JASPER JOTTINGS Week 02 - 2012 January 13    

Jasper Jottings - The achievement journal of my fellow Jaspers, the alumni of the Manhattan College



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POSITRACTION: The Odd Couple's Jack Klugman


PHARMA & HEALTHCARE | 12/25/2012 @ 1:06PM |6,820 views
How The Odd Couple's Jack Klugman Helped Create The Biotech Industry
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*** begin quote ***

Jack Klugman, the actor famous as Oscar from “The Odd Couple” and the crusading medical examiner from the socially conscious “Quincy, M.E.,” died on Christmas Eve, according to The New York Times. He was 90. It’s no exaggeration to say that in the latter role he forever changed the drug business and helped set the stage for the biotechnology industry that was just then emerging.

*** end quote ***

Now as a little L libertarian, I don't think that actors testifying to Congress is something to be celebrated.

It's a flawed system. Recognizing that, using one's platform for good, is a big positive.

Now I knew about this, but how many people did?

Not all our accomplishments will ever be known by others, but aren't we taught to do "charity in secret"?

(On a personal note, I was sorry to read of his passing. Certain friends and relatives think I modeled myself after him. Minus the cigar, they might be right. I'm a slob at heart. But, then I know my flaws. Oink, oink, oink.)

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MOBIT: Father of Dandola, John (MC1970) passes


It is with sadness that I have to pass along some bad news. My "older" friend is Dandola, John (MC1970). His Dad passed away yesterday. His Dad was one of the few people I knew longer than my wife who wasn't a relative. He was a hard working family man. With a gruff side, and doted on his daughters. Always a character, he was always up for a good time.

Work permitting, and I can't see why not, I'm going to the funeral.

The details are in the above link.

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[JR: Deaths, especially that impact close friends, have the effect of making me sad. Sadder than I ever got before. Reminds me of her. Oh well, like the wise men inscribed on the Persian king's ring, "This too shall pass". ]

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Jan-06 @ 11:06 

JFACEBOOK: The Greenleaf from the late 70's



Manhattan College Alumni
This week's Way-back Wednesday photo is The Greenleaf from the late 70's. Cheers to the good ol' days and to 2013!
Unlike · · Share · January 2
You, John Edward OConnor, Louis Menchise, Tom McCarthy and 167 others like this.
56 of 70
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Pete Krupp Least we forget Broadway a/k/a Joe's Pizza. Some great times were had there before and after the Greenleaf, Pinewood or Terminal. I didn't distinguish between locals or student establishments. A cold adult beverage was a cold adult beverage no matter the source. 72 - 76.
January 2 at 1:54pm via mobile · Like · 6

Richard Enright Brings back memories. I was known to have tipped a couple of tall cool ones there.
January 2 at 2:13pm · Like · 1

Anthony Pignataro What was the name of the bar just a little way up from Overlook? 1980-84 timeframe... Drawing a blank on that one
January 2 at 2:28pm · Like · 1

William S. Kehrer The Class of '63 spent many a Friday night there.
January 2 at 2:30pm · Like · 1

Angela Lynch Guerriero The Leprechaun was up from Overlook.
January 2 at 2:33pm via mobile · Like · 4

FJohn Reinke For this injineer, the Greenleaf was a required rest stop after Theoology with Father Bruce. With my head filled with "dannny lew" and the ways to know God, Teilhard de Cardin saying science leads us to God, and being called a blundering barbarian from down the hill to tortue the Arts Department, I needed to wash away my sins. Argh! Times were so much simpler then. I didn't patronize the Leaf when I was in High School, they checked proof; whereas the Terminal was content to over charge us for the 'water of life'. Argh! So much simpler.
January 2 at 3:07pm · Like · 4

Joseph Morris very cool. I guess this later became Characters
January 2 at 3:22pm · Like · 1

Joseph Morris The Terminal, Characters are now long gone of course
January 2 at 3:25pm · Like

Ed Maher Anthony, Downey's was the name of the bar up the hill from Overlook...'70 - '74. One of the owner's sons (I think his name was Mike) was a Jasper...class of '76 I believe.
January 2 at 3:30pm · Like · 2

Gerry Whelan In the name of the Greenleaf, the Pinewood and the Holy Spirit...places of worship!
January 2 at 4:02pm · Like · 1

Peter Muszynski I remember when they were the only bar you could get Coors, because of the difficulty in delivering. We would be packed in like sardines to get a beer that wasn't really that good.
January 2 at 4:18pm via mobile · Like · 1

John Meyers It didn't look much different than this in 1985!
January 2 at 4:26pm · Like · 1

Meg Garvey Seman OMG! Many a fun time there and at the Terminal!,
January 2 at 4:55pm · Like · 1

Phil Nannery Love it !!
January 2 at 4:57pm · Like · 1

Rich DeVito We spent many nights there breakng up fights.
January 2 at 5:00pm · Like

Cathleen Russell DiBenedetto Holy Cow!! The girls from Elizabeth Seton College used to go there after we drank at the Terminal first!
January 2 at 5:28pm · Like · 1

Jim ODea 5 drafts for a buck. Prairie fire shots (white tequila/tabasco) and you had to gargle it
January 2 at 5:38pm via mobile · Like · 1

Gordan Duffield Best corned beef and cabbage on the planet on St. Pats!! All the draft beer you can drink!! This from an Iona Gael!!
January 2 at 6:04pm · Like · 1

Gordan Duffield Talking 1966 thru 1969!!
January 2 at 6:06pm · Like · 1

Kathy O'Connell McGrath Lots of Memories......
January 2 at 6:47pm · Like · 1

Kathleen Sherlock great picture
January 2 at 7:35pm · Like · 1

Christine Campbell for those of us at the overlook dorm very convenient. an institution.
January 2 at 7:36pm · Like

Rosalie Lorenzo OMG! Tons of memories!
January 2 at 7:58pm via mobile · Like · 1

Joe Doc Dougherty Ah the Greenleaf! Remember old Tim Nancy Botjer Riordan
January 2 at 8:01pm · Like · 1

Jim Gallagher First beer as a freshman there, 1978.
January 2 at 8:16pm · Like · 2

Jim Gallagher Also loved to watch Monday night football there.
January 2 at 8:20pm · Like · 1

Martha Elena Miranda I think this was Characters when I was at Manhattan...?
January 2 at 8:29pm via mobile · Like · 3

John Cass I am probably still banned
January 2 at 8:48pm via mobile · Like · 3

Kathleen Leonardi What a great place - a lot of good memories (I THINK!!!)
January 2 at 9:04pm · Like · 1

Maria Norcia Santillanes Great memories for sure!
January 2 at 9:10pm · Like · 1

MaryAnn McCarra LOL! Any pictures of the Pinewood, the Terminal, or Dorney & Malone's? Sidekicks? Doubledays?
January 2 at 9:18pm · Like · 2

Nancy Campion memories
January 2 at 9:36pm · Like · 1

Manhattan College Alumni MaryAnn, you'll have to wait to see. Many more Way-back Wednesday photos to come!

And Jaspers, please feel free to send any photos from your time at Manhattan to the alumni office. We'd love to use your submissions for future postings. Email photos to alumni@manhattan.edu.
January 2 at 9:39pm · Like

Edward Tsyitee Maria, in the70's, you weren't old enough to go there
January 2 at 9:48pm · Like

Jean Burwell Scanlon brings a smile to my face...good times in the early 80s
January 2 at 10:18pm · Like · 1

Tom Blackburne Pinewood is now a Pizzeria. We had great times in all 3. Terminal stayed open latter that the other 2 in the early 70s. And then there was the 24/7 favorite - White Tower… it’s gone also. Drinking age in early 70s was 18.
January 2 at 10:22pm · Like

Kenneth Raleigh I spent a many a night in the GreenLeaf.always a good time
January 2 at 10:51pm · Like · 1

Maria Norcia Santillanes Edward, I graduated in '80 .... but thank you for the compliment
January 2 at 11:07pm · Like

Frankie Flynn Ah the memories.....
January 2 at 11:19pm · Like · 1

Edward Tsyitee Ahh, you're still just a kid
Thursday at 12:07am · Like · 1

Elizabeth Budington Perricelli I went there every weekend when it was Characters! Loved that bar!!!! Great memories!
Thursday at 12:20am via mobile · Like · 1

Pete Smith good lord a gohst from the past i remember crawling out of that hovel
Thursday at 6:15am · Like · 1

Eleanor Rush-Morgan what memories...
Thursday at 7:14am · Like · 1

Nancy McCarthy Dolan Riker Oh my, a blast from the past. Loved the music.
Thursday at 7:33am · Like · 1

Kathy Tobin I had many a good time there!!
Thursday at 9:09am · Like · 1

Jim Romano Wow, Glen what about the Terminal and the Pinewood?
Thursday at 9:44am · Like · 1

Mary Rynne Is that the Greentree on Bainbridge
Thursday at 9:51am · Like

Frankie Flynn No Mary, 242nd St. & Bway. Manhattan College bar.
Thursday at 1:24pm · Like

Dan Carbone Oh yeah, the Big 3: The Pinewood, The Terminal and The Greenleaf.
Thursday at 1:30pm · Like

Bob Athanasidy OMG! Loved that place - held most of my classes there!
Thursday at 4:12pm · Like · 1

Joseph McNulty 5 beers for a $1.00 those were the days...
Thursday at 4:35pm · Like · 2

Emma Julia Ted asks: Is it still there?
Thursday at 5:57pm · Like

Dan Carbone The Big 3: The Greenleaf, The Terminal and The Pinewood.
23 hours ago · Like · 1

Thomas Emmett Flynn By our time, the mid-sixties, The Pinewood was the place to be! The Greanleaf and Terminal had sunk beneath raunchiness. And then there was The Broadway Deli next door to The Pinewood where I labored weekends making the best hero sandwiches in NYC.
21 hours ago · Like

Thomas Dwyer i wonder where our pinewood mugs are?
15 hours ago · Like

Dominick Lauria I remember drinking Coors at the Green Leaf in the 70's when it was hard to get it on the East coast. It came in cans with two tabs on top.

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ADMINISTRIVIA: Yahoo has lost its mind

First I couldn't get it to display this week's issue correctly. Then I couldn't get it to sign me on and I'm locked out for 12 hours.


I'll be switching to another email distribution mechanism.

Oh, http://jasperjottings-weekly.com/ is broken too.

Never rains; it pours!

You can see this week's issue at it's usual place.


… and even that is giving me trouble.


Happy New Year!!!

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Jan-06 @ 14:07 

JLINKEDIN: O'Donnell, Arthur [MC1971] President, Drybrook Funding Solutions


O'Donnell, Arthur [MC1971]
President, Drybrook Funding Solutions
Greater New York City Area
Financial Services

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ADMINISTRIVIA: Auditioning a Google Group as a Yahoo replacement


I'm trialing a replacement for using Yahoo to distribute the weekly email. If you like to volunteer to be a guinea pig, then hit the link or send me an email for an invite.

I set up the new group and loaded the first issue in less than ten minutes.

Open for opinions.

Constant contact would cost 240$ per year. That violates my concept of free or very low cost hobby.

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Jan-06 @ 14:35 

Dear John,

Just a note to say that I found the format of this weeks JJ very difficult to read. I do hope that Yahoo relents!

Keep up the good work.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Jan-10 @ 21:15 

JHQ: Butler, John [MC1986] cited by Alma Mater


John Butler ’86 leads his company to bring hope to hemophiliacs.

John Butler ’86 believes in people over profits when it comes to the pharmaceutical business.

The CEO of Inspiration Biopharmaceuticals, Butler has spent a great deal of his career caring for people with rare diseases who require medicines unique to their conditions, not the mass-produced drugs that earn companies their biggest profits.

“When you put the patient at the center of everything you do, good medicine is good business,” he says. “That is the way we are building this company.”

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Butler, John [MC1986]

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Jan-06 @ 15:02 

JEMAIL: McEneney, Mike (MC1953) spots Franco, Fr. Joseph [MC1997] in a news story

RE: Fr. Joseph Franco,'97

Dear John,

The NY Daily News today (1/4/13) has an article about Fr, Franco's role in fare of Catholic Schools in the North West/South Bronx. I have a copy if you need it.



McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated. I got it!]

# - # - # - # - #  


After offering plans for Bronx Catholic schools to stay open, parents nervously await Archdiocese’s decision
Eight schools in borough are in danger of closure


FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 2013, 6:00 AM

*** begin quote ***

The Rev. Joseph Franco, who oversees the Northwest/South Bronx region for the Archdiocese of New York, will be put to the test in his first major decision as chair of the new board.

“I would love to see all the schools come off the chopping block, because we’re in the poorest congressional district here in the United States,” said Franco, of Sacred Heart parish in Highbridge, which is not in danger. “I don’t look forward to the final decision day.”

Some believe a verdict has already been reached.

“(The archdiocese) is not interested in helping schools,” said Kelvin Ramirez, an alum of St. Jerome’s whose son also attends.

“They’re interested in giving the illusion that there’s an option. Personally, I don’t feel very confident that they’re going to change their minds.”

*** end quote ***

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Franco, Fr. Joseph [MC1997]

[JR: Hopefully, our fellow Jasper can demonstrate that it's a fair process. Catholic Education is a lot like the Titanic; it's going under. You can NOT compete with something the Government gives away "free". This battle was lot eons ago when the Gooferment got into the "education" biz. Which is another way of saying putting the State in place of God and indoctrinating the future voters so they can't conceive of being free. Argh!]

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Jan-06 @ 15:29 

JBLOGGER: Petrone, Louis S. "Key West Lou" (MC1957) launches "The Key West Lou Legal Hour"

Petrone, Louis S. "Key West Lou" (MC1957)

by keywestlou
Another friday. Another show. The Key West Lou Legal Hour. Ten in the morning my time. Watch! Fast moving and interesting. The show airs on television in the Florida Keys and through Miami-Dade County on Comcast Channel 87 and U-Verse Channel 19. Elsewhere and world wide via the internet. http://www.tvchannel19.com.

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Jan-06 @ 15:53 

PRAYERREQUEST: Colon, Philip J. (MC1962) has another request

Good Evening,

Mike McEneney has brought a prayer request to our attention. Bill Kratch, a friend of Ed McEneney, needs our prayers. Bill grew up in the McEneney's Bronx neighborhood, attended Cardinal Hayes H.S. and Iona. Bill is suffering from Advanced Cancer and has been admitted to Calvary Hospice. Please keep Bill and his Family in your prayers during this very difficult time. Thank you. God Bless.

Phil Colon

Colon, Philip J. (MC1962)

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Jan-06 @ 15:55 

JEMAIL: McEneney, Mike (MC1953) remembers Moran, Bob [MC1956 RIP]

Dear John,

Today's NY Times 1/2/13, has an obitutary for Bob Moran,'56. Bob was a Freshman when we were Seniors and he, Don Hays,'56 and Mike Murnane,'56 (RIP) some how ended up with our crowd joining with us for Basketball games at the Garden and nights at the "44 Club" in Yonkers. He and his wife Carol attended many of our parties over the years. He was a great Jasper and a wonderful friend - he will be missed by all.

May He Rest In Peace.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

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Moran, Bob [MC1956 RIP]

[JR: Losing friends always hurts. Sorry to report these.]

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MOBIT: Geoghegan, Doris [MCxStaff RIP]


Doris Geoghegan

Doris (nee Palmer), age 80, of Cliffside Park, on January 2, 2013. She was born in New York City and was a Computer Technician for Manhattan College, NYC. Beloved wife of Joseph. Devoted mother of Sharon Williams, Janene Parent, Michael Geoghegan and the late Joanne Geoghegan. Cherished grandmother of nine and great-grandmother of ten. Loving sister of Betty Palmer. Predeceased by three brothers. The family will receive their friends on Sunday 3-7 PM at the Frank A. Patti and Kenneth Mikatarian Funeral Home 327 Main Street "opposite the Fort Lee Library". The funeral will leave at 9:30 AM for the celebration of her funeral mass Monday in Epiphany R.C. Church at 10 AM. For condolences, directions, or information call (201) 944-0100 or www.frankpatti.com

Published in The Record/Herald News on January 4, 2013

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Geoghegan, Doris [MCxStaff RIP]

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Jan-06 @ 16:07 

MOBIT: Spetter, Dr. Matthew Ies [MCxFac RIP]



SPETTER--Dr. Matthew Ies died peacefully at his home on December 30, 2012, surrounded by his family. He was 91 years old. Born in the Netherlands he participated in the Dutch resistance during World War II until his capture by the Nazis. He was imprisoned in several concentration camps including Auschwitz and Buchenwald. A witness at the International War Criminal Trials in Nuremburg, Germany, and a part of G2 and G3 American Intelligence, he was awarded the Resistance Cross by the Government of the Netherlands.

In 1951, Dr. Spetter and his family moved to the United States where he became involved in the Ethical Culture Society. He became a Leader of the Riverdale Yonkers Ethical Culture society for a period of 40 years and the Chairman of the Department of Ethics for the three Ethical Culture schools. He also taught at the Encampment for Citizenship of the American Ethical Union. Dr. Spetter worked for human rights, civil rights and international peace. He was an associate professor at the Peace Studies Institute and the Department of Religion at Manhattan College, a very active member of the community and a founding member of the Riverdale Clergy Council. As a Clinical Member of the American Association for Family Therapy, and as a therapist, Dr. Spetter understood the importance of mental health. He founded the Riverdale Mental Health Clinic in 1960, an important community resource today.

Dr. Spetter was also an author of numerous, annotated lectures regarding what matters about life, radio programs and publications including his books The Courage to Stand Alone, Man the Reluctant Brother and To Deny the Night. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him or simply heard him speak. The reach of his words and his work is vast.

Dr. Spetter is survived by his son Job, Job's wife Gina and their sons Chase and Job Robert, his daughter Ruth and step-children Connie Boykan, Rick Berke, Gary Berke and Wendy Berke Hall and their respective families. Dr. Spetter's daughter Sanne and wives Suze, Ina and Sylvia predeceased him.

In lieu of flowers, donations in the memory of Dr. Spetter may be made to the Riverdale Mental Health Clinic or the Riverdale Yonkers Ethical Culture Society. A memorial service will be held later in 2013. Please contact The Riverdale Yonkers Society for Ethical Culture for details.

Published in The New York Times on January 6, 2013

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Spetter, Dr. Matthew Ies [MCxFac RIP] 

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Jan-06 @ 16:10 

JOBIT: Warthling, Sr. Geraldine [MC1972 RIP]


Geraldine Warthling

WARTHLING, OSF Sr. Geraldine Warthling, OSF, (formerly S. Mary Cordis) of Stella Niagara, passed away on Wednesday, January 2, 2013.

She was born Geraldine Teresa Warthling, in Lackawanna, NY on August 1, 1937, a daughter of the late Cyril and Edith [Blehl] Warthling. After graduating from South Park High School in 1955, she entered the Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity at Stella Niagara and made her profession of vows on August 23, 1961. She received her Bachelor's of Art degree from Rosary Hill College and her Masters degree from Manhattan College, in Riverdale, NY.

Sister Geraldine taught and was a head of the Mathematics Dept. at Rosary High School and a head of the Religion Department at Bishop Wehrle High School both in Columbus, OH. She also served as the Director of Youth Retreats and Director of Youth and Young Adults Ministry for the Diocese of Columbus. Sister was the Professor of Pastoral Ministry at Pontifical College Josphinum in Columbus. She had also taught at Charleston Catholic High School in Charleston, WV and was the Director of Campus Ministry and Vice President of Student affairs and St. Leo College in Dade City, FL. Sister Geraldine returned to Stella Niagara in 1995 where she was a Provincial Councilor for the Sisters of St. Francis, a Home Health Visitor with Mercy Home Health Care and a director with the Warde Center in Buffalo, NY. She retired at Stella Niagara in August of 2009.

Sister Geraldine is survived by one sister of Joan (Edward ) Roberts and many nieces and nephews. She was the sister of the late Betty Ann (Thomas) Fanning and the Rev. William Warthling. The family will be present on Sunday, from 2-7 p.m. at Stella Niagara, 4421 Lower River Road, where a prayer service will be held at 7 p.m. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Monday at 10 a.m. in the Sisters Chapel at Stella Niagara. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Sisters of St. Francis, 4421 Lower River Road, Stella Niagara, NY 14144. nterment at Stella Niagara Cemetery, Lewiston, NY. Visit www.rhoneyfuneralhome.com, for guest register.
Published in The Columbus Dispatch on January 5, 2013


Warthling, Sr. Geraldine [MC???? RIP]

Guestbook: http://www.legacy.com/guestbooks/dispatch/guestbook.aspx?n=geraldine-warthling&pid=162140580&cid=full

# - # - # - # - # 2013-Jan-06 @ 16:16

Dear John,

I believe that Sister Geraldine received her Masters in 1972.

May She Rest In Peace.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

Warthling, Sr. Geraldine [MC1972 RIP]

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Jan-11 @ 18:12 

JOBIT: Cocozza, Frank P. [MC1944 RIP]


Frank P. Cocozza (1923 - 2013)

Cocozza, Frank P.

Frank P. Cocozza passed on Jan. 5, 2013 at Calvary Hospital. He was born July 28, 1923 to Gaetano and Nilla Cocozza.

He had a brother Guy Cocozza. Frank was educated in Yonkers at St. Denis School and Charles E. Gorton High School. He then attended Manhattan College and New York University School of Law. After serving as counsel to Title Guarantee Insurance Company, he opened his law office in Yonkers. He practiced law in Yonkers for over 55 years. He was a member of The Yonkers Lawyers Association. the Westchester County Bar Association and the New York State Bar Association.

He loved to travel but his favorite destinations were to his homes in Watch Hill, Rhode Island and Jupiter, Florida. He used to love walking on the beaches. He loved going out to dinner with friends and family. He was often referred to as the "Duncan Heinz" of Westchester because nobody knew more restaurants than he did. He loved movies and movie trivia.

He is survived by his wife, Emma, his daughter Susan, his son Paul, his grandson Mark and his daughter in law Jennie. He joins his parents, brother and grandson Paul in heaven. Visiting at the Westchester Funeral Home, Inc. Tuesday, Jan. 8 from 4-8PM. Funeral Mass, Immaculate Conception Church, Tuckahoe, Wed. Jan. 9 at 10:30AM. In lieu of flowers please make donations in memory of Frank to Make a Wish of Westchester County or the American Cancer Society . To send a condolence to the family visit www.westchesterfuneralhome.com

Published in the The Journal News from January 7 to January 8, 2013


Cocozza, Frank P. [MC???? RIP]

Guestbook: http://www.legacy.com/guestbooks/lohud/guestbook.aspx?n=frank-cocozza&pid=162197762&cid=full

# - # - # - # - # 2013-Jan-07 @ 07:24

Dear John,

I believe that Frank is a member of the Class of 1944.

May He Rest In Peace.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

Cocozza, Frank P. [MC1944 RIP]

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Jan-08 @ 07:09 

JFACEBOOK: Miscia, Dana (MC2009) looking for "victims"; I mean coaching Clients


*** begin quote ***

ATTN>> If anyone is looking for some running coaching all diff levels from beg/IM/Ad from 1st tri to half Iron to 1st 5k to marathon please message me/comment here if interested. Will come to you!!>> I have 12+ running exp Varsity track/xc in HS D1 track/xc for Manhattan college an 6 yrs coaching and personal training exp. I have trained several groups of runners, lead bootcamps, and sucessfully trained beg/im/ad runners for various distances. Also been racing triathlons for 9 years- 10+ half ironmans, 1 Ironman and National/WC races completed.<<<

*** end quote ***

Miscia, Dana (MC2009)

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JLINKEDIN: Constantinou, Stephanie [MC2010] PROJECT ENGINEER at STV Construction Inc


Constantinou, Stephanie [MC2010] PROJECT ENGINEER at STV Construction Inc
Civil / Construction Engineer
Greater New York City Area Construction


Solutions-focused, self-motivated professional with an academic and professional background in civil engineering, construction management and project management. Ability to manage multiple simultaneous projects while working under pressure in fast-paced environments. Highly versatile; quickly masters new roles, responsibilities, technologies and situations. Reputation for integrity, dedication, work ethic and analytical skills.


Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, AutoCAD, ETABS, SAP, Primavera: Expedition & Project Manager (P6), Risa 3D, Visual Basics of Applications, Management Scientist

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JOBIT: Coogan, John 'Jack' Patterson [MC1956 RIP]


Classified Obituary

Of Gastonia, passed away in the early hours of January 4, 2013, four days after his 79th birthday. He died at Gaston Memorial Hospital of a heart attack after surgery.

He was born and grew up in Queens, NY the son of Florence and Eddie Coogan. Known as "Jack" to many, he attended La Salle Academy in New York, and Manhattan College in Riverdale NY, where he earned a BS degree in Civil Engineering. He worked for 28 years at the American Bridge Division of United States Steel in Pittsburgh, PA, and was involved in the fabrication and construction of numerous large scale buildings and bridges around the country, retiring from there in 1986.

He finished his engineering career with Owen Steel in Gastonia, NC and Greenville, SC.

In addition to his family, Jack's Roman Catholic faith was always a big part of his life and he was an active member of St. Victor's Parish in Bairdford, PA where he served as a sixth grade CCD teacher, the Nocturnal Adoration Society at St. Michael's Parish in Gastonia and at the St. Joseph Adoration Chapel at Belmont Abbey, where he was a good friend to many. Jack also enjoyed watching baseball, bike riding and was a railroad buff his entire life.

Jack is predeceased by his wife, Bernice Faust Coogan; and is survived by his four children, Chris Coogan of Albuquerque, NM, Tim Coogan of Roanoke, VA, Maureen Belich of Salisbury, MD, and Roseann Harrill of Mooresville, NC; their spouses are Jodi, Pam, Jeffrey and Jay, respectively; he was the proud Pop Pop of ten grandchildren, Sean and Jackson of Portage, IN, Chloe of Albuquerque, NM, Emma and Hana of Roanoke, VA, Megan of Cary, NC, Michael and Anna of Salisbury, MD, Rachel and JJ of Mooresville, NC.

Jack's life was filled with the love and fellowship of his family and friends. He was a man of generosity, kindness and strength for all that knew him, and his loss will be felt deeply by his family and his many close friends.

Visitation will begin at McLEAN FUNERAL DIRECTORS, in Gastonia on Tuesday, January 8, starting with a service of 'The Little Office of the Resurrection' at 6:00 p.m. followed by general visitation until 8 p.m. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at St. Michael's Catholic Church in Gastonia on Wednesday, January 9 at 10:30 a.m. A Burial Service will follow at Belmont Abbey Cemetery in Belmont. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations should be made to St. Joseph Adoration Chapel at Belmont Abbey College, 100 Belmont-Mt. Holly Rd., Belmont, NC 28012. Condolences may be sent online by visiting: www.mcleanfuneral.com Send condolences at post-gazette.com/gb

Published in Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on January 8, 2013


Coogan, John 'Jack' Patterson [MC???? RIP]

Guestbook: http://www.legacy.com/guestbooks/postgazette/guestbook.aspx?n=john-coogan&pid=162222814&cid=full

# - # - # - # - # 2013-Jan-08 @ 07:14

Dear John,

I believe that Jack is a member of the class of 1956.

May He Rest In Peace.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

Coogan, John 'Jack' Patterson [MC1956 RIP]

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Jan-10 @ 20:30 

JOBIT: Gallé, Martin [MC1968 RIP]


Martin Gallé


Martin E., of Emerson, NJ passed away on Saturday, January 5, 2013. Born in Rockville Centre, NY to Edward and Kathryn Gallé.

Martin was raised in New Milford, NJ and went on to attend Manhattan College. He served his country proudly during the Vietnam War as a member of the U.S. Army 101st Airborne Division. He was the recipient of two Bronze Service Stars as well as the Purple Heart. After completing his service he attended St. John's University from which he earned two Master's Degrees.

He worked for many years in the chemical industry and after a semi-retirement he taught chemistry on both a high school and college level.

Martin was a devout parishioner of Church of the Assumption in Emerson serving as a Eucharistic minister.

Beloved husband of Rosanne Gallé. Cherished father of Robert Gallé and wife Katherine, Susan Becdach and husband Juan, and Barbara Rivas and husband Dan. Loving grandfather of Brian and Patrick Gallé, and Juan Martín and Barbara Becdach. Dear brother of Patricia Gracey and husband Dan.

The family will receive their relatives and friends at Becker Funeral Home, 219 Kinderkamack Road, Westwood, NJ on Wednesday from 2-4 and 7-9 PM. The Funeral Mass will be held at Church of the Assumption, Emerson, NJ, on Thursday at 9:30 AM. Interment to follow at Ascension Cemetery in Airmont, NY. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests a donation to the Fisher House Foundation.

Published in The Record/Herald News on January 8, 2013


Gallé, Martin [MC1968 RIP]

Guestbook: http://www.legacy.com/guestbooks/northjersey/guestbook.aspx?n=martin-gall&pid=162225424&cid=full

# - # - # - # - # 2013-Jan-08 @ 07:23

[JR: I had the opportunity to attend the wake and met the family. He was indeed a rich man. Wish I could have trade places with him and went in his stead. (Like Tale of Two Cities.) If for no other reason than to spare his eldest grandchild the sorrow. The others were to young to understand. The grandchildren were are lot like I remember my classmate, polite even when they didn't want to be bothered. Without coaching from their Mom's, the introduced themselves like troopers. And, entertained the family friends buy answering a lot of really dumb questions. (I KNOW I wouldn't have had their patience at their age. Heck, I don't even know I'd have that much patience at this age. Correction, I know I would have that much patience. Probably would have used some nautical language. It was however an insight to how much they care for him. He was a "wealthy" man and I am a little jealous. What greater legacy can a man leave but good children?]

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Jan-09 @ 21:54 

JLINKEDIN: Zander, Patricia [MC1995] Project Manager at STV Group


Zander, Patricia [MC1995]
Project Manager at STV Group
Greater New York City Area


Civil Engineer with 19 years of work experience in the greater New York metropolitan area on high performance/ sustainable facilities. Experience working on multi-discipline/multi-office design/ build teams (planners, architects, landscape architects, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, plumbing engineers, geotechnical engineers, structural engineers, environmental consultants, LEED® consultants, and construction managers).


Buildings & Facilities Design/ Construction: Sustainable Components; Stormwater; Wastewater; Waste Management; & Environmental Permitting.

# - # - # - # - #  

JLINKEDIN: Nola, Daniel [MC2007] Project Engineer at STV Construction


Nola, Daniel [MC2007]
Project Engineer at STV Construction, Inc.
New York, New York (Greater New York City Area)

# - # - # - # - #  

JLINKEDIN: Morrison, John [MC1986] Sr. Technology Consultant at EMC/AVAMAR


Morrison, John [MC1986]
Sr. Technology Consultant at EMC/AVAMAR
Greater New York City Area
Computer Software

# - # - # - # - #  

JOBIT: Costello, Vincent A. [MC1958 RIP]


In Memory of
Vincent A. Costello
March 20, 1934 - January 7, 2013

Vincent Costello entered into eternal life on January 7, 2013 at the age of 78. Vincent was born in Manhattan, NY to the late James and Marie (nee Murtagh) Costello. Vincent attended Manhattan Prepatory School and obtained a Bachelor of Science from Manhattan College. He retired from his position as a Design Engineer with Verizon in 1996. Vincent is survived by his loving wife of 43 years, Kathleen (nee McLoughlin); his daughter Kathleen-Ann Cool and her husband James; his son Vincent J. Costello and his wife Mary Virginia; daughter Barbara-Ann Costello and son Joseph Costello. Vincent was the proud grandfather of Aedan and Tara Cool and Regan and Connor Costello. Vincent was predeceased by his brother James J. Costello and his sisters Evelyn McKeegan and Marion Lenihan. Family will receive friends on Thursday, January 10, 2013 from 3-5pm & 7-9pm at Higgins Funeral Home in New City, NY. Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Friday, January 11, 2013 at 11am at St. Augustine's Church in New City, NY, followed by interment at Gate of Heaven Cemetery in Valhalla, NY. In lieu of flowers, the family has asked that donations be made to the Institute for Educational Achievement, 381 Madison Ave, New Milford, NJ 07646 or St. Augustine's R.C. School, 114 South Main Street, New City, NY 10956.


Costello, Vincent A. [MC???? RIP]

Guestbook: http://www.legacy.com/guestbook/DignityMemorial/guestbook.aspx?n=vincent-costello&pid=162248995

# - # - # - # - # 2013-Jan-10 @ 18:57

Dear John,

I believe that Vincent is a member of the Class of 1958.

May He Rest In Peace.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

Costello, Vincent A. [MC1958 RIP]

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Jan-11 @ 17:55 

JOBIT: White, Fred "Buddy" [MC???? RIP]


Fred White

Fred "Buddy" White, 78, of Ridgefield, husband of Margaret "Peg" (Hegarty) White died on Saturday, January 5, 2013 at the Danbury Hospital.

Mr. White was born in Westchester County, NY, September 15, 1934, a son of the late Frederick and Gale (Byrne) White. He attended saint John's School, Archbishop Stepinac High School and graduated from Manhattan College where he attained his Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering. A retired electrical engineer with Data Products of Wallingford, CT, he later became an electrical engineer consultant. He was a U.S. Army Peacetime veteran. A resident of Ridgefield for the past forty-seven years coming from Westchester County, NY, he enjoyed golf and was a member of St. Mary Parish.

In addition to his wife, "Peg" of fifty years, he is survived by a daughter, Dawn Marie Bell and her husband, Dennis of Ridgefield; two sons, Robert A. White and his wife, Wendy of Ipswich, MA and John F. White and his wife, Eileen of Holmdel, NJ and nine grandchildren, Dennis White, Ryan White, Caroline White, Tyler White, Sean Bell, Jennifer White, Catherine Bell, James Bell and Robert Adams White.

A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Friday, January 11, 2013 at 10:15 AM in St. Mary Church, Ridgefield.
Interment will follow in St. Mary Cemetery, Ridgefield.
The family will receive friends in the Kane Funeral Home, 25 Catoonah St., Ridgefield on Thursday, January 10, 2013 from 5 PM to 8PM.

 Published in News Times from January 6 to January 9, 2013


White, Fred "Buddy" [MC???? RIP]

Guestbook: http://www.legacy.com/guestbooks/newstimes/guestbook.aspx?n=fred-white&pid=162149353&cid=full

# - # - # - # - # 2013-Jan-10 @ 19:16

Dear John,

I do not anything in my 'stuff' for Fred.

May He Rest In Peace.


[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Jan-11 @ 17:54 

JOBIT: Moroney, John Patrick [MC1982 RIP], brother of Moroney, Dennis G. [1984 RIP]


John Patrick Moroney

John Patrick Moroney
AGE: 52 • Yonkers, N.Y.

John Patrick Moroney, 52, of Yonkers, died Monday, Jan. 7, 2013. J.P. was born in the Bronx on May 9, 1960, and spent much of his childhood in Freehold, NJ. A 1982 graduate of Manhattan College, J.P. worked for many years in acoustical ceiling tile sales. His expertise was well-known throughout his field. His greatest joy was his daughter, Caitlin, 25. He enjoyed going out to eat with friends and spending time with his husband, Bob Reilly, at their lake house in Highland Lakes, NJ. He was engaging and incredibly devoted to his family and friends, who affectionately called him "J."

He was predeceased by his father, Thomas J. Moroney Jr., in 2004; his mother, Joan G. Moroney, in 2010; his brother, Dennis G. Moroney, who died in the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001; and his aunt, Clare Moroney, in 2007. Along with Caitlin and Bob, he is survived by five brothers, Patrick, Thomas III and his wife Georgiann, Michael and his husband Albert de Fressine, Kevin and his wife Deborah, Brian and his wife Teresa; a sister-in-law, Nancy; an aunt, Margaret J. Moroney; two nieces, Elizabeth and Megan; and five nephews, Thomas IV, Liam, Brian Jr. and his wife Jessica, Timothy, and Connor.

Visiting will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 10 at Whalen and Ball Funeral Home, 168 Park Avenue, Yonkers, NY. The funeral liturgy will be celebrated at 9:30 a.m. Friday, Jan. 11 at the Church of the Sacred Heart, 110 Shonnard Place, Yonkers, followed by interment at Gate of Heaven Cemetery, Hawthorne, NY.

Published in Asbury Park Press on January 9, 2013


Moroney, John Patrick [MC1982 RIP]

Guestbook: http://www.legacy.com/guestbooks/app/guestbook.aspx?n=john-moroney&pid=162235131&cid=full

Moroney, Dennis G. [1984 RIP]

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Jan-10 @ 19:41

JOBIT: Jones, Robert L. "Bob" [MC1968 RIP]


In Memory of
Robert L. Jones
May 3, 1946 - January 3, 2013

Robert "Bob" Jones, 66, of Copperas Cove, TX passed away on Thursday, January 3, 2013 at his residence.

Robert was born on May 3, 1946 at Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn, NY to Frederick and Mary (Grant) Jones, who were born in Tuttle, KY and Brooklyn, NY, respectively. He was baptized at Holy Cross Church in Flatbush, Brooklyn. Robert spent his early childhood in Flatbush and moved to Merrick, NY when he was four years old. Robert attended Cure of Ars School in Merrick, NY from grades K - 8. He also received his First Communion and was confirmed at Cure of Ars Church in Merrick, NY. He graduated from St. Mary's Boys High School in Manhassett, NY in 1964. He graduated from Manhattan College in Bronx, NY in 1968 with a BS in Electrical Engineering.

He served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1969 - 1971 where he was stationed in Okinawa, Japan. He was honorably discharged with the rank of Lance Corporal.

He was married to Kathleen Peterson at Sacred Heart Church in Merrick, NY on April 25, 1981.

He spent the early part of his career designing equipment for cable TV. He later worked for the government contracting firm, EG&G in Arlington, VA for nearly thirty years until his retirement in 2009 where he retired to Copperas Cove, TX.

As a child Robert always enjoyed creating gadgets involving circuits. He also played chess and collected 1943 steel pennies. He is remembered as a compassionate and faithful big brother who enjoyed doing Mr. Wizard experiments with his youngest sister. He also enjoyed the Star Trek series, Celtic Women, and TV shows featuring Sarah Michelle Gellar.

He is survived by his daughter, Sharon Robsky and husband William of North Oxford, MA, his brother Frederick Jones Jr. and wife Margaret of Copperas Cove, TX; his sister Marie Warnke, her husband Jim of Teaneck, NJ; Patricia Henel and her husband Gerald of Glens Falls, NY; and Veronica Schepis and her husband Dominic of Wappingers Falls, NY. He was also an uncle to many nieces and nephews, which include David and Amy Warnke, Joseph, Stephen, Alex, Peter, and John Henel, Genevieve Ermiger; Joanne Conrad and Sara and Michael Schepis.

A funeral service will take place at the OB Davis Funeral Home in Miller Place, NY on Tuesday, Jan. 15 at 9:00am immediately followed by a burial at Calverton National Cemetery in Calverton, NY.


Jones, Robert L. "Bob" [MC1968 RIP]

Guestbook: http://www.legacy.com/guestbook/DignityMemorial/guestbook.aspx?n=robert-jones&pid=162231451

[JR: A fellow Prepster and an ingineering classmate. Argh!]

# - # - # - # - # 2013-Jan-10 @ 19:41

JOBIT: Gantz, James G. 'Jimmy' [MC???? RIP]


James Gantz


James G. "Jimmy," was 42 when he passed away peacefully Monday, January 7th.

Born in Queens, New York Jimmy lived most of his life in New Milford, New Jersey before moving to Catskill New York 8 years ago. After graduating Bergen Catholic High School, Paramus he went on to attend Manhattan College where he studied marketing and advertising.

A diehard New York Met and Miami Dolphin fan, Jimmy loved to cook for family and friends.

He is survived by his beloved wife Megan (nee Mc Donald) and his loving mother Marilyn Morgan and stepfather Earl Morgan. Jimmy was predeceased by his father James Gantz. He was the dear brother of Kimberly Guggenheim and husband David and the cherished uncle of Julia Guggenheim. Jimmy was the lifelong friend of John and Kerry Murray and their children Collin, Casey and John Patrick his godson. He was the adored godfather of McKenzie Wunder and Devon Wunder.

Funeral services will begin Saturday morning, 8:30 AM, at the Boulevard Funeral Home and Cremation Service,1151 River Road, New Milford, New Jersey. A funeral mass will be celebrated 10:30 AM St. Josephs Church, New Milford-Oradell. Private cremation to follow. Visitation Friday 2-9 PM.


Gantz, James G. 'Jimmy' [MC???? RIP]

Guestbook: http://www.legacy.com/guestbooks/northjersey/guestbook.aspx?n=james-gantz&pid=162244666&cid=full

# - # - # - # - # 2013-Jan-10 @ 20:14

Dear John,

I do not find anything in my"stuff" for James.

May He Rest In Peace.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Jan-11 @ 17:52  

JEMAIL: Antenucci, John (MC1959) finds a Fordham sign

From: John Antenucci

John, Happy New Year. While visiting my brother Jim and hos wife Pat in Dunwoody, GA we saw a sign outside a movie theater. It read -

"New York is my campus...Fordham is my school!

We need some marketing for Manhattan College in Dunwoody, GA.

# - # - # 

Antenucci, John (MC1959)

[JR: LOL!!!]

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Jan-10 @ 21:11 

JEMAIL: McEneney, Mike (MC1953) ids McGovern, Carolyn [MC1961SPOUSE RIP]

MOBIT: McGovern, Carolyn [MC1961SPOUSE RIP]

Carolyn McGovern

McGovern, Carolyn

Carolyn McGovern, darling Wife, loving Mother, and adoring Grandmother, passed away peacefully at home on Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012. Her beauty, grace and love will always be remembered.

Carolyn is survived by Matt, her High School Sweetheart and loving husband of 51 years as well as three children and twelve grandchildren- Daughter Melissa, a Registered Nurse and mother of Aiden, Kieran, Shannon, Erin and Finnian, residing in Palos Verdes Estates, CA; her son, Matthew, an engineer and consultant, lives in Congers with his wife Kathleen and children Meaghan, Matthew and Kyle, and her youngest son, Scott, an Orthopedic Surgeon lives in Salisbury, MD with his wife Lauren and children Dylan, Benjamin, Justin and Zachary. Also surviving are Carolyns three sisters, Dorothy, Sally, and Patsy, and many nieces and nephews.

Published in the The Journal News on January 3, 2013


McGovern, Carolyn [MC????SPOUSE RIP]

Guestbook: http://www.legacy.com/guestbooks/lohud/guestbook.aspx?n=carolyn-mcgovern&pid=162096296&cid=full

# - # - # - # - # 2013-Jan-02 @ 22:49

Dear John,

I believe that Carolyn' husband Matt is a member of the Class of 1961.

May She Rest In Peace.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

McGovern, Carolyn [MC1961SPOUSE RIP]

# - # - # - # - # 2013-Jan-10 @ 21:32

PRAYERREQUEST: Colon, Philip J. (MC1962) has some further news

Good Afternoon All,

A prayer of thanks for Francis, the Brother of a friend (Veronica) down here in Delaware. We have had Francis in our prayers as he went in for Open Heart Surgery. He has come through with flying colors, recuperating quicker than expected and getting ready to begin rehab. His Operation was just before Christmas and with the exception of his body having retained a great deal of water (which has been taken care of) there have been no complications. Veronica and their family thank you for your prayers.

Please keep Dave Maksomski in your prayers that all is found in good order as he meets today with the MDs at Columbia Presbyterian to decide the next steps to be taken. Thank you. God Bless.

Phil Colon

Colon, Philip J. (MC1962)

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Jan-10 @ 21:43 

JLINKEDIN: Bisordi, Dr. William [MC1969] Hearing Board Member at NY State DOH OPMC


Bisordi, Dr. William [MC????]
Hearing Board Member at NY State DOH OPMC.
Medical Consultant
Greater New York City Area
Medical Practice


I am a Board Certified Internist and Gastroenterologist with 20 years experience in private practice. I presently review medical records for both defense and plaintiff counsel as a Medical Expert. I recently helped win a $20,000,000 verdict. I am also a Hearing Board Member of the N.Y. State D.O.H. Office of Professional Medical Conduct. I am presently seeking Consultant work in field of medical record review, lab analysis, outcomes and adverse reactions for Pharmaceutical and Healthcare industry.


Medical Record Review, Negligence, Standard of Care Issues and Damages in malpractice cases. Medical data analysis.

# - # - # - # - #  

Dear John,

I believe that Doctor William is a member of the Class of 1969.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

Bisordi, Dr. William [MC1969]

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Jan-11 @ 18:18 

JEMAIL: Nicholas, Douglas (MC1964) reads and signs 12JAN@1700 Woodstock, NY 12498

Hi Folks,

Just the gentlest of reminders--a pluck at your sleeve, a murmur in your ear--that I'll be reading from and signing Something Red tomorrow, Saturday, at 5 p.m., in the esteemed Woodstock bookstore, The Golden Notebook.



Nicholas, Douglas (MC1964)

# - # - # - # - #   


Saturday, January 12, 5PM: Douglas Nicholas "Something Red"
Start: 01/12/2013 5:00 pm
From debut author Douglas Nicholas comes a haunting story of love, murder, and sorcery.

During the thirteenth century in northwest England, in one of the coldest winters in living memory, a formidable yet charming Irish healer, Molly, and the troupe she leads are driving their three wagons, hoping to cross the Pennine Mountains before the heavy snows set in. Molly, her lover Jack, granddaughter Nemain, and young apprentice Hob become aware that they are being stalked by something terrible. The refuge they seek in a monastery, then an inn, and finally a Norman castle proves to be an illusion. As danger continues to rise, it becomes clear that the creature must be faced and defeated—or else they will all surely die. It is then that Hob discovers how much more there is to his adopted family than he had realized.

An intoxicating blend of fantasy and mythology, Something Red presents an enchanting world full of mysterious and fascinating characters— shapeshifters, sorceresses, warrior monks, and knights—where no one is safe from the terrible being that lurks in the darkness. In this extraordinary, fantastical world, nothing is as it seems, and the journey for survival is as magical as it is perilous.

Join us for this exciting reading and book signing in our newly-renovated event space upstairs at The Golden Notebook!

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Jan-11 @ 17:49 

PRAYERSREQUESTED: Colon, Philip J. (MC1962) updates on requests

Good Evening All,

An update on Nancy Maksomski's Dad, Dave Maksomski. First off Nancy thanks you and is very appreciative for your continued prayers. Mr. Maksomski met with the MDs and he is currently not in afib. According to the EKG, he had two episodes last week but went right back into Rhythm and that is good. They want to see him in six weeks to see if another procedure is required. He is still experiencing shortness of breath but the MDs feel that if he pushes himself a little, that it will clear up. Please keep Dave in your prayers as we pray that he continues to improve. Thank you. God Bless.

Colon, Philip J. (MC1962)

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Jan-11 @ 18:00 

JEMAIL: Martin, Margaret (MC1998) cites the role that is played by Martin, Michael [MC1998]

RE: JFACEBOOK: A young lady is selling girl scout cookies; makes me smile

*** begin quote ***

Caitlin Anne Martin is the thriving child of Martin, Margaret (MC1998) and neice of Finch, Bernadette Kelly (MC1995). Readers may remember her battle with pre-B ALL type leukemia from 2007 until 2010. Any way, I'm happy to report she is selling Girl Scout cookies and I bought some. This is one of my happier experiences with leukemia; only had two and the other didn't end well. So, I'm happy when I read stories like this on Facebook. (Even though our two fellow alums accuse me of trolling Faebook. What is a bore poor fat old white guy injineer to do but troll and live vicariously.)

*** end quote ***

Hi there!  You are so sweet to order some Girl Scout cookies from Caitlin and also give us a 'shout out' in this week's Jasper Jottings! =)  The check should be made payable to the Girls Scouts of Greater NY and mailed to our home address at {Privacy Invoked}.  I should mention that Caitlin is a product of two Jasper parents.  My husband is Michael Martin, class of 1998.  Go Jaspers!

# - # - # 

[JR: Nah, not "sweet"; fat old white guy injineer are "grumpy". I  am just applauding! And, we know like the Old Navy Chief story, "husbands" are only required …". LAFF! Checks in the mail.]

Martin, Michael [MC1998]

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Jan-11 @ 18:03 

Hi there!  You are so sweet to order some Girl Scout cookies from Caitlin and also give us a 'shout out' in this week's Jasper Jottings! =)  The check should be made payable to the Girls Scouts of Greater NY and mailed to our home address at 1948 East 28th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11229.  I should mention that Caitlin is a product of two Jasper parents.  My husband is Michael Martin, class of 1998.  Go Jaspers!

# - # - # - # - #  

JUPDATE: McEneney, Mike (MC1953) ids Warthling, Sr. Geraldine [MC1972 RIP]

JOBIT: Warthling, Sr. Geraldine [MC1972 RIP]

Geraldine Warthling

WARTHLING, OSF Sr. Geraldine Warthling, OSF, (formerly S. Mary Cordis) of Stella Niagara, passed away on Wednesday, January 2, 2013.

She was born Geraldine Teresa Warthling, in Lackawanna, NY on August 1, 1937, a daughter of the late Cyril and Edith [Blehl] Warthling. After graduating from South Park High School in 1955, she entered the Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity at Stella Niagara and made her profession of vows on August 23, 1961. She received her Bachelor's of Art degree from Rosary Hill College and her Masters degree from Manhattan College, in Riverdale, NY.

{Extraneous Deleted}

Published in The Columbus Dispatch on January 5, 2013


Warthling, Sr. Geraldine [MC???? RIP]

Guestbook: http://www.legacy.com/guestbooks/dispatch/guestbook.aspx?n=geraldine-warthling&pid=162140580&cid=full

# - # - # - # - # 2013-Jan-06 @ 16:16

Dear John,

I believe that Sister Geraldine received her Masters in 1972.

May She Rest In Peace.


McEneney, Mike (MC1953)

[JR: Thanks, Mike. Much appreciated.]

Warthling, Sr. Geraldine [MC1972 RIP]

# - # - # - # - # 2013-Jan-11 @ 18:12

JHQ: Several alumni advance to fill superintendent positions


Several alumni advance to fill superintendent positions at Catholic schools throughout New York State.

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Jan-11 @ 18:25 

JHQ: Manhattan College Alumni Connection -- January 2013


Happy New Year, Jaspers
We hope to see you at an event or two in 2013!

And if your New Year's resolution was to hit the gym, don't forget our parternship with Town Sports International. View offer details.



The Center for Career Development, Alumni Relations office and Green Club are launching a clothing closet called SuitUp!, and we greatly need your help. The SuitUp! program was developed to help students who need professional attire for career fairs, interviews, school presentations and networking events. Learn more about how students will take advantage of this resource .

We hope you will consider donating new or lightly used suits for men (sizes 32-44+) and women (sizes 2-14+).

The SuitUp! drive will take place from Jan. 21 to Feb. 4, and the two drop-off locations are in the Alumni Relations office (De La Salle Hall, Room 419) and Center for Career Development (Miguel Hall, Room 500), or you can simply send items to Manhattan College's Center for Career Development (Miguel Hall, Room 500, 4513 Manhattan College Parkway, Riverdale, NY 10471).


Jaspers on Social Media

We are happy to announce an official Manhattan College alumni presence on the Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. No matter how many years have passed since graduation day, we hope you will continue to stay connected to the College and other Manhattan alumni. Like us on Facebook, join us on LinkedIn and follow us on Twitter.


Upcoming Basketball Events

Alumni Men's Basketball Game
The Manhattan Men's Basketball Alumni Game will be held on Sunday, Jan. 13 at 11 a.m., prior to the Jaspers' contest with Marist at 2 p.m. with a reception sponsored by the Jasper Athletic Club in Draddy at 12:30 p.m.

The alumni game is open to the public free of charge. Those guests interested in attending the reception are invited to join the Jasper Athletic Club, information for which may be found here.

More than 30 Manhattan basketball alums will take part in the alumni game, including Jasper greats from the last four decades. Former basketball players interested in participating may contact Russ Williams (russwilliamsgid@gmail.com). During halftime, Manhattan will recognize the 20th Anniversary of the 1993 Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference championship team.

Manhattan v. Siena Pregame Reception
Join us in Albany, N.Y., on Friday, Feb. 1 for our annual gathering as the men's basketball team faces the Siena Saints at the Albany Times Union Center. The pregame reception will be held at 5 p.m. at Wolf's 1-11, adjacent to the arena at 51 South Pearl Street in Albany, and tip-off is at 7 p.m. The reception includes a buffet dinner and two drink tickets. Game ticket optional. REGISTER»

Manhattan v. Fairfield Postgame Reception
On Saturday, Feb. 9, join us after the Jaspers take on the Fairfield Stags at the Webster Bank Arena (600 Main St., Bridgeport, CT). Game-time is 1:30 p.m. and the reception will follow immediately after the game at Barnum Publick House (1020 Broad St., Bridgeport, CT). The event is $25 per person and includes a selection of hors d’oeuvres and an open bar. REGISTER» *Please note: price does not include game ticket. To purchase tickets, please visit Ticketmaster.

Jaspers of Georgia
Bob Fink '57 and Thomas McCarthy '06, director of alumni relations, will host Atlanta-area Jaspers in their annual luncheon for Manhattan College alumni, parents, family, and friends. Guests will be joined by William Clyde, Ph.D., executive vice president and provost. The event takes place on Sunday, Feb. 24 at Cherokee Country Club (665 Hightower Trail, Atlanta, GA). The reception begins at 12:30 p.m. and the luncheon starts at 1 p.m. The cost is $30 per person. REGISTER»


Save The Dates

MAAC Basketball Tournament
The 2013 MAAC Championships will take place from Thursday, Mar. 7 – Monday, Mar. 11 at the MassMutual Center in Springfield, Mass. Keep up with tournament information at http://maacachusetts.com, and details regarding an alumni reception to follow.

Florida Alumni Events
Mark your calendars for the week of March 10 when the Alumni office will be making various stops around the Sunshine State. The week's events include a March 10 Southwest Florida Luncheon, March 12 Winter Park/Orlando Reception, March 13 West Palm Golf Outing & Reception, March 15 Gulf Coast Luncheon, March 15 Pre-parade Gathering, and March 16 Naples St. Patrick’s Day Parade, as well as The Villages (TBD). For more information about these events and to register, please visit manhattan.edu/alumni

New York City St. Patrick's Day Parade
Join us for our annual pre-parade breakfast and march in the world’s largest St. Patrick’s Day Parade with fellow Jaspers and the Manhattan College community.

25th Annual Jasper Open
The College’s premier golf event will be celebrating its 25th anniversary on Monday, May 6, 2013 at Sleepy Hollow Country Club in Scarborough, N.Y. For more information on how to be a part of this special event visit manhattan.edu/jasperopen.


Reunion Weekend, May 31 - June 2, 2013

All Jaspers are invited to participate in the exciting lineup of events planned for the 2013 Reunion Weekend. Learn more about the schedule of events, accommodations and registration information, visit.

Represent Your Class!
The Alumni office welcomes volunteers to join their class committees and take part in organizing Reunion Weekend 2013. If your graduation year ends in either -3 or -8 and you're interested in helping to plan this special weekend or to assist with raising funds for your anniversary class gift, please contact the alumni office at alumni@manhattan.edu.


Alumni Travel Program

Explore the beauty of Southern Italy with other Manhattan College alumni from Oct. 25 - Nov. 2, 2013. View flyer

View more resources and benefits available to alumni.

# - # - # - # - #  2013-Jan-11 @ 19:14 

JOBIT: McPhillips, John T. [MC1934 RIP]


John McPhillips

John T. McPhillips

1912-2013 PITTSFIELD Mr. John T. McPhillips 100, of 255 Lebanon Ave, died on Wednesday morning, January 9, 2013 at Berkshire Medical Center.

He was born in Providence, Rhode Island, April 7, 1912 the son of John and Mary Lappen McPhillips. He attended La Salle Academy in Providence graduating in 1930. He then attended Boston University and later transferred to Manhattan College where he graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration in 1934.

Mr. McPhillips was a US Navy veteran of World War II, serving in the Asiatic-Pacific Theatre of Operations earning the Philippine Liberation Ribbon.

He was the District Manager for New England T & T, Bell Telephone Systems, retiring May of 1977 after 41 years of Service. Following retirement he moved to Centerville, Mass., where he sold real estate for several years and was an avid golfer.

A communicant of St. Ann's Church in Lenox for many years, he was also a member and past chairman of the Town of Lenox Zoning Board of Appeals

His wife, Aileen McGinn McPhillips, whom he married June 14, 1941, died May 9, 2004. They had made their home in Lenox from 1959 until moving to Cape Cod in 1977, and had resided in Pittsfield since 1991.

Mr. McPhillips leaves his children; Ellen M. McPhillips, John M. "Jack" McPhillips and Michele M. Vecchia and husband Michael, all of Pittsfield; grandchildren Danielle M. Torres and husband Peter of Plantation, Fla., Meaghan E. Massenat and husband Pierre of Newington, Conn., Christopher - Michael Vecchia and Jessica Conzo of Pittsfield and Thomas R. and Scott A. McPhillips of Pittsfield; and six great-grandchildren. Besides his parents he was predeceased by one brother, Joseph McPhillips, one sister Regina McPhillips, and his daughter in law Karen Larson McPhillips.

FUNERAL NOTICE: The Funeral of Mr. John T. McPhillips will be Monday, Jan. 14th at 10:30 from the ROCHE FUNERAL HOME and going to St. Ann's Church for a Liturgy of Christian Burial at 11 celebrated by the Rev. Christopher J. Waitekus, Pastor. Burial will be Tuesday at 1 p.m. at St. Francis Cemetery in Pawtucket, RI. Visitation at the funeral home will be Monday morning from 9 until 10:30.

In lieu of flowers donations in his memory may be made to the Alzheimer's Association or Eleanor Sonsini Municipal Animal Shelter, both in care of the funeral home, 120 Main St., Lenox, MA 01240. A reception will follow immediately after the Funeral Mass at St. Ann's Parish Family Center.

Published in The Berkshire Eagle on January 12, 2013


McPhillips, John T. [MC1934 RIP]

Guestbook: http://www.legacy.com/guestbooks/berkshire/guestbook.aspx?n=john-mcphillips&pid=162297265&cid=full

# - # - # - # - # 2013-Jan-12 @ 10:37

JOBIT: Morse, Dorothea Marie Hespe [MC???? RIP]



MORSE, DOROTHEA MARIE HESPE - age 88 of Lenoir City, formerly of Irvington, Tarrytown and Sleepy Hollow, NY, died Wednesday, January 9, 2013 in Tennessee after a brief illness.

Born in Philadelphia, PA on January 1, 1925, she was the eldest daughter of George and Helen O'Malley Hespe. Dorothea grew up in West Philadelphia, PA where she graduated from the former Notre Dame Academy, earned her Bachelor of Science form the University of Pennsylvania and a Masters in Education from Manhattan College in New York.

She taught many years in the Beaufort County, SC school system as a special education teacher. Dorothea was a former President of the Literacy Foundation on Helton Head Island and member of the Avid Gardeners Association. Upon retiring, she was active in literacy tutoring.

Since 2006 she made her home near her children in Lenoir City, TN where she was an active member of St. Thomas The Apostle Church. Dorothea was preceded in death by her brothers, James Hespe in 1984 and George Hespe in 2005, and a nephew, James Hespe, Jr. in 1986. She had been married to the late Dr. Francis F. E. Morse. She is survived by her daughter, Marianne Morse of Knoxville, TN; sons, Francis F. E. Morse of Schuylerville, NY, Robert of Knoxville, TN and Christopher of Ipswich, MA; grandchildren, Katie and Adam Morse; sister, Marianne H. Thompson of Malvern, PA; brother, William Hespe of Merion Station, PA; eleven nephews and three nieces.

The family will receive friends from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. Saturday, January 12, 2013 in the Click Funeral Home Farragut Chapel with a Christian Wake Service to follow at 3:00 p.m. with Deacon Dave Pecot. A Funeral Mass and burial will be held on Saturday, January 19, 2013 in Conshohocken, PA. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Literacy Foundation, Catholic Charities or the STAR Riding Academy of Knoxville, TN. Click Funeral Home Farragut Chapel, 11915 Kingston Pike is serving the Morse family . www.clickfh.com

Published in Knoxville News Sentinel on January 12, 2013


Morse, Dorothea Marie Hespe [MC???? RIP]

Guestbook: http://www.legacy.com/guestbooks/knoxnews/guestbook.aspx?n=dorothea-morse&pid=162294304&cid=full

# - # - # - # - # 2013-Jan-12 @ 10:43

JOBIT: Marinaro, Debora [MC???? RIP]


Debora Marinaro


Debora (nee Murtha), 44 of Washington Twp. on January 6, 2013.

Devoted all her time to her beloved husband David and daughter Sophia.

Dear daughter to John and Mary Murtha. Caring sister to Donna Murtha and aunt of Christina, Anthony, John and Laura. Also surviving are many aunts, uncles, cousins and good friends. Since 1995 Debora was the Business Manager for Pearson Education in Saddle River, NJ and a member of Manhattan College Alumi. Parishioner of St. Ann's R.C. Church in Fair Lawn.

Funeral Thursday 9:30 AM from Kohler Funeral Home 280 Hackensack St. Wood-Ridge. Mass 10 AM St. Ann's R.C. Church. Cremation Cedar Lawn Crematory. Visiting Wed. 3-5 and 7-9 PM.

Published in The Record/Herald News on January 9, 2013


Marinaro, Debora [MC???? RIP]

Guestbook: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/northjersey/obituary.aspx?n=Debora-Marinaro&pid=162244682

[JR: Somehow I missed this and screwed up passing it along. Told you I was lousy clerk!]

# - # - # - # - # 2013-Jan-12 @ 10:55

JNEWS: Kopaskie, Joseph [MC1981] Transportation Project Manager @ SEPI Engineering & Construction


Joseph Kopaskie Joins SEPI Engineering & Construction As Transportation Project Manager
Local Engineering Firm Hires New York Native With More Than 30 Years Of Experience

RALEIGH, NC, January 04, 2013 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Sepi Asefnia, president of SEPI Engineering & Construction (http://www.sepiengineering.com), a firm which provides civil engineering and planning services to private and public sector clients across the Southeast, has announced the addition of Joseph Kopaskie as a transportation project manager. In this position, he is working on the CATS Blue Line Extension project by designing and reviewing the roadway design plans.

Kopaskie grew up in upstate New York and received his bachelor's degree in civil engineering from Manhattan College in 1981. He chose his career path because he has always been interested in all types of construction, especially roadway construction and its different components. After graduating, he worked in several areas of the construction industry. Kopaskie performed construction inspection of a sanitary sewer system and wastewater treatment plant, followed by serving as a construction layout engineer on roadway improvement projects. He spent the next 20 years in Boston working on multiple scale transportation projects, preparing traffic impact studies and performing traffic signal, traffic control and roadway design. Kopaskie moved to North Carolina in 2004 and spent five years working at a small engineering firm where he prepared more than 100 traffic signal designs in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia. His most recent work includes preparing the PS&E packages for roadway improvement projects in Charleston, Barnwell and Richland counties. He served as project manager for the Horry County Five Bridge Replacement project in South Carolina and as the project manager for the North CHATS Area Traffic Signal Master Plan for SCDOT.

Kopaskie is involved in the community as a pit crew member for the Cuthbertson High School marching band and as a volunteer for other activities at the school. He is a member of the ITE and IMSA. He currently resides in Waxhaw, N.C., with his wife, Diane, and his three children, Alex, Andrea and Ben.

"With more than 30 years of experience under his belt, Joseph brings a valuable, unique skill set to our team," said Asefnia. "I'm confident he will do an outstanding job in his new position as transportation project manager."

SEPI Engineering & Construction's Facebook page:

Established in 2001, SEPI Engineering & Construction provides engineering and planning services to private and public sector clients. As a full-service civil engineering services firm, SEPI is 8(a) certified with the Small Business Administration and is a certified Women Business Enterprise (WBE) in North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. SEPI was founded on the principles of honesty, integrity, ethics, and the highest quality of service to clients. The firm's goal is to not just meet a client's expectations but to exceed them. Due to the extensive and varied engineering industry experience of the professionals at SEPI, the firm is able to provide its clients with site/civil design, environmental planning, traffic engineering and operations including traffic and noise analysis, construction management, roadway and structural design, water resources, natural resources/permitting, wetland/stream mitigation, public involvement and surveying services. SEPI has a corporate office located in Raleigh and a branch office located in Charlotte, N.C. For more information about SEPI Engineering & Construction, call (919) 789-9977 or visit http://www.sepiengineering.com.

Emily Packard
MMI Public Relations
(919) 233-6600

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Kopaskie, Joseph [MC1981]

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JLINKEDIN: Diaz Desantis, Susan [MC1992] Store manager at Wells Fargo


Diaz Desantis, Susan [MC1992]
Store manager at Wells Fargo
Nutley, New Jersey (Greater New York City Area)
Financial Services

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ENDNOTE: Coulter make an "outrageous" argument


Coulter: Why Can't We Get A List Of Women Who Have Had Abortions?

*** begin quote ***

Why, as that man just said, why aren't we getting names of recently paroled criminals? People with gun permits, by definition, do not criminal records. Why can't we get the criminal records? No, you can't get that. Why can't we get a record of women who have had abortions? They get money from Planned Parenthood, they get money from Medicare, from Medicaid. They're tax subsidies. I think, you know, mothers might want to know what other women on their street might be willing to murder a child.

*** end quote ***

It's an interesting question.


Why are somethings "private" and out-of-bounds?

Liberals want to embarrass and target gun owners. They take a different view of abortion!

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