Still Here
Posted by: “Carmine Vaccarino”
Fri May 2, 2008 7:44 am (PDT)
This is Carmine Vaccarino, BEE 1957.
Received your email seeking “intelligent life” at the other end of the keyboard. Pretty hard to find this in today’s society. I’ve become a cynic but I see remedial math and English courses for college freshmen, liberal thinking that says abortion and euthanasia is ok, 25% of high school female students having STDs, students in high school and college who believe they are entitled to a grade of A or B for just showing up, and other signs of entitlement and liberalism. You got me started!
However, at the ripe old age of 72, I am still enjoying life. I live in Queens New York with my wife Carole. I’m an active Fourth Degree member of the Knights of Columbus, an active member in my parish, and love traveling and visiting my grandchildren and the world.
I am an insurance agent with the Knights of Columbus and enjoy my work. My time is still basically my own. Incidently, if there is anyone out there who is interested in joining the Knights and becoming an agent, contact me.
Regards to all my classmates.
Carmine Vaccarino
# - # - #
[JR: I'm only a 68BEEE, (paid extra for that Electronics E),
and agree with your assessment. I believe that a Secular Progressive fascist /
socialist movement captured our education system. Horace Mann led the adoption
of the Prussian education system in
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* Posted on: Sun, May 4 2008 11:44 AM
I love getting the newsletter!
Would like to announce the birth of my daughter
Jocelyn Rose Rizzi
May 2, 2008
6 lbs. 4 oz.
Proud Brother Dominick
Proud Brother Amelia
Proud Parents Stephen (Class of 1991) and Jennifer
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Rizzi, Stephen (MC1991) announces Jocelyn Rose Rizzi
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[JR: Mozel Tov! ]
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* Posted on: Sun, May 4 2008 6:40 PM
RE: your recent Jasper Jottings posting,
this from the Supt. of Schools in
yes it is Our MC?
but see this from the Supt of Schools
*** begin quote ***
The recent piece in the Yonkers Tribune “Nothing Boring
about Education in
After a short discussion with Mrs. Dunne on Tuesday, I became concerned and inquired why she sounded so displeased. She indicated that she was upset with the unfair characterization of her and her fellow trustees by the editor of the blog. [JR: This doesn't refer to ours.]
I assured her that her fine work as a Trustee and her
continued support of the Yonkers Public Schools partnership with
As you know, Mrs. Dunne has always acted above reproach,
with the highest degree of professionalism and integrity. She has never used
her position to cull favors. In fact, she will go the extra mile to make sure
that her actions are both appropriate and professional at all times. This I can
speak to definitively, as both Mrs. Dunne and I have over a ten year
relationship as colleagues, when we were high school principals in the City of
On a personal note, I am pursuing advice of legal counsel; in an attempt to finally stop the unfair characterization of myself and others by this blog [JR: This doesn't refer to ours.] through the court system. The malicious and abusive personal assassination by the editor of this blog must be stopped once and for all.
Thank you for allowing me to clearly state my feelings concerning the mischaracterization of our colleague Bernadette Dunne.
Bernard P. Pierorazio
*** end quote ***
*** begin quote ***
MFound: Our MC?
By Jasper
teaching for
***End Quote***
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* Posted on: Sun, May 4 2008 8:44 PM
William J. Roth Jr. South Blooming Grove, NY
William J. Roth, Jr. of South Blooming Grove, passed away on Saturday, May 3, 2008 at his residence. He was 69.
The son of the late William J. Roth, Sr. and Catherine
O’Connor Roth, he was born in the
William was a graduate of
He is survived by his wife, Elaine M. Riccetti Roth, at
home; son,
There will be no visitation.
A Funeral Mass will be celebrated at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, May
6, at St. Anastasia Shrine Church,
In lieu of flowers, the family would appreciate memorial
donations to Hospice of Orange & Sullivan Counties, Inc.,
Arrangements by Smith, Seaman & Quackenbush, Inc.
Funeral Home, 117 Maple Ave., Monroe, NY; or
Published in the Times Herald-Record on 5/4/2008.
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Roth,William J. Jr. (MC????)
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* Posted on: Mon, May 5 2008 9:19 PM
Lawrence “Larry” Schwartz, 66, died Saturday, May 3rd, at
his home in
Larry was a native of
He remained active in public life, most recently as a participant in the Leadership Tallahassee program. Throughout his life, Larry was an avid reader, sports fan (Mets, J-E-T-S, professional boxing), jazz musician, horseracing enthusiast, raconteur, and gourmand.
Larry is survived by his wife of 24 years, Cynthia Alexander Schwartz; daughter, Alexis Holly Schwartz; sister, Faye Schwartz Kronisch (and her husband Mark Kronisch) of Maryland; mother-in-law, Rochelle Alexander of Tallahassee; sisters-in-law, Muriel and Mijanou; brothers-in-law, Clarence, Jr. and Winfred; many beloved nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends. Larry was preceded in death by a son, Alexander Schwartz, brother-in-law Clemon Alexander, and father-in-law Clarence S. Alexander Sr.
Published in the
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* Posted on: Mon, May 5 2008 9:26 PM
After all these years, Professor Floan (Business School–1954–Humanities) has sparked my interest in literature and writing. Since retiring in 1997 as CEO of a NYC insurance company, I’ve had my third book published. THE ATKINSEN TICKET, a novel of political intrigue, addresses the polarization in DC with sub-plots about a dysfunctional United Nations and a North American Union conspiracy.
Love to hear from 1954 grads. Please visit
Ken Gorman
# - # - #
Gorman, Ken [MC1954] publishes
* Posted on: Tue, May 6 2008 11:23 AM
Bronx Zoo director Jim Breheny has ‘animal magnetism’
Tuesday, May 6th 2008, 4:00 AM
Jim Breheny, director of the Bronx Zoo. Julie Larsen Maher
Jim Breheny, director of the Bronx Zoo.
When Jim Breheny talks about the 13-foot Nile crocodile in
the exhibit on
“Can you imagine the kids? They’re going to flip!” Breheny exults, describing the 2-inch Plexiglas window that’ll bring the crocodiles nose-to-nose with visitors.
At age 14, Breheny took a summer job leading camel and pony rides at the zoo. Two years ago, he became vice president of the Wildlife Conservation Society and director of the Bronx Zoo.
“I keep waiting for the real guy to show up,” Breheny joked. “I never would have believed I’d be in this position. It’s just amazing.”
Though surprised to find himself in the top post, Breheny knew he wanted to make a career at the zoo from the moment he started working there.
“It’s all I’ve ever really wanted to do,” said Breheny, whose early love of animals was encouraged by parents who tolerated a menagerie of dogs, cats, birds and frogs in their home in Throgs Neck when he was a kid.
When choosing colleges, one of his requirements was that it be close enough so that he would be able to keep his part-time job at the zoo.
“No matter how long you do this, you’re just continually amazed at animals and how they evolve and how they relate,” Breheny said.
Now that his job keeps him inside offices at meetings instead of at exhibits and habitats much of the day, he makes special efforts to get outside and meet regularly with zookeepers and their wild charges.
“I just always feel better when I’m around animals,” Breheny said.
# - # - #
Best part of job: “Getting to work with animals.”
Worst part of job: “That I have to go to a lot of meetings.”
Bio bits: 49, attended St. Raymond High School for Boys;
bachelor’s degree in biology from Manhattan College; master’s degree in biology
from Fordham University. Lives in the
Last book read: “The Last Child in the Woods: Saving our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder” by Richard Louv.
Favorite places in the Bronx: The Bronx Zoo, Throgs Neck,
Favorite food: Italian
Favorite lesiure activity: Spending time with his wife at
their house in upstate
# - # - #
Breheny, Jim (MC1981) director of the Bronx Zoo.
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* Posted on: Tue, May 6 2008 7:22 PM
* Updated: Sat, May 10 2008 7:27 AM
Dear John,
I believe that Jim is a member of the Class of 1981.
* Posted on: Sat, May 10 2008 6:44 AM
From: Mike McEneney [MC1953]
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2008 11:25 PM
To: Jasperfjohn Reinke
Subject: Re: JNEWS: Kelly, Martin K. (MC????)
I believe that Martin is a member of the Class of 1975.
—– Original Message —–
From: Jasper Jottings
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2008 9:50 AM
Subject: JNEWS: Kelly, Martin K. (MC????)
Market Wire
April 28, 2008 Monday 6:00 AM GMT
Martin K. Kelly, an insurance and reinsurance actuary with more than 30 years of experience, has been named Senior Actuary at U.S. RE Corporation, the reinsurance and consulting arm of U.S. RE Companies, Inc., Tal P. Pic-cione, Chairman and CEO, announced.
# # # # #
* Posted on: Tue, May 6 2008 9:41 PM
From: Mike McEneney (MC1953)
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2008 11:48 PM
To: Jasperfjohn Reinke
Subject: This weeks JJ
We were down in Alexandra for a few days without access to my computer. Here are a few classes that were missing from this weeks JJ:Charles Thornton ‘61, Andrew J Burke, ‘83 and Martin K Kelly, ‘75.
# # # # #
* Posted on: Tue, May 6 2008 9:43 PM
ACTIONABLE OBIT: Hagopian, Gregory Augustus (MC1949)
*** begin quote ***
Gregory Augustus Hagopian April 7, 1926 - May 4, 2008.
Gregory Hagopian passed away at his home on May 4, 2008 in
He enlisted in the Navy and attended Franklin and Marshall
and graduated from
The last few years he has enjoyed the company of his lady
friend, Jean Cummings and her family. He is survived by his sister Anna Marie
Rome, sister-in-law Patricia Ruger, son Gary (JoAnn) Hagopian, daughters; Jill
Funeral Services will be held on Saturday May 10, 2008 at
10:30am at Sacred Heart Catholic Church,
Published in The Gazette on 5/8/2008.
*** end quote ***
Guestbook for your comments is at:
# - # - #
Hagopian, Gregory Augustus (MC1949)
# # # # #
* Posted on: Thu, May 8 2008 9:56 AM
* Updated: Sat, May 10 2008 7:27 AM
Dear John,
I believe that Gregory is a member of the Class of 1949.
May He Rest In Peace.
* Posted on: Sat, May 10 2008 6:44 AM
I just can’t follow the new format.
Pete McDermott ‘67
# - # - #
[JR: Sorry, but it means I only spend an hour knocking it out as opposed to 10 to 15 hours. I can't go back.]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sat, May 10 2008 2:05 PM
You do good work.
May God continue to bless your efforts.
Ed McEneney
# - # - #
[JR: Thanks, but we both know you like it because it keeps Mike from 'helping' you? :-) Seriously, it is a hobby. When it becomes work, I'll expect to get paid!]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sat, May 10 2008 2:12 PM
Thanks as always for your good work.
A few weeks/months? ago we had some commentary on the “quad
demonstrations” in 1970. I was a sophomore living in Chrysostom Hall at the
time – a time of great foment on many college campuses. At
mike toner
bee 72
buffalo, ny
JasperLibCity 1a
JasperLibCity 2a
# - # - #
{JR: Interesting! All white male. I was in
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sat, May 10 2008 2:34 PM
I show a Martin K. Kelly graduating from MC with a BS in 1975.
Rich Kaufmann, MP’64, MC’68
# - # - #
[JR: Thanks, Rich. Much appreciated. ]
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sat, May 10 2008 2:47 PM
Eight Seek Election to Three Available
Seats on
Budget Vote, Trustee Election
Set for May 20
By Jaime L. Tomeo
There are two incumbents and six challengers running for
three available trustee positions on the Levittown Board of Education. The
Trustee Kenneth E. Auer, Sr. is not seeking re-election.
The positions are for a three-year term and are at large.
The budget election and trustee vote will be held on Tuesday, May 20 from noon
to 9 p.m. at several polling places in
All candidates were asked a series of questions. Their answers appear in alphabetical order.
{Extraneous Deleted}
James P. Ward
James Ward lives in
He served as secretary, vice president and president of the Levittown Board of Education from 1977 to 1983, is a parishioner and parish council member at St. Bernard’s Church, a member of the Knights of Columbus St. Frances Council, Levittown Property Owners Association, Levittown Community Council and serves on the advisory board for the Green Levittown Community Council.
LT: Why are you seeking election to the board?
James Ward: I believe that local school board membership is
one of the highest forms of community service and requires the election of
candidates capable of building support for public education and demanding
better educational opportunities for
LT: What is the most important issue currently facing your school district?
Ward: Fiscal integrity and selection of a new superintendent
of schools to replace Dr. Herman A. Sirois, whose final contract expires June
30, 2011. The disgraceful financial problems confronting the
LT: If elected, what ideas/suggestions do you have on how to bring about any necessary changes to the district?
Ward: As a former Levittown School Board president, I see parallels between the economic turndown which occurred during the recession of the early 1980s and what is taking place today, as an aroused electorate, consisting of parents, teachers and students, demands change. Our superintendent of schools and school board have lost any community confidence they may have possessed as was evidenced by the massive turnout of irate citizens at the April 2008 regular school board meeting.
The education of our children is of paramount importance to
any school district. However, in order to provide for their education we must
address its cost. In this respect, I recommend the
LT: Do you have any suggestions/comments about the multi-million dollar budget gap issues the district is currently addressing?
Ward: I believe that my Opinion letter,
However, I would like to repeat a portion of that letter
addressed to Sen. Kemp Hannon by re-stating: “…Our school board, for nearly two
years, violated its fiduciary obligation to
The proposed Levittown School Budget (2008/09) reflects
projected state aid of $46,074,593 in meeting its $178,288,762 budgetary needs.
However, the
# - # - #
Ward, James P. (MC????)
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sat, May 10 2008 3:49 PM
May 8, 2008
Fr. William A. Wallace, O.P., Ad Multos Annos
Fr.William Augustine Wallace, O.P. was born 90 years ago, in 1918, and was ordained to the Priesthood 55 years ago, in 1953. This Sunday he will be honored on the occasion of his 90th birthday with a small reception at the Dominican House of Studies. Ad multos annos!
The video interview with Fr. Wallace posted above was filmed in 1982 at the Dominican House of Studies.
Birth: May 11, 1918, in
Degrees, Academic: Manhattan College, New York, B.E.E., 1940; The Catholic University of America, M.S. (Physics), 1952; Dominican House of Studies, Washington, D.C., S.T.B., 1952; S.T.L., 1954; University of Freiburg, Switzerland, Ph.D. (Philosophy), 1959; Th.D. (Theology), 1962. Honorary: Providence College, Providence, RI, D.Sc. 1973; Molloy College, New York, NY, D.Litt. 1974; Manhattan College, New York, NY, L.H.D. 1975; Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT, L.H.D. 1986.
Military Service: U.S. Navy, Ensign to Lieutenant Commander, 1941-1946; research at Naval Ordnance Laboratory, 1941-1942; operations officer, Pacific Ocean Area, 1943-1945, staff of Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, D.C., 1946; decorated Legion of Merit.
Dominican Order: Entered Novitiate of St. Joseph’s Province, Springfield, KY, July 1946; professed: simple vows, August 1947; solemn vows, August 1950; ordained to the priesthood, June 4, 1953; received faculties, 1954.
Lector of Sacred Theology (S.T.Lr.), 1954; Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.), 1967.
Academic Appointments: Lector in Philosophy, Dominican Houses of Studies in Springfield, Ky., and Dover, Mass., 1954-1962; Lecturer in Philosophy, The Catholic University of America, 1963-1965 and 1968-1970; Regent of Studies, Master of Theology, Dominican House of Studies, Washington, D.C., 1967-1970; Professor of Philosophy and History of Science, The Catholic University of America, 1970-1988; Emeritus, 1988-date; Senior Fellow, Folger Institute, Washington, D.C., 1975-1976; Visiting Professor, West Virginia University, Spring 1980; Visiting Professor, University of Padua, 1983-1984; Professor, University of Maryland, College Park, Committee on the History and Philosophy of Science (CHPS), 1988-present, Associate Member of the Graduate Faculty of Philosophy as of 10-31-91.
Research Appointments: Test Laboratories, Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, 1940-1941; Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Washington, 1941-1943; Research Associate, History of Science, Harvard University, 1965-1967; Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, 1976-1977; Fellow, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C., 1984.
Publications: As of October 2000, author of 372 publications, of which 20 are books (13 authored, 7 edited) and 4 are separately printed monographs or addresses; 56 are chapters or essays in books edited by others; 73 are articles in journals or proceedings; 96 are entries in encyclopedias; 12 are research or other reports; 111 are book reviews, and 22 are translations, reprints, etc. In addition, forthcoming are 7 essays in books edited by others, and 12 entries in encyclopedias, which will bring the total to 391. Subjects treated are mostly related to science and religion, with the main focus being on the philosophy of science; medieval, Renaissance, and early modern philosophy; and systematic studies in logical methodology.
Editorial Activities: Editor for Philosophy and Science, Encyclopedia of the Renaissance, 6 vols. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1999; Staff Editor for Philosophy, New Catholic Encyclopedia, 15 vols. in preparation from 1961 to 1966, published by McGraw-Hill, 1967; consultant for three supplementary volumes, published in 1974, 1979, and 1989; Director General, Leonine Commission,1976-1987, during which time five folio volumes of critical Latin editions of Thomas Aquinas’s works were published.
Professional Societies and Activities: American Catholic Philosophical Association, Council 1962-1964, Vice President 1968-1969, President 1969-1970; History of Science Society, Council 1974-1977, 1988-1990; Philosophy of Science Association, Nominating Committee 1980-1982.
Honors and Distinctions: Sigma Xi; Phi Beta Kappa; Manhattan College Alumni Society Award for Achievement, 1967; Aquinas Medal of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, 1983; Catholic University Alumni Society Award for Achievement in Philosophy, 1986 [see also Honorary Degrees, above]
{Extraneous Deleted}
# # # # #
* Posted on: Sat, May 10 2008 5:14 PM
One man’s journey displays courage, resolve of
*** begin quote ***
The first time I saw him, he was a pale and thin 12-year-old boy. Mike, of Irish-American heritage, was a product of a shattered home and faced an uncertain and bleak future. He had one miracle left before he was to step into a lifetime of down and out. A spirited Roman Catholic nun related to one side of the family took matters into her own hands and sought God’s help while sparing the fate of an innocent child from an almost certain earthly abyss.
The answer was my friend, Henry, who was a distant and much
older cousin of the boy. Henry, or Hank as I call him, is a Vietnam-era veteran
and, at that time, a
I observed a quiet and reserved boy who resented being
replanted, even if it was a vastly improved situation. His school work
suffered, and he remained selective to whom and when he would speak. Then,
somewhere in the middle of high school, this ugly duckling became a swan as he
began to excel in all subjects and sports. It was like he had found some new
confidence and inner peace as he graduated with honors. His terrific SAT scores
made prestigious
Mike applied for a partial scholarship grant, which paid for much of his tuition. The remainder was made up by working at the campus book store and an education loan.
Four years later, he had his degree.
Hank has told me that Mike was always determined to do things his way and would never ask for help, or accept praise and compliments easily.
Mike returned home after graduation and informed everyone that he was entering the U.S. Marines Corp, not as a officer candidate, but as a regular recruit, determined again to do it the hard way.
The story about Mike’s life continues through boot camp and
his first assignment in
Mike’s story is one of hardship and hard work, of success coming by way of self reliance, ingenuity and from benevolence, too, as he becomes a fine and responsible man. His climb also parallels the history of this nation, defined by determination, stamina and willingness to sacrifice what little he was dealt in this life for the freedom of total strangers.
Lately, we exchange e-mails and satirical barbs, and I know he masks the danger and uncertainty of his everyday duties. Every time I see his latest one, I breathe a sigh of relief knowing he’s still with us.
So, from this writer, a salute to our men and women in uniform:
for all the Mikes who have ever stepped forward when our nation called;
for all the Mikes who continue with passion, unparalleled courage and honor;
for all the Mikes forever burdened with scars of war;
for all the Mikes who have paid the ultimate sacrifice;
for mine and every other Mike, I believe God can spare one more miracle.
Show your support for all who have served this Memorial Day - May 26 - by proudly displaying your American Flag.
*** end quote ***
Rich Panessa is a St. George resident. He is a member of The Spectrum & Daily News Writers Group.
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Jasper Mike
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