Friday 13 April 2001
Dear Jaspers,
The jasperjottings email list has 1,058 subscribers as of Wednesday.
Don't forget:
Sunday 4/15 US Income Tax filing deadline
(Contact your federal representative
to complain)
Wednesday 4/18 Lunch Stuart FL
(Bill Mathias 561-287-0022).
Saturday, April 28th at 10:00 am in the Chapel at MC
Memorial Mass for James K. O'Neill (Class of 1990, MS 1994)
All invited to this special Mass to remember James.
Saturday 4/28
Manhattan College Games for Individuals with Disabilities
(Sheilah Urrutia 718-862-7215
Monday 4/30 Sister Helen Prejean, "Dead Man Walking", will speak
at Manhattan College, 7:30pm, in the Chapel
(Call 718-862-8600 for a
Monday 4/30 Hall of Fame recommendations due
(Ben Benson, 718-862-7431)
Monday 5/7 Jasper Open Summit, New Jersey
(Ben Benson, 718-862-7431)
Thursday 5/10 Fifth Annual Jaspers in Law Enforcement meeting
from 6 to 8Pm,at One Chase Plaza,Executive dinning room 60th floor
(Bob Van Etten, 212-435-6400)
Saturday 5/12 MD, VA, & DC Jasper's Family Picnic & BBQ
Hosted by James Wilson '55; Chaired
by Myles Ambrose '48
(Ben Benson, 718-862-7431)
Weekend Reunion Friday - Sunday 6/1-3 @ the College
Classes of 36,41,46,51,56,61,66,71,76,81,86,91,96
(contact Grace Feeney at
Monday 6/18
33rd Mid-Atlantic Industrial & Hazardous Waste Conference
(Dr. Nada Assaf-Anid
Saturday 7/21 (thru 7/30) Alumni Safari to Kenya
(Maria Khury-Anton '77, 718-543-500
Monday 7/30 (thru 8/3) 19th Annual AP Workshops
(Dr. Pamela Kerrigan 718-862-7209
ALL BOILER PLATE is at the end.
SPECIAL ATTENTION! Please read Email02 inviting you to a special Mass for James K. O'Neill '90.
Due to the Easter Holiday, I shortened up our cycle and will move this week's issue out on Thursday. My apologies if any mistakes creep in due to the short week. Best wishes for a happy Easter, or for a happy whatever season you celebrate around the vernal equinox.
Signing off for this week.
It was with great relief that I read today about our 24 service men and women being returned to us. I wonder what the politicians traded away for their return. While I am glad for their safe return, I hope it won't cost us more in the long run. Remember the lessons of history, Munich! I personally will now look for products from Red China to boycott and urge you to do the same. This couldn't have been a trade-off so the Congress wouldn't nuke MFN status for China. Nah, that's cynical. Or is it?
Reflect well on our alma mater, this week, every week, in any and every way possible, large or small. God bless.
"Collector-in-chief" John
9 Removals
1 Formal announcements
1 Jaspers publishing web pages
5 Jaspers found web-wise
0 Honors
0 Weddings
0 Births
0 Engagements
0 Graduations
0 Obits
5 "Manhattan in
the news" stories
0 Resumes
1 Sports
5 Jasper emails
Class |
Name |
Section |
? |
#22? |
? |
Patrick |
1944 |
Monigan, Edward Thomas |
1952 BA |
George J. |
1952 BA |
John |
1954 |
Cox, Richard William |
1955 |
Belinne, Francis |
1955 |
Bodell, Donald H. |
1957 |
Moran, Lewis A. |
1958 |
Rader, Peter Joseph |
1958 BEE |
Peter Joseph |
1962 |
Elgers, Pieter T |
1963 BS |
Gerard J. |
1964 |
Schwarz, Kenneth George |
1964 BME |
Bob |
1967 |
Digaudio, Stephen Joseph
1967 |
Finn, Gerald Thomas |
1967 |
Jerry |
1967 |
Lawrence, Ron F |
1967 |
Turcich, Thomas A. |
1967? |
Politi, James Richard |
1968 |
Celeste, Salvatore Louis
1968 |
John S. |
1968 |
Kaufmann, Richard U. |
1968 |
Reinke, Ferdinand John |
1970 |
Keilly, John E. |
1970 |
Matthews, Jim F. |
1970 BS |
Jim |
1971? |
Van Valin, Robert Thomas
1972 |
Matystik, Walter F. |
1972 |
Mead, George C |
1972 |
O'Shea, John G |
1972 BA |
Alexander S. |
1972 BA |
Leonard J. |
1973 |
Delaney, Rich |
1974 |
Perrone, Dennis James |
1976 |
Walter A. |
1976 BS |
Bart B. |
Raymond E. |
1982 |
O'Connor, Robert E |
1983 |
Argyros, Alex A |
1983 |
Sola, Raymond F |
1983? |
Gorman, John |
1985 |
Malloy, Martin Joseph |
1985 |
Waschenko, Donald P |
1985 BS |
Rich |
1986 |
Brown, Lisa A. |
1986 |
Campbell, Kathleen |
1986 |
Gomez, Hector P. |
1987 |
Clapp, David Walker |
1987 |
Docteroff, Michael
Anthony |
1987 |
Gadaleta, Luciana |
1987 |
Luciana |
1988 MBA |
John |
1989 |
Dias, Marvelyn E. |
1989 |
Molino, Richard A |
1989 BE |
John J. |
1990 BE |
O'Neill, James
K. |
1990 BS |
Ms. Donna J. |
1990? |
Mohapatra, Jyotiskar |
1991 |
Mottola, Louis |
1993 |
Asusta, Yvette Dorinda |
1993 |
Boland, Mark M. |
1993 |
Eaton, Edward Craig |
1993 |
Jones, Lisa Robin |
1993 |
Moriarty, Camille |
1993 |
Szeliga, Donna Anna |
1993 BA |
Lisa Robin |
1994 |
Menendez, Jose Adolfo |
1994 |
Pollina, Philip John |
1994 |
Ward, Jon-Paul Gerard |
1994 BE |
Matthew P. |
1994? |
Seena Rose |
1995 |
Kelly, Brian |
1995 |
Recupero Jr., Salvatore |
1995 |
Sta. Maria, Samuel Dasco
1995 BA |
Jose Marco |
1996 BSME |
Katherine |
1996 BSME |
Giles, Katherine
Alexandra |
1997 |
Agantovich, Jacinda
Nicole |
2004 |
Jha, Amit Kumar |
2005 |
Shariff, Arshad Mohamed |
Faculty |
John |
Class |
Name |
Section |
1997 |
Agantovich, Jacinda Nicole
1983 |
Argyros, Alex A |
1993 |
Asusta, Yvette Dorinda |
1972 BA |
Alexander S. |
1988 MBA |
John |
1955 |
Belinne, Francis |
1955 |
Bodell, Donald H. |
1993 |
Boland, Mark M. |
1986 |
Brown, Lisa A. |
1986 |
Campbell, Kathleen |
1968 |
Celeste, Salvatore Louis
1952 BA |
George J. |
1987 |
Clapp, David Walker |
1976 BS |
Bart B. |
1954 |
Cox, Richard William |
1973 |
Delaney, Rich |
1989 |
Dias, Marvelyn E. |
1967 |
Digaudio, Stephen Joseph
1968 |
John S. |
1987 |
Docteroff, Michael
Anthony |
1993 |
Eaton, Edward Craig |
1963 BS |
Gerard J. |
1962 |
Elgers, Pieter T |
1967 |
Finn, Gerald Thomas |
1967 |
Jerry |
1989 BE |
John J. |
1987 |
Gadaleta, Luciana |
1987 |
Luciana |
1996 BSME |
Katherine |
1996 BSME |
Giles, Katherine
Alexandra |
1964 BME |
Bob |
1986 |
Gomez, Hector P. |
1983? |
Gorman, John |
1994 BE |
Matthew P. |
2004 |
Jha, Amit Kumar |
1993 |
Jones, Lisa Robin |
1993 BA |
Lisa Robin |
1968 |
Kaufmann, Richard U. |
1970 |
Keilly, John E. |
1995 |
Kelly, Brian |
1994? |
Seena Rose |
1967 |
Lawrence, Ron F |
1985 |
Malloy, Martin Joseph |
1970 BS |
Jim |
1970 |
Matthews, Jim F. |
1972 |
Matystik, Walter F. |
1972 |
Mead, George C |
1994 |
Menendez, Jose Adolfo |
? |
#22? |
1990? |
Mohapatra, Jyotiskar |
1989 |
Molino, Richard A |
1944 |
Monigan, Edward Thomas |
1957 |
Moran, Lewis A. |
1993 |
Moriarty, Camille |
1991 |
Mottola, Louis |
1952 BA |
John |
1982 |
O'Connor, Robert E |
1990 BE |
James K. |
1972 |
O'Shea, John G |
1974 |
Perrone, Dennis James |
1967? |
Politi, James Richard |
1994 |
Pollina, Philip John |
1958 |
Rader, Peter Joseph |
1958 BEE |
Peter Joseph |
1995 |
Recupero, Salvatore Jr. |
1968 |
Reinke, Ferdinand John |
1976 |
Walter A. |
1985 BS |
Rich |
1964 |
Schwarz, Kenneth George |
1995 BA |
Jose Marco |
1990 BS |
Ms. Donna J. |
2005 |
Shariff, Arshad Mohamed |
1983 |
Sola, Raymond F |
? |
Patrick |
1995 |
Sta. Maria, Samuel Dasco
1993 |
Szeliga, Donna Anna |
Faculty |
John |
1967 |
Turcich, Thomas A. |
1971? |
Van Valin, Robert Thomas
1994 |
Ward, Jon-Paul Gerard |
1985 |
Waschenko, Donald P |
1972 BA |
Leonard J. |
Raymond E. |
These are done automatically by the listbot software in response to a bounce. I don't even see the "bounce" so you have to be alert for Jottings going "MIA".
Connors, Bart B. (1976 BS)
DiGirolamo, John S. (1968)
Eberhard, Gerard J. (1963 BS)
Finnegan, John J. (1989 BE)
Grosso, Matthew P. (1994 BE)
Santalone, Rich (1985 BS)
Seybold, Ms. Donna J. (1990 BS)
Rosario, Walter A. (1976)
Wood, Leonard J. (1972 BA)
AND on the Postcard front:
No returns; no returning emails.
[JR: Keep you're eye on your email and your mail for my postcards. These ISPs are not all that good at SP-ing it.]
Friday April 6, 6:41 pm Eastern Time
NEWSMAKER-PG&E's Glynn broke long "insider" chain
By Leonard Anderson
SAN FRANCISCO, April 6 (Reuters) - For most of its 96 years as one of California's largest corporations, Pacific Gas and Electric Company has tapped lifetime employees to make the long climb through management ranks to executive postings and, for the select few, to the chief executive's office.
Bob Glynn, whose blockbuster announcement on Friday that the giant San Francisco-based utility was seeking voluntary protection in bankruptcy, was one of the few ``outsiders'' to ascend to the top job at the company that traces its roots to the heady Gold Rush days of the 1850s.
The 57-year-old Glynn, a native of Orange, N.J., broke the company's long line of ``PG&E-born-and-trained'' CEOs, some of whom were the sons -- PG&E has never had a female CEO -- of fathers who worked as managers, engineers, and company officers.
PG&E insiders said, however, it was clear when Glynn walked into the company's Market Street headquarters here in 1984 that it was only a matter of time before he would join the senior ranks.
Glynn came to PG&E as a seasoned veteran of the utility business -- eight years as an engineer at Long Island Lighting Co. and 12 years with Woodward-Clyde Consultants, which specializes in the power industry.
He received an undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering from Manhattan College and a master's degree in nuclear engineering from Long Island University.
He moved quickly through early assignments in PG&E's hydroelectric department and soon headed up the big unit as vice president, responsible for one of the world's largest privately owned hydro systems.
Glynn's early days at the utility were marked by a heated internal debate over the company's future in a monopolistic industry, PG&E veterans recall.
Some officers strongly resisted the move to deregulation and the breakup of vertically-integrated utilities into separate business lines -- power generation, transmission, and distribution.
Others familiar with the scars of the utility industry's lengthy and unsuccessful battle against deregulation of the natural gas business in the 1980s were ready to develop new strategies to expand into new markets.
``In the early 1990s, Glynn was the senior officer in the electric department, so he was in position to influence directions,'' said a former PG&E official who worked closely with Glynn.
``In 1992 and 1993, he saw for the industry and PG&E growth opportunities that deregulation could bring, not so much in California but all across the country and even overseas,'' he said. ``He took the lead.''
In 1995 Glynn was elected president and chief operating officer of PG&E and was preparing for the next step -- formation of a holding company structure to oversee the company's move into new national lines of business.
The new PG&E -- PG&E Corp. (NYSE:PCG - news) -- would build power plants in other states, market specialized energy services to business and industry, trade gas and electricity throughout North America, and have a brief fling targeting overseas markets before retrenching to concentrate on U.S. markets.
``Glynn saw this as the logical step forward and he wasn't encumbered by a lot of PG&E history and focus on the California thing to hold him back,'' the former official said.
``It's more than ironic, however, that early success became a bankruptcy petition,'' he said.
When PG&E Corp. was formed in January 1997 as the holding company over the utility, Glynn moved two blocks to One Market Street -- site of the old Southern Pacific Railroad headquarters -- as president and chief operating officer. He added the CEO title only six months later. He was elected chairman in 1998.
People who work with Glynn describe him as well organized, prepared and decisive. He also gets high marks for communications skills and does not have to be ``scripted'' to handle print and broadcast interviews with major media outlets.
Glynn, who is known to munch on lunchtime pizza in a plaza near his office and chat with employees, also has a modest streak -- his official PG&E biography is only seven sentences.
[According to MCOLDB: 1964 BA but we know that's wrong BME]
Date: 6 Apr 2001 14:36:05 -0000
From: Zbacnik, Raymond E.
Subject: Re: Jasper Jottings 06 April 2001/Zbacnik Home Page
Thanks for the Jasper Jottings. I have a new web page:
I am class of 1977 MEChE
[JR: Site has a picture. Thanks for letting us know.]
[JR: Alumni Net based in the Philipines has 3 Manhattan College groups. To research the site, I joined all three. I'd be careful of this site because of its foreign location. I did email the operator to condense into one.]
Manhattan College Bronx, NY
1 Brown, Lisa A.
2 Gadaleta-Digiacomo, Luciana (1987)
3 Moriarty, Camille (September 1989 - June 1993)
4 Reinke, Ferdinand John (1968)
Manhattan College Dale, NY
1 Agantovich, Jacinda Nicole (1997)
2 Argyros, Alex A (1983)
3 Asusta, Yvette Dorinda (1993)
4 Bodell, Donald H. (1955)
5 Boland, Mark M. (1993)
6 Clapp, David Walker (1987)
7 Dias, Marvelyn E. (1989)
8 Digaudio, Stephen Joseph (1967)
9 Docteroff, Michael Anthony (1987)
10 Eaton, Edward Craig (1993)
11 Elgers, Pieter T (1962)
12 Finn, Gerald Thomas (1967)
13 Gadaleta, Luciana (1987)
14 Gorman, John (1983)
15 Jones, Lisa Robin (1993)
16 Kaufmann, Richard U. (1968)
17 Konath-Chettiveettil, Seena Rose (1994)
18 Lawrence, Ron F (1967)
19 Matystik, Walter F. (1972)
20 Mead, George C (1972)
21 Menendez, Jose Adolfo (1994)
22 Mohapatra, Jyotiskar (1990)
23 Molino, Richard A (1989)
24 Monigan, Edward Thomas (1944)
25 Moran, Lewis A. (1957)
26 Mottola, Louis (1991)
27 O'Connor, Robert E (1982)
28 O'Shea, John G (1972)
29 Politi, James Richard (1967)
30 Pollina, Philip John (1994)
31 Rader, Peter Joseph (1958)
32 Recupero Jr., Salvatore (1995)
33 Reinke, Ferdinand John (September 1964 - June 1968)
34 Schwarz, Kenneth George (1964)
35 Sta. Maria, Samuel Dasco (1995)
36 Turcich, Thomas A. (1967)
37 Ward, Jon-Paul Gerard (1994)
38 Waschenko, Donald P (September 1981 - May 1985)
Manhattan College Riverdale, NY
1 Belinne, Francis (1955)
2 Campbell, Kathleen (September 1982 - May 1986)
3 Celeste, Salvatore Louis (1968)
4 Cox, Richard William (1954)
5 Delaney, Rich (1973)
6 Giles, Katherine Alexandra (1996)
7 Gomez, Hector P. (January 1987 - May 1990)
8 Gomez, Hector P. (September 1984 - December 1986)
9 Jha, Amit Kumar (January 2000 - Present)
10 Keilly, John E. (1970)
11 Kelly, Brian (1995)
12 Malloy, Martin Joseph (1985)
13 Matthews, Jim F. (1970)
14 Perrone, Dennis James (1974)
15 Reinke, Ferdinand John (September 1964 - June 1968)
16 Shariff, Arshad Mohamed (January 2001 - Present)
17 Sola, Raymond F (1983)
18 Szeliga, Donna Anna (September 1989 - May 1993)
19 Van Valin, Robert Thomas (1971)
[JR: I have of course solicited these people to join jasper jottings.]
Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2001 09:09:33 -0400
From: john Reinke
Subject: Single College is defined multiple time
Dear Application Operator,
FYI, my alma mater Manhattan College has been defined three times and has different population. They are group #'s: 101-420-14, 101-423-42, and 101-431-57. Manhattan College is in the Riverdale section of the Bronx in New York City. It usually refers to itself by its Riverdale location.
Hence, I suggest that:
Manhattan College Bronx, NY
Manhattan College Dale, NY
be merged into
Manhattan College Riverdale, NY
and reduce to the one group.
Just a suggestion.
Lisa Robin Jones
Manhattan College, Riverdale, NY
Graduated Magna Cum Laude in May 1993 with a B.A. in Communications
If you don't read anything else, read this page. It was riveting.
[JR: 1993 BA with a picture]
Peter Joseph Rader
[JR:1958 BEE]
Director of Corporate Relations
Director of Masters Program
BINGHAMTON UNIVERSITY State University of New York
PO Box 6000
Binghamton, NY 13902-6000
MBA, Manhattan College
[MCOLDB: 1988 MA]
[JR: with a picture]
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Metropolitan Jewish Health System
Alexander S. Balko is Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer responsible for the participating agencies and programs which comprise Metropolitan Jewish Health System.
Mr. Balko's responsibilities include oversight of all phases of the organization's finance department. He manages annual revenues in excess of $245 million.
Previously, Mr. Balko was Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center, including the hospital, two nursing homes and six clinics, as well as assisted living facilities.
Before joining Brookdale, Mr. Balko was Executive Vice President for Administration at St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital Center in Manhattan. In that capacity, he held responsibility for a variety of departments, including finance, management information systems, network operations and managed care, facilities improvement, real estate, human resources and materials management.
Prior to holding that position, Mr. Balko served as Vice President of Finance at Cabrini Medical Center, where he was responsible for all fiscal functions, as well as management information systems and material management.
He is a member of the American College of Hospital Executives, the Healthcare Financial Management Association, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants.
Mr. Balko holds a B.S. degree in Accounting from Manhattan College, and an M.S. in Health Services from New School for Social Research.
Metropolitan Jewish Health System
6323 Seventh Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11220-4711
[MCOLDB: 1972 BA]
Mentoring Program
Welcome to the NIAF Youth Institute Mentor Program and CULTURE Web Page! This site enables young Italian Americans to advance in their career or field of study, as well as to learn about their heritage, through dialogue with another Italian American already established in that field.
NIAF volunteer mentors are listed with their present and previous occupations, schools attended, personal and professional interests, and means by which they may be contacted. You may browse through this list of mentors and find one with an occupation, field of study, and personal or professional interests similar to yours. Choose a first and second choice mentor from the list, contact the National Italian American Youth Institute via e-mail. PLEASE GIVE US YOUR MAILING ADDRESS and request to be put into contact with that mentor. The NIAF will then give you the contact information for the mentor, ensuring, of course, that each mentor receives only as many mentees as his or her schedule will permit.
Contact Key: e=e-mail; p=phone; f=fax; m=mail
<extraneous deleted>
Occupation: Orthopedic Surgeon
Location: Bethleham PA
Length of employment at company or in field:: 10 years
Previous Occupations:
School(s) Attended: Manhattan College, SUNY Upstate Medical Center, West
Virginia University
Fields of Study: Biochemistry, Medicine
Professional Interests:
Personal Interests:
May be contacted by: p, f, m
[JR: Care to guess the identity of the mysterious Mentor #22? A free jasper jottings subscription to the winner.]
[No Jasper Engagements reported]
[No Jasper Graduations reported]
[Collector's prayer: And, may perpetual light shine on our fellow departed Jaspers, and all the souls of the faithful departed.]
Copyright 2001 Daily News, L.P.
Daily News (New York)
April 10, 2001, Tuesday SPORTS FINAL EDITION
HEADLINE: FAVORITE SONS FOR COUNCIL Espada, Serrano vying for seat
The sons of two well-known South Bronx Democrats are carrying on their fathers' rivalries in the 17th District City Council race.
Incumbent Pedro G. Espada, son of state Sen. Pedro Espada Jr., will face a challenge from Jose Marco Serrano, whose father is Rep. Jose Serrano. The race promises to be yet another battlefront in the war between the Espadas and the borough's Democratic organization.
"Races like this are going to be won based on who has an organization," said political consultant Joseph Mercurio. "What matters is who has the broadest base - in this case, between the fathers and the sons - and who has a personal knowledge of registered voters."
Espada, 27, shares his father's estrangement from the local Democratic organization. The elder Espada was acquitted last year of charges that he stole money from his health-care center to fund political campaigns in a case he said was orchestrated by the borough's Democratic hierarchy. He won back his state Senate seat and is planning bid for borough president in November.
Espada said the maverick status he and his father enjoy allows them to answer directly to voters.
"When I voted against the garbage transfer station [in Hunts Point], one of the machine's Council members told me, 'You can't do that. This is one of those times you have to hold your nose and vote yes.' I said, 'I don't want to go home to Hunts Point every night and have to hold my nose.' "
Serrano, 28, is a graduate of Cardinal Hayes High School and Manhattan College, where he majored in political science. He works as an information systems manager for the New York Shakespeare Festival but said he is ready for a career change, if voters approve.
"I have always had a desire to be involved in community service," Serrano said. "I've been blessed to have been raised in a household where community service was considered something we all should aspire to."
Serrano is chairman of the board for Urban Family Health, a nonprofit health-care organization, and is a member of Community Board 4, the Bronx Council on the Arts and the Henry St. Settlement Campfire Scholarship Committee.
He said he would focus on his plans, not on differences he might have with Espada.
"I don't concern myself with that at all," Serrano said. "The community is really sick and tired of the finger-pointing and name-calling and is ready for some positive change."
Espada, elected to the Assembly at age 22, has a decidedly more bareknuckle approach to discussing political opponents.
"I hear on a daily basis on the streets how unworthy Jose Marco is to be seeking this Council seat and how unworthy his father is to serve as congressman," Espada said.
He said he has helped two youth facilities open in the district this year, one at the Melrose Houses and another that is set to open in Hunts Point. He also is proud of voting against the garbage-transfer station and the $300 million Superblock courthouse project that was approved.
GRAPHIC: Pedro G. Espada Jose Marco Serrano
LOAD-DATE: April 10, 2001
[MCOLDB: 1995 BA]
Copyright 2001 Sentinel Communications Co.
April 7, 2001 Saturday, FLORIDA
<extraneous deleted>
John Tomer, professor of economics at Manhattan College in New York and founder and president of the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics, will speak about "Rationality, Well Being and Human Nature" at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Stetson University's Allen Hall.
Tomer is co-editor of the Journal of Socio-Economics and published two books -- Organizational Capital: The Path to Higher Productivity and Well-being and The Human Firm: A Socio-Economic Analysis of its Behavior and Potential in a New Economic Age.
He has written more than 30 journal articles.
Tomer earned his doctorate in economics in 1973 from Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J.
The John Templeton Freedom Project and Stetson's Artists and Lecturers Committee are presenting the free lecture.
<extraneous deleted>
For more information, call 386-254-3042.
COLUMN: Education News to Note
LOAD-DATE: April 7, 2001
[JR: MC Faculty]
Copyright 2001 National Public Radio (R).
National Public Radio (NPR)
April 5, 2001, Thursday
Time now for your comments.
First, corrections.
<extraneous deleted>
In my interview with author Paul Dickson he said...
Mr. PAUL DICKSON (Author): For example, in 1910, William Howard Taft went to a ball game, and in the middle of the game he stood up, and everybody stood up with him, thinking that he was about to leave the stadium, and he wasn't. He was just stretching, and that's the beginning of the seventh-inning stretch.
EDWARDS: Patrick Sovolkis(ph) wrote, 'I hope you can check this out, because if I'm wrong a good part of the lore of alma mater is a lie. According to the National Baseball Hall of Fame, on May 31st, 1882, when Manhattan College played for the New York Metropolitans at the Polo Grounds, Brother Jasper, the school's athletic director and coach, told the student fans to stretch and move around, and it just happened to be in the seventh inning.'
<extraneous deleted>
Send your comments to MORNING EDITION Letters, National Public Radio, 635 Massachusetts Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC 20001. Or call the listener comment line at (202) 842-5044. The e-mail address is
The time is 29 minutes past the hour.
LOAD-DATE: April 5, 2001
[JR: Applause to Sovolkis, maybe a Jasper, who knows?]
RIVERDALE, N.Y. -- The Manhattan College department of environmental engineering, United Water of New York and Rockland County Sewer District have been awarded a collaborative research grant for $310,000 from the New York State Energy Research and Development Agency (NYSERDA) to study the water of Rockland County.
The eighteen-month research project will be conducted at Rockland County Sewer District #1 and Manhattan College. The project will focus on the development and testing of an innovative small footprint and high efficiency municipal wastewater treatment plant, which could result in significant energy savings and produce a high quality effluent. This treatment process will require significantly less space to build and operate while at the same time providing substantial energy savings and reduced environmental impact on receiving waters.
Dr. Robert Sharp, associate professor of environmental engineering at Manhattan College, and Dr. Bruno Levine of United Water New York will carry out the project; and Ron Delo, the Executive Director of the Rockland County Sewer District, will serve as the over-all project administrator.
RIVERDALE, N.Y. --- Sister Helen Prejean, whose crusade against the death penalty inspired the 1996 Academy Award winning film, Dead Man Walking, will speak at Manhattan College, Monday, April 30 at 7:30pm in the Chapel of De La Salle and his Brothers on the College campus. Admission is free and open to the public.
The lecture, “Dead Man Walking – The Journey,“ is an outgrowth of Sister Helen’s belief that a well-informed public will reject the death penalty just as she has, and as a result she works to educate the public by lecturing, organizing and writing. The founder of “Survive,” a victim’s advocacy group in New Orleans, Sister Helen continues to counsel not only inmates on death row, but the families of murder victims, as well. She is currently working on her second book about three innocent people she has known on death row.
Sister Helen began her prison ministry at the Louisiana State Penitentiary in 1981 while working with inner city residents in New Orleans. There she counseled death-row inmates, accompanied five men to execution and witnessed their deaths. Her experiences were recounted in the book, Dead Man Walking:
An Eyewitness Account of the Death Penalty in the United States, which made the 1994 American Library Associates Notable Book List, was nominated for a 1993 Pulitzer Prize and remained number one on the New York Times best seller list for 31 weeks.
“Dead Man Walking – The Journey,” is sponsored by the College’s department of campus ministry/social action, which provides opportunities for students to explore, develop and enhance their personal growth. By allowing students to investigate, reflect and act on issues of social justice, students are able to enhance their academic skills and lifelong learning while being of service to others. In addition to lectures and symposiums, Manhattan College conducts annual service learning trips as well as volunteer opportunities for organizations such as God’s Love We Deliver, Habitat for Humanity, the Highbridge Community Life Center, and others.
While admission to the lecture is free, reservations are required. Call (718)862-8600 to make your reservation. Manhattan College is located at West 242nd Street, near Broadway, in the Riverdale section of the Bronx.
April 10, 2001
Freshman Brianne Illanovsky Pitches a Complete Game Shutout
RIVERDALE, NY – The Manhattan College softball team split a doubleheader with St. Joseph’s University Tuesday afternoon, winning the first game 1-0 and losing the second game 6-3.
In the first game, both teams were held scoreless until Suzanne Masotto (Southbury, CT) hit a leadoff double in the bottom of the sixth inning. Jessica Mack (Marlboro, NJ) singled to advance Masottto to third. Erin McNamara (Ronkonkoma, NY) reached first on an RBI fielder’s choice. Masotto finished 2-3 with the game’s lone run scored. Freshmen Brianne Illanovsky (Matamoras, PA) pitched a complete game shutout with five strikeouts for her fifth win of the season.
The second game got off to a quick start for St. Joseph’s as Missy Rhoades (Coatsville, PA) hit a two-RBI double to put the Hawks ahead 3-0 in the first. St. Joseph’s scored two more runs in the third and one in the seventh to ice the game. The Lady Jaspers lone scoring spurt came at the bottom of the third when Megan Farrelly (Latham, NY) hit an RBI double followed by another RBI double by Katie Bentz (Westchester, PA). Masotto continued to hit well with an RBI single to round out the scoring effort.
Manhattan is now 12-14 while St. Joseph’s is 13-14-1. Manhattan returns to action on Thursday when they play Seton Hall at Noon at Gaelic Park.
April 10, 2001
STATEN ISLAND, NY – The Manhattan College men’s tennis team defeated Wagner 7-0 on Tuesday afternoon to improve to 10-2 on the season. The Jaspers swept all three doubles matches to win the doubles point. In singles, John Espinosa (Astoria, NY) won at number one singles, 6-2, 6-3, and Tona Chavez-Geller (Oaxaca, Mexico) defeated Josh Pruett, 6-0, 6-1. They had paired to win at number one doubles, 8-5.
1. John Espinosa (MC) d. Steve Schwartz
6-2, 6-3
2. Tona Chavez-Geller (MC) d. Josh Pruett
6-0, 6-1
3. Nick Gravagan (MC) d. James Cardizone
6-2, 6-0
4. Ajay Kumar (MC) d. Todd Wilson
6-2, 6-3
5. Paul Wawrzyniak (MC) d. Kevin Agno
6-1, 6-1
6. Klim Fedosienko (MC) d. Arun Nebnani
6-1, 6-1
1. Espinosa/Chavez-Geller (MC) d. Schwartz/Pruett 8-5
2. Gravagna/Kumar (MC) d. Cardizone/Wilson
3. Wawrzyniak/Fedosienko (MC) d. Agno/Nebnani 8-1
April 10, 2001
JERSEY CITY, NJ – The Manhattan College men’s golf team lost to both St. Peter’s and Army in a tri-meet on Tuesday afternoon. Army had a four player total of 305, St. Peter’s totaled 311, and Manhattan finished with a 327. With the two losses, Manhattan’s spring record dropped to 2-2 in dual matches.
Leading the way for Manhattan was freshman Chris Okeson (Novelty, OH) with a 75. Senior Jeff Bracchitta (Yonkers, NY) and sophomore Mark Kanian (Nanuet, NY) both shot 83’s, and Martin Tobias (Yonkers, NY) shot an 85.
April 8, 2001
Wheeler and Garlich Score Four Points Each in the Loss
EMMITSBURG, MD – The Manhattan College men’s lacrosse team lost to Mt. St. Mary’s 16-7. The Mountaineers led 9-5 at the half and out scored the Jaspers 9-2 in the third and fourth quarters combined.
Senior Ryan Wheeler (Solon, OH/Walsh Jesuit) scored two goals and two assists for a total of four points. Freshman Chris Garlich (St. Louis, MO/CBC) also added two goals and two assists. Junior goalie James Amandola (Medford, NY/Patchougue-Medford) recorded 15 saves.
The Jaspers dropped to 3-7, 1-4 MAAC while Mt. St. Mary’s improved to 4-4, 4-1 MAAC. Manhattan returns to action on Wednesday when they play at St. Joseph’s for a 8:00 PM game.
April 8, 2001
ISSUE, MD – The Manhattan College men’s golf team tied for 24th place out of 31 teams at the George Washington Invite. With a two-day total 694, the Jaspers placed ahead of Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference rivals Fairfield University and Canisius College.
Chris Damiano (Scaresdale, NY) led the Jaspers with a two-round total of 162 to place 51st out of 148 participants.
Individual Scores (1st Round- 2nd Round-Total)
Chris Damiano (78-84-162)
Jay Weiderlight (83-81-164)
Chris Okeson (96-86-182)
Jeff BracchItta (92-94-186)
Cory Mallaghan (97-96-193)
April 7, 2001
Poughkeepsie, NY – The Manhattan College women’s tennis team defeated Marist 6-1 on Saturday afternoon. With the win, Manhattan improved to 9-3 overall, 4-0 MAAC, and set up a showdown with two-time defending conference champion and also undefeated Loyola tomorrow morning at 9:00 am at Rider University. Marist dropped to 3-9 on the year.
Junior Nanaxhi Chavez-Geller (Oaxaca, Mexico) won for the Lady Jaspers at number one singles, 6-0, 6-0. The freshman duo of Melissa Sunga (Bergenfield, NJ) and Mary Jane McGuire (Sebring, FL) continued their outstanding play with an 8-1 win at first doubles. The win improved the two of them to 6-0 on the spring. Each player also won their singles match, Sunga at #2 singles, 6-0, 6-1, and McGuire at #3 singles, 6-4, 6-1.
1. Nanaxhi Chavez-Geller (Man) d. Kristy Salloum 6-0, 6-0
2. Melissa Sunga (Man) d. Kara Bliss
6-0, 6-1
3. Mary Jane McGuire (Man) d. Jen Edwards
6-4, 6-1
4. Courtney James (Man) d. Kate Szymansi
6-4, 6-1
5. Shelyn Warner (Man) d. Brianne Douglas
6-1, 6-4
6. Jessica Kulack (Man) lost to Allison Kaiser 7-5, 6-0
1. McGuire/Sunga (MAN) d. Salloum/Bliss
2. Chavez-Geller/Shaleen Dastur (MAN) d. Edwards/Szymanski 8-5
3. James/Daisy Hamburg (MAN) d. Douglas/Catherine McCann 8-0
April 8, 2001
Three Lady Jaspers Score Two Goals in the Win
BUFFALO, NY – The Manhattan College women’s lacrosse team beat Canisius 11-3 Sunday afternoon. The Lady Jaspers scored 22 seconds into the first half and did not look back as they led 7-1 at the half. Canisius closed the gap to 7-2 early in the second, but would not score again until the 22nd minute.
Melissa Medina (Pearl River, NY) and Amy Kirkby (Camillus, NY) led the attack for Manhattan with two goals and two assists for a total of four points each. Rory Maguire (Bellerose Village, NY) added one goal and two assists while Erica St. Lucia (Delmar, NY) added two goals.
The Lady Jaspers improve to 2-8, 1-2 MAAC while Canisius fell to 1-8, 0-3 MAAC. Manhattan returns to action on Thursday when travel to Fairfield for a 1:00 PM game.
Scoring Summary
Canisius – Jaime Ottney (2-0-2), Lisa Barbasch (1-0-1), Kristy Grossman (0-1-1)
Manhattan – Melissa Medina (2-2-4) Amy Kirkby (2-2-4), Erica St. Lucia (2-0-2),
Rory Maguire (1-2-3), Kerry Carlsen (1-0-1), Meridith McHale (1-0-1), Alana
Fevola (1-0-1) and Elizabeth Tiffany (1-1-2)
Goaltender saves – Manhattan (Cosgrove- 4)
Canisius (Royer – 5, Greenway – 2)
April 7, 2001
NIAGARA UNIVERSITY, NY – The Manhattan College women’s lacrosse team lost to Niagara 12-3 on Saturday afternoon. The game was a rematch of last year’s Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference championship game won by the Lady Jaspers, 11-8.
Niagara held a 3-1 advantage at the half on two goals by Niagara freshman Belinda Patterson (Sanborn, NY). Manhattan cut the lead to 4-2 on a goal by Rory Maguire (Bellerose Village, NY) early in the second, but would not score again until the last minute of the game.
Megan McNerney (Little York, NY) scored four goals and added one assist in the second half to lead the Purple Eagles.
Maguire, Alana Fevola (Pearl River, NY) and Moira Muthig (Nyack, NY) each scored one goal for the Lady Jaspers.
Manhattan drops to 1-8, 0-2 while Niagara improves to 3-6, 1-1. The Lady Jaspers return to action on Sunday for an 11:00 AM game at Canisius.
April 7, 2001
RIVERDALE, NY – The Manhattan College baseball team split a doubleheader with St. Peter’s College Saturday afternoon, losing the first game 4-0 and winning the second game 5-3.
In game one, St. Peter’s scored one in the third, one in the fourth and two in the eighth for the 4-0 win. Gabe Poalucci (Bayonne, NJ) pitched the shutout for the Peacocks. In the second game, the Jaspers scored four runs on five hits in the second inning to jump out to a 4-0 lead. St. Peter’s scored one run in the third and two in the sixth, but could not close the 5-3 gap. Senior Tom Foley (Blue Point, NY) earned his fourth win of the season to improve to 4-2. Tom Turner (Brooklyn, NY) picked up his fifth save in the win.
St. Peter’s right fielder Ryan Knapp (Secaucus, NJ) went 5-6 for the day with a stolen base and two run scored to lead the Peacocks. Dennis Tranchina (Massapequa, NY) went 3-6 with a run scored for the Jaspers while Wendell Anderson (East Hartford, CT) went 3-7 on the day with a double and two runs scored.
Manhattan is now 10-12, 3-5 MAAC and St. Peter’s improves to 2-19, 2-9 MAAC.
The two teams meet again on Sunday at Noon for a single game.
April 7, 2001
Senior Amanda Rogers Instrumental in Both Games
RIVERDALE, NY – The Manhattan College softball team split a doubleheader with Marist College on Saturday afternoon, winning the first game 1-0 and losing the second game 6-5.
In the first game, Amanda Rogers (New Fairfield, CT) led off the bottom of the first inning with a single and senior Jessica Mack (Marlboro, NJ) hit an RBI single to score Rogers for the game’s only run. Sophomore Candice Aulogia (New Windsor, NY) pitched a four-hit shutout for her fourth win of the season.
Manhattan trailed 6-2 in the second game until the bottom of the fifth when the Lady Jaspers scored three runs on five hits. Manhattan got RBI singles by Melinda Whitaker (Saugerties, NY) and Julie Geden (Troy, NY) and an RBI double by Stephanie Haller (Portland, OH) to initiate the scoring run. Despite pitching only one and one-third innings, Kara Husband (Depew, NY) got the loss for Manhattan.
Manhattan now stands at 11-11, 3-1 MAAC while Marist earned a 9-12, 1-1 MAAC record.
The Lady Jaspers return to action on Sunday when they travel to St. Peter’s College for a 12 Noon doubleheader.
April 8, 2001
PRINCETON, NJ – The Manhattan College men’s and women’s track and field teams competed at the Sam Howell Invitational at Princeton University. Manhattan athletes won five different events and posted numerous top three finishes throughout the day.
Neville Rose (Prospect Park, NJ) won the men’s 400m
hurdles (53.27).
Magnus Allen (Carlstad, Sweden) won the long jump (7.40m).
Gary Roskoski (Marlton Lakes, NJ) won the discus (42.59m).
Richard Pell (Stockholm, Sweden) won the 1500m (3:51.0).
Nakisha Leon (Passaic, NJ) won the shot put (13.19m).
April 4, 2001
Senior Maureen Tiffany Nets Two Goals and Two Assists in the Loss
RIVERDALE, NY – The Manhattan College women’s lacrosse team lost a tough game to Marist College on Wednesday afternoon 9-7. Marist went up 1-0 quickly until Manhattan fired off five unanswered goals to take a 5-1 lead. Marist senior Pam Brown (Mt. Laurel, NJ) dominated the attack, scoring at the two-minute mark and again with 17 seconds on the clock for a total of three first-half goals. Manhattan led 5-3 at halftime.
In the second half, Marist tied the game at five-all on a goal by Brown at the 27 minute mark and took the lead on a goal by Molly Hanley (Simsbury, CT) assisted by Brown one minute later. Manhattan’s Rory Maguire (Bellerose Villiage, NY) tied the game at six (17:51) and Hanley struck again for the Red Foxes seven minutes later for the game-winning goal.
Brown finished with six goals and one assist for a game-high total of seven points. Maguire scored two goals for the Lady Jaspers while senior Co-Captain Maureen Tiffany (Blauvelt, NY) scored two goals and added two assists. Senior Moira Muthig (Nyack, NY) was also outstanding in the loss recovering six ground balls and causing six turnovers.
The Lady Jaspers fell to 1-7 (0-1 MAAC) and return to action Saturday at Niagara for a Noon MAAC match-up.
April 4, 2001
Senior Mike Lorento goes 3-4 in the Win
BRIDGEPORT, CT – The Manhattan College baseball team beat Sacred Heart 7-5 on Wednesday afternoon. The Jaspers led 6-1 until the bottom of the fourth inning when Sacred Heart scored four runs on four hits. Manhattan added an insurance run in the sixth to take the 7-5 lead for the duration of the game.
Senior Mike Lorento (Ronkonkoma, NY) led the Jaspers going 3-4 with a walk, a double, one run scored and two RBI. David Preston (Albany, NY) earned the win for the first win of his collegiate career. Ian Quinn (Catskill, NY) picked up his first save of the season. Sacred Heart third baseman Brian Moir went 3-5 with one RBI in the loss.
Manhattan improved to 9-11 while Sacred Heart dropped to 6-13. The Jaspers return to action on Saturday at home for a Noon doubleheader against St. Peter’s.
April 4, 2001
W. LONG BRANCH, NJ – The Manhattan College softball team dropped both ends of a doubleheader at Monmouth on Wednesday afternoon, 2-1 and 3-1. The first game went 10 innings as the Jaspers scored one in the top of the sixth to tie the game and neither team could score in the 7th, 8th, or 9th. Under collegiate rules, a runner was placed on second base for each team starting in the third extra inning. In the top of the 10th, Manhattan was unable to advance its runner past second. In the bottom of the 10th, Monmouth got a one out, RBI double to win the game.
Despite taking the loss in game one, Kara Husband (Depew, NY) pitched well as she went 9.1 innings giving up only the 2 runs, one earned. She struck out seven. Jessica Mack (Marlboro, NJ) and Julie Geden (Troy, MI) provided the offensive punch for the Jaspers as both had two hits.
The second game was equally hard fought as the game went to the bottom of the 6th tied at one. Monmouth scored twice in the bottom of the sixth, and Manhattan was unable to score in the top of the 7th. Kim Lombardi held the Jaspers to only two hits, one by Kathryn Bentz (Westchester, PA) and one by Michelle Chiappa (Pearl River, NY). Candice Aulogia (New Windsor, NY) earned a no decision going five innings, allowing one earned run and striking out six batters.
Manhattan fell to 10-10 on the season while Monmouth improved to 17-8.
The Lady Jaspers return to action on Saturday when they face Marist at home for a 12 Noon double header.
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 14:11:57 -0400 (EDT)
From: Jim Matthews
Subject: Re: Knowing your interest ...
Thanks for the report - regrettably. I am on a list serve which covers college alcohol related incidents and receive reports of death, injuries and destruction on a daily basis. This report will probably make its way to me through the list soon. The fact that it was a Manhattan College student's life that was taken hits home for me even closer! As I am sure you had seen from my previous messages and perhaps my book and/or website, my approach to this is to get the most accurate and applicable information to the students in a way that is receivable for an 18-22 year old. Then, once armed with that info, they can make a more informed choice. Too many of our institutes of higher education play the role of enabler through their denial of the seriousness of this issue on their campus sometimes in fear of lost enrollments. The lack of meaningful and effective alcohol and other drug education certainly contributes to the problems as well.
Being a sixties kind of guy I am not one for stricter rules. As a matter of fact most of my students seem somewhat surprised at times, by my liberal (oops.. maybe I meant libertarian) views regarding this. The rules we have in place are more than enough and maybe are actually adding fuel to the fire.
Anyway, thanks again for the report. Quite honestly, I am delighted that you took the time to send it and send you kudos for remembering me as someone in this field. Stay tuned, the Second Edition of "Beer, Boze and Books" should be available at the end of this summer.
Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2001 15:05:33 -0400
To: Jim Matthews
From: john reinke
Subject: Re: Knowing your interest ...
>Anyway, thanks again for the report.
You are more than welcome. I wasn't sure if you were receiving Jasper jottings and thought that you'd want to know about the death.
>Quite honestly, I am delighted that you took the time to send it and send you kudos for remembering me as someone in this field.
I wish I could say that I had a great memory or filing system but it was more about happenstance. I happened to be looking my electronic dumpster (i.e., a file folder on my pc where I "dump" everything and then can look for stuff and "ster" it around a few times). And, serendipity, I came across your email of 5/5/2000 about the "libertarian" notions on "drug control" (i.e., The government can't protect us from our own mistakes; it's totalitarianism when it tries.)
>Stay tuned, the Second Edition of "Beer, Boze and Books" should be available at the end of this summer.
Please feel free to hawk it on jottings.
[MCOLDB: 1970 BS]
From: Kathleen O'Neill
Subject: Memorial Mass
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 11:17:30 -0400
Can you publish this in the next Jasper Jottings? Or just the pertinent information?
The Civil Engineering Department at Manhattan College, friends, and family are having a Memorial Mass for James K. O'Neill (Class of 1990, MS 1994) on Saturday, April 28th at 10:00 am in the Chapel of De La Salle and His Brothers at Manhattan College. We are all invited to this special Mass to remember James as a special part of our lives.
Immediately following the Mass, a small reception (coffee, Danishes, etc.) will be held in the Faculty Dining Room in Thomas Hall.
Hopefully you can attend, and we look forward to seeing you on April 28th.
[JR: Unfortunately, I am vacationing that week and don't get back until Sunday. Hopefully, other readers of Jottings can fill go and support you and remember James. I'll be with you in spirit on that Saturday.]
From: Kathleen O'Neill
Subject: RE: Memorial Mass
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 11:35:54 -0400
Thank you, John. Have a nice trip.
[JR: Wish I could do more. And fyi, the 4/27 edition will be from the road, so fasten your seat belts, it may be thin, late, or Koed.]
Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2001 13:23:35 -0400
From: John Nason
Subject: George J. Church R.I.P.
Here is a note that I sent to the Class of '52 E-mail list the other day. I wish we had more than 49 names on this list because I would like all of our classmates to know of George's death . . . and of his life. Keep up the good work.
John Nason
Dear Classmates:
It is always sad to lose one of our own. We already know of over a hundred from the Class of '52 who are no longer with us. This includes several who responded to our 1999 survey and were looking forward to our Jubilee next year; but it was not to be.
Last week we lost yet another: George Church. I learned of George's death when I opened the current issue of Time magazine (April 9) and found his photo and the following obituary on the "From the Editor" page. It seems they will miss him as much as we will.
On Friday, as deadline neared, we received word that George J. Church had died of kidney failure on New York's Long Island. In his 25 years here, George was one of the solid rocks on which TIME was built. A master of journalistic compression and clarity, he wrote 126 cover stories, still a record. His ability to command volumes of fact and reams of endlessly incoming reporting was legendary. As deadlines loomed, he deftly recast stories with fresh information, whittling them to fit the constraints of the printed page with nary a loss of substance and ever increasing levels of precision. The final product always appeared effortlessly expert, unassailably reasoned, as burnished as literature. One of the most colorful characters to walk our halls, George paced the corridors in stocking feet, opining loudly (and not always politely) on the ingredients of his stories even as he engineered the facts into narrative. The halls still echo too with his wickedly rewritten lyrics parodying political and journalistic betes noirs, a skill he easily transposed to hilarious songs celebrating his many friends on staff. His talents humbled us.
I attended high school (Cardinal Hayes) as well as college with George. In fact, were it not for an extraordinary act of thoughtfulness on George's part a long time ago, I would have gone to Fordham rather that Manhattan. It was a deed that I reminded him of, and thanked him for, many times over the next half century. My wife Jeanne and I will never forget a particular party at the college in 1998 when she coaxed George out of his shell and he ended up belting out one show tune after the other (he knew all the words) until late into the night. It was a side of George that we had never seen before. So we will miss him more than most.
Meanwhile, I hope all is going well in your lives and that you're making plans for our big get-together in June, 2002.
John Nason
[JR: I caught the obit last week but this helps to make him a real person.]
[MCOLDB: Church 1952 BA; Nason 1952 BA also]
From: Katherine Giles
Subject: Re: Jasper Jottings Invitation
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 17:35:38
I'm sure you are going to receive a ton of these, but...
I'm already a member - are we switching platforms or something that necessitates me signing up again?
[JR: No, for some reason, I didn't recognize that you were already on. Just ignore the it. "Switching platforms", oh my gosh no, bite your tongue. I can't even imagine that. ;-) Upon further reflection, alumni net hides your email address so I couldn't compare it to my master list. So that's why you received another invite. john)]
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 23:44:48 -0700
From: Jerry Finn (1967)
Subject: Re: Jasper Jottings Invitation
Hi John,
Sounds interesting. Please send me the invitation to sign up for the newsletter.
Jerry Finn, '67
[JR: Good thing you signed up to Alumni Net because you don't have a record in the MCOLDB or the GREEN BOOK. We might never have found you. Are you sure that you paid your final bursar's bill? Maybe you needed that remedial form-filling-out class? But, look at the benefit no solicitations from nervous undergrads to donate to the college while they mispronounce your name badly. ;-) All though what could they do to "finn"? No solicitations to jasper jottings. What a loss that was. But, on a more serious note no way for your college friends to reconnect. Now that's a loss. Doing jasper jottings, the obits have made me realize at a gut level (I'd have used the word visceral but I'd probably misspell it and you all would be scrambling for your dictionaries, right), just how fragile life is. Welcome aboard!]
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