Dear Jaspers,
737 are active on the Distribute site. The site had 64 views on 1/13 and 7,219 for the month.
The rehosting of to a different service provider, that is cheap for more space and bandwidth, is STILL in progress.
Jottings is still pointing at the OLD site, which is NOW out of space. I have to now take down some old issues to make space for the new issues.
The NEW site is up, has everything (subject to your testing), and is awaiting the internet gods to change the pointer. I think it contains everything.
You can tell because the index page indicates “NEW” or “OLD”. I am doing double updates and paying for both until the swing takes place. (If the swing takes more than six months we still won’t wipe out the cost savings.)
If you have any problems, then please send me an email. Please indicate if your index page says NEW or OLD.
This issue is at:
Reacting to a valid criticism that you the web reader needs my email address quickly and easily, but knowing that any email address posted on a web page is immediately harvested and spammed. Here is a puzzle for you to solve. Distribute _ Jasper _ Jottings – owner AT Or Reinkefj at the College’s email forwarding service alum dot manhattan dot edu! OR, JXYM XU7S N5HO 9D in care of Comcast d-o-t NET. Or, if you joined the Distribute group, you can sign on to it and send email to the owner from inside the group. Or collector at Jasper Jottings dot website. Use email-sending webform if all else fails.
January 18, 2006 - |
Saturday, Jan. 21 -- 2005 Yearbook Release Party Dante's Den The Manhattan College Alumni Society is planning a Yearbook Release Party for the Class of 2005. We will serve hor d' oeuvres with a beer open bar. (NO DRINK TICKETS) The event will be a great opportunity to pick up your yearbook (you've already paid for it!) and catch up with friends and classmates. No Cost for this event, it is sponsored by the Alumni Relations Office! Please RSVP by January 13th, 2006. If you did not receive the "Save the Date" postcard in the mail please e-mail Stephen DeSalvo |
Sunday, February 5th, 2006 MCBAC "Family Fest" |
March 15, 2006 - |
Thursday, May 12th - |
My list of Jaspers who are in harm's way:
- Afghanistan
- - Feldman, Aaron (1997)
- Iraq
- - Lara, Angel (2002)
- - - 1st Recon BN, H&S Co, S-6
- - - Unit 40535
- - - FPO, AP 96426-0535
- Unknown location
- - Lynch, Chris (1991)
- Uzbekistan
- - Brock (nee Klein-Smith), Lt Col Ruth (1979)
… … my thoughts are with you and all that I don't know about.
“Tell all I see them on the other side. It wasn't bad. I just went to sleep. I love you.” Martin Toler jr. |
I read this and was amazed. Facing almost certain death, this fellow wrote a quiet testimony of his faith. I’m not sure I could have done that. He was obviously concerned about how his family would react. So instead of raging at fate, or cursing the Intelligent Designer, or attacking the safety rules, he wrote a powerful calming document. Again, I’m not sure I could be like the “musicians on the Titanic” or this fellow. I guess that’s the difference between me and those who have serenity of spirit. Or is that the Spirit? Maybe it is given to us when we need it and / or when we ask for it. I hope we all have such class everyday. This fellow set the bar very high. I hope all our troubles are minor by comparison and we all live till ripe old ages. But if I don’t, I hope I go with such serenity. |
Reflect well on our alma mater, this week, every week, in any and every way possible, large or small. God bless.
1 |
Messages from Headquarters (like MC Press Releases) |
1 |
2 |
4 |
2 |
7 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
Class |
Name |
Section |
???? |
McCarthy, Tom |
1938 |
Scarpini, Frank J. |
1949 |
Miller, Bill |
1951 |
Helm, Robert |
1953 |
McEneney, Mike |
1957 |
Dans, |
1962 |
Healey, Dr. |
1964 |
Nicastro, Andy |
1966 |
Loreto, Paul D. |
1966 |
Tyniec, Jack |
1971 |
Maikish, Charles J. |
1973 |
Hodgson, |
1977 |
Mangone, Mark |
1980 |
Cooke, |
1980 |
Wolf, |
1982 |
Cronogue, |
1983 |
Armendinger, Gail R. |
1986 |
Schanz, |
1994 |
Curcurato, James M. |
2001 |
Thorne, Miss Tara M. |
Class |
Name |
Section |
1983 |
Armendinger, Gail R. |
1980 |
Cooke, |
1982 |
Cronogue, |
1994 |
Curcurato, James M. |
1957 |
Dans, |
1962 |
Healey, Dr. |
1951 |
Helm, Robert |
1973 |
Hodgson, |
1966 |
Loreto, Paul D. |
1971 |
Maikish, Charles J. |
1977 |
Mangone, Mark |
???? |
McCarthy, Tom |
1953 |
McEneney, Mike |
1949 |
Miller, Bill |
1964 |
Nicastro, Andy |
1938 |
Scarpini, Frank J. |
1986 |
Schanz, |
2001 |
Thorne, Miss Tara M. |
1966 |
Tyniec, Jack |
1980 |
Wolf, |
( News Release The College’s government department nominated McShane for his knowledge of the social sciences and its theories, an enthusiasm for social and political issues and his ability to make substantial future contributions to the field. As a junior fellow, McShane, a government major, will have
the opportunity to submit his own research paper to the Academy for
publication. The members of the Academy will judge the research papers for up
to 10 awards, which will be presented in April for outstanding undergraduate
research in the social sciences. Abstracts of the winning papers will be
featured on the Academy’s Web site and student authors will be invited to the
group’s annual spring symposium April 24 in Manhattan College, founded in 1853, is an independent, Catholic, coeducational institution of higher learning offering more than 40 major programs of study in the areas of arts, business, education, engineering and science, along with graduate programs in education and engineering. #### | News Release Manhattan College To Honor Charles J. Maikish, A Dedicated
New Yorker Charged With Lower Manhattan's Post 9/11 Comeback Maikish is
executive director of the RIVERDALE, N.Y. – Manhattan College will present Charles J. Maikish, executive director of the Lower Manhattan Construction Command Center, with the De La Salle Medal at the College's annual benefit dinner on Wednesday, January 18 at the Waldorf=Astoria in New York City. The annual dinner is the College's largest, most important fund-raising event to benefit scholarships and academic programs. It is perfectly fitting that Maikish was appointed
executive director in 2005 of the His involvement with the As executive director of the command center, Maikish is
coordinating all public and private construction in lower Maikish, who has worked as an attorney, engineer and
senior executive, brings to this post more than 30 years of experience in all
facets of construction and real estate and transportation development. Prior
to his work at J.P. Morgan Chase, where he was executive vice president of
global real estate business services, Maikish served as director of the World
Trade Department of the Port Authority of New York and Maikish, who holds a J.D. degree from The De La Salle Medal Dinner was established in 1951 in
honor of Proceeds from the $750-per-plate fund-raiser are applied to academic and cocurricular programs, scholarship assistance and library resources. The black-tie event begins with a cocktail reception at 6:30 p.m., followed by dinner and dancing at 7:30 p.m. For more information regarding the De La Salle Dinner, call (718) 862-7837 or e-mail Members of the press are invited to attend the program portion of the ceremony, which begins at approximately 8:45 p.m. If interested, please call Melanie Farmer at (718) 862-7232. Manhattan College is an independent, Catholic, coeducational institution of higher learning offering more than 40 major programs of study in the areas of arts, business, education, engineering and science, along with graduate programs in education and engineering. #### [mcALUMdb: 1971 ] |
None |
None |
None |
None |
None |
[Collector's prayer: And, may perpetual light shine on our fellow departed Jaspers, and all the souls of the faithful departed.]
Your assistance is requested in finding these. Please don’t assume that I will “catch” it via an automated search. Sometimes the data just doesn’t makes it’s way in. Cooke Remembered He was 68, the husband of Torrey Matheson Cooke, the father of three and grandfather of four. During a 28-year career with Emery Air Freight, he oversaw
the construction of buildings all over the world, including Emery's
"hub" in Mr. Cooke died "at his home in the presence of his
family, after a brief but courageous battle with cancer," his family
said. " Torrey Cooke, his wife of 42 years, recalled meeting him
for the first time at a wedding in "He was the number three man (in the eight-man shell), and that's usually the steam engine," Mrs. Cooke said. "He was a powerhouse. He was a terribly strong young man." He went on to coach at Yale and stayed active in rowing
throughout his life, refereeing, judging, and being involved in various
rowing associations. He refereed the Head of the Charles race in "His passion, really, was that sport. He just loved every bit of it," his wife said. In 2001 he earned the United States Rowing Association's Jack Kelly Award, named after one of his Yale teammates, and given annually for "superior achievements in rowing, service to amateur athletics, and success in their chosen profession, thereby serving as an inspiration to American rowers." "I'm not that distinguished. There are more qualified and deserving recipients," he said at the time. "Rowing is a team sport and there is no star. We are all in the boat together." Mr. Cooke's most recent rowing achievement was to spearhead a national fund-raising campaign for construction of the last U.S. Olympic team's eight-man boat, named the Rusty Wailes in honor of another of his old crewmates. Mr. Cooke had been planning a trip to "We were all going to go to After college Mr. Cooke enlisted in the United States
Marine Corps and was commissioned as a second lieutenant at In 1962 he planned the loading and initial combat array
for a secret mission -- the 1962 invasion of He later helped found "He flew the Marine Flag and the American Flag. He was always a great patriot," his wife said. After his military service, Mr. Cooke accepted a job with
Emery Air Freight, headquartered in "He picked the right place for the buildings and saw that they were designed and built to the specifications," Mrs. Cooke said. "Materials handling is what air freight is all about." He received an MBA in 1980 from Mr. Cooke's construction experience proved useful in the start of what was to become a long involvement in town affairs. From 1967 to 1974 he chaired the High School Building
Committee that brought the new high school building on He also served as a co-president of the Branchville School PTO, served on an early Charter Revision Commission and on the Board of Assessment Appeals. With the late Bill Allen he helped found the town's Independent Party. In 1993 he was elected to the Zoning Board of Appeals on the Independent ticket, becoming the first Ridgefield resident elected to a townwide office on a third party slate -- at least in the 20th Century. Mr. Cooke was also a family man, "He just loved his children and grandchildren," Mrs. Cooke said. "He'd go to the hockey games, the soccer games, the football games." A football player before he became involved in rowing at Yale, Mr. Cooke coached youth football when his son played. Besides his wife, Mr. Cooke is survived by two daughters,
Emily Nolan of Shepherdsville, Ky., and Rachel Mills of Freeport, Maine; and
a son, In lieu of flowers, the family asks friends to consider making a donation to one of the following charities: The American Cancer Society,; The Marine Corps League,, or The National Rowing Foundation, # # # From: Google Alerts
[] Cooke Remembered ... He received an MBA in 1980 from # # # # # # [REPORTEDAS: 1980 ] |
SCARPINI, Frank Joseph Sr. Frank Joseph Scarpini, Sr., 89, of West St. Terr, Cromwell, husband of the late Johanna (Kabara) Scarpini, died on Wednesday, (January 4, 2006) at Chestelm Care and Rehab in Moodus. Born in LOAD-DATE: January 6, 2006 [mcALUMdb: 1938 ] [JR: will put you right into his page. ] |
[JR: Alerting old friends seeking to reconnect or "youngsters" seeking a networking contact with someone who might have a unique viewpoint that they are interested in.]
Cronogue, |
Curcurato, James M. (1994) |
Healey, Dr.
Loreto, Paul D. (1966) |
Thorne, Miss Tara M. (2001) |
[JR: I'm going to try a new section for "negative updates". These are changes that "pop" in from the various sources that are not really from the news. I thought it might be valuable to alert old friends or "youngsters" that someone they maybe interested in has “drifted off” either here at Jasper Jottings or in the mcALUMdb.]
None |
PR Newswire US PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 6 /PRNewswire/ -- Comcast Cable, the
country's leading provider of cable, entertainment and communications
products and services, today announced that In this newly created position, Mr. Schanz will oversee Comcast's engineering and network operations and technology strategy to facilitate the deployment of new communications products and services. " Mr. Schanz most recently served as Executive Vice President of Network and Data Center Operations for America Online, with responsibility for architecture, planning, design and operation of AOL's global network infrastructure. He previously held senior management, operations, and engineering positions with leading technology and communications companies, including Sprint, GE Information Services, and Transaction Network Services. A graduate of About Comcast Comcast Corporation (NASDAQ:CMCSA)(NASDAQ:CMCSK) ( ) is the nation's leading provider of cable, entertainment and communications products and services. With 21.4 million cable customers, 8.1 million high-speed Internet customers, and 1.2 million voice customers, Comcast is principally involved in the development, management and operation of broadband cable networks and in the delivery of programming content. The Company's content networks and investments include E!
Entertainment Television, Style Network, The Golf Channel, OLN, G4, AZN
Television, PBS KIDS Sprout, TV One and four regional Comcast SportsNets. The
Company also has a majority ownership in Comcast-Spectacor, whose major
holdings include the Philadelphia Flyers NHL hockey team, the CONTACT: Jennifer Khoury of Comcast, +1-215-320-7408 or URL: LOAD-DATE: January 7, 2006 [mcALUMdb: 1986 ] |
Canadian Corporate Newswire "We sincerely thank Rasheed for helping Sonoran
Energy reach this stage of development," said Jack Hodgson stated, "I look forward to working with Sonoran Energy's professional and seasoned management team as it moves through this exciting growth phase. Sonoran Energy clearly has a dynamic strategy and strong portfolio of projects that position it for significant upside in the months and years to come." Mr. Hodgson's experience includes roles as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of FEI Company and Vice President and Chief Financial Officer for Integrated Process Equipment Corporation, both technology firms. Mr. Hodgson was also Vice President of Finance for Dover Corporation, a Fortune 200 multi-industry manufacturer. He has been directly involved with several successful public offerings, raising over $1 billion in capital for various public high technology companies. Mr. Hodgson received his Masters of Business Administration
from About Sonoran Energy, Inc. Sonoran Energy is a US-based independent oil and gas
company that is building a diversified portfolio of high value assets in
North America, North Africa, the <extraneous deleted> LOAD-DATE: January 9, 2006 [mcALUMdb: 1973 ] |
US Fed News The Federal Reserve Board of New York issued the following press release: The Federal Reserve Bank of Gail R. Armendinger has been promoted to vice president of electronic payments in the Financial Services Group. She joined the Bank in July 1983 as an administrative trainee in the central bank services department and was named an officer of the New York Fed in electronic payments in June 1999. She was promoted to assistant vice president in January 2003. Ms. Armendinger holds a B.S. degree from <extraneous deleted> LOAD-DATE: January 11, 2006 [mcALUMdb: 1983 ] |
Business Wire MobileLime(R), the first U.S.-based company to allow
consumers to make purchases through any mobile phone, today announced the
appointment of retail and loyalty veteran "MobileLime is committed to providing mobile payment
and interactive cardless loyalty solutions that take retail customer loyalty
into a whole new stratosphere," said Robert Wesley, president and CEO,
MobileLime. " Prior to joining MobileLime, Wolf led the CRM solutions
business for Triversity, Inc., a market leader in customer centric retail
solutions. Before Triversity, he directed the sales and marketing efforts of
ICL Retail Systems' CRM business. Wolf holds an MBA from About MobileLime(R) MobileLime(R), a service of Vayusa, is the first
U.S.-based company to allow consumers to make purchases through any mobile
phone at participating merchants, increasing revenue while improving customer
service and loyalty. MobileLime enables merchants to provide consumers with
multiple payment options including traditional credit cards, checking
accounts and prepaid accounts. MobileLime offers the consumer a personalized
shopping experience through the only true relationship-based mobile marketing
service. Consumers benefit from cardless reward programs, paperless coupons
and special promotions that are targeted and personalized by the merchants
they frequent. MobileLime works on all CONTACT: Media: Fusion PR Melissa Dolan, 212-651-4236 URL: LOAD-DATE: January 11, 2006 [mcALUMdb: 1980 ] |
The The New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission is
poised today to designate a privately owned community in the Riverdale
section of the In effect, the move would make all of the houses in the development, except those of recent vintage, landmarks. Such a designation prevents owners from making exterior changes to their homes, major or minor, without approval of the Landmarks panel. In recent weeks the issue has taken on a new dimension, as many among the area's growing Orthodox Jewish population have voiced objections to the plan, suggesting that they are the targets of an effort to slow the growth of their numbers in the community. Homes in Fieldston, many of which were built in the 1920s, typically sell for prices in excess of $1 million. But these homes often need extensive renovation, particularly for larger Orthodox families. Opponents of the plan noted that two previous landmarking efforts in Riverdale also seemed to focus on the Orthodox community. In 1996, a building purchased as a dormitory for the Telshe Yeshiva was designated as a landmark, upsetting the school's expansion plans. Two years ago, the renovation of a house purchased by an Orthodox family was halted after a petition to landmark the structure was filed with the commission. The petition was withdrawn when it became clear that there was no clear his toric record regarding the structure, but the family was forced to pay thousands of dollars to defend its right to renovate. Ultimately, the house was put back on the market and sold. A leader of the opposition, Fieldston homeowner Alan Rosenthal, has been gathering signatures in an effort to postpone the landmark designation by 90 days. At the same time, the opponents are said to have hired a lobbyist and an attorney to fight the plan. In 2003, a ballot of the 261 property owners showed 121 supporting the landmark designation, 102 opposed, and 38 abstaining or not voting. Mr. Rosenthal claims that he now has signatures from 125 property owners opposing the plan. "The tide is turning," Mr. Rosenthal said.
"We are bordering on the majority." Significantly, both This does not faze one of the proposal's key supporters, City Council Member Oliver Koppell. "I believe that ultimately all of the residents will see how this proposal will benefit them and enhance the value of their properties." Mr. Koppell pledges to continue his support and shepherd the plan through the council once it has been approved by the Landmarks and City Planning commissions. "This will be approved," he vowed. LOAD-DATE: January 10, 2006 |
The A number of residents of Fieldston, particularly members
of its growing Orthodox Jewish community, are scrambling to delay a vote,
scheduled for today, of the proposal to designate the privately owned
community in the Defenders of the landmarking scheme - a government taking in our view - deny that hostility to the Orthodox community is a motive of the their desire to regulate what private owners can do with their homes. We're prepared to credit them on this point. But at least one supporter of the landmarking has also disputed to us that a constraint on Orthodox Jewish homeowners is an effect of the landmarking. Here our instinct is that they are wrong. A very significant proportion of the property owners are from Orthodox households, and nearly all of them, Mr. Wolf tells us, are opposed to the plan. And there's no reason whatsoever to think that they don't know their own interests. Our inclination here is to side with the Orthodox families
and others who want to protect their right to configure their homes in a way
that makes them comfortable for families with lots of children. Both LOAD-DATE: January 10, 2006 |
None |
From: Mike McEneney [1953] Dear Could you check and see if Bill Miller '49 ? is on the distribution list? I was with him this afternoon and I was unclear as to weather he is receiving Jasper Jotting's or not. Bill is a former member of the Quad staff and remembered when there was a column in the Quad called Jasper Jottings. Two years ago he was inducted into the Manhattan College Athletic Hall of Fame. A great Jasper.
Best, = From: Subject: RE: Question Mike, I don’t see him. But I am not a good clerk. What’s his email address and I can check the Distribute distribution email list and that would be conclusive. Fjohn68 == From: Mike McEneney Dear Bill's e-mail address is <privacy invoked>. If he should not show up on the distribution list, please either let me know or send him an invitation. Thanks, = From: JasperJottings Mike, Not on; invitation extended. Fjohn68 |
From: Andy Nicastro ‘64 Hi I was rummaging around on Google and I found the e-mails shown below the first of which I posted many moons ago. I was unaware of the responses and am appreciative of those who did respond. I have not found Tom as of yet, but I am fairly sure he is not of the class of ‘69 although it could be that he returned for Vietnam by then and finished his degree in ’69. I cannot be sure. In any case thanks to those who responded. Greetings, Andy Nicastro Class of ’64. == [EMAIL FROM JASPERS] When I was a student at [JR: Haven’t heard anything further but maybe this will induce a pop up. ] |
From: JasperJottings Are you sure about on “ F. |
From: Hi Just a line to tell you that I have Jasper Jottings on my Favorites and try to click on it weekly or bi-weekly. Will let you know when I have something to contribute. In the meantime, here's wishing you and your family a Happy Healthy and Successful New Year. [JR: Thanks, Doc for the good wishes. We can se a little health around here on the Reinke ranch. ] |
From: Mark Mangone [1977] Hello Ferdinand, In some ways both you and the Pope are right. Terrorism is a tactic, but it is a threat to world peace. Its success as a tactic encourages its further use and thereby threatens peace. The Catholic church is almost the only organization that currently, consistently stands for peace. We should listen to the Holy Father. The UN is corrupt, but our government and our main political parties are also corrupt and not that far behind the UN in corruption. My views are generally closely aligned with yours. I am a conservative with libertarian leanings. My view of the solution is that we need to become more active in our political parties and take them back for the ordinary citizen, then eliminate the corruption that runs rampant in our government, and then reform the UN. I know that it sounds idealistic and impossible, but a determined citizenry can do the impossible. We need to start by becoming more politically active, getting campaign reform passed, and taking back our political parties from the special interests. We can only embark on reforming the country and the world after we get our own house in order. The Pope is on our side. I hope that this helps. Regards, Mark [JR: Well I agree with everything up to campaign finance reform. That’s a joke. The two major parties are two sides of the same coin and they want to make “rules”. Wonder who’s gonna be hurt by those rules? Not the two parties that’s for sure. As an activist in a third party, the “rules” are there to obstruct competition. Ballot access, campaign finance, and record keeping requirements all team to block the little guy. If I’m in the Pope’s company, then that’s pretty good company for me. ] |
From: Jack Tyniec, A&S ‘66 Dear Sorry to be late in reporting some important news in my professional and personal life but things have been hectic during the past two years. I think my last update was in 2000. First, our third grandchild and namesake, Jack Michael Tyniec, was born on October 26, 2004. He joins his sister, Olivia (4 ½ years) and older brother Ryan 7), all children of our son Michael and his wife Janine, who is like a daughter to us. Second, my wife (Maureen) of almost 40 years, and I
relocated from North Third, my business partner (Seton Hall alum) and I sold
our 16 year old business, TCi Consulting & Research, to Deloitte
Consulting, LLP in September 2005. I’m
attaching a PDF of the press release.
We’re very pleased with the arrangement in that we have signed up as
employees for 3 years and Deloitte has recruited our entire professional
staff of 10 to grow our insurance benchmarking and consulting business. The acquisition has received very favorable
commentary from the industry (Forrester Research and Insurance&Technology
magazine). After 3+ months I’m
convinced we made an excellent decision because the culture at Deloitte is
one of client focus, quality, integrity and work-life balance; not much
different than those taught to us at I’ll touch base again when I hit the next stage. Keep up the good work. Best regards, [JR: The announcement was a pdf so I couln’t include it but I did host it for any one interested in seeing it. Congrats, I’m sure Brother President with loose hounds now that you have those proverbial wheelbarrow full of gold. Always glad to here these great reports.] |
From: Robert Helm [1951] Ladies and Gentlemen: 1. I am with Grandma, 100 % 2. Why ? Because
I spent 22 years, active and reserve, protecting these dipsticks right to
protest, but, when they have so little sense as to picket -----Original Message----- From: Helen A. Helm Go Grandma! Grandmas - Gotta Love 'Em!!! Here's a quote from a government employee who witnessed a recent interaction between an elderly woman and an antiwar protester in a Metro station in DC: "There were
protesters on the train platform handing out pamphlets on the evils of ~God Bless [JR: A nice fable,
or an urban legend? Most grandmas are made of much tougher stuff than we’re
made of. In my case, my maternal grandmother, who traveled the |
None |
None |
[JR: It’s not a email to us. But it is public. So maybe, I have hit upon another niche for JJs. Rather than everyone having to check, here it is. I’ll catch any Jasper’s blog if I knew where they were hiding. Care to rat out your fellow alums?] |
And so it ain’t. Travel “Every man has his daydreams -Corner of the Sky, from Pipin. Well, uh. I have had a sort of disconcerting week. |
Atlas shifted “And when all was said and done, the lies a fellow told about himself couldn’t probably hold a proverbial candle to the wholesale whoppers other fellows coined about him.” -James Joice, Ulysses Hello. Let me ask you a question. Why are you still
reading these? Do you believe me when I say I plan to go somewhere or doing
something? You shouldn’t. You should know by now, that my plans never, ever
work. I am not in “ She types furiously at her keyboard. There is a flight, it
leaves in 10 minutes, but it is delayed, so there’s time. So I went with
that. I haven’t been here long. In fact, I haven’t left the hotel today yet.
I wanted to tell everybody first. Sorry about that, it was not my intention
to deceive you. Trust me, I was surprised too, but so far, it’s been great,
at least as far as people are concerned. All very friendly. The roads
though–there are crazy drivers in |
[JR: Well I don’t know about you but I want to be entertained? Young people are so entertaining.] |
The only reason for putting this here is to give us a chance to attend one of these games and support "our" team.
Date Day Sport Opponent Location Time
1/15/06 Sunday M. Basketball
Siena* HOME 2:00 PM
1/18/06 Wednesday M. Basketball
Marist* Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 7:30 PM
1/19/06 Thursday W. Basketball Saint
1/20/06 Friday M. Basketball
Canisius* HOME 7:00 PM
1/21/06 Saturday Track & Field
1/21/06 Saturday Track & Field
Adidas Classic
1/21/06 Saturday W. Basketball
Rider* Lawrenceville, N.J. 2:00 PM
1/24/06 Tuesday M. Basketball
Rider* Lawrenceville, N.J. 7:30 PM
1/27/06 Friday Track & Field Jasper
Relays HOME 9:00 AM
1/27/06 Friday W. Basketball Iona*
1/27/06 Friday M. Basketball
Fairfield* Bridgeport,
Conn. 8:30 PM
1/28/06 Saturday Track & Field
Jasper Relays HOME 9:00 AM
1/28/06 Saturday W. Swimming CW
1/29/06 Sunday W. Basketball
Marist* HOME 2:00 PM
1/30/06 Monday M. Basketball
2/3/06 Friday Track & Field Armory
Collegiate Invitational NYC Armory 10:00 AM
2/3/06 Friday W. Swimming
Fairfield* Fairfield, CT 6:00 PM
2/3/06 Friday Track & Field
Millrose Games MSG 6:00 PM
2/3/06 Friday W. Basketball
Canisius* Buffalo, N.Y. 7:00 PM
2/3/06 Friday M. Basketball
Niagara* HOME 7:00 PM
2/4/06 Saturday Track & Field
Armory Collegiate Invitational
NYC Armory 10:00 AM
2/4/06 Saturday Track & Field
Metropolitan Championships
Draddy Gym and NYC Armory 12:00
2/5/06 Sunday Track & Field
Metropolitan Championships
Draddy Gym and NYC Armory 10:00
2/5/06 Sunday M. Basketball
Loyola* HOME 12:00 PM
2/5/06 Sunday W. Basketball
Niagara* Niagara University,
N.Y. 2:00 PM
2/6/06 Monday M. Tennis Boston
College Boston, Mass. TBA
2/6/06 Monday M. Tennis
2/8/06 Wednesday M. Basketball Saint
2/9/06 Thursday W. Basketball
2/10/06 Friday Track & Field Penn
State Invitational
2/10/06 Friday Track & Field
Valentine Invitational Boston,
Mass. 4:00 PM
2/11/06 Saturday M. Tennis University
of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa. TBA
2/11/06 Saturday Track & Field
Valentine Invitational
2/11/06 Saturday Track & Field Penn
State Invitational
2/11/06 Saturday M. Lacrosse Fairfield
University (Scrimmage) Fairfield,
Conn. 12:00 PM
2/11/06 Saturday M. Basketball
Canisius* Buffalo, N.Y. 2:00 PM
2/11/06 Saturday W. Basketball
Marist* Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 7:00 PM
2/13/06 Monday M. Basketball
2/15/06 Wednesday W. Swimming MAAC
Championships$ Baltimore, MD 10:00 AM
2/16/06 Thursday W. Swimming MAAC
Championships$ Baltimore, MD 10:00 AM
2/16/06 Thursday W. Basketball
Loyola* HOME 7:00 PM
2/17/06 Friday M. Tennis Columbia
University New York, N.Y. TBA
2/17/06 Friday W. Swimming MAAC
Championships$ Baltimore, MD 10:00 AM
2/17/06 Friday Track & Field MAAC
Indoor Championships NYC Armory 4:00 PM
2/18/06 Saturday M. Basketball Bracket
Buster Saturday& HOME TBA
2/18/06 Saturday W. Swimming MAAC
Championships$ Baltimore, MD 10:00 AM
2/18/06 Saturday M. Lacrosse TBA
(Scrimmage) HOME 11:30 AM
2/19/06 Sunday M. Tennis St.
2/20/06 Monday W. Basketball
Fairfield* Bridgeport,
Conn. 7:30 PM
2/23/06 Thursday W. Basketball Saint
2/23/06 Thursday M. Basketball
Fairfield* HOME 7:00 PM
2/24/06 Friday Track & Field USATF
Indoor Championships Boston, Mass. 9:00 AM
2/24/06 Friday Track & Field NYU
Invitational NYC Armory 4:00 PM
2/25/06 Saturday M. Tennis Binghamton
University Binghamton, N.Y. TBA
2/25/06 Saturday Track & Field
USATF Indoor Championships
2/25/06 Saturday Track & Field
2/25/06 Saturday M. Lacrosse
2/26/06 Sunday Track & Field USATF
Indoor Championships Boston, Mass. 9:00 AM
2/26/06 Sunday M. Lacrosse
2/26/06 Sunday W. Basketball Iona* HOME
4:00 PM
2/26/06 Sunday M. Basketball
Go support "our" teams. I'd appreciate any reports or photos. What else do us old alums have to do? Right, encourage the young ones to max their achievement to 100% potential. I don’t think you have to win or die. Just give us it all and we should applaud. What better things do you have to do today, but to go to some strange place, support the team, dress up “funny”, and cheer for “our” athletes. So what if they think you’re a loon. You’re their loon. You are a loon. You never know what kind of difference you’ll make! Go to one of the women’s events and meet hot chicks! Or if your persuasion is different, got to the men’s events and meet hot guys. Besides no one ever reads the boilerplate, eula, or the fine print. RNN TO BROADCAST Riverdale, N.Y. (January 13, 2006)--As part of a television package with Regional News Network (RNN), the Manhattan Women's Basketball game on January 14 and the Manhattan Men's Basketball game on January 15 can be seen on the network this weekend. RNN will broadcast the men's game live against MAAC member
RNN is available through cable carriers Time Warner, Comcast, and Cablevision, as well as satellite provider DirecTV. To find out what channel the games will be on in your area visit For more information on Manhattan Basketball, contact the Manhattan College Sports Information Office at (718) 862-7228. WOMEN'S BASKETBALL RETURNS THE FAVOR TO DEFENDING MAAC CHAMPION THROWER MARINA LIANDER FEATURED IN
After capturing her second MAAC Indoor Track and Field Female Performer of the Week honor this season, the Staten Island Advance has featured the SI native in its sports section. INDOOR TRACK AND FIELD SWEEPS WEEKLY AWARDS FOR THIRD TIME THIS SEASON MEN'S BASKETBALL EXTENDS ITS WIN STREAK TO EIGHT WITH 95-82 WIN OVER SAINT PETER’S Riverdale, N.Y. (January 8, 2006)- Arturo Dubois and CJ Anderson
each tallied double-doubles, as Manhattan ran its win streak to eight with a
95-82 win over Saint Cast Your Vote For The Top 25 MAAC Student-Athletes Edison, N.J. (January 7, 2006)– Fans can now help the MAAC celebrate its 25th Anniversary by logging onto and casting their vote for the top 25 student-athletes in MAAC history for all sports excluding men's & women's basketball. To cast a vote, simply click on the ‘Cast Your Vote' icon on the front page of to access the online form. Fill in the voter's first and last names along with a valid email address. Please note that voters are allowed one vote per email address. Next, write in the name of the athlete you wish to vote for, making sure to match that athlete with the school he/she attended and sport played. A brief explanation of why the chosen athlete is worthy of being one of the top 25 athletes may also be given. The next step is to submit the form and we will handle the rest. Voting began in December of 2005 and will continue through April 2006. The MAAC will announce the results in April. WOMEN'S BASKETBALL UNABLE TO COMPLETE COMEBACK AT LOYOLA Baltimore, Md. (January 7, 2006)--Manhattan Women’s
Basketball scored 46 points in the second half to erase a 17-point half-time
deficit and pull even at 61 with 4:33 to play, but Loyola senior Jackie
Valderas would not let the Lady Jaspers complete the comeback. Valderas
scored six of her game-high 19 points down the stretch, including two free
throws with just over four minutes to play to put Loyola back on top en route
to a 72-68 victory at Reitz Arena. Sophomore guard Joann Nwafili led four FIVE JASPERS WIN EVENTS AS INDOOR TRACK AND FIELD OPENS NEW YEAR AT FORDHAM INVITATIONAL New York, N.Y. (January 6, 2005)--In Indoor Track and Field's first competition since December 10, five Jasper athletes captured an individual title at the Fordham Invitational held at the NYC Armory on Friday night. DUBOIS CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY WITH DOUBLE-DOUBLE, AS JASPERS
CRUISE PAST New Rochelle, N.Y. (January 6, 2005)- Sophomore Arturo Dubois celebrated his 20th birthday in style, tallying a team-high 21 points and a game-high 14 rebounds for his first collegiate double-double, as Manhattan extended its winning streak to seven with a wire-to-wire, 87-68, win over MAAC and local rival Iona tonight at the Hynes Center on the Iona campus. With the win, the Jaspers improve to 7-4, 3-0 in MAAC play, while the Gaels fall to 8-3, 2-1 in MAAC play. |
[JR: At the risk of losing some of my aura of omnipotence or at least omni-pia-presence, you can see Jasper Sports stories at: so for brevity’s sake I will not repeat them here. I will just report the ones that come to my attention and NOT widely reported. No sense wasting electrons!]
Daily News ( January 9, 2006 Monday "A LOT OF PEOPLE didn't understand what was
happening," It's time to focus back on Riverdale. Yesterday, the
Jaspers got a second straight double-double from Arturo Dubois and three
other Jaspers scored in double figures as Manhattan rolled to its eighth
straight win, 95-82 over St. "Our defense set the tone and it was the whole difference in the game," Gonzalez said. The Jaspers defense blanketed St. "That was an old-fashioned (butt) kicking," St. Dubois and C.J. Anderson were double trouble for St. "Coach told me my time would come if I kept working hard," Dubois said. "It was bound to happen." Anderson, who finished with 24 points and 11 boards, is enjoying the company around the backboard. "(Dubois) says I've been stealing his rebounds,"
The Jaspers plan was to let St. "I commend him on that," said LOAD-DATE: January 9, 2006 |
The Journal News ( Familiarity breeds chemistry Whenever freshman guards Ben Rudin and Kyle Dudley are on
the floor for the Middlebury ( It's the type of familiarity that few other college teammates can equal. After all, the two have been playing basketball together
since they were second-graders at "It's great playing with Ben," said the 6-foot,
170-pound "He has helped me become a better player. He's a great leader because he makes everyone else on the court better." Rudin's 44 assists are nearly three times as many as the next highest total on the team. He's also averaging 8.8 points per game, has started all eight games this season and is second in minutes played. "Maybe I wasn't expecting to start every game and play as much as I am playing, but I knew that if I continued to work hard in the preseason, I would have a chance to contribute," Rudin said. "Luckily I have been given this opportunity, and I hope to continue capitalizing on it." Rudin and Dudley also hope to help the Panthers continue
their success. Middlebury equaled an 87-year-old school record by starting
the season 7-0 before falling to "That was a huge accomplishment for us, especially after coming off a season last year where they had won six (total) games," Rudin said. The 6-0, 175-pound Rudin had 13 points and 10 assists in
the loss to "I just want to keep winning," Three hit 1,000: Kildare had 17 points, giving him 1,005 for his career, in
NYU's 78-71 win over Goodwin, who became the first women's player in school
history to reach the milestone, achieved the feat in a 71-53 win at The Martin Luther King Jr. graduate finished with 32
points and 12 rebounds and now has 1,027 points for her career. DiNizo, a Iona Prep products excel at RPI: The 6-1, 190-pound Robertson, a freshman quarterback, threw for 2,313 yards and 26 touchdowns. Utschig, a 5-10, 170-pound sophomore wide receiver, had 19 receptions for 173 yards. RPI went 8-2 and won the ECAC Northwest Bowl, beating St. Honor roll: Matt Rizzotti, a sophomore first baseman at Quick hitters: LOAD-DATE: January 7, 2006 |
None other than rehashes of the above. |
NEW ELEMENT FOUND! The recent hurricanes and skyrocketing oil and gasoline prices helped to prove the existence of a new element. In early October 2005, a major research institution announced the discovery of the heaviest element yet known to science. The new element has been named "Governmentium." Governmentium (Gv) has one neutron, 25 assistant neutrons, 88 deputy neutrons, and 198 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312. These 312 particles are held together by forces called 'morons' which are surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles called 'peons.' Since Gv has no electrons, it is inert. However, it can be detected, because it impedes every reaction with which it comes into contact. A minute amount of Gv causes one reaction to take over four days to complete, when it would normally take less than a second! Gv has a normal half-life of 4 years; it does not decay; but instead undergoes a reorganization in which a portion of the assistant neutrons and deputy neutrons exchange places. In fact, Governmentium's mass will actually increase over time, since each reorganization will cause more morons to become neutrons, forming 'isodopes.' This characteristic of moron promotion leads most scientists to believe that Gv is formed whenever morons reach a certain quantity in concentration. This hypothetical quantity is referred to as 'Critical Morass.' When catalyzed with money, Gv becomes "Administratium' (Am) - an element which radiates just as much energy as Gv, since it has half as many peons but twice as many morons. |
And that’s the last word.