POSITRACTION: He was just walking down a street ...2014-Jun-07 |
JFOUND: Palladino, Joseph [MC1994] tutor of Romance Languages2014-Jun-08 PRIVATE TUTOR OF FRENCH, ITALIAN, AND LATIN Joseph P. BRONX, NY Teaching $30/HR - $50/HR My names is Joseph Palladino and I have been a tutor of Romance Languages (Latin, French, and Italian) for more than thirty years. I hold a BA degree in Modern Foreign Languages and an advanced degree in French Translation from New York University. In addition, I have worked as a translator of Lat... School Degree & Major Year Manhattan College Romance Languages 1994 Pratt Insitute Library Science 1998 New York University French 2000 # - # - # - # - # Palladino, Joseph [MC1994] # - # - # - # - # |
JFOUND: Cosgrove, Tom [MC????] NYC Mayor’s Cup Baseball All-Star Game2014-Jun-08 NYC Mayor's Cup June 5 *** begin quote *** The CHSAA team roster for our NYC Mayor’s Cup Baseball All-Star Game has just been posted and it is headlined by Ryan Doty (Iona Prep/Villanova), Tom Cosgrove (Monsignor Farrell/Manhattan College), Brandon Campos (Archbishop Stepinac/Villanova) and Jason Agresti (Kennedy Catholic/Binghamton University) so check it out here: On June 13 at MCU Park, the CHSAA will look to recapture the title of “Best in the City” after being defeated by the PSAL All-Stars in their last two meetings. Visit our Baseball page ( to see the PSAL team roster as well as additional information about our event! *** end quote *** Cosgrove, Tom [MC????] # - # - # - # - # |
JHQ: #MCRW14 celebration dinner2014-Jun-08 It's a gorgeous night for our #MCRW14 celebration dinner! @JasperAlum # - # - # - # - # 2014-Jun-08 @ 18:19 |
JOBIT: D’Angelo, John Jr. [MC1969 RIP]2014-Jun-08 John D’Angelo, Jr. age 67 was born on December 7, 1946 in Washington D.C. He passed away in his home and was pronounced dead on April 29, 2014. John was preceded in death by his parents Dr. John and Kathryn D’Angelo. He was also preceded in death by his wife, Janice D’Angelo. John is survived by his sister, Kathy Jean; his 3 children - John III, Nicole, and Kathryn, Stepdaughter – Deidra, and 8 grandchildren – John IV, Dempsey, Micky, Joseph, Michael, Nicolas, Christopher and River. John was a graduate of Manhattan College, NY. He was an avid football player in college, was a football coach and was a true fan of the Washington Redskins! Along with Football John also and enjoyed golfing. John worked for Ball Corporation and was supported in his tenure there. A memorial service to celebrate the life of John D’Angelo, Jr. will be held on Sunday June 8, 2014 at 1pm - Holiday Inn, Solomons;155 Holiday Drive, Solomons, MD 20688, (410) 326-6311 In lieu of flowers donations can be made to: The American Cancer Society;; P.O. Box 22718, Oklahoma City, OK 73123-1718 #-#-# D’Angelo, John Jr. [MC???? RIP] Guestbook: # - # - # - # - # 2014-Jun-08 @ 18:27 Dear John, I believe that John is a member of the Class of 1969. May He Rest In Peace. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.] D’Angelo, John Jr. [MC1969 RIP] # - # - # - # - # Colon, Philip J. (MC1962) added this request to his prayer circle. # - # - # - # - # 2014-Jun-13 @ 08:43 |
JFOUND: Janssen, John Edward “Jack” [MC1940 RIP] remembered2014-Jun-08Saturday, June 7, 2014 Utah Trip! *** begin quote *** We went to Utah! The trip didn't go as originally planned, but it turned out great anyway! *** and *** And then the funeral of my grandpa. It went perfect and was a wonderful tribute to such a happy guy. John Edward Janssen (Jack), 96, passed away on May 20, 2014. # - # - # - # - # Janssen, John Edward “Jack” [MC1940 RIP] # - # - # - # - # 2014-Jun-08 @ 18:44 |
JLINKEDIN: Elezovic, Vincent [MC2013] Assistant Engineer Peckham Industries2014-Jun-09 Elezovic, Vincent [MC2013] Assistant Engineer at Peckham Industries, Inc. New York, New York Civil Engineering # - # - # - # - # |
GOOGLE+: Yozzo, Ralph [MC1984] questions representatives2014-Jun-09 NYC Tax Assessment Ratio for our public representatives For those that do not know the NYC Property Tax system is very simple. Please do not allow public representatives to tell you that it is very complicated and if they do, ask them what do they mean. The complexity is in changing our property tax system to m... Yozzo, Ralph [MC1984] # - # - # - # - # [JR: Hey, I argue “taxation” is theft. So, I agree!] # - # - # - # - # 2014-Jun-09 @ 07:51 |
JHQ: Reunion 2014 pictures2014-Jun-09 # - # - # - # - # 2014-Jun-09 @ 17:34 |
MFOUND: Brother Andronis, F.S.C. (1811-1898)2014-Jun-09 “A Heart and a Half”: Brother Andronis, F.S.C. (1811-1898) June 9, 2014 By Pat McNamara 0 Comments *** begin quote *** The Brothers of the Christian School (Fratres Scholarum Christianarum) were founded by St. John Baptist De La Salle in 1600′s France. The community first came to the United States in 1848, beginning their work in New York City. Over the next few years the Brothers established parochial schools, high schools and colleges nationwide. Their institutions of higher learning included Manhattan College in New York City, La Salle University in Philadelphia, and Christian Brothers University in Memphis. The following is an account of one of their early members in the United States: Brother Andronis (Alex Joseph Gadenne, 1811-1898), the last survivor of the founders of the New York community, was born in Lille, in the diocese of Cambrai, France, in 1811. Nothing is known concerning his early life, prior to his admission in the Paris novitiate in the spring of 1836, except that he belonged to a wealthy family and had inherited a considerable patrimony. In 1837, he began his teaching career in Montereau. Two years later he was transferred to the Parish School of the Holy Infancy. It is possibly for this reason Brother John Chrysostom suggested the name Academy of the Holy Infant Jesus for the boarding school opened in 1853, which ultimately became known as Manhattan College. In 1841, at the age of thirty, because of his maturity of character and edifying piety, Brother Andronis was appointed Director of Novices at Nantes. He held this office for seven years and trained many novices who subsequently occupied positions of eminence in the Institute, such as Brother Cyrion, Vistor of Nantes, and Brother Cyrus, Assistant. *** end quote *** [JR: Who knew? We stand on the shoulders of great men?] # - # - # - # - # 2014-Jun-09 @ 20:24 |
JLINKEDIN: Hayden, Jessica [MC2006] Physical therapist at Scripps Mercy2014-Jun-10 ![]() Hayden, Jessica [MC2006] Physical therapist at Scripps Mercy San Diego, California Health, Wellness and Fitness # - # - # - # - # |
JOBIT: Wilcox, Mary Ellen [MC1975 RIP]2014-Jun-10 Mary Ellen Wilcox Obituary Mary Ellen Wilcox died Monday, June 9, 2014 at her home in Sag Harbor, N.Y. She was born on August 7th 1947 to Seeley and Dorothy (Cyr) Wilcox. Her childhood days were spent in Ferrisburg, VT in the fields and pastures along Little Otter Creek. She graduated from Vengennes Union High School and Johnson State College, where she was known for her athletic ability. She was one of two women to ever be recognized by the college for female athletic ability. Later she earned her master's degree and professional diploma from Manhattan College in Riverdale, New York. She moved to Westchester County, New York in 1969 and began her career in education in the Lakeland School district, which spanned a total of 32 years; 10 years as a 6th grade social studies teacher and the remaining time as a guidance counselor in the middle schools. She is survived by her life partner of 33 years, Ann Wallingford and her beloved King Charles Spaniel, Tucker. She leaves two brothers, Gary in Liberty, New York, and Marvin (Marty) of Keene, New Hampshire. There are 2 nieces and 3 grandnephews. Of significance to her is her chosen family in Kentucky: brother-in-law, Leroy and his wife Barbara Wallingford of Maysville, Kentucky, nephew, Darrin Wallingford and daughters, Eve and Andie of Lexington, Kentucky, and niece, Lisa and husband David Hamm, and sons, Tyler and Austin of Maysville, Kentucky. Her life was so enriched and blessed with numerous friends. She took great comfort and peace in nature through gardening, quietly observing and bonding with special critters. She frequently said, "Nature centers me." She also enjoyed cooking, kayaking, biking, watching women's sports but most importantly being with her friends and family. After moving to Sag Harbor she became a volunteer at the Sag Harbor Community Food Pantry, which gave great meaning to her life. She would say, "I come home with so much more than I gave." A memorial service will be held on Tuesday, June 17th at the Old Whalers Presbyterian Church, 44 Union St., Sag Harbor, NY at 2:00pm, with the pastor, Mark Phillips, officiating. Memorial donations should be given to either the Sag Harbor Community Food Pantry; 44 Union Street P.O. Box 1241, Sag Harbor, NY 11963 or to the East End Hospice; P.O. Box 1048, Westhampton, NY 11978. Published in the The Journal News on June 11, 2014 #-#-# Wilcox, Mary Ellen [MC???? RIP] Guestbook: # - # - # - # - # 2014-Jun-10 @ 13:38 Dear John, I believe that Mary Ellen received her Masters in 1975. May She Rest In Peace. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.] Wilcox, Mary Ellen [MC1975 RIP] # - # - # - # - # Colon, Philip J. (MC1962) added this request to his prayer circle. # - # - # - # - # 2014-Jun-11 @ 18:41 |
JHQ: Financial Services Advisory Council 6/242014-Jun-10The Financial Services Advisory Council cordially invites you to attend the 12th annual spring reception featuring a presentation on the insurance industry's implementation of the Affordable Care Act by Marybeth McCall '74, M.D. Vice President and Chief Medical Officer Excellus BlueCross BlueShield Tuesday, June 24, 2014 The University Club of New York 1 West 54th Street New York, NY 10019 6 p.m. Refreshments | 7 p.m. Presentation | 8 - 9 p.m. Reception REGISTER NOW» R.S.V.P. by June 17 $40 per person ($25 for graduates of 2003 - 2013) Reservations are limited and advance registration is required. For more information, email or call (718) 862-7432 or visit # - # - # - # - # 2014-Jun-10 @ 13:43 |
JLINKEDIN: Scopelliti, Pasquale (MC1970) new job Extranet Engineer at Xerox2014-Jun-10Pasquale Scopelliti has a new job. Now Extranet Engineer at Xerox. # - # - # - # - # Pasquale Scopelliti Internet Professional Corning, New YorkInternet Current Xerox # - # - # - # - # Scopelliti, Pasquale (MC1970) # - # - # - # - # 2014-Jun-10 @ 16:19 |
PRAYERSREQUESTED: Colon, Philip J. (MC1962) alerts on Pat Egan '572014-Jun-10Good Evening All, From Bob Fink. We have been praying for Bob's Classmate and close Friend, Pat Egan '57. Bob tells us Pat is doing great but still needs our prayers. Please keep Pat in your prayers that he may continue to heal and improve. We pray for Pats' continued recovery. Thank you. God Bless. Phil Colon Colon, Philip J. (MC1962) # - # - # - # - # 2014-Jun-10 @ 19:05 |
PRAYERSREQUESTED: Colon, Philip J. (MC1962) reports Teri Johnson '812014-Jun-10Good Evening All, Mike McEneney asks for our prayers for his Daughter and Fellow Jasper, Teri Johnson '81. Teri was admitted into Hospital on Monday suffering from a severe Asthma attack. We pray that the Mds get a handle on things quickly and get Teri on the way to recovery. Please keep Teri and her Family in your prayers. Thank you. God Bless. Phil Colon Colon, Philip J. (MC1962) # - # - # - # - # 2014-Jun-10 @ 19:52 |
JNEWS: Docteroff, Michael A. [MC1987] campaign starts2014-Jun-11 Team Tempesta Kicks Off West Caldwell Republican Campaign Mayor Joseph Tempesta seeks a fifth term, while Michael Docteroff and Kathy Canale are running for their first full terms.Posted by Mike Pignataro (Editor) , June 10, 2014 at 03:30 PM *** begin quote *** Docteroff was appointed councilman in December to fill an unexpired term following the resignation of Dominick Aiello. Docteroff is a graduate of Manhattan College and is the president of M.A.D. Technologies, which offers consulting expertise for the hospitality industry. Docteroff and his wife, Stacy Veneri, have two children, Lauren and Jack. "My experience for the past six months has been both rewarding and challenging," Docteroff said. "Being a member of the Planning and Technology Committee as well as the Recreation and Parks Committee was a good fit for me personally as both my professional background in technology and my volunteer background in coaching and as President of the Caldwell Gridiron Club made for an easy transition to help our community. "I look forward to more positive changes for the Township in the area of technology and I look forward to working with Mayor Joe Tempesta and Kathy Canale as well as the rest of the Council Team over the next three years.” *** end quote *** Docteroff, Michael A. [MC1987] # - # - # - # - # |
JLINKEDIN: Borhi, Laszlo [MC1981] Project Executive - CCA Civil2014-Jun-11 ![]() Borhi, Laszlo [MC????] Project Executive - CCA Civil Greater New York City Area Construction # - # - # - # - # Dear John, I believe that Laszlo is a member of the Class of 1981. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.] Borhi, Laszlo [MC1981] # - # - # - # - # |
PRAYERSREQUESTED: Colon, Philip J. (MC1962) has another cause2014-Jun-11Good Evening All, Dave Ellis, a good friend and member of our Retreat Team asks for our prayers for 29 year old Brian who was admitted to New York Hospital on Monday. Brian will begin a 4 Day session of Chemo Treatments and then have 2 or 3 more sessions 3 weeks apart. He will then have a PET Scan to assess progress. Id things go as hoped, Brian will then have a month of hospitalization for Stem Cell Transplants. Dave tells us that throughout the long ordeal leading up to these treatments, Brian and his Family have not faltered in their faith. As Dave says, " They have remained steadfastly prayerful and hopeful, trusting in the Lord." Dave has shared a beautiful prayer that I would ask that we join our voices to and raise the volume for Brian and his family as Brian enters this next treatment phase. We pray that our voices be heard as we keep them in our prayers and remain open to God's Will. Father in heaven, grant Brian comfort. Give him courage when afraid, patience when afflicted, hope when dejected, and when alone assure him of the prayerful support of your holy people. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Thank you. Please keep the volume up. God Bless. Phil Colon Colon, Philip J. (MC1962) # - # - # - # - # 2014-Jun-11 @ 07:56 |
JFOUND: Cosgrove, Gavin [MC2003] Outstanding Achievement Award from high school2014-Jun-11 Outstanding Achievement Award 1999-2000 - Gavin Cosgrove (Track & Field/Cross Country) # - # - # Current Newsletter - HC Today Home 6 days ago - speaker was HC 2000 grad Gavin Cosgrove who ran cross country and track and field for eight semesters at Division 1, Manhattan. College in ... # - # - # - # - # Holy Cross Catholic Secondary School 1085 Woodbine Rd. Kingston, ON K7P 2V9 [JR: I couldn’t capture the actual text or even figure out what was going on.] Cosgrove, Gavin [MC????] # - # - # - # - # 2014-Jun-11 @ 18:54 Dear John, I believe that Gavin is a member of the Class of 2003. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) Cosgrove, Gavin [MC2003] # - # - # - # - # 2014-Jun-12 @ 07:12 |
JOY: Koys, Peter [MC2001] takes a bride2014-Jun-11 Dr. Peter Koys, Alyssa Nesci are married Marisa Vinciguerra | June 11, 2014 at 2:31 PM ![]() *** begin quote *** STATEN ISLAND, N.Y.- Hauppauge, L.I., residents Alyssa Nesci and Dr. Peter Koys were married May 31 in St. Joseph-St. Thomas R.C. Church, Pleasant Plains. The Rev. James Devlin of Good Shepherd R.C. Church, Brooklyn, officiated at the afternoon ceremony, which was followed by a reception in The Fox Hollow, Woodbury, N.Y. *** and ***. Dr. Koys is a graduate of Lehman High School, the Bronx. He earned a bachelor of science degree, cum laude, in biology with a minor in chemistry and theology from Manhattan College, the Bronx, where he was named to the theological honor society. He holds a doctor of dental surgery degree from New York University College of Dentistry in Manhattan. He is a dentist in private practice in Deer Park. L.I., and an attending dentist at Staten Island University Hospital, Ocean Breeze. *** end quote *** [JR: Mozel Tov! ] Koys, Peter [MC????] # - # - # - # - # 2014-Jun-11 @ 19:10 Dear John, I believe that Peter is a member of the Class of 2001. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.] Koys, Peter [MC2001] # - # - # - # - # 2014-Jun-12 @ 07:11 Colon, Philip J. (MC1962) added this request to his prayer circle. # - # - # - # - # 2014-Jun-12 @ 07:15 |
JFOUND: O’Brien, John F. [MC1973] BoT California Western2014-Jun-12 California Western is governed by a board of trustees which includes members of the judiciary, the practicing bar, and the business world. Trustees provide fiscal governance and oversight of all law school operations, and provide key insights gained through their years of practice and work in the private and public sector. *** begin quote *** John F. O'Brien John F. O’Brien has been dean of New England Law | Boston since 1988, before which he was associate dean. O’Brien has the longest continuous service at a single institution of any law school dean in the country, and in 2012 was named one of the most influential people in legal education in a nationwide survey conducted by the National Jurist. He currently teaches personal income tax, and has previously taught taxation of business entities, constitutional law, and legal research and writing. O’Brien is a past chair of the Council of the American Bar Association (ABA)’s Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar, and also served as chair of the ABA’s Accreditation Committee and its Independent Law Schools Committee. He is a founding member and former president of the Consortium for Innovative Legal Education, Inc. Before joining the New England Law faculty in 1985, he was a senior attorney in the Office of the Chief Counsel of the Internal Revenue Service, heading the northeast region’s tax shelter program. He received a B.A. from Manhattan College; a J.D. from New England Law | Boston, where he graduated first in his class; and an LL.M. in taxation in 1980 from Boston University School of Law. *** end quote *** O’Brien, John F. [MC????] # - # - # - # - # Dear John, I believe that John is a member of the Class of 1973. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.] O’Brien, John F. [MC1973] # - # - # - # - # |
JOBIT: Pyle, Nina De Jesus [MC1985 RIP]2014-Jun-12 NINA DE JESUS PYLE Nina De Jesus Pyle, 51, of West Richland, WA passed away on Saturday, June 7th, 2014 at Kadlec Regional Medical Center. Nina was born Enedina De Jesus Peralta in Santiago Rodriguez Dominican Republic to Antonio Peralta and Beatriz Bueno. At the age of 15, she moved to New York City to live with her father. Nina resided there until 2006 before relocating to Richland, WA. Prior to moving to New York, her mother married Joaquin Sang. From that union she had two siblings. Nina attended and graduated with honors in 1981 from Louis Brondeis High School in New York. Nina then attended Manhattan College in Riverdale, NY in 1985 receiving her BA in Business Administration. Nina then received her certification from Dale Carnegie Center Excellence in NYC in 1999. Nina was fluent in several languages. Nina had a son from a union with Jerry Daniel Gonzalez. In 2006 she and Timothy A. Pyle were married. Nina's career throughout her adult life involved working in the banking industry in areas of administrative and analytical investigation involving banks throughout the world. Most recently, Nina worked HR admin positions working closely with Homeland Security. Nina was well known for her passion in cooking multicultural dishes. She was preceded in death by her stepfather Joaqin Sang. She is survived by her husband, Timothy A. Pyle of West Richland; Sons, Jacob Gonzalez, New York, NY, Anthony R. Pyle of Seattle, WA; daughter, Talia J. Wolfgramm of Scottsdale, AZ; brothers, Jose Miguel (Brenda) Sang Bueno of Santa Domingo, Dominican Republic, Joaquin Ramon (Denise)Sang Bueno, Sammy Peralta (Hanna), Antonio Peralta Jr. all of New York; sisters, Olgita Peralta of New York, NY, Evelyn and Easter Peralta both of Providence, RI; and her father, Antonio Peralta also of Providence, RI. A memorial service will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 14, 2014 at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Paradise Chapel located at 4500 Paradise Drive, West Richland. To express your thoughts or sympathy to the family visit Published in Tri-City Herald on June 12, 2014 #-#-# Pyle, Nina De Jesus [MC1985 RIP] Guestbook: # - # - # - # - # 2014-Jun-12 @ 07:38 Colon, Philip J. (MC1962) added this request to his prayer circle. # - # - # - # - # 2014-Jun-13 @ 08:43 |
JFOUND: Mirabal, Christopher [MC2010] to be ordained2014-Jun-12 Bishop Murphy to Ordain Four Men to Priesthood on June 14, 2014 Print E-mail BISHOP MURPHY TO ORDAIN FOUR MEN TO THE PRIESTHOOD *** begin quote *** ROCKVILLE CENTRE, N.Y. – June 11, 2014 – On Saturday, June 14, 2014 at 11:00 a.m., the Most Reverend William Murphy, Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rockville Centre, will ordain four men who have been in formation at the Saint Joseph Seminary, Dunwoodie, NY and the Immaculate Conception Seminary, Huntington, NY. This Mass of Ordination will be held at the Cathedral of Saint Agnes and will be broadcast live on Telecare, the diocesan television station (Cablevision, Channel 29/Verizon FiOS 296). Mass of Ordination Saturday, June 14, 2014 11:00 a.m. Cathedral of Saint Agnes 29 Quealy Place Rockville Centre, New York 11570 *** and *** Deacon Christopher Mirabal, 26 Home parish: Church of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, Inwood Diaconate year: Church of Saint Hugh of Lincoln, Huntington Station First Mass: Church of Saint Ladislaus, Hempstead – June 15th at 11:45 a.m. Christopher Mirabal Born and raised in Inwood, NY, both of Deacon Christopher Mirabal’s parents are from the Dominican Republic. Thanks to the formation of his mother and religious family members and priests, Christopher began to discern his vocation to the priesthood at the age of 14. Divine providence and the need for Hispanic priests brought him to know about the Diocese of Rockville Centre during his third year in Manhattan College, where he studied Philosophy and Religious Studies. He entered the Douglaston Seminary Residence in 2009. After graduating from Manhattan College, he entered the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception in 2010. He graduated with an MA in Theology in 2013 and a M. Div. in 2014. During his time in the major seminary, he served in various parishes, including: Our Lady of Loretto, Hempstead; Saint Mary’s Manhasset; Saint Anne’s, Brentwood; and Saint Hugh of Lincoln, Huntington Station. “I am excited to serve selflessly the communities that form the Diocese of Rockville Centre as a priest with the heart of the Shepherd, Jesus Christ,” said Deacon Mirabal. “My ministerial goal is to be like Christ: bridge communities together into one diverse family, that is, the Church.” *** end quote *** Mirabal, Christopher [MC2010] # - # - # - # - # 2014-Jun-12 @ 17:43 |
GOOGLE+: Teare, Brad (MC1983) Utah blogger and author2014-Jun-13 Teare, Brad (MC1983) Attended Manhattan College Lives in Providence, Utah Tagline Brad Teare is an abstract and landscape painter who uses thick applications of oil paint. Introduction Brad Teare spent the nineties illustrating for publishers such as The New York Times and Random House and did book covers for authors such as James Michener and Anne Tyler. Teare attended the Maynard Dixon Residency in Mount Carmel, Utah and the Forbes Trinchera Residency in Southern Colorado. His work has been featured in American Artist magazine as well as Gulf Connoisseur, based in Dubai. Teare has exhibited in the LA Art Show, the Springville Museum, and most recently the Forbes Galleries in New York City. Bragging rights Showcased in Gulf Connoisseur Magazine, Dubai, April-May 2013 # - # - # 176 New book on Amazon I have wanted to publish a digital book with Amazon for several months. New developments allowed me to make this happen quickly—Amazon now has a plugin for Adobe inDesign that allows easy conversion from inDesign files to Mobi files (the type necessary to publish on the Kindle). As the title suggests the book is a collection of 53 paintings along with a handful of woodcuts accompanied by short paragraphs describing the work and in some cases the technique. Be sure to pinch the images to get close-up views of the thick texture. There is a short essay at the end of the book about painting with thick paint. I made the book so I can view my work in the field. In a month I'll be going to the Door County Plein Air Festival and I find it useful to be able to view a variety of paintings as a means to get into the flow. It's a big confidence booster and I want to give Door County my best effort. The book is made specifically for viewing on the Kindle reader for the iPhone. I always have my iPhone with me in the field and it should prove very convenient. But the book also works on the Kindle Fire, the iPad, as well as the Kindle Reader for any Android phone, or PC or Mac computer. It really is a great way to view work away from the studio. If you have a Prime account you can borrow it for free. If you download it I hope you will consider giving it a review. Many thanks in advance. Brad Teare—June 2014 # - # - # |
JFOUND: Yarossi, Paul [MC1973] ARTBA’s highest honor2014-Jun-12 HNTB’s Paul Yarossi recognized with ARTBA’s highest honor *** begin quote *** Washington, D.C. — Paul Yarossi, president of HNTB Holdings Ltd., in New York City, is the sole recipient of the American Road & Transportation Builders Association’s (ARTBA) highest honor — the 2013 ARTBA Award. It was presented at a June 10 luncheon during the association’s Federal Issues Program in Washington, D.C. Established in 1960, the ARTBA Award recognizes individuals for outstanding contributions that have advanced the broad goals of the association. Over the years, ARTBA Award recipients have included several governors, more than 25 U.S. senators or representatives, two U.S. secretaries of transportation and dozens of top leaders and executives from government and the private sector of the transportation construction industry. Yarossi was honored for his more than 40 years of work in the industry. He first joined HNTB, one of the nation’s top engineering, architecture, and construction management firms, in 1973 after graduating with a civil engineering degree from Manhattan College. He directs the firm’s governance, capitalization strategy, compliance and audit functions, as well as its external and government relations. Previously, he was chair of HNTB’s aviation practice, and officer-in-charge for several HNTB offices in New York and New Jersey. He has also been instrumental in formulating the firm’s training and development programs. Yarossi’s leadership positions in ARTBA over the past 15 years are long and distinguished: chairman of the board, senior vice chairman, first vice chairman, vice chairman at-large, chairman of the Transportation Design & Construction Innovation Advisory Committee, co-chairman of the ARTBA SAFETEA-LU Reauthorization Task Force, and a trustee of the ARTBA Transportation Development Foundation. As ARTBA chairman, Yarossi played a critical role in the July 2012 passage of the two-year, MAP-21 surface transportation investment law. The same day President Obama signed that bill into law; Yarossi took immediate steps to prepare the transportation design and construction industry for the next bill with the creation of the Trans 2020 Task Force. Also during his tenure as ARTBA chairman, and with an eye to the future, he helped launch the Dr. J. Don Brock TransOvation Workshop and the Local Transportation Management Virtual Conference & Innovation Showcase (LoTrans) featuring Best Practices in Work Zone Safety. As a volunteer leader, Paul has also been on the front lines of many policy battles on transportation investment and business issues working in key roles with the Council on Competitiveness, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Let’s Rebuild America Leadership Council, the Design Professionals Coalition, and the American Council of Engineering Companies. # - # - # - # - # Yarossi, Paul [MC1973] # - # - # - # - # 2014-Jun-12 @ 20:13 |
JLINKEDIN: Edwards, Chris [MC1976] CPO at GENERAL TOOLS & INSTRUMENTS2014-Jun-13 Edwards, Chris [MC????] CPO at GENERAL TOOLS & INSTRUMENTS Greater New York City Area Consumer Goods # - # - # - # - # Dear John, I believe that Chris is a member of the Class of 1976. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) [JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.] Edwards, Chris [MC1976] # - # - # - # - # |
PRAYERSREQUESTED: Colon, Philip J. (MC1962) adds another cause2014-Jun-13Good Evening All, John Reinke of Jasper Jottings, our Brother in Christ and dear friend, asks for our prayers for his Niece (In Law) who is experiencing some medical issues that the MDs have not yet been able to figure out. Please raise the volume as we pray that the MDs are guided to the source of her problems, resolve them quickly and with a proper treatment plan allow her to put those concerns to rest. Thank you. God Bless. Phil Colon Colon, Philip J. (MC1962) # - # - # - # - # 2014-Jun-13 @ 08:44 |
JFOUND: Sedlak, Gerard (MC1975) Associate Professor Vaughn College2014-Jun-13 Sedlak, Gerard (MC????) Associate Professor Engineering and Technology Vaughn College Education: AAS, College of Aeronautics BME, MME, Manhattan College # - # - # - # - # Dear John, I believe that Gerard is a member of the Class of 1975. Mike McEneney, Mike (MC1953) Sedlak, Gerard (MC1975) # - # - # - # - # |
PRAYERSREQUESTED: Colon, Philip J. (MC1962) adds another cause2014-Jun-14Good Evening All, Mike McEneney asks for our prayers for Retired FDNY Firefighter, Cricky Murphy. Cricky is being treated at Sloan Kettering. He has had most of his Pancreas removed and although all reports are positive, his recuperation is expected to be a long one. Please keep Chris "Cricky" and his Family in your prayers as we pray that he recovers completely and with no further complications. Thank you. God Bless. Phil Colon Colon, Philip J. (MC1962) # - # - # - # - # 2014-Jun-14 @ 00:11 |
JLINKEDIN: Deerkoski, John C. [MC1987] VP URS Corp2014-Jun-10 Deerkoski, John C. [MC1987] Vice President at URS Corporation NY Structural Department Manager New York, New York Civil Engineering # - # - # - # - # |
ENDNOTE: Magdalene Laundries2014-Jun-14[JR: I defer to a fellow alum’s rant.] I literally couldn’t pick just one part of this to share, the whole article needs context and needs to be read from start to finish. It’s not an easy read, but we are all accountable. McCarra-Fitzpatrick MaryAnn (MC1989) No country for young women: Honour crimes and infanticide in Ireland Posted on June 3, 2014 by Stephanie Lord *** begin quote *** When I was in first year in secondary school in 1997, a girl in the year above me was pregnant. She was 14. The only people who I ever heard say anything negative about her were a group of older girls who wore their tiny feet “pro-life” pins on their uniforms with pride. They slagged her behind her back, and said she would be a bad mother. They positioned themselves as the morally superior ones who cared for the baby, but not the unmarried mother. They are the remnants of an Ireland, a quasi-clerical fascist state, that we’d like to believe is in the past, but still lingers on. The news broke last week of a septic tank filled with the remains of 796 children and babies in Galway. The remains were accumulated from the years 1925 to 1961 and a common cause of death was malnutrition and preventable disease. The Bon Secours “Home” had housed thousands of unmarried mothers and their children down through the years. These women had violated the honour of their communities, by bringing shame on their families through “illegitimate” pregnancy and therefore had to be hidden at all costs, and punished for their transgressions. The children died as they lived, discarded like the refuse of society that the Church considered them and the mothers that gave birth to them to be. Most of the children who survived were put to work in industrial schools under the supervision of perverts and sadists. Thousands of the healthy ones were sold abroad – mostly to the US – for “adoption.” For the ones who remained, the outlook was poor. Mortality rates of 50% or 60% were common in these homes. In the case of the ones that died, either the Church did not feel they were valuable enough to feed and care for, or they actively worked towards their death. The risk they posed to the social order by virtue of the circumstances of their conception and birth was too great to let go unchecked. These children certainly did not die for lack of money or resources on the Church’s part (they had an income from the children they sold), and the fewer children of this kind there were, the less threat there was to the church’s control over society. If the Church had allowed them to grow up to be functioning adults in Irish society it would have ran the risk of demonstrating that the institution of marriage was not absolutely integral to the moral well-being of a person. Women were not allowed keep their babies because the shame that their existence brought upon the community would be far too great. They were imprisoned within Magdalene Laundries to atone for their sins of honour, and their babies were removed from them as part of their punishment – women who dishonoured the community were deemed to unfit to parent. *** and *** But when we look the other way, and allow the lie that we live in a modern progressive democracy to breathe, we allow our authoritarian Catholic past to continue to cast its shadow. *** end quote *** [JR: Speechless!] # - # - # - # - # |