made to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, Tenn. (website www.stjude.org).

Published in Star-Ledger on June 23, 2010


Healy, Mary P. [MC???? RIP]

Guestbook: http://tinyurl.com/28nlmdr

    * Posted on: Wed, Jun 23 2010 6:13 AM

MFOUND: An mc tshirt on a non alum; no stone unturned


*** begin quote ***

Ah well. There were worse ways to spend a Tuesday afternoon. It was good for me to get dressed and made up instead of sitting here in a tattered Manhattan College t-shirt , crap pants and fork-in-the-toaster hair. Not working has caused my personal standards to, um, slip a little. To none. I had no idea how simple no standards were until I descended, but it is very freeing.

*** end quote ***

*** begin quote ***


I am a 50-something writer and I spend much of my time pretending I don’t have MS. I have limited success at that. The rest of the time I write, I read, I knit, I obsessively watch documentaries about the British Royal Family. Ok, just kidding about that last one. Sort of. It’s NOT obsessive. I am an inveterate Anglophile. I am grateful for my children, for my grandson and for my many, many wonderful friends. I think vodka is underrated as a coping mechanism. I adore my little dog. I wish I could marry Dick Cavett, Conan O’Brien and Bruce Springsteen. But not at the same time. And I realize two of them are out because they are already married. I said ‘wish’. Sheesh. But that still leaves Dick.

*** end quote ***

[JR: Found a Facebook identity "Marie Andriessen Cooper". She's not a Jasper. But, she writes well. Struck a chord with me. Passed it along for your consideration. Why would she be wearing an MC tshirt?]

# # # # #
    * Posted on: Wed, Jun 23 2010 7:02 AM

JEMAIL: McEneney Edward J. (MC1957) reports McEneney, Mike (MC1953) OK


Mike has come through his operation well and his doctors are pleased with his progress. Thank you for your good wishes and prayers.

Please send me the “daily rush”.

I spoke to Mike today and he said he only sends the obits once a year to Manhattan. (remember he was just out of the recovery room) I will sign up for feedblitz.com.

I responded with some graduation dates today. Did you receive them?



# – # – #

McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

McEneney Edward J. (MC1957)

[JR: Great news. Small things, like prayers, I'm good at; big things, not so much. Daily rush, done. "Once a year", LOL, obviously punchy. "Dates", received. Tell Mike to hurry up and get well, he has to help me figure out what to do with the Bishop. (We "anointed" him a Jasper, but Nason says we goofed. I'm just going to blame it on him. Or, his eyes. There goes my Honorary degree in Humane Letters! Even if I could have afforded the baksheesh (You know schmiergeld, bustarella, or kuroi kiri) necessary to "purchase" it. It's a flaw. (It could have been worse; I could have been a pro-choice politician. Then, I'd have lots of honors.) ROFL! Glad he's OK.]

# # # # #
    * Posted on: Wed, Jun 23 2010 8:07 AM

JLINKEDIN: De Vito, Emily (MC2009) Spec Evt Coord at 199 Bowery Rest. Grp


De Vito, Emily (MC2009)
Special Event Coordinator at 199 Bowery Rest. Group LLC
Greater New York City Area
Events Services

# # # # #
    * Posted on: Wed, Jun 23 2010 2:03 PM

JFOUND: Leddy, Daniel P. [MC????] Medical Physicist


Daniel P. Leddy, M.S.
Medical Physicist

Master of Science in Health Physics
Manhattan College
Bachelor of Science in Radiological Health Sciences
Manhattan College
Associate of Science in Nuclear Medicine
Manhattan College

Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board (NMTCB) – 2003


Prior to joining West Physics Consulting, Mr. Leddy worked as Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) for a large mobile nuclear medicine company providing services to client sites throughout the U.S. As such, Mr. Leddy has extensive experience in nuclear materials licensing and regulatory affairs, as well as the technical aspects of nuclear medicine. Before his career in medical physics, Mr. Leddy also spent many years as a health physicist in the commercial nuclear power industry. This broad base of radiation physics expertise allow him to serve in a variety of roles at West Physics and he is currently working towards certification in the full gamut of imaging modalities which our firm services.

Mr. Leddy is originally from Long Island, NY and currently works in the West Physics Northeast field office in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

# – # – #

Leddy, Daniel P. [MC????]

# # # # #
    * Posted on: Wed, Jun 23 2010 3:58 PM


… … to make it easy to recommend this to a friend, an enemy, or just the Universe.


“Try it. You’ll like it.”

It’s in the top right hand corner of every page.


# # # # #
    * Posted on: Thu, Jun 24 2010 10:47 AM

JNEWS: McGivney, Mary Ann [MC????] principal St. Joseph New Windsor


St. Joseph principal resigns, to be replaced by former principal
Published: 2:00 AM – 06/24/10

*** begin quote ***

NEW WINDSOR — The Rev. Robert Hilfiker, pastor of St. Joseph Church, announced this week the resignation of Sister Lucy Povilonis, O.P., as principal of St. Joseph School in New Windsor.

A search committee has chosen Mary Ann McGivney as her successor. McGivney was principal of St. Joseph from 1990-94. Her most recent position as principal was at Holy Trinity in Poughkeepsie.

{Extraneous Deleted}

McGivney was born and raised in the Bronx and graduated from primary and secondary schools there. She holds degrees and certificates from Dominican College, Blauvelt, Manhattan College, Franciscan University and Fordham University.

She has been involved in many committees and programs for the Education Department of the Archdiocese of New York, and has been a school principal for the past 20 years. She lives with her husband, John, in Hopewell Junction and has two children.

*** end quote ***

McGivney, Mary Ann [MC????]

# # # # #
    * Posted on: Thu, Jun 24 2010 11:08 AM

JLINKEDIN: Voultepsis, Steve [MC1971] Regional Dir at All Business Solutions


Voultepsis, Steve [MC1971]
Regional Director at All Business Solutions, Inc.
Independent Telecommunications Professional
Greater New York City Area

# # # # #
    * Posted on: Thu, Jun 24 2010 2:33 PM

JLINKEDIN: Steven, Hatch [MC1982] Senior Director at mindSHIFT


Steven, Hatch [MC1982]
Senior Director at mindSHIFT
Greater Philadelphia Area
Information Technology and Services

# # # # #
    * Posted on: Fri, Jun 25 2010 3:37 PM

JLINKEDIN: Sheridan, Christopher [MC1998] PE at Lehr Construction


Sheridan, Christopher [MC1998]
Professional Engineer at Lehr Construction Corp.
Greater New York City Area

# # # # #
    * Posted on: Sat, Jun 26 2010 1:49 PM

ENDNOTE: The Mojave Desert Cross, symbolic of how the State hates the Church


Obama’s chance to act like an American
Posted: June 02, 2010
Phyllis Schlafly

*** begin quote ***

On May 20, some volunteers installed a near-perfect replica of the original Mojave Cross. The next day, the Park Service removed it, apparently on orders from the Justice Department, and Obama said nothing.

The Mojave Desert cross is only one of dozens of lawsuits by which atheists are trying to get supremacist judges to expunge all crosses and Ten Commandments monuments from sight. A 29-foot cross on San Diego’s Mount Soledad, overlooking beautiful La Jolla, has been in litigation since 1989. This appeal is now before a 9th Circuit panel consisting of two judges appointed by Bill Clinton and a third appointed by Jimmy Carter, all three of whom have previously issued rulings hostile to religion.

The Christian majority in the United States had better wake up to how their religion is under attack by the U.S. executive and judicial branches of the federal government. Only a new legislative branch elected in November can protect the First Amendment from the atheists.

*** end quote ***

[JR: I'm no fan of EITHER of the duopoly that masks themselves as "opponents", but this is absurd! The Secular Progressive agenda is: to drive religion from society under the guise of "separation of church and state", propagandizing the children in the greatness and necessity of the State, and turn the American experiment into European socialism. In not outright Communism. Catholic charities, Catholic Schools, and Catholic Hospitals are all casualties in the war for America's souls.]

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    * Posted on: Sat, Jun 26 2010 6:37 PM

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"Bon courage a vous tous"

"Dona Nobis Pacem"
