POSITRACTION: A baby and climb 2014-Nov-23 |
JNEWS: Borgatti, Douglas [MC????] receives NEWWA award2014-Nov-23 People In Business: Douglas Borgatti of Springfield Water and Sewer Commission The Republican Business Desk By The Republican Business Desk on November 20, 2014 at 8:46 AM, updated November 20, 2014 at 8:53 AM *** begin quote *** Holliston - Three Springfield Water and Sewer Commission employees were honored at the recent conference of the New England Water Works Association (NEWWA), the region’s largest and oldest not-for-profit organization of water works professionals. The 2014 Past President’s Award was presented to Douglas Borgatti, lead author and former operations director; Alex Roseweir, process control manager; and Mark Maynard, former water quality manager. *** and ***. Borgatti is former operations director for the Springfield Water and Sewer Commission. He received a B.S. in civil engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, a M.E. in environmental engineering and science from Manhattan College, and a Ph.D. in environmental health from the University of Notre Dame. He is a registered professional engineer in Massachusetts and a Board Certified Environmental Engineer from the Academy of Environmental Engineers. He also holds state operational licenses in wastewater treatment, drinking water treatment, and distribution. *** end quote *** Borgatti, Douglas [MC????] # - # - # - # - # |
JOBIT: Mee, John M. [MC1968 RIP]2014-Nov-23 John Mee (1946 - 2014) Obituary Uxbridge - John M. Mee, 68, died Wednesday, November 19, in the Milford Regional Medical Center. He is survived by his wife of 44 years, Fay (Reilly) Mee; two daughters, Shayleen McNeil, and her husband, Steve, of Plainfield, and Shannon Mee, and her fiance, Jenny Derosiers, of Hudson; and three grandsons, Nicholas, Andrew and Robert McNeil. Mr. Mee was born October 12, 1946, in New York, NY, the son of Luke and Rose (Doherty) Mee. He grew up in the Bronx, where he graduated from high school before earning his Bachelor's degree at Manhattan College. He lived in Syracuse, NY, and for 20 years, in Franklin, MA, before moving to Uxbridge in 2007. He was an insurance underwriter for the former Royal Insurance Company for 18 years, prior to retiring in 2003, and he was a United States Army veteran of the Vietnam War. Mr. Mee was a member of Saint Mary's Church in Uxbridge, the American Legion, and the Veterans of Foreign Wars. He enjoyed all sports, especially baseball and the New York Mets. He loved music of all kinds, and frequently sat in as a guest dj at radio station WWON in Woonsocket, RI. Mr. Mee's Funeral Mass will be held at 11 AM, Monday, December 1, in Saint Mary's Church in Uxbridge. Calling Hours will be 1-3 PM, Sunday, November 30, in the Carr Funeral Home, 24 Hill Street, Whitinsville. To leave an online condolence, please visit Published in Worcester Telegram & Gazette from Nov. 22 to Nov. 23, 2014 #-#-# Mee, John M. [MC???? RIP] Guestbook: # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-22 @ 17:59 Dear John, I believe that John is a member of the class of 1968. May He Rest In Peace. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.] Mee, John M. [MC1968 RIP] # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-25 @ 22:22 Colon, Philip J. (MC1962) added this request to his prayer circle. # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-26 @ 12:56 |
JFACEBOOK: Bella, Ella [MC????] posts about a death2014-Nov-23REPORTING LIVE FROM THE FACEBOOK NEWS DESK IN THE VIRTUAL JASPER JOTTINGS NEWSROOM ... Bella, Ella [MC????] *** begin quote *** Edna Williams (Mother, Grandmother, Sister, Aunt and Cousin) wake will be on November 28th 2014,Time 4 - 8pm. At Davis Sharpe Funeral Home, 584 Gramatan Avenue Mt. Vernon 10552. Funeral Service will be held on Saturday 29th 2014, Starting 9am at St. John Paul & Clement 126 S. Ninth Avenue, MT. Vernon NY 10551. *** end quote *** [JR: Requiescat In Pacem — Forwarded to Colon, Philip J. (MC1962) for the prayer list.] # - # - # - # - # Dear John, I do not find anything in my ‘stuff' for Ella. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated. I have her flagged as a “Jasper”, but everyone knows I am a terrible clerk.] # - # - # - # - # Colon, Philip J. (MC1962) added this request to his prayer circle. # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-25 @ 23:29 |
JUPDATE: Clinton, Mary Moore [MC1978] id-ed by Schnurr, Jeremy (MC1978)2014-Nov-23RE: Clinton, Mary [MC1978] consecrated lay missionary ON: 2014-Nov-18 AT: *** begin quote *** Mrs. Mary Clinton, Pastoral Associate for Catechetical Ministry *** end quote *** Clinton, Mary Moore [MC????] # - # - # - # - # Clinton, Mary Moore [MC1978] Mary Clinton in this weeks Jasper Jottings is Mary Moore Clinton Class of 1978 — Schnurr, Jeremy (MC1978) [JR: Thanks, Jeremy. Much appreciated.] # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-23 @ 14:13 |
JFACEBOOK: Costanzo, John [MC1988] From Yorktown Heights NY2014-Nov-16 Costanzo, John [MC????] Studied at Manhattan College Past: Lakeland High School Lives in Bronx, New York From Yorktown Heights, New York # - # - # - # - # Dear John, I believe that John is a member of the Class of 1988. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.] Costanzo, John [MC1988] # - # - # - # - # |
JUPDATE: Rolston, Joseph [MC1979] id-ed by McEneney, Mike (MC1953)2014-Nov-23RE: Rolston, Joseph [MC1979] portfolio manager TIAA-CREF ON: 2014-Nov-16 AT: Rolston, Joseph [MC????] # - # - # - # - # Dear John, I believe that Joseph is a member of the Class of 1979. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.] Rolston, Joseph [MC1979] # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-23 @ 23:03 |
JFACEBOOK: Miele, Marie [MC1987] Lives in Brewster, NY2014-Nov-16 Miele, Marie [MC????] Studied at Manhattan College Past: Bishop Kearney High School Lives in Brewster, New York From Brooklyn, New York # - # - # - # - # Dear John, I believe that Marie is a member of the Class of 1987. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.] Miele, Marie [MC1987] # - # - # - # - # |
GOOGLE+: Harvey, Daniel [MC2009] lives in Bellerose, NY2014-Nov-24 Harvey, Daniel [MC2009] Attended Manhattan College Lives in Bellerose, NY # - # - # - # - # |
JFACEBOOK: Rodgers, Bill [MC????] Lives in Vail CO2014-Nov-25 Rodgers, Bill [MC????] Manhattan College Studied at Manhattan College Lives in Vail, Colorado # - # - # - # - # Dear John, I believe that Bill is a member of the Class of 2012 Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.] Rodgers, Bill [MC2012] # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-25 @ 12:46 |
JUPDATE: Ricaforte, Terence J. [MC2000] id-ed by McEneney, Mike (MC1953)2014-Nov-25RE: Ricaforte, Terence J. [MC2000] Attorney ON: 2014-Nov-19 AT: Terence J. Ricaforte Practice In: Elder Law, Estate Planning, Litigation # - # - # - # - # Ricaforte, Terence J. [MC????] # - # - # - # - # Dear John, I believe that Terence is a member of the Class of 2000. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.] Ricaforte, Terence J. [MC2000] # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-25 @ 12:48 |
JOBIT: Nigara, Rose Marie [MC???? RIP]2014-Nov-25 Rose Marie Nigara September 9, 1921 - November 24, 2014 Obituary Rose M. Nigara has been actively involved in Our Lady of the Valley's parish (located in Orange, NJ) for approximately sixty years. She is known for her warm smile and her willingness to be in God's Service. One of her strong characteristic is her faith in God and her devotion to Mary, the Blessed Mother. Rose was born in Newark, NJ in 1921. She was educated by the nuns of Saint/Mother Cabrini's Order at St. Anthony's Orphanage in North Arlington, NJ. Upon graduation from high school in 1939, she attended Manhattan College in New York where she received certification in advanced stenography. Utilizing her stenographic skills, Rose has an extensive employment history spanning over fifty years: Administrative Secretary to the Department Chief of Western Electric, (Kearny): Columbus Hospital, (New York): the Law Firm of Cox & Walburg, (Newark). After twenty-two years working as the Executive Secretary to the Superintendent of the West Orange Public Schools, she retired in 1986. Rose is affiliated with a host of organizations sharing her time, talents, and treasures. She has been a member of the Rosary Society for fifty-eight years and correctly serves as Secretary for the Rosary Society at Our lady of the Valley. She is also a member of the Health & Wellness Ministry; The Linus Organization, West Orange Police Athletic League, and the West Orange First Aid Squad, Inc. Rose embraces good stewardship with vigor. She has devoted over a half of a century of service to Our Lady of the Valley. As an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist, she visits the housebound and patients in nursing homes. She prepares the communion vessels before and after masses; assists with the beautification of the church. As a Rosarian, she has dedicated daily recitation of the rosary to Our Lady; leads the rosary at masses daily in addition to the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy. As a result of Rose's genuine interest in every one she meets, her generosity has enabled many individuals and families in need of assistance whether it's financial or preparing a hot meal for the homeless. In addition to her numerous contributions, she finds time to knit and crochet warm blankets for children afflicted with cancer in various hospitals. Rose takes great pride in her family. She was married to the late Anthony Nigara in 1946. From their union, she had three sons, Vincent (LuAnn), Robert (Marie), and John (Rebecca). She is the proud grandmother of eight grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Rose is a humble person who spreads the love of God gracefully. She is an inspiration to many parishioners; encouraging others to intensify their involvement as servants of God. A virtuous woman who sets an example by living the Catholic faith. She maintains a full schedule of community building- building a community of God. #-#-# Nigara, Rose Marie [MC???? RIP] Guestbook: Same link [JR: As a fat old white guy injineer, who’s Mom was an expert steno and who made me take steno as one of the courses in my high school summer session — she’d do anything to keep me out of trouble — didn’t work — I’d say this fellow alum was into crypto and “computer science” before it was known. Requiescat In Pacem! ] # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-25 @ 21:58 Dear John, I do not find anything in my 'stuff' for Rose Marie. May She Rest In Peace. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.] # - # - # - # - # [JR: Not surprised. This was during the war era when the College was desperate for students. It probably offered anything to keep the bills paid.] # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-26 @ 12:46 Colon, Philip J. (MC1962) added this request to his prayer circle. # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-28 @ 17:39 |
JOY: Fitzpatrick, Dan [MC2009] got married2014-Nov-25REPORTING LIVE FROM THE FACEBOOK NEWS DESK IN THE VIRTUAL JASPER JOTTINGS NEWSROOM ... Erin Fitzpatrick and Dan Fitzpatrick Got Married October 17 ![]() # - # - # - # - # Dear John, I believe that Dan is a member of the Class of 2009. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.] Fitzpatrick, Dan [MC2009] [JR: Then Dan’s a lucky man! Laff. I get silly when JOY makes me rhyme.] # - # - # - # - # |
GOOGLE+: Caccamise, Kevin [MC2003] Lives in Bronx, Ny2014-Nov-26 Kevin Caccamise Attended Manhattan College Lives in Bronx, Ny Manhattan College 2001 # - # - # - # - # Dear John, I believe that Kevin is a member of the Class of 2003. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.] Caccamise, Kevin [MC2003] # - # - # - # - # |
JLINKEDIN: Barry, Allison [MC2009] HR Specialist at Iron Mountain2014-Nov-26REPORTING LIVE FROM THE FACEBOOK NEWS DESK IN THE VIRTUAL JASPER JOTTINGS NEWSROOM ... Allison Barry has a new job. Now HR Specialist at Iron Mountain. # - # - # - # - # Barry, Allison [MC2009] HR Specialist at Iron Mountain Greater Boston Area Human Resources # - # - # - # - # |
JUPDATE: Mee, John M. [MC1968 RIP] id-ed by McEneney, Mike (MC1953)2014-Nov-26RE: Mee, John M. [MC1968 RIP] ON: 2014-Nov-23 AT: John Mee (1946 - 2014) # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-22 @ 17:59 Dear John, I believe that John is a member of the class of 1968. May He Rest In Peace. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.] Mee, John M. [MC1968 RIP] # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-25 @ 22:22 |
JHQ: Carols video snippets2014-Nov-26 A Festival of Lessons and Carols at Manhattan College Published on Nov 26, 2014 Category Education License Standard YouTube License # - # - # - # - # 0:45 video snippets. # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-26 @ 12:43 |
PRAYERSREQUESTED: Colon, Philip J. (MC1962) reports on McEneney's2014-Nov-262014-Nov-24 Good Afternoon All, I have just heard from Mike McEneney who is home now and doing better but as Mike says, " Still confined to Quarters." However, early this morning, Mike's Wife, Cathie, was taken to the ER by their Daughter displaying the same symptoms that Mike did. CATHIE WAS ADMITTED and is being treated with various anti-biotics. Please keep Cathie and Mike in your prayers for continued healing for Mike and a quick recovery for Cathie. Thank you. God Bless. Phil Colon Colon, Philip J. (MC1962) # - # - # - # - # [JR: And, Mike is busily adding to my email backlog by updating Class Years. Not a moment too soon. He might have lost his “job” here on the Research Desk at the Virtual Jasper Newsroom. Laugh! On a more serious note, I hope Cathie and he eliminate whatever is causing this. Hope they are not becoming allergic to each other? Dona Nobis Pacem.] McEneney, Mike (MC1953) # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-26 @ 12:54 |
JEMAIL: Antenucci, John (MC1959) found Patterson, James [MC1969]2014-Nov-26John, I was very pleased to see James Patterson, author, being interviewed by a panel of four hosts on the The Today Show, NBC. I came in on the tail end of the conversation. He was talking about two new books, "Hope to Die" and "House of Robots". If any one wants to see it, the show aired on NBC The Today Show November 24, 2014. He had many things to say about the process of Co-authoring which he has been doing for some time. John Antenucci BS '59 PS: I have not doubt that your up to date research into Manhattan College Activities discovered this before receiving this note; jut in case, here is my alert. # - # - # - # - # [JR: No I didn’t see anything about this one. So I need eyes, ears, and fingers to keyboard.] Antenucci, John (MC1959) Patterson, James [MC1969] # - # - # - # - # |
PRAYERSREQUESTED: Colon, Philip J. (MC1962) gives thanks2014-Nov-27Good Afternoon Dear Friends, Wishing each of you a Blessed Thanksgiving with Family and Friends as our prayers give thanks for each of you in our lives. We continue to pray for Liz, Lukie, Cathie and Mike, Jim, Joe, Kevin and all those on our prayer list. What a beautiful Bird John and Jeanne. Thank you. God Bless. Phil Colon Colon, Philip J. (MC1962) # - # - # - # - # [JR: Ditto and adding … … Dona Nobis Pacem ] # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-27 @ 09:40 |
JLINKEDIN: Tallarita, Eric (MC2009) new job Transportation Engineer CT DoT2014-Nov-27 Tallarita, Eric (MC2009) MBA, EIT Transportation Engineer 2 at Connecticut Department of Transportation Hartford, Connecticut Area Civil Engineering Summary Civil Engineer with MBA seeking experience to advance my career Specialties: Bridge, Highway, Roadway Construction, Business Administration # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-27 @ 11:09 |
JOBIT: Sapir, Carolyn Kupferberg [MC1973 RIP]2014-Nov-27 Carolyn Kupferberg Sapir Wednesday, November 26, 2014 (Published in print: Wednesday, November 26, 2014) Hanover, N.H. — Carolyn Kupferberg Sapir, of Hanover, formerly of Riverdale, N.Y., died on Monday, Nov. 24, 2014, surrounded by her family, from pancreatic cancer. She is survived by Louis Sapir, her beloved husband of 64 years, and two cherished daughters, Margaret Sapir of Wilton, Conn. and Joan Sapir of Newton, Mass., and their husbands, Mitchell Rapoport and Joel Ristuccia. She is also survived by her four adored grandchildren: Carel Ristuccia and her husband, Charles Strom, of Newton; Matthew Ristuccia and his wife, Jessica Ristuccia, of Sherborn, Mass.; Molly Ristuccia of Newton; and Jared Rapoport of Boston, Mass. and three great-grandchildren: Jack and Elinor Strom, and Dax Ristuccia. Born in 1923 in Far Rockaway, N.Y., she was brought up in nearby Woodmere, graduated from Queens College, and subsequently earned an M.Ed. from Manhattan College. An active community volunteer, Carolyn served as a Board Member of the Riverdale-Yonkers Society for Ethical Culture, ran Blood Drives for the American Red Cross, and, for 21 years, was a school leader for the NYC School Volunteer program (now Learning Leaders) and a member of the School Volunteers Board for nine years. Carolyn was a wonderful friend and felt best when she could help others. She will be missed by the many people who loved her dearly. Contributions in memory of Carolyn can be made to: Riverdale-Yonkers Society for Ethical Culture, Attention: Grace Cobbinah, 4450 Fieldston Road, Bronx, NY 10471 or The Mary and Bryce Lyon Fund (A fund to further the professional development of Kendal’s health care staff who took care of her so caringly.) Kendal at Hanover, 80 Lyme Road, Hanover, NH 03755 #-#-# Sapir, Carolyn Kupferberg [MC???? RIP] Guestbook: None cited # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-27 @ 11:14 Dear John, I believe that Carolyn is a member of the Class of 1973. May She Rest In Peace. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.] Sapir, Carolyn Kupferberg [MC1973? RIP] # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-28 @ 09:35 Colon, Philip J. (MC1962) added this request to his prayer circle. # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-28 @ 17:38 |
JOBIT: Iemma, Joseph [MC1974 RIP]2014-Nov-27 Joseph Iemma passed away peacefully on November 25, 2014 surrounded by his loving family. Joseph was born in the town of Gallo Matese, Italy and immigrated to Corona, NY at the age of 12 in 1962. He became a US citizen in 1972 and moved to Flushing, NY in 1974. He was a loving and selfless husband, father, son, brother, uncle and friend. He is survived by his wife Joan, his children Cristina, Anthony, Michael and Joseph and grandchildren William, Anna, John and Micayla. He loved soccer and coached children's soccer, baseball, and basketball teams. He also loved growing various types of fig trees and learning Spanish. He received his bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from Manhattan College and his master's degree in Civil Engineering from the Polytechnic Institute of New York. From 1975 to 1990, he worked for the US Army Corps of Engineers as the Chief of Design Control for the Design Branch where he was responsible for the oversight of a multi-disciplinary team of 100 engineers. From 1990 to 2010, he was the Engineering Supervisor for the Brooklyn/Queens/LI Unit of the Engineering Branch of the Public Building Service for the US General Serves Administration (GSA) where he was responsible for the oversight of multiple multidisciplinary design teams and construction contractors. Reposing at the Frederick Fuenral Home 192-15 Northern Blvd, Flushing,NY 11358. Visiting hours will be from 2-5 & 7-9Pm on Friday November 28, 2014. Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 9:45am on Saturday November 29, 2014 at St. Kevin RC Church. Cremation is private. In lieu of flowers donations can be made to the Disabled American Veterans Wounded Warrior Project. Donate online at For further information please contact Frederick Funeral Home at 718-357-6100. #-#-# Iemma, Joseph [MC???? RIP] Guestbook: # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-27 @ 11:19 Dear John, I believe that Joseph is a member of the Class of 1974. May He Rest In Peace. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.] Iemma, Joseph [MC1974 RIP] # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-28 @ 09:36 Colon, Philip J. (MC1962) added this request to his prayer circle. # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-28 @ 17:38 |
JOY: Sheeran, Casey [MC2006] engaged2014-Nov-27 ![]() : Community News : Celebrations : Engagements Casey Sheeran to wed Marc Penn November 27, 2014 Last updated: Thursday, November 27, 2014, 12:32 AM Pascack Valley Community Life HILLSDALE – Kevin and Marian Sheeran of Hillsdale happily announce the engagement of their daughter, Casey Sheeran, to Marc Penn, son of Debbie Penn of Westwood and Greg Penn of Seaside Park. The bride-to-be is a graduate of Manhattan College, and works as a recruiting coordinator for Huntington Learning Centers in Oradell. Her fiancé Marc is a graduate of Rutgers University and works as a claims adjuster for Allstate Insurance in Suffern, N.Y. A May 2015 wedding is planned at St. Andrew's Church in Westwood, with reception to follow in Nyack, N.Y. # - # - # - # - # Sheeran, Casey [MC????] # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-27 @ 12:02 Dear John, I believe that Casey is a member of the Class of 2006. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.] Sheeran, Casey [MC2006] # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-28 @ 09:37 |
JLINKEDIN: O’Connell, Sean (MC2012) Staff Engineer at Langan Engineering2014-Nov-28 O’Connell, Sean (MC2012) Staff Engineer at Langan Engineering & Environmental Services Pearl River, New York Civil Engineering # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-28 @ 09:43 |
GOOGLE+: Philip, Nancy [MC2006] Lives in Bronx, NY2014-Nov-28 Philip, Nancy [MC2006] Attended Manhattan College Lives in Bronx, NY # - # - # - # - # |
JHQ: Alma Mater says "HT"2014-Nov-28[TrackEngine] Date : 28 Nov 2014, 2:51 AM Wishing a Happy Thanksgiving to our students, faculty, staff, alumni, family and friends of the College! Safe travels and a Happy Thanksgiving break to all! Happy #Thanksgiving to our students, faculty, staff, @JasperAlum, family & friends of the... # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-28 @ 17:41 |
JOBIT: Langan, Michael J. [MC1943 RIP]2014-Nov-29 Michael Langan Obituary DR. MICHAEL J. LANGAN, OB/GYN Having dedicated his working life to addressing the health concerns of women and guiding babies into the world, Dr. Michael Joseph Langan (Mike) died peacefully on November 22 during a rehab stay at The Nathaniel Witherell in Greenwich, CT due to complications from a stroke three weeks earlier. A cancer survivor, he suffered from vascular dementia in recent years. Mike was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on September 24, 1922, to an Irish-American father and a French mother. At that time, his father was working for a British firm in Rio and Sao Paolo. When Mike was five, his parents decided that he and his younger brother, Lucien, should grow up in the US. Mike had learned to speak the native Portuguese, his mother's French, and a little of his father's English. Voyages to Britain and France in his early years sparked a love for travel and adventure that eventually took Mike to over sixty countries around the world, many of them multiple times. A graduate of Flushing High School, NY, and Manhattan College, Mike went on to Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons for his MD degree as part of the V-12 program of the United States Navy. Just 22 years old when he finished medical school, he interned at Lenox Hill Hospital in Manhattan, and then was called to active duty as a Lieutenant JG, assigned first to St. Albans Naval Hospital in Queens, NY and then to Midway Island in the Pacific. Returning stateside, he did two years of residency in obstetrics and gynecology at Lenox Hill Hospital in Manhattan, separated by a one-year recall to active duty during the Korean War. He then completed his training with a third year of residency at Brooklyn Methodist Hospital. In June, 1953, Mike came to Greenwich, CT to partner with Dr. Payson Ayres, an early practitioner of natural childbirth. Later Mike established a solo practice, which grew to become Brookside Obstetrics & Gynecology Associates. He retired in December, 1995, and was named Emeritus Senior Attending Physician in the OB/GYN department at Greenwich Hospital. The practice he founded continues today as Brookside Gynecology. Mike championed the Lamaze and Leboyer methods of natural childbirth, and encouraged breast feeding and good nutrition for new mothers. He was influential in keeping maternity care at Greenwich Hospital and in the establishment of private birthing rooms there. He valued each of his patients and was genuinely interested in their concerns. Mike was a member of the American Medical Society, the Fairfield County Medical Society, the American College of OB/GYN, the American College of GYN Laporoscopists, and the American College of Fertility and Sterility. He served his medical school for many years as chair of his 1946 class and as a member of the Alumni Council. He also served as president of the Westchester Obstetrical Society. Locally, Mike was a member of the Horseneck Club, the Retired Men's Association and Greenwich Research Partners, an investment club. He also was a member of the Belle Haven Club where he served on committees supporting swimming and boating. For many years, he enjoyed boating on Long Island Sound, having learned to sail as a young man in Bayside, Long Island. In later years, he enjoyed captaining his trawler, "Miss Conception," to distant harbors on Long Island and to ports along the Hudson River. With an extensive vocabulary, bolstered by knowledge of several languages including Latin, he enjoyed speeding through the NY Times Sunday crossword puzzle in ink. He excelled in the sports he learned as a young man at the local YMCA – ping pong, pool, and swimming – which he passed on to his children and grandchildren, as well as his love of tennis which he enjoyed as long as he was physically able, especially doubles. He read extensively in a variety of fields, and loved New York theater, dance, and art. He had an eye for beauty in the natural world and in hand-made crafts, with a special interest in wooden bowls. He read every label in every museum he visited, and retained information in an encyclopedic fashion. Mike encouraged his family to pursue their passions. He is survived by his wife of 68 years, Kathleen (Kay) Holman Langan, as well as by six of his seven children: Meg Moore (John) of Reston, VA, Ellen Langan (Steve Krafchick) of Seattle, WA, Katie Langan Santee (Kevin) of Mamaroneck, NY, Betsy Dell of Roseville, CA, Bob Langan (Margot) of Portland, OR and Stephen Langan (Kathy) of Bedford, NH, as well as his daughter-in-law Candace Langan of Jamestown, RI, and 12 grandchildren: Kevin Moore, Tom Langan, Annie Langan, Ana Krafchick, Michael Santee, Tyler Santee, Guy Santee, Jack Dell, Kay Dell, Will Langan, Mary Kate Langan and Connor Langan.He was predeceased by his parents, Martin Vincent Langan and Raymonde Faye Langan, his brother, Lucien Langan, his son, Bill Langan, and his son-in-law, Roger Dell. A service of remembrance and celebration of life will be held on Saturday, December 6 at 11 am at Christ Church Greenwich, where Mike and Kay are members. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that memorial gifts be given in Mike's name to Christ Church Greenwich, 254 East Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, CT 06830 or to Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, 630 West 168th Street, P & S 2-421, New York, NY 10032. Online condolences may be made by visiting Published in GreenwichTime on Nov. 30, 2014 #-#-# Langan, Michael J. [MC???? RIP] Guestbook: # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-29 @ 12:15 Dear John, I believe that Michael is a member of the Class of 1943. May He Rest In Peace. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.] Langan, Michael J. [MC1943 RIP] # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-29 @ 16:02 Colon, Philip J. (MC1962) added this request to his prayer circle. # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-29 @ 16:04 |
JLINKEDIN: Cunningham, Kaitlin [MC2014] P.S 86 Kingsbridge Heights2014-Nov-29 Cunningham, Kaitlin [MC2014] Graduate Student at Manhattan College Buchanan, New York Higher Education Current P.S 86 Kingsbridge Heights Town of Cortlandt Day Camp Summary: I aim to further build upon my experience by working with volunteer programs and education systems, hoping to promote world peace, friendship, and success throughout schools. I strive to be able to make a difference in changing young students lives. That can begin by increasing graduation rates within high poverty cities, and preparing students with the needed resources to be able to become effective and independent contributors in a democratic society and in an interdependent world. # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-29 @ 12:38 |
JLINKEDIN: Clarke, Patrick [MC1987] President at Network Infrastructure, Inc.2014-Nov-29 Clarke, Patrick [MC1987] President at Network Infrastructure, Inc. Greater New York City Area Construction # - # - # - # - # 2014-Nov-29 @ 12:42 |
ENDNOTE: A eulogy for Thanksgiving2014-Nov-29 THANKFUL NATION Do we need a eulogy for Thanksgiving? By Roger Beahm Published November 26, 2014 *** begin quote *** There was a time in the not-too-distant past when the world stopped and families ate. We called it Thanksgiving. Like most reflections of our past, we tend to look back on Thanksgiving with nostalgia, cherished memories and routines (breaking the wishbone, lighting the fireplace, wagering who would fall asleep in front of the TV first). We ate, we laughed, we were together. We were happy. But again this season we’re hearing people lament that Thanksgiving is being gobbled up by seemingly endless sales from retailers. Or that the sacredness of this holiday has given way to crass commercialism. Have we virtually “lost” Thanksgiving altogether? Do we need a eulogy for Thanksgiving? *** end quote *** I disagree with the author in that I think we do. We are not a “thankful nation”. It’s lost. From our dishonest fiat currency to our continued warfare / welfare state that disempowers people while robbing “the makers” to buy the votes of “the takers”, the USA is but a hollow shell of what it once was. Can it be reclaimed from the Gooferment with its politicians, bureaucrats, and Crony Capitalists? That’s a remote possibility. It’s a war that has to resemble trench warfare. Every “inch of ground” has to be recaptured one step after another. The guiding principle has to be the Golden Rule — and not the one that he who has the gold makes the rules — Zero Aggression Principle. You can’t use force or fraud to compel others to do what you want them to do — even if you think it’s “best” for them, or for “the Nation”, or for “the children”. Great ideas don’t require force. So “We, The Sheeple” have to take back the “currency” (i.e., make it commodity based; end the Fed), take back “the schools” (i.e., separation of Education and State), take back the Welfare system (i.e., separation of Charity and the State; return it to the People to do charity; put able bodied of “the dole”), and FINALLY take back control of the Warfare State (i.e., adopt an MYOB foreign policy and be more like Switzerland). It’s a herculean task. I’m not sure “We, The Sheeple” have the courage, fortitude, and the wisdom to pull it off. The Roman Empire fell. The Soviet Union fell. All empires fall. What happens after the American one does the same? My crystal ball is foggy. Dona Nobis Pacem # - # - # - # - # |