JASPER JOTTINGS Week 45 - 2008 Nov 09
Jasper Jottings - The achievement journal of my fellow Jaspers, the alumni of the Manhattan College
o POSITRACTION: Problems in perspective
o JEmail: Pecora, John (MC1985) looking for fellow IBMers
o MFound: The alumni room of O’Malley Library at Manhattan College
o QUADRANGLE: Sunday, November 2, 2008
o JEmail: Toner, Mike (MC1972) reports McCarrick, Ed [MC1971]
o JHQ: NYC Club Fall ‘08 Networking Reception
o JEmail: Dans, Peter E. (MC1957) gives feedback
o JFound: McDonald, Martin (MC1988)
o Joy: DiAlto-Schmidt, Jennifer (MC1992) reprises her role as “Mommy”
o JEmail: Ferguson, Joe (MC1963) wants JJ!
o JHQ: To Be Inducted Into Manhattan College’s Athletic Hall Of Fame
o JHQ: A Candlelight Christmas Celebration
o JFound: Carabine, Brian [MC????] recounts career
o JNews: Rispoli, James J. [MC1968] moves along
o CARTOON: Gerstell Academy’s “Gallery of Heroes” is President-Elect Barack Obama
o JUpdate: Kelleher, Dan (MC1977) updates
o JUpdates: Hansbury, William D. (MC1975) moves to Barrons
o JFound: Lo, Gerry (MC1979)
o PRAYERREQUEST: Athanasidy, Patrice (MC1988) has a cousin relapsing
o MObit: Eugene J. O’Brien, Eugene J. [MCattendee]
o QUADRANGLE: November 5, 2008
o JObit: Dunn, Joseph A. [MC1951]
o JEmail: Rooney, John Peter (MC1965) ids Durning, Joseph F. (MC1980) and Garofalo, Arthur R. (MC1965)
o ENDNOTE: Shopping list- One big trash bag for the SoL!
# - # - #
POSITRACTION: Problems in perspective
Reluctant groom sets hotel on fire?
Mon Oct 27, 9:13 am ET
TOKYO (Reuters) – A Japanese man set fire to the hotel where he
was due to get married at the weekend, rather than go through with the
ceremony later the same day, newspaper reports said Monday.
[JR: Have to keep one's problems in perspective. The fact, that he had
a wife already, should have given him enough of an excuse. Have to feel
sorry for distructon and inconvenience to all the innocents.]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sun, Nov 2 2008 11:37 AM
JEmail: Pecora, John (MC1985) looking for fellow IBMers
From: Pecora, John (MC1986)
Date: November 2, 2008 12:09:06 PM EST
Subject: John Pecora/Sterling Forest/IBM is out of the office.
I will be out of the office starting 10/30/2008 and will not return until 11/30/2008.
Hi Guys,
As word is spreading, I would like to let you know I have been
Surplused by IBM today 10/30/08 at 11:00AM. So I have 30 days to find
another job with IBM or face employment termination.
In a word I need your help in getting my name out to as many people as
you can, so I could continue the excellent service I have provided to
IBM and to you, my most precious clients and customers.
Since my schedule is filled for the next few days with finding the
ground, I will not be able to do more than emergency meetings with this
If you can please respond and I will send you or the contact my resume,
in the belief I will find something shortly with-in IBM, and will be
able to work with this team for many years to come. If you can sponsor
me in any way to find another position, that would be greatly
appreciated, I am willing to travel 50 % or more, I live and work in
White Plains, I am a Band 8, and my Job Reviews have been 2+ or greater
in the past 13 years.
I will have my 24 hour a day, cell phone (number below) with me for
emergencies, since I could not secure full back-up coverage for my
impressive workload.
[JR: Any IBMers out there that can help a fellow Jasper?]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sun, Nov 2 2008 3:37 PM
MFound: The alumni room of O’Malley Library at Manhattan College
Former FOR leader to discuss his book
John Dear, former executive director of the Fellowship of
Reconciliation and a Jesuit priest, will speak about his new
autobiography and sign books at 4 p.m. Nov. 15 in the alumni room of
O’Malley Library at Manhattan College in Riverdale. The book,
“A Persistent Peace: One Man’s Struggle for a Nonviolent
World,” was released in August. It chronicles Dear’s career
and spiritual growth over decades. The event is free and open to the
public, and sponsored by the college’s peace studies program. The
college is at West 242nd Street near Broadway in the Bronx, about a
mile from the Westchester County line.
[JR: Interesting Manhattan College connection?]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sun, Nov 2 2008 7:43 PM
QUADRANGLE: Sunday, November 2, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Riverdale Weather: HI / LO 39 Mostly Cloudy
Laying Down the Law
On a hot summer day in July, Michael Lawler, a Manhattan College
senior, double majoring in accounting and finance, was busy
chauffeuring around staff from the John McCain campaign - where he
interns - when he drove to Newark International Airport to help pack up
the airplane.
In Final Presidential Debate, McCain Comes Out Swinging, and Misses
The final presidential debate of the 2008 election season was on
October 15th at Hofstra University in Hempstead, NY. It pitted
Republican Nominee Sen. John McCain AZ against Democratic Nominee Sen.
Barack Obama IL with Bob Schieffer acting as moderator. There was no
specific topic of the debate, as a variety of issues were covered
ranging from the economy to abortion rights to the negative ads both
campaigns have run. Full Story
News Briefs
From the Editor
MC Students Prefer Obama 54-3183% of MC Students Plan on Voting Tuesday
Confusion Over Parking Garage Retail Space
Students Interview MC Experts on National Issues: Age
Students Interview MC Experts on National Issues: Gender
Touching Base With the Holocaust Center
Finding the Message in the Media
A Real Vote For Change
Change is the big word this election season. John McCain attempts to
brand himself as a change in conservative politics. Barack Obama has
practically constructed a cult around the word. All you hear on
television and read in the newspaper is “change we can believe
in” this and “the change we need” that, but
here’s a news flash: the government is too big to change.
Freshman Must Take Minor: Blessing in Disguise
Got Issues? No Problem!
P/C: McCain or Obama
Whimsical Woman Column
A Necessary Evil
Gypsy cabs: an online dictionary defines it as “a personal
vehicle used by individuals to offer unauthorized taxi-like
services.” However, ask any MC student about the topic and they
will tell you a story. Although illegal and possibly dangerous, the
widely popular faux-cabs are too convenient and economical to be put
out of business.
Random Trinkets and Hidden Treasures
This Week In Jasper History
Avery is Here!
“Avery is here!” exclaimed a jubilant Dr. Adam Koehler of
the English Department in a recent interview with The Quadrangle. Dr.
Koehler is rightly exuberant about the recent success of the literary
anthology Avery, launched in January 2007. Avery is a publication
devoted to providing a place where unpublished, and usually young,
writers can have their works printed in order to reach the larger
reading public.
Fey, Palin Provide Relevance and Ratings for SNL
Meg’s Monthly MixtapeWhat’s On Your iPod?
Voices From The Quad
Sharing Music, Ideas and a Cup of Joe
Flag Football Injury Changes Fasano’s Year
Football is king in college sports. However, MC does not have a Varsity
football team. This makes the excitement and intensity in flag football
that much more unique. When classes started in late August, many MC
males were fixated on forming a flag football team that could dominant
the league.
Jasper Hot Seat
Kickboxing on Campus
Sports Briefs
The Poor Man’s Shot at Sunday
Why the Yankees Should Vote for Obama
Lady Jaspers face off with Siena on Senior Day
# # # # #
* Posted on: Mon, Nov 3 2008 7:05 AM
JEmail: Toner, Mike (MC1972) reports McCarrick, Ed [MC1971]
From: Toner, Mike (MC1972)
Date: November 3, 2008 11:38:20 AM EST
Subject: Re: JNews: McCarrick, Ed [MC????]
Dear F. John,
I believe Ed McCarrick was my classmate at Chaminade HS, Mineola, NY
– Class of ‘67 and that he would be MC – Class of
mike toner
buffalo, ny
BEE ‘72
[JR: Thanks, MikeT. Much appreciated. I need lots of help identifying years.]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Mon, Nov 3 2008 6:37 PM
JHQ: NYC Club Fall ‘08 Networking Reception
NYC Club Fall ‘08 Networking Reception
Join us for a special networking reception featuring guest
speaker Thomas D. O’Malley ’63, Chairman, Petroplus Holdings AG
and Chairman of the Manhattan College Board of Trustees.
tell a friend
Thursday, Nov.13, 2008, 6-9 p.m.
Hosted by UBS
1285 Avenue of the Americas, Floor 14
New York, NY
Preregistration is required for this event due to building security measures.
For more information contact Tom McCarthy ‘06, assistant director
of alumni relations by e-mail at thomas.mccarthy@manhattan.edu or by
phone at (718) 862-7454.
# # # # #
* Posted on: Tue, Nov 4 2008 5:42 PM
JEmail: Dans, Peter E. (MC1957) gives feedback
From: Dans, Peter E. (MC1957)
Date: November 3, 2008 9:18:24 AM EST
To: “John Reinke (1968)”
Subject: Feedback
Hi John:
I continue to read Jasper Jottings but haven’t written for a
while. I’m breaking my silence to congratulate you on your latest
issue beginning with the piece on “bubbling over with joy.”
What a great image! I also enjoyed the article about Manhattan’s
basketball coach and your excellent critique of the New York Times
article on the Quadrangle’s editor-in-chief (where was the
faculty advisor who should have done this?) as well as your staunch
defense of Brother Thomas. As you said, it’s easy to smirk and
criticize from the sidelines instead of taking into account how much
Brother Thomas has done for him and his fellow students. Sadly, I fear
we shall not see his like again. Also, the student’s attitude is
far from the idealistic portrait the speaker at the Honors Convocation
evoked. Finally, I have admired your courageous stand on the issue of
abortion and on the inability to comprehend “Catholics”
supporting him Biden, Pelosi, Dodd, Leahy, Kennedy etc. even given
“social justice issues” when that crowd has fostered
dependence for political gain under the guise of “justice”
instead of self-sufficiency.
“Bon courage a toi”
Best regards,
Peter E. Dans ‘57
[JR: Thanks. I really appreciate your kind words. I'm, just as I said,
"shoveling". It's easy to "collect", rather than "originate". As far as
the Quad editor, he may have been caught off guard. The Faculty
Advisor, if any, may have been "off duty" at the time. Have to give
folks the benefit of the doubt. I know that most corporations have
policies about dealing with the press. It's too easy for an
off-the-cuff remark to make it into print. Maybe I'm just
hypersensitive about all things Manhattan. Having had the opportunity
to work with Brother President and see him steer the Ship of State
called "Manhattan College", I've seen how masterfully he's navigated
past many problems. I'll miss him when he retires next year? Lest
anyone think it's a "lovefest", he and I have gone "hammer 'n' tong"
over "social justice" and what it means! ("Social Justice is code for
welfare and gooferment expansionism.") My retort and the Convocation
speech are from old Jaspers; the student is just that: "a student".
When those students are as old and cranky as us, then they will be
lecturing the then undergraduates about life, values, and what's
"right"! Decades of experience makes it pretty easy to take the "high
road". I don't feel very "courageous" since there is little risk in
taking such stances. What someone going to do? Stop reading, send me a
tart email, or call me a nasty name. The CINO politicians are just too
easy to skewer. And, the Princes of the Church, as well, are just AWOL
from moral leadership. Easy to sit on the sidelines and snipe.
Especially when the targets are so fat and slow moving. Thanks, for
making my Monday.]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Tue, Nov 4 2008 6:37 PM
JFound: McDonald, Martin (MC1988)
Martin McDonald
New York, NY
New York Life
Relationship Status:
Grad Schools:
* Rutgers ‘90
* Masters, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
* Manhattan College ‘93
* MBA, Marketing
* Manhattan College ‘88
* Mechanical Engineering
High School: Xaverian High School ‘84
Employer: New York Life
# - # - #
McDonald, Martin (MC1988)
# # # # #
* Posted on: Tue, Nov 4 2008 7:33 PM
Joy: DiAlto-Schmidt, Jennifer (MC1992) reprises her role as “Mommy”
Jennifer DiAlto-Schmidt (MC1992), and her husband Robert, welcomed a
baby girl, Olivia Nicole Schmidt, on October 15, 2008. Olivia weighed
in at 7 lbs. 12 oz., and was 21 inches. Olivia’s brother,
Anthony, is 4 years old and is very excited to have a little sister.
The family lives in Yorktown Heights, NY.
# - # - #
[JR: Great news. I think I hear Brother President penciling a name on that big Future Calendar his has in his office.]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Wed, Nov 5 2008 11:59 AM
JEmail: Ferguson, Joe (MC1963) wants JJ!
From: Ferguson, Joe (MC1963)
Date: November 4, 2008 3:43:43 PM EST
Subject: Jaspers Jottings
I was told about your blog by a fellow Jasper. I would like to be added to the distribution list.
Joe Ferguson ‘63
[JR: Well, we'll have to conduct an investigtion as to who can't keep a
secret. LOL! Welcome hope you read it for a hundred years.]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Wed, Nov 5 2008 12:13 PM
JHQ: To Be Inducted Into Manhattan College’s Athletic Hall Of Fame
November 4, 2008
Men’s Basketball Star Jason Hoover ’97 And Baseball
Standout Thomas Walraven ’76 Among Those To Be Inducted Into
Manhattan College’s Athletic Hall Of Fame
Inductees include five track and field stars and softball’s Carrie Wujcik-Drum ’96
RIVERDALE, N.Y. – Men’s basketball star Jason Hoover
’97 and baseball standout Thomas Walraven ’76 headline the
list of 2008 inductees into Manhattan College’s Athletic Hall of
Fame. The 30th annual induction ceremony, sponsored by the Manhattan
College Alumni Society, will be held on Saturday, Dec. 6 at 5:00 p.m.
in the College’s Smith Auditorium.
Among the other inductees are softball’s Carrie Wujcik-Drum
’96 and track and field team members Diné Potter
’97, Patrick McGrath ’95, Louis Ostolozaga ’81, Peter
Beyer ’60 and Dean Noll ’50 (posthumously). Two teams will
also be honored: the 1935 Penn Relays mile championship team and the
1993 women’s softball squad.
For more information on the Manhattan College Hall of Fame, please
contact Grace Feeney, alumni relations officer, at (718) 862-7432 or
grace.feeney@manhattan.edu. If you are a member of the press and wish
to cover the induction ceremony, please contact Scott Silversten at
(718) 862-7232 or e-mail scott.silversten@manhattan.edu.
Manhattan College is located at West 242nd Street near Broadway in the
Riverdale section of the Bronx, one mile from the Westchester County
line and accessible by MTA subway line 1.
Hoover was part of the Manhattan College basketball resurgence in the
1990s. A powerhouse center even as a freshman, he started 23 games and
averaged 8.6 points to become MAAC Rookie of the Year. As a sophomore,
Hoover was a key factor in the Jaspers earning an at-large bid to the
NCAA Tournament and then beating Oklahoma in the first round.
He finished his career in Riverdale with 1,250 points, 865 rebounds and
a 52.0 field goal rate from the floor. His seven free throws in the
final minutes of a close Manhattan vs. Fordham game earned him the
title of Battle of the Bronx MVP during his senior year.
Walraven, an outfielder, posted one of the highest batting averages
(.349) in the country for freshmen. He went on to be named to the
All-Metropolitan team in 1974 and 1976 when he batted .356 with 19 runs
scored as a senior. In 1975, he played errorless ball despite an injury
that slowed him offensively.
Among Walraven’s Manhattan College honors were Dean’s List, Outstanding Performer Award and the Jasper Award.
Wujcik-Drum began her Jaspers career with 30 wins in a season that saw
the softball team accumulate 34 victories, the most successful campaign
in program history at the time. Even with an injury that cut her
sophomore season short, she pitched 78 career complete games, earning
55 victories with a 2.32 ERA.
During an outstanding career, Wujcik-Drum led the team in appearances
(105), games started (98), wins, innings pitched (618) and complete
games. She also ranked second in strikeouts and fifth in ERA.
Potter was the first female Jasper to compete in the Olympics, when she
represented her parents’ homeland Antigua and Barbuda in 1996 in
Atlanta. She set nine Jasper records and still holds school marks in
the 4×400 relay (3:39.64) and 4×200 meter relay (1:38.25)
more than 10 years after leaving Riverdale.
Named All-East five times between 1994-1997, Potter won six
Metropolitan Championship titles. She led relay teams that set records
in three consecutive Penn Relays in different events.
McGrath, a threat with the hammer and 35-pound weight, represented his
native Ireland at the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, Australia. A three-time
All-American while at Manhattan, he was named to the All-East Track and
Field Team eight times, four in each category, and is listed No. 3 on
the College’s all-time rankings for hammer and weight performers.
In addition to numerous national and international championships to his
credit, McGrath earned the title of youngest champion at the Irish
Nationals in the hammer throw competition in 1992 (205 feet, 0 inches),
competing in the event six times.
Ostolozaga was a two-time All-American in the mile and a three-time
All-East selection while a long distance runner at Manhattan. He set
five College records, including two NYC Marathon Jasper marks with his
best time of 2:14. A three-time Met Champion, he also was undefeated in
indoor dual meet races in his final three years on campus.
A versatile long distance performer, Ostolozaga was a Met Champion in
the 1,500 meters in 1980 and the 10,000 meters in 1980 and 1981. He set
a field house record at Navy in 1980 in the 3,000 meters with a time of
Beyer was only the second Jasper to break 25 minutes at Van Cortlandt
Park on the grueling five-mile course. He put up times of 24:55 for the
Met IC4As and 24:47 for the IC4As. Victorious in 25 races and meets,
Beyer was a captain of the cross country team in 1959 and finished his
Jaspers career with five cross country victories, leading Manhattan to
the Met IC4A Championships three times as a senior.
In addition, he played a pivotal role in nine Met IC4A Championships
(three cross country and six indoor/outdoor). He was named Elite Cross
Country Runner in the East in 1958 and 1959.
Noll had 51 medals in his possession and held a Jaspers record for the
one-mile relay with a time of 3:16 by the time he completed his
Manhattan career. He helped put Manhattan on the map in national track
competitions, contributing to many victories, including all major
relays in the 1947 indoor season.
Competing regularly against stiff competition, Noll was a member of the
mile relay and spring medley relay, which won the national championship
at Madison Square Garden in 1947. It marked the first time Manhattan
had four runners win two relay events in a national championship.
Noll’s records include the mile relay mark at the IC4A outdoor
championships in 1950 at Randall’s Island.
The 1935 Penn Relays Mile Championship Team was not considered a threat
in the mile relays, but coach Pete Waters found a winning combination
in Matt Carey ’37, Bill Averill ’35, Bill Morrissey
’35 and anchor Jack Wolff ’38. At the Penn Relays, the
squad posted the second fastest time (3:16.3) to date.
Prior to this victory in Philadelphia, the Jaspers mile relay squad
captured the IC4A and Met indoor championships. They helped pave the
way for Jasper dominance in the decades that followed by contributing
to numerous team titles, including three straight IC4A and Met
The 1993 women’s softball team finished their season with the
most wins in Jasper history for any team at the time with a record of
34-16 record. Coached by Hall of Famer Paul Mazzei, the squad ranked
fourth in the NCAA in triples per game, sixth in runs and 15th in both
home runs and slugging percentage.
# - # - #
Hoover, Jason [MC1997]
Walraven, Thomas [MC1976]
Wujcik-Drum, Carrie [MC1996]
Potter, Diné [MC1997]
McGrath, Patrick [MC1995]
Ostolozaga, Louis [MC1981]
Beyer, Peter [MC1960]
Noll, Dean [MC1950]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Wed, Nov 5 2008 4:31 PM
JHQ: A Candlelight Christmas Celebration
November 4, 2008
Manhattan College Presents A Candlelight Christmas Celebration
RIVERDALE, N.Y. – The Manhattan College Singers and Orchestra
will host their holiday program A Festival of Lessons and Carols on
Sunday, Dec. 7 at 4:30 p.m. in the College’s Chapel of De La
Salle and His Brothers, with preludes beginning at 4:00 p.m. The
family-friendly event is free and open to the public.
The program is a unique and festive celebration that combines an
eclectic selection of music, prayers and traditional Christmas carols.
The MC Singers will perform various pieces ranging from baroque and
contemporary music to gospel, while the MC Orchestra will perform
selections from Joseph Haydn’s Symphony #31. The ensembles will
combine to present the Gloria and Agnus Dei from Marc-Antoine
Charpentier’s Midnight Mass.
Immediately following the service, the MC Singers will walk by
candlelight onto the Quad and light the College’s Christmas tree.
A brass quartet will entertain guests during the lighting. The program
will return indoors to Smith Auditorium for a reception, including a
visit from Santa Claus and live jazz music.
For more information about this event, please call William Mulligan,
Manhattan College’s director of performing arts, at (718)
Members of the media who would like to cover the event may contact
Scott Silversten at (718) 862-7232 or scott.silversten@manhattan.edu.
Manhattan College is located at 242nd Street near Broadway in the
Riverdale section of the Bronx, one mile from the Westchester County
line and accessible by MTA subway line 1.
Founded in 1853, Manhattan College is an independent, Catholic,
coeducational institution of higher learning, offering more than 40
major programs of undergraduate study in the areas of arts, business,
education, engineering and science, along with graduate programs in
education and engineering. For more information about Manhattan
College, visit www.manhattan.edu.
# # # # #
* Posted on: Wed, Nov 5 2008 4:34 PM
JFound: Carabine, Brian [MC????] recounts career
Marine Recalls “Fabulous” Service Experience
November 05, 2008
By Kitty Merrill
Brian Carabine, Commander of the VFW Everit Albert Herter Post 550 in
East Hampton, is a veteran of two foreign wars. He served in Vietnam
and in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia during Desert Storm. His two sons also
served their country in the Marines. His dark blue cap reads,
“USMC. Never retire, always a Marine.”
On the eve of Veteran’s Day, Carabine spoke to The Independent, outlining close to 30 years of service.
Born in the Bronx in 1942, Carabine was the son of an Irish immigrant
who didn’t join the service during World War II. “He worked
in the shipyard and they wanted to keep him there,” he explained.
The family moved to Lindenhurst in western Suffolk County in 1945
before settling in Southampton in 1956. Carabine graduated from
Southampton High School.
At 22, Carabine joined the Marine Corps. “I knew some people who
were in the Marines, it struck me as the right thing to do.” He
trained as a communications specialist and when he was sent to Vietnam
in 1966 it was his job to make sure all communications –
“radio, computer, microwave, satellite, and telephone”
– were in working order.
Carabine worked his way up to platoon sergeant for the reaction
platoon, which was tasked with assisting base defense forces at
I-Corps. The team also provided security for medical teams and
psychological warfare squads. He spent a month in Saigon along with
about two years deployed around Indochina. He received “a
herd” of conduct ribbons from campaigns during the war.
The choice to enlist in the Marines during a time when many in the
nation were trying to avoid the draft and opposed to the conflict was
not difficult for Carabine. All the men he served with in his unit were
volunteers. “We all knew what we were signing on for.” In
Saigon, Carabine had the chance to meet Vietnamese locals, and, he
said, “Everyone I met was in favor of our participation and
wanted us to try and save them from the Communists.”
Returning to the United States in 1968, Carabine was stationed at
Quantico, Virginia before he mustered out. In 1969 he married his wife
Prudence and the couple made their home in East Hampton. Remaining in
the reserves for 20 years, Carabine went back to school, making the
long commute to Manhattan College. For 13 years he embarked on an only
slightly shorter commute, working for an engineering company in
Babylon. He was working for a municipal construction company in the
’90s when he was re-activated for the Gulf war.
Carabine was deployed to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, again tasked with
overseeing communications. This time he was 48 years old. Leaving the
U.S. was “easier for me, since I knew what I was doing.” At
a higher rank and assigned to headquarters, “I knew what was
going on. It was more of a challenge for my family because of the
unknown.” He received a medal for service in the Persian Gulf,
and left active service as a Master Gunnery Sergeant.
Carabine, who’s been commander of the East Hampton Post since
2003, first joined the VFW in 1979. As a reservist based in Huntington,
he participated as part of the honored color guards in parades across
the island. “I always tried to make it back” for local
parades, he recalled, especially pleased because he was able to
participate in the local event in the Bicentennial year 1976.
As Commander, Carabine has been particularly focused on helping
veterans access medical care. “We have a van to take people to
the clinic in Westhampton and the hospital in Northport,” he
informed. Recently, Carabine solicited experts in veteran medical care
to offer presentations to the membership. “We try to help out as
much as we can,” he summarized.
The philosophy of service is one Carabine passed down to his two sons
Conlon and Sean. In fact, Sean was in boot camp when Brian went over to
serve in Desert Storm. “He would have been with me if the war had
gone on longer,” Carabine mused. Sean retired from the Marines
when he was diagnosed with cancer. He passed away last year.
Brian’s youngest son, Conlon, is a major in the Marine Corps.
He’s currently stationed in San Diego.
“My wife sometimes said she doesn’t know how it happened. I
never said anything [about joining the Marines] to them. They both
decided on their own. Hopefully I gave them a good example.”
Looking back, Carabine said serving the country was “fabulous for
me.” It gave him focus, taught him perseverance and instilled a
sense of pride. “All the time I served I felt we were doing good
# - # - #
Carabine, Brian [MC????]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Wed, Nov 5 2008 4:40 PM
JNews: Rispoli, James J. [MC1968] moves along
Published: November 05,2008
Assistant Secretary James Rispoli Announces Resignation
U.S. Secretary of Energy Samuel W. Bodman today released the following
statement regarding Assistant Secretary James Rispoli’s
announcement that he will be leaving the Department in late November:
“Jim provided strong leadership and achieved significant success
as the Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management (EM) for the
past three years. He enhanced the credibility of the EM program by
instituting rigorous management practices during both the project
planning and execution phases, and greatly improved the daily
operations of the organization. He also demonstrated and set the
example that technical and sometimes dangerous projects can be well
managed while at the same time adhering to the highest safety
standards. I am pleased that EM’s project and safety performance
have improved dramatically during his tenure, and I wish him the very
best in his future endeavors.”
Rispoli said, “I am pleased and honored to have served as the
Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management under Secretary Bodman
and President Bush and feel especially privileged to have worked with
such dedicated civil servants and contractors. The commitment and
enthusiasm of our workforce have been major catalysts for me as,
together, we have executed our cleanup mission. I am particularly proud
of our safety record - our workers have the right to go home at the end
of their work days as healthy as when they came in. The fact that the
Project Management Institute honored EM with its Project of the Year
Award two years in a row, for the Rocky Flats and Fernald cleanup, is a
testament to the discipline and focus of our workers.
By setting priorities, instituting project management discipline,
establishing independently audited cost and schedule targets, and
making safety paramount, EM is now on the road to achieve even greater
success in the coming years. Through its accomplishments and its
development of new technologies and innovative approaches, EM is
recognized as a world leader in nuclear waste management and
As the Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management, Mr. Rispoli
has led the Nation’s $6 billion per year program to clean up the
waste and contamination remaining from former nuclear weapons research
and production. The 50-year legacy of the Manhattan Project and the
Cold War generated nearly 90 million gallons of highly radioactive
liquid waste stored in more than 200 aging underground tanks, millions
of cubic yards of solid radioactive waste, thousands of tons of spent
nuclear fuel and special nuclear materials, more than 100 square miles
of contaminated soil and groundwater, and thousands of contaminated
Assistant Secretary Rispoli’s resignation will be effective
November 22, 2008. Previously, Mr. Rispoli was Director of DOE’s
Office of Engineering and Construction Management. Prior to joining DOE
he was a president of one and vice president of a second engineering
firm and retired at the rank of captain from the United States
Navy’s Civil Engineer Corps after 27 years of service. He earned
his Bachelor of Engineering degree in Civil Engineering from Manhattan
College, a Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the
University of New Hampshire, and a Master’s degree in business
from Central Michigan University. He is a Professional Engineer and
Fellow of the American of Civil Engineers and of the Society of
American Military Engineers.
Rispoli was nominated by President Bush in May 2005, unanimously
confirmed by the U.S. Senate as seventh Assistant Secretary for
Environmental Management and sworn in by Secretary of Energy Samuel W.
Bodman in August 2005.
Source: U.S. Department of Energy
# - # - #
Rispoli, James J. [MC1968]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Wed, Nov 5 2008 8:52 PM
CARTOON: Gerstell Academy’s “Gallery of Heroes” is President-Elect Barack Obama
From: Breen, Jerry (MC1971)
Date: November 6, 2008 6:46:49 AM EST
Subject: Obama painting
To one and all: My latest portrait painting for Gerstell
Academy’s “Gallery of Heroes” is President-Elect
Barack Obama. President Obama’s portrait joins over 175 other
portraits in the halls of Gerstell Academy, a private school in
Finksburg, Maryland. When the school opened its doors about 8 years
ago, the founder, Dr. Fred Smith, decided to hang portraits of positive
role models from history in the hallways to inspire the students. He
originally envisioned about 20 portraits. As the school has grown, so
has the gallery. It is now possibly the largest collection of portrait
paintings by one artist in one place. Sincerely, Jerry Breen
Http://www.newbreen.com 410-683-1562

# # # # #
* Posted on: Thu, Nov 6 2008 7:44 AM
JUpdate: Kelleher, Dan (MC1977) updates
Kelleher, Dan (MC1977)
Delmar, NY
# # # # #
* Posted on: Thu, Nov 6 2008 7:46 AM
JUpdates: Hansbury, William D. (MC1975) moves to Barrons
Hansbury, William D. (MC1975)
barron’s magazine/ dow jones
# # # # #
* Posted on: Thu, Nov 6 2008 5:40 PM
JFound: Lo, Gerry (MC1979)
Lo, Gerry (MC1979)
“I’m nobody! Who are you? Are you nobody, too? Then
there’s a pair of us don’t tell! They’d banish us,
you know. How dreary to be somebody! How public, like a frog To tell
your name the livelong day To an admiring bog!”
* Male, 52, Married
* Interested In: Friends
* Member Since: Jan 2005
* Location: Parsippany, NJ
* Hometown: New York
* College: Manhattan College
* Company: Watson Pharmaceuticals; Par Pharmaceutical, Taro
Pharmaceuticals, Merck, Schering-Plough, American Cyanamid, Gillette,
Johnson and Johnson
Who I Want to Meet:
Acquaintances, new friends, old pals, lost loves, guys, dolls.
Like-minded people, different folks. Felix, Oscar, Bert or Ernie,
AM/FM/XM/Sirius; Stern, Imus, Rush, or Franken fans. Interesting, dull,
mellow, irascible, stoked, sedated, pumped, sober, jacked, wretched,
tired, poor, huddled, yearning, free. Nasties, sophisticates, artistes,
bums. Hot, cool, tepid, lukewarm, stone cold, smoking or non. Left,
right, middle, red, blue, white, black, grey, brown, yellow, pink,
lavender, boy, girl, in-between, funny, happy, ebullient, insouciant,
morose, saturnine, lugubrious, sad, serious, frivolous, carnivore,
vegan, profound, profane, pious, good, bad, ugly, beautiful,
indifferent, sexy, sexless, young, old, cuddly, bristly, hard, soft,
firm? Be seeing you
# # # # #
* Posted on: Thu, Nov 6 2008 8:03 PM
PRAYERREQUEST: Athanasidy, Patrice (MC1988) has a cousin relapsing
Patrice Athanasidy is asking for prayers for her cousin Ross (almost 12). His leukemia is back. More info after biopsy Friday.
# - # - #
Athanasidy, Patrice (MC1988)
# # # # #
* Posted on: Thu, Nov 6 2008 10:13 PM
MObit: Eugene J. O’Brien, Eugene J. [MCattendee]
Eugene J. O’Brien
O’BRIEN Eugene J., a World War II veteran and procurement
executive in paper, banking, and technology died Nov. 3rd. He was 86
years old.O’Brien was born in New York, New York to Irish
immigrants from Kinsale.He graduated from Power Memorial High School in
the Bronx, New York and attended Manhattan College, graduated from Iona
College, Columbia University and the executive management program at
Harvard University.During college, he joined the US Naval Reserve and
was in active duty in the Pacific Theater during World War II from
1943-1946. He was an active member of the Veteran’s
Administration.O’Brien was an executive with American Can
Company, United Trust Company, Diamond International and NYNEX. A
former athlete and competitive swimmer, O’Brien volunteered at
the Veterans Administration Hospitals and the Ocean County Health
Department after his retirement.A well loved and respected family
member, he is survived by his wife Barbara (Cagnolati) O’Brien
and his three children Peg O’Brien Bernhardt and her husband Ted
of Bedford, Massachusetts, Paul O’Brien, Ph.D. and Nancy Ricany,
RN. of Ocean Gate, New Jersey and Donald O’Brien and his wife
Diane of Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey. He leaves six wonderful
grandchildren and a sister Frances Quinlan of Waretown, New
Jersey.Eugene O’Brien will be buried with full military honors.
Funeral from Becker Funeral Home, 219 Kinderkamack Road, Westwood, NJ,
on Monday at 9 AM. Funeral Liturgy at Church of St. Andrew, Westwood,
NJ at 10 AM. Interment, Gate of Heaven Cemetery, Hawthorne, NY. The
family will receive their friends on Sunday at Becker Funeral Home from
2-6 PM. In lieu of flowers, please send donations to the Veterans
Administration, 251 Causeway Street #226, Boston, MA, 02114, and
Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, 125 Nashua Street, Boston, MA, 02114.
# - # - #
O’Brien, Eugene J. [MCattendee]
Guestbook: http://tinyurl.com/5e84qa
[JR: WW2 screwed up a lot of lives. Folks left Manhattan College and
may have not returned to finish up there. They may have not even come
home at all. I feel we should give folks the benefit of the doubt.
Without their country's call, they might have graduated Jaspers. I
think that if someone mentions Manhattan College in the obit, then it
meant something to them. And, I'll honor that mention. Besides, prayers
offered on their behalf are pretty inexpensive to us the living. What
else can we do for them? Honor that they once shared a common
tradition. Maybe that time was what formed them? Makes them Jaspers in
my book.]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Fri, Nov 7 2008 9:04 AM
QUADRANGLE: November 5, 2008
Current Issue: November 5, 2008
Hispanic Heritage Highlighted By Times Writer
by Maeve Guidera and Chuck Daly in News
Coach Mecca Draws Talented, Disciplined International Athletes
by Katie Kerbstat in Sports
Voting Booths Available in Draddy
by Laura Felton in News
OV Haunted House Misconception
by Danielle Valente in News
A Look Into A Successful Journey
by Carly Hertica in Features
Let’s Go to the Punk Rock Show!
a NOFX Experience
by Bobby Rice in Features
Let’s Go to the Punk Rock Show!
What To Do In November
by Kayla Hutzler in Features
Nine Science Credits? I’m an Arts Major!
by Kyle Osborne in Op Ed
Golf, Swimming, Politics and Wall Street
Jasper Nick Labanca Knows How to Keep Busy
by Bobby Rice in Sports
Golf, Swimming, Politics and Wall Street
The Little Italy of the Bronx
Review of a Delicatessen
by Carly Hertica in Features
* Beware of Things that Go Bump in the Night
* Hispanic Heritage Highlighted By Times Writer
* News Briefs
* Voting Booths Available in Draddy
* OV Haunted House Misconception
Op Ed
* Got Issues? No Problem!
* P/C: Rules are Rules
* P/C: We Need Security
* Presidency For Sale?
* Nine Science Credits? I’m an Arts Major!
* A Look at Halloween and Reformation Day
* Fashion Spotlight
* Let’s Go to the Punk Rock Show!
* This Week In Jasper History
* What To Do In November
* A Look Into A Successful Journey
* The Little Italy of the Bronx
* Halloween Run in Van Cortlandt Park a Success
* Jasper Hot Seat: Megan O’Keefe
* Coach Mecca Draws Talented, Disciplined International Athletes
* Golf, Swimming, Politics and Wall Street
# # # # #
* Posted on: Fri, Nov 7 2008 9:54 AM
JObit: Dunn, Joseph A. [MC1951]
Joseph A. Dunn
(Asbury Park Press)
Joseph A. Dunn, 82, of Brielle, died Thursday, Nov. 6 at Jersey Shore
University Medical Center, Neptune. Born in Jersey City, Joseph
wintered in Essex Fells and summered in Sea Girt before moving to
Brielle 29 years ago. Joseph was a graduate of Xavier High School and
Manhattan College. Joseph served in the U.S. Navy during World War II.
Joseph was a builder who was known for the apartment complexes, homes,
shopping centers and hotels he built all around New Jersey. He was the
former owner of the Buckingham and Avon Inn, both in Avon. He was a
communicant of St. Mark’s Church in Sea Girt, where he was a
member of the Holy Name Society. Joseph was a member of the Post Card
Club, and was an antique and art collector. Joseph still gathered with
his friends from Xavier High School as part of the Captains Club, since
he was a captain of the tennis team and played on the basketball team.
Joseph was predeceased by his beloved wife, Geraldine T. Dunn, in 2004;
his daughter Suzanne Dunn Palian, in 2005; and his two sisters, Evelyn
Jones and Rita Berman. Surviving are his daughter Sharlene Dunn
Reynolds and her husband, Michael; a son-in-law, Robert Palian; four
grandchildren, Rebecca and Beth Palian, and Sean and Caitlin Reynolds;
and many nieces, nephews and cousins.
Visiting will be from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Monday at the
O’Brien Funeral Home, 2028 Route 35 at New Bedford Road, Wall. A
Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday at St.
Mark’s Church, Sea Girt. Burial will follow in St.
Catharine’s Cemetery, Sea Girt.
# - # - #
Dear John,
I believe that Joe is a member of the Class of 1951.
May He Rest In Peace.
[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated. ]
# - # - #
Dunn, Joseph A. [MC1951]
Guestbook: http://tinyurl.com/62u8ot
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sat, Nov 8 2008 10:37 AM
* Updated: Sun, Nov 9 2008 1:40 AM
JEmail: Rooney, John Peter (MC1965) ids Durning, Joseph F. (MC1980) and Garofalo, Arthur R. (MC1965)
From: Rooney, John Peter (MC1965)
Date: November 8, 2008 12:43:05 PM EST
To: reinkefj
Subject: Cardinal Hayes High School Reunion
08 November 2008
Dear F John Reinke,
Attached is an invitation from Cardinal Hayes High School, Bronx, NY, to gather at a restaurant in downtown Boston.
Commitments already made precluded my attendance next Saturday, but I thought
I would tell you that three (3) of the contacts were graduates of both Hayes High and
Manhattan College.
Name Hayes MC
Joseph F. Durning 1976 1980
Arthur R. Garofalo 1961 1965
John Peter Rooney 1957 1965
It is a small world in which we share so much and do not know it.
“And the cares of tomorrow can wait until this day is done”…Irish song.
John Peter Rooney
Life Senior Member IEEE
— On Wed, 11/5/08, jtierney wrote:
From: jtierney
Subject: Re: Cardinal Hayes Reunion
To: A bunch of folks
Date: Wednesday, November 5, 2008, 12:32 PM
Good afternoon. I hope you are well. This is Fr. Joe Tierney, President of Cardinal Hayes High School, Bronx , NY .
I am sending a reminder to you of our Hayes Alumni gathering scheduled
for Saturday, November 15th at Morton’s Steakhouse, Boston
(Seaport section). We will gather at 5:30 pm for conversation, stories
(some true and some untrue?) of your time at Hayes, good food and
drink. I hope you can make it.
I have been the President of Hayes for the past five years, and have
been making my way throughout the country visiting our Alumni to hear
stories of their days at Hayes, to update them on the current state of
affairs at our fine institution, and to ask your continued prayers and
assistance as we move forward. The future for Cardinal Hayes High
School looks bright and is filled with opportunity for our young
Hayesmen. I will be bringing pictures of the school, and of our school
in session as it looks today. It is always amazing to hear the comments
of our Hayesmen who may not have been back to the school since they
graduated, and hear them say, “The place hasn’t
I hope that you are able to join us for our Hayes Reunion on Saturday,
November 15th at 5:30 pm. The cost for each person is $75.00. I promise
that you will enjoy a fabulous meal courtesy of the Morton’s
Steakhouse. (p.s. The C.E.O. of Morton’s is a Hayesmen, and has
been quite helpful in setting up these Alumni Reunions).
Please RSVP soon so that we can properly get a number of our guests for
our reunion. I look forward to seeing you on November 15th.
God bless,
Fr. Joe Tierney
# - # - #
Durning, Joseph F. (MC1980)
Garofalo, Arthur R. (MC1965)
Rooney, John Peter (MC1965)
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sat, Nov 8 2008 6:10 PM
ENDNOTE: Shopping list- One big trash bag for the SoL!
Officials: 3 Dead, 23 Rescued Off Miami Beach
POSTED: 9:55 am EDT October 31, 2008
UPDATED: 6:29 pm EDT October 31, 2008
*** begin quote ***
MIAMI BEACH, Fla. — A group of migrants was intercepted by the
U.S. Coast Guard on Friday morning, and three died when some of the
migrants reportedly jumped overboard in a last-ditch effort to make it
to shore.
*** end quote ***
Put that plastic garbage bag over the Statue of Liberty!
Americans should be ashamed at how far into socialism we have fallen.
We’ve allowed our politicians to give away the store in the form
of welfare. So now, we don’t insist that people pay for what they
consume. That turns us against immigrants. We’re rightly appalled
at the vision of gate crashers coming here and getting on the dole.
There should be no dole for ANYONE!
Sorry, only private charity. No freeloading. Even if you were born here.
No government funded welfare. No government funded soup kitchens. No
government for anything but the national defense. And, that can be
handled by the militia!
Shame on us for putting up our version of the Berlin Wall.
And, remember, a wall can keep you in. Think about the Jews in pre-WW2 Germany, who couldn’t leave.
I’m ashamed.
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sat, Nov 8 2008 8:37 PM
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"Bon courage a vous tous"