JASPER JOTTINGS Week 51 - 2008 Dec 21

Jasper Jottings - The achievement journal of my fellow Jaspers, the alumni of the Manhattan College


POSITRACTION: Give the benefit of the doubt
JEmail: Matt Coyne, Matt (MC2011) having trouble with the powers that be
JObit: Azzariti, John Frank [MC1973]
JObit: Leibrock, Harry [MC1952]
JNews: Thompson, David P. [MC1964]
JFound: Bonardi, Jim [MC1998]
JFound: Heithaus, John L. [MC????]
JNews: Richardson, Melissa [MC1988]
JEmail: McEneney, Mike (MC1953) cites Br. Byran NYT story
JObit: Ventura, Frank Andrew [MC????]
JFound: Eastment, George T. [MC1967]
Comment on JEmail: Matt Coyne, Matt (MC2011) having trouble with the powers that be by David Ellison
ENDNOTE: “Sex invariably spells trouble” Dalai Lama

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POSITRACTION: Give the benefit of the doubt


Mass. man ticketed in gridlock while wife in labor

Fri Dec 5, 3:31 pm ET

*** end quote ***

Celibacy? Chastity?

End VD, AIDS, Illegitimacy, abortion.

Wonder if the New York Times is going to write “smirk” article about him?

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    * Posted on: Sat, Dec 20 2008 8:37 PM

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"Bon courage a vous tous"
